Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #161

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A good theory! But the only drawback is why would Cindy call the police? For 31 days no one was curious about Caylee's absence. After picking up the car from the impound yard, they could have dumped the car elsewhere - the diver's drill on the retention pond came up with several cars.

Yes, you are right, Leila.

IMO, they would not have dumped it into a retention pond because of the records signed by George at the tow yard. They would not have even been able to claim it was stolen and claim insurance. I do see what you are saying, tho. They had to use the car for the kidnapping theory. IMO.

And I must admit that on the 31 day deal - I do not have a bonified answer except to say that they were still going to go with the kidnap plan to explain Caylee's absence. Someone would know sooner or later, tho, that Caylee had not been seen and inquire.
A good theory! But the only drawback is why would Cindy call the police? For 31 days no one was curious about Caylee's absence. After picking up the car from the impound yard, they could have dumped the car elsewhere - the diver's drill on the retention pond came up with several cars.

That's a good point. If the family was in on it, they might've considered ditching the car once they learned it ended up in the tow yard. We assume that the decomp stench was pretty intolerable when the family re-possessed Casey's car. George had to know of the risks involved with LE searching the car.

As to Cindy calling the police, they would have had to eventually. Although it appears that if the family was already in on it on the day of the 911 calls, they were severely under-prepared.

I'm having a hard time believing that the family was in on it prior to Casey's arrest. Although some of the facts are consistent with this idea, too many other facts aren't. And for the theory to work, there shouldn't be any inconsistencies. Not even one.
OMG! Has anyone seen this!?! I barely did! But do I believe it!?! Im not sure I can say....but maybe.

FYI, there is a thread on that. Hubby and I watched it this afternoon, then read some of the comments. IMO, I'm inclined to agree with those who said it was just too scripted and detailed. The posters also went on to say what Caylee called G & C, which I honestly forget, but it wasn't consistent with what the psychic said.
But initially, the family told LE that Caylee was last seen on June 9 (proven later to be June 15). The Fusian photos were taken after whatever missing date the family gave. What kind of plan is that supposed to be for Casey to party in public a week after Caylee is allegedly kidnapped?

I see your point. And I raise you the fact that if it wasn't for those photos, Casey's callous-ometer would be a lot lower.

Think about it. It was way random that those two dudes just happened to be shooting in that club during the month of June. This month they're probably doing some other club.

Casey was too stupid to connect having her picture taken at Fusian with the concept that those pictures give the lie to whatever story she can make up.

That was a judgment error of the highest magnitude.
Now, one of the on line stations is reporting that "Deputies Not Ready to Confirm Caylee is Dead". I thought the results came in & it is positively Caylee's hair??? Someone posted that a little while ago.

I hope that LE is trying to pull back what has been reported so they can finish building their case and drop the big bomb all at once!
Do you think Casey's resentment at not being able to join her buds in Puerto Rico was overwhelming?

Well, just not the Puerto Rico trip. Put together with her new relationship with Tony, it certainly could have been a factor. I also feel that Casey just too tempermental to put up with the inconveinence (spelling) of the demands of an almost three year old.
Do you think Casey's resentment at not being able to join her buds in Puerto Rico was overwhelming?

I would guess that Caylee wasn't the only reason that Casey was unable to travel. If she was low enough on funds that it was necessary to steal, it seems that travel would be out of the question. jmo
I think in some weird way Casey would think of her parents' involvement as a trump card to be played later. She's very cunning, that girl.

It's not that she's taking one for the team, it's just that the bus isn't here yet.

"cunning" ????........*maybe* with her parents (as they enable her)

out in the real world she's been *caught* in every lie/theft we've heard about.....
Let's put this ''some other body in the trunk'' theory in bed for good.

1. It is not just the logistics of someone else putting a body there only to retrieve it back again, BUT...............if there was another body there would be DNA evidence of it as well....beside the air samples of decomposition. There would be DNA in the trunk that wouldn't match Caylee, Casey, and anyone else who used the car. There would be some unidentified DNA as well. Simple as that.

2. All the examination of POSSIBILITIES in this case are just for the heck of academic debate, if this happened like this, or if this happened like that. But only if you examine each incident isolated AS BAEZ WILL TRY TO DO ON TRIAL. But if you examine all incidents, all facts together, if you add everything together.....there is only one explanation and only one person responsible.

3. There is not going to be a hung jury in this case nor any reasonable doubts. Because the jury has to consider all the evidence. And all the evidence add up to only one logical conclusion: That the only person responsible for what happened to Caylee IS CASEY.

A. You can doubt the tow yard security and someone actually putting another body in the car. But how can the absence of any unidentified dna be explain?
B. You can doubt Casey's motives for not contacting the police as soon as Caylee was missing or ''kidnapped'' but how do you doubt that she went out clubbing and having fun and sleeping with her boyfriend and not telling anyone that her child was missing?
C. You can consider the existence of a Zenaida who was using a false name and indeed run away with the child. But how do you doubt the fact that conviniently Cayse's friends never heard about a Zenaida before, they never met her, ohhhhhhhhhhhh and there are no records of Zenaida and Cayse having any telephone conversations. Let's not forget the imaginary names Casey used as witnesses of this Zenaida and how their phones was Cayse neighbour's phone number? Plus Casey was not working, lied about her job, and she didn't need a nanny since she was not working.
D. Now add all the rest about this case that might not be ''evidence'' but they are observations and facts - no emotional turmoil, no visible concern about the child, providing false information to police, promising to help with finding the child but never doing so....and etc. etc.
E. Now just bring the DNA that says Caylee is dead. There will be no hung jury in this case. Not even the possibility of such a thing.


But initially, the family told LE that Caylee was last seen on June 9 (proven later to be June 15). The Fusian photos were taken after whatever missing date the family gave. What kind of plan is that supposed to be for Casey to party in public a week after Caylee is allegedly kidnapped?

I can see the family protecting Casey after her arrest by knowingly and intentionally obfuscating information. But I see some significant inconsistencies in the theory that the family was involved prior to Casey's arrest. Again, unless the explanation for the plan being stupid is that the family itself is stupid. No one said that every plan has to be a clever one, I suppose.

ITA.......Protecting Casey after the fact (the last 9-1 call) really explains many statements/actions of Cindy & George.....also they were trying to explain some of their own actions (before last 911call) car/washing clothes/..etc.
"cunning" ????........*maybe* with her parents (as they enable her)

out in the real world she's been *caught* in every lie/theft we've heard about.....
She's been honing her skills for years.

How much money has she stolen from her family in the last ten years?

To know how to rip someone off using a check routing number is fairly hardcore. I wouldn't have the first idea how to pull that off, would you?
But initially, the family told LE that Caylee was last seen on June 9 (proven later to be June 15). The Fusian photos were taken after whatever missing date the family gave. What kind of plan is that supposed to be for Casey to party in public a week after Caylee is allegedly kidnapped?

I see your point. And I raise you the fact that if it wasn't for those photos, Casey's callous-ometer would be a lot lower.

Think about it. It was way random that those two dudes just happened to be shooting in that club during the month of June. This month they're probably doing some other club.

Casey was too stupid to connect having her picture taken at Fusian with the concept that those pictures give the lie to whatever story she can make up.

That was a judgment error of the highest magnitude.

We agree that Casey is stupid. But even if she might not have calculated the photographic effect, she had to have known that there were dozens of witnesses there that could have placed her at Fusian, even without cameras.

It was reckless for Casey to go to Fusian under the circumstances of that day. It's easier to believe that the family was not yet in on it on that day. Otherwise we'd have to believe that the entire family is incredibly stupid instead of just Casey.

(But here's another idea -- what if the family conspiracy did not allow for Casey to party publicly? What if Casey acted alone? Against the plan? What if Casey couldn't control her urges to hang out with her friends at Fusian, even in the middle of this family tragedy?)
Do you think Casey's resentment at not being able to join her buds in Puerto Rico was overwhelming?

I've wondered if Casey was thinking that she would also get to go to New York with Tony, but he didn't ask her. If LE could show some sort of plans to go on these trips it might show premeditation, especially if there were no plans to get real daycare.
Is that possible? I have heard that with a pregnancy test one can have a false negative, but never a false positive (because hcg is only present during pregnancy). So, it seems like those two chemicals putricene and cavaverine (or whatever they are) could only be present in the event of a corpse. I don't know... just wondering.

I do not believe so, but I couldn't swear to it. I am sure they have all kinds of studies and control groups and what not, and I do not believe LE would be telling anybody they had positive results if they were uncertain. They have a trial to win in the future.
Put together with her new relationship with Tony, it certainly could have been a factor.

I had thought she had a new love with TonE, that she just had to be with him--but those thoughts have left the bldg.

We read she's trying to get out to Cali with the Marine, she was doing Ricardo, she was showering at Jesse's, she was doing that other cop Tony. Then there's TonE.

Pffft Casey had no loyality to a fella, I think she was looking for whomever she could snooker into taking her in, bet she wouldn't have stayed put with just that one either. She kept too many irons in the fire.
Yes, and I think it was mentioned in the latest article. The link is earlier on in the thread. And was discussed on NG or GVS, or maybe both.


What is your theory on what happened, and above all, if Caylee is alive, where do you think she is? Are you one of the ones who think she is in PR?
She's been honing her skills for years.

How much money has she stolen from her family in the last ten years?

To know how to rip someone off using a check routing number is fairly hardcore. I wouldn't have the first idea how to pull that off, would you?

That's exactly what my husband said about the routing number. We have no idea how it's done either.
sleuthmommy, did they move Casey from isolation or what?

TIA! :)

I have no idea. I just know that her location per her inmate information changed. Looks like they moved her from one cell to another close by? Who knows. Do we know for sure she's in isolation, btw? I believe that the 'other' Cynthia Anthony was located close to where Casey is.
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