Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #164

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Looks like the whole deal is taking a toll on Cindy. She certainly wasn't dolled up for the GMA interview (thanks to Patty for uploading that!)

I truly cannot believe she thinks that nobody is showing up b/c they think Caylee is ALIVE!?! - I think people are turned off by the family and their behavior, although that is sad b/c the search is about finding CAYLEE and giving her a proper resting place!
I just watched Cindy's today show apperence.:furious:
My gooodness accept the facts.
John Allan was talking out of contexts, if you had seen Det Irwin's interview you would understand. Det. Irwin said in the interview he didn't know what Det. Allan said so he couldn't quote him.
Someone really needs to step in and help her. I can understand holding out hope ,but forensic evidence is comming back and its all pointing in the same direction.
It was like her driveway was a catwalk and her little bump n grind sashay was taking her to a stripper pole instead of jail. The makeup was weirding me out too! Who puts on makeup knowing they aren't leaving the house? It was like she knew people might see her and looking cute was way more important than cooperating. She loves the attention and is playing that up.

I thought the same thing. Once Casey saw everyone, she started her "move".

I put on "make-up" EVEN if I am not leaving the house. Casey left the house earlier that day to go to her attorney's office.
I think on Bill O tonight they are discussing the case, not that Cindy would be on the show. I think Cindy knows to stay away from Bill O.

I have yet to see Cindy pass up a chance to get on tv. I hope she does go on and whacks the hive early.
and I thought I was the only one that noticed that! It was like she was putting her sexuality out there even while being arrested. Also I noticed in the hearing the next day she had makeup on. could you bother with makeup or anything else when your child was missing?

Yep I noticed it too. In the video when she was first arrested, wearing the pale blue shirt, right after she comes through the door, she gives a little smile, and then what shocked me, a very seductive look.

It could be that she has done these things for so long, that it's just become habit, but my god, it just doesn't seem normal under the circumstances, even if it is habit.
Looks like the whole deal is taking a toll on Cindy. She certainly wasn't dolled up for the GMA interview (thanks to Patty for uploading that!)

I truly cannot believe she thinks that nobody is showing up b/c they think Caylee is ALIVE!?! - I think people are turned off by the family and their behavior, although that is sad b/c the search is about finding CAYLEE and giving her a proper resting place!

I agree about not turning up because of the family. Which is so sad that they have this amazing serch group helping them find little Caylee and people are so turned off by this family that they are not comming to serch for her.
Hi all, excuse my "newbie" ignorance if this is the wrong place or if it has been brought up..

But I wonder if Casey used one of her many Boyfriends address to apply and get WIC.

"WIC is a nutrition program for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding or who have recently been pregnant, infants & children under age 5."

A person with 2 in the family and one of them under 5 yrs of age can make up to $2159.00 a month and still qualify..she seems as a type who might lie about the fact she lives at home and with her parents income would not qualify for it..but if she did use a bogus address she would qualify for it..

Since she was not working, but her parents thought she was..she could have been getting it along with maybe some other services using a bogus address...

If so, they could get her for some other types of fraud as well as the Amy & GP fraud..

Just a thought..
I have yet to see Cindy pass up a chance to get on tv. I hope she does go on and whacks the hive early.

No chance this will happen. If it does I will ADMIT I am wrong. Cindy hasn't been back to Nancy Grace and I am sure Nancy invited her!
I agree it's hard b/c it's normal everyday stuff..I would think that a holiday as Father's Day would be enough to jog a memory or two though.

I have to be honest here. I made the very same mistake this year. I woke up on what I thought was Fathers Day and wished my guy a happy. He looked at me like I was crazy. I was a week early. I just thought it was June 8. Cindy was also in a panic trying to recall actual dates as opposed to looking at a calendar and thinking.

I am not defending them in anyway.....just saying....I made a mistake too.
There is one way this woman would confess...If someone else were to provide the police with definitive information about what happened it would back her into a corner and she would attempt to defend herself - probably with lies, but she would talk.

And there is someone else who knows something. I guarantee you that someone, other than her parents, provided her with assistance to cover her tracks. When LE figure out exactly who that person is they will be in a much better position. If they don't already know.

You know why I don't really think that? I think if someone else had helped her in a cover-up her story would have been better. The one she did come up with is down right pitiful.
I agree about not turning up because of the family. Which is so sad that they have this amazing serch group helping them find little Caylee and people are so turned off by this family that they are not comming to serch for her.
Which absolutely blows my mind because if people really wanted to protest against this family's actions they would put all of their energy into finding this little girl and bringing her home - even if it is only for a proper burial. Someone on here once said that finding the body wouldn't make much of a difference, but they are wrong about that. Finding the body strips Cindy of the ability to hide behind false claims that her granddaughter is still alive and it provides prosecutors of this case with the ability to pursue murder charges with much more confidence that they will get a conviction. These crimes can be tried without a body, but the reality is that not having a body leaves the door open for reasonable doubt. That door needs to be closed. The little girl needs to be buried and mourned properly. People need to get out there and find this little girl and show the Anthony family just what it means to do the right thing by this little girl.
I guarantee you that someone, other than her parents, provided her with assistance to cover her tracks. When LE figure out exactly who that person is they will be in a much better position. If they don't already know.

Someone else does know and it is within the family, not outside the family.
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