Caylee Anthony General Discussion thread #147

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Question: What advantage would it be to Casey to take that limited immunity deal?
From what I have seen it does not seem to offer much to her. What would Baez think?

Baez stated that there was no such deal presented to him by LE when they came to his office the other day!

It is also reported, that LE said: "they would give Casey until Tuesday to come and speak with LE."

This all came about once the media got wind of the test results coming back on Wednesday.
If it's true Cindy said this, then she is truly about to go off the deep end and needs professional help ASAP!.

If Cindy were truly covering for Casey, protecting Casey, hiding evidence, etc... Cindy's affect and demeaner would be a lot different. She would be more like Casey, with no emotions.

I really think she is grasping at her very last straw and isn't aware of what she is actually doing or what she looks like to others.

Correct and she still does not believe that Caylee is deceased. Obviously LE did not tell her the results prove Caylee is deceased so who do we believe. Channel 6 news and the "source" . Has LE ever publicly verified that Caylee id in fact deceased?
Honestly, I feel sorry for Cindy--even more so after seeing her lashing out so much because I think she's starting to truly grasp the truth that her precious baby granddaughter is no longer with us. I just cannot imagine. And I think with that realization, she's feeling horror and anger, and it's really easy to project those feelings at the media right now since they're right there in her face. I can see her yelling at a lamp post if it happened to be in front of her right now, kwim?

I'm not saying her hands are completely clean in all of this, nor has she handled ANY bit of this the way I would think she should, but she's feeling strong, raw human emotion right now (about time, I might add), and for that, she can yell and scream as much as she wants, imo.

Now Casey on the other hand . . . no comment *spits at the ground*.
I remember on NG the other night, they were saying the outcome of a limited immunity deal would depend on what she was charged with (murder 1 vs manslaughter for example). We'll have to wait and see, I guess...
Originally Posted by DazzlinDebSD
"I want him to do a search around here to satisfy all of you leaches, parasites and all of you maggots," said Cindy Anthony.Cindy's rant came the day after sources informed Eyewitness News that new DNA evidence shows hair, and a stain found inside of Casey Anthony's car belongs to her daughter Caylee. The results showed signs of decomposition which proves Caylee is dead, but Cindy Anthony remains optimistic. don't what Tim to find your granddaughter because SHE IS MISSING!? You just want to satisfy the leaches, parasites and maggots. Oh, kind of you to think of them.

DD... I don't think she ever will, she hasn't yet.. just took a breather...
hang in there. I am sure lots more to come from her.. Strap yourself in
for the ride. I am sure it will be a wild one. No Disney ride could

commongrackle.. Very well stated.. Can really tell where her thoughts are..
and what she is thankful for.. If its not in a gift card
or the color green with presidents pictures on it then its
a waste of her time..
Where is Caylee cindy and casey??
Beth is a mother down to the soul and the bones. She is not doing this for the Anthony's. She is doing this for Natalie and Caylee. She is doing this for all the lost children. To bring them home.

I so agree with this statement. It would be so wrong not to help search for Caylee just because her own family aren't searching, as hard as that is to deal with. The focus really should be on Caylee, and bringing that poor child home for a proper burial. I think there would have been many more volunteer searches if the family were a little more sympathetic, and I really admire those people who have been volunteering their time to search.
You are completely right, this family isn't squeezing any sympathy out of anybody. I mean, I've seen people put more effort into finding a lost PET, never mind their own grandchild. :confused: :confused:

Tony Padilla gave some insight into this. I am not sure I totally agree with him, but he said from what I can remember that if the grandparents went out and did a search and found something there could be a legal problem. Last week George did go to an event and passed out t-shirts. Have no idea what happened to the billboard. I will say that this family has been less then open with legitimate organizations that want to help them and did seem more interested in starting their own fund.
I hate to take up for anyone close to this situation but... this is FL. It is hot. Shorts are the norm. Shorts and a t shirt no socks otherwise you look like a fool. This is real FL we are talking about. No one dresses in slacks or even long pants. You look more "off" doing this than if you dress for an occassion. It is just too hot for most of the year.

Southern Cali here. Shorts, flip flops, and tanks all summer. I think if I was on my last days of freedom I'd be wearing shorts, flip flops, and I'd definately be getting drunk. Who cares at this point abount the bond restrictions? Give Casey a couple of shots of Patrone, and a case of Coors Lite, and a nice big fat joint. Might as well, everything else has gone her merry way. Hell, maybe Jose will even spend the night with Casey and give her a little action she so desperately needs.........unless the BH snatches her up right after her meeting. He better have that tazer gun ready to contain Cindy. She's gonna wig out!!!!
In the Welsh news article Waddles linked it says Tim Miller helped find Elizabeth Smart alive. I don't recall that. I thought some folks spotted her on the street.
Does some one recall?

Welsh News had the wrong information. You are right. I recall that there was a couple who spotted her on the street and alerted police. In fact, I don't remember Tim Miller being involved in that search, but I could be wrong about that. I know John Walsh was very involved.
agreed.. but it reminds me of the lori hacking case where hubby mark was more concerned with his appearance on camera than in finding his wife.. IMO it adds to the sociopath theory~

I noticed some similarities too. Mark Hacking made everyone think he was attending college, Casey made everyone think she was working. Mark started acting really strange after his wife was found missing too.
Honestly, I feel sorry for Cindy--even more so after seeing her lashing out so much because I think she's starting to truly grasp the truth that her precious baby granddaughter is no longer with us. I just cannot imagine. And I think with that realization, she's feeling horror and anger, and it's really easy to project those feelings at the media right now since they're right there in her face. I can see her yelling at a lamp post if it happened to be in front of her right now, kwim?

I'm not saying her hands are completely clean in all of this, nor has she handled ANY bit of this the way I would think she should, but she's feeling strong, raw human emotion right now (about time, I might add), and for that, she can yell and scream as much as she wants, imo.

Now Casey on the other hand . . . no comment *spits at the ground*.



And comments on her attire is just ridiculous. JMO. What the hell does it matter what she wears? If she was dressed up every day, wearing make-up she would be criticised. No win situation. Some people just criticise for the sake of it. JMO
No Billboard - No Messages on the cars - And personally - I think Cindy's comment about wanting someone to search just to prove you wont find her ---- Tells me she knows where she/body is --- and its not somewhere around here...............
I am kind of disappointed that they are taking her back to jail. In the beginning it was for her constitutional rights. She still hasn't been charged with anything more so what happened to her constitutional rights? Why would the BH and BB give in to death threats ? Does that mean any person getting death threats must be put in jail ? Why as a society should we have to live under the pressure of death threats ? I assumed that is why we have LE ? Where is LE to protect those threatened ? Why would the city allow 1000 people to protest in a residential are?

I am not taking up for KC as I do believe she knows where Caylee is but the all the rest blows my mind.

Good questions. I share your concerns.
Tony Padilla gave some insight into this. I am not sure I totally agree with him, but he said from what I can remember that if the grandparents went out and did a search and found something there could be a legal problem. Last week George did go to an event and passed out t-shirts. Have no idea what happened to the billboard. I will say that this family has been less then open with legitimate organizations that want to help them and did seem more interested in starting their own fund.

Tony left some interesting open-end comments last night ... sure wish he went into more detail.
Sorry but I am just imagining the grandparents horror of this new info. They have been trying to do right by their daughter but she is a murderer. They are having a hell of a time. I could not wish this on anyone.
Tony Padilla gave some insight into this. I am not sure I totally agree with him, but he said from what I can remember that if the grandparents went out and did a search and found something there could be a legal problem. Last week George did go to an event and passed out t-shirts. Have no idea what happened to the billboard. I will say that this family has been less then open with legitimate organizations that want to help them and did seem more interested in starting their own fund.

That's why the grandparents should not go out alone..If they were amongst tons of witnesses then it wouldn't be a problem. I guess any excuse is a good excuse to sit in your comfy home to drink coffee and eat bon bons...all at the expense of your grandaughter. JMO!
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