Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #147

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I think "safety" is being used as a cover for the fact that they dont want to look like "donkeys" for at first thinking/saying that they believed CA's story.....
I am kind of disappointed that they are taking her back to jail. In the beginning it was for her constitutional rights. She still hasn't been charged with anything more so what happened to her constitutional rights? Why would the BH and BB give in to death threats ? Does that mean any person getting death threats must be put in jail ? Why as a society should we have to live under the pressure of death threats ? I assumed that is why we have LE ? Where is LE to protect those threatened ? Why would the city allow 1000 people to protest in a residential are?

I am not taking up for KC as I do believe she knows where Caylee is but the all the rest blows my mind.

Casey is going back to jail more for security purposes then anything else. Personally, I don't think BH Padilla thought the "frenzy" of Casey coming out would get to this level. So back she goes.

LE probably is aware of the "potential" protesters via BH Padilla, but until the protesters show up, there is nothing they can do. BH Padilla's group is there to at least protect Casey, then call LE should they need to be called.

The Anthony's NEVER should have posted their home phone numbers, their cell phone numbers, their email address, nor post of the MYSpace page for volunteers to work for them. This was a "big" mistake, and if they are still getting threats, there is a simple solution, change your phone numbers, cancel the email addresses etc.
The parents must doing some soul searching. They cut her off. She went nuts. Used Caylee as the weapon against them. They didn't believe her threats, but this one came true. Now they're cloaked in guilt wondering how much of it is their fault, how much they think they precipitated her actions, the fights, the nasty words, now no grandchild. Maybe they feel partly responsible, and defending their daughter is their way of fixing this.

I have to agree.
I believe that LE and the DA is setting this up for a DP case. They have motive (kicked out of the house, Caylee in the way of social life/boyfriends) Premeditation (the Zanny idea), commission of another felony (Child abuse/neglect) - only waiting for an autopsy that will show homicide. This case is far to big to plead out. The world wants this mother to pay for this and the DA will be a hero if this all falls into place. The "limited immunity", IMO has something to do with life v. death. She won't roll over, because she faces life if she takes them to the body. Hopefully Equisearch will locate her before Casey comes to her senses and leads them to a body. Then the deal is off.
I agree Patty ---- from the very beginning it should have been IF you have ANY information --- contact law enforcement ---- And right now it makes me wonder if they werent hoping that they would get enough tips or IDEAS from the tips coming in to cover Caseys *advertiser censored*............
Patty G,
were you ever able to log on to the chat? Yesterday I could not but this morn I did. However, I cannot log into it. I have to go in as a guest. Just thought I would let you know if you can't get in, reboot your puter and you can get right in. I am babysitting my 12 month grandaughter today and so she will take most of my time away from this, but I thank God that I can hold her and love her and feel her precious warmth.
Casey is running to get out of the view of the media. In Florida, shorts and t-shirts are the norm here. Why should she wear a suit or dress to visit her attorney? I could see Casey being advised to dress appropriately in court, but not for a visit to her attorney or the corrections facility. There appears to be a lot of stuff in the backpack and this is an easy way to transport it without anyone getting wind of it.

Patti, I have grown to respect you in the very short time I have been posting here, your knowledge of the facts of this case keep this board informed and up to date!

makes me feel guilty for not sharing the same opinion on this subject of how Casey is dressing.

She is not out for a casual sunday walk. She is facing very serious charges. Her casual dressing is a sign that she is not taking this seriously in my opinion. I also live in Florida, and yes, shorts are the norm, but they have a place and time. Any good attorney would explain to his client that it is the public that are her peers, possible jury members who will be sitting in that court room. Casey is not out searching in the heat of the florida sun, where shorts would be very justified, she is not attending rallys in the heat of the day where this atire would be justified.

Her casual dress in regards to this situation is just another example and extention of her I don't care attitude and "look at me, how cute am I". Nothing more than wanting more attention and not realizing how serious this is. As I tell my daughter, present yourself in the right manner, and you will be taking more seriously.

Having said this, one can't find someone guilty or innocent by the way they dress.
True, but I am still disappointed in there giving in to death threats. JMO

Did you ever get a "death" threat? I have, from a previous employer, who I turned into the United States Postal Inspectors for mail fraud and taking money from potential new home buyers. It is not an easy way to live peeking out of your curtains, looking behind your back all the time and anxiety level to a peek you think your heart is going to bust open.
The hippo is nodding his head in agreement.

sad but true

the hippo is coming home to roost

i really hope the grandparents have some nice friends that can stay with them
be with them at all times.. they need prayers

hope is gone for them.

anger is next - i think anger is already here, but there will be more
Self help is very important here. If Cindy, George and Lee are not going for counseling there is a serious problem. They cannot keep thrashing out. Early on this should have been initiated. I hope their seeking help, their actions speak loudly and its not just this forum thats seeing or hearing it. In the meantime....
WHERE IS CAYLEE!!!!!! Unbelievable
I agree.

I don't agree with them supporting her, far from it!! I don't think I would support my child but I can't say for sure unless I was in that position myself. I think Cindy is battling to hold on to whatever she can at this stage and if that means Casey then I understand that. Not that I would do it myself. Desperate people do desperate things.

I feel for Cindy, and can understand her wanting to believe Casey no matter what, because it's her only hope that Caylee is alive.. but it's getting beyond ridiculous now. How can she believe her at this point? Cindy's comment about someone maybe putting a body in the car after it was towed? I mean really, just how many dead bodies are in that area? Cindy, its time to wake up !! Stop concentrating on Casey and start working to find that beautiful baby and putting her to rest properly. I'm wondering if the reason that George isn't around is that maybe he's realized that his daughter is not just a liar, but a murderer as well :(
I haven't liked Cindy from the very beginning, when I first saw her talking to Greta, was on the morning shows, etc.

But I truly believe parents, Cindy and George included, will try everything and anything when their child is first discovered to have strange/odd behavior (Conduct Disorder is what children under 15 are called, that have sociopathic tendacies.)

The parents try everything to get the child to change his behavior. From being very strict to coddling the child. No amount of tough love, grounding/disciplining the child, making the child responsible, covering for the child, ... no matter what the parents do... that child will still exhibit sociopathic behavior.

I'm surprised Casey got as far in life as she did, with out getting in more trouble, or any arrests as a teenager. It may look as though Cindy covered for Casey, excused her b/h, lied for her, coddled her... all Casey's life. But according to Casey, Cindy was a nagging, strict mother.

We only see how Cindy is reacting right now... grieving, in total shock and denial, embarassment, possibly medicated with antidepressives and/or anti-anxiety meds.

I tend to believe Cindy tried everything with Casey, from early childhood on... and everything that was tried, everything Casey did, disrupted the entire family for years.
Casey was a ticking time bomb ready to go off any minute. Cindy and George Anthony have raised Casey to take absolutely no responsibility for anything or anyone. This is not a case of all of a sudden the parents are defending their daughter. They have done this from the day Casey was born. Casey never grew up, never committed to anything or anyone unless it was a date in a club. She lied and excused her way through life and her parents let her. If they ever got a little tough with Casey--then Casey pitched a tantrum like a 2 year old. A 22 year old screming and yelling at her parents is not an adult. She is a spoiled brat who still wants her way and her parents are so conditioned to accept what ever line of bs that they will go to their own graves believing "some other person did it." They are facing the consequences of their own doing. Harsh and the ultimate price but true. This didn't happen overnight. This was years and years in the making of a monster. And what about Caylee? She still is out there.

Agreed. How could those parents let their daughter, that still lives with them, not finish High School ?
A credit or two needed is very easy to address a short while after Caylee was born, but nope they let Casey have her way.
Padilla said he fears that his co-workers, who are maintaining surveillance on Anthony, will be injured by the large crowds of media members who have been staking out her home
this makes no sense at all.
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