Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #77

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ANd the friends that did speak in the beginning said she (Casey) was a habitual lair.
why did it take so long for the grandmother to remember those pants that she removed and washed?? And why on earth would she remove them if she thought something was wrong her husband being a ex cop you would think she knows better.

Really they should take the dogs to the nearest landfill where the garbage is and search there.

I've posted many times why this is not a likely scenario. But the answer about the dogs, landfill searches are so dangerous that many handlers will not take there dogs there. If they do it's under a very restricted set of rules. Besides, after almost 8 weeks later, we are talking 100's of tons of garbage to go through. Dumpsters are a very effective way to get rid of a body and never have it found.
What if she's released before any more charges are brought about, and she decides NOT to go to the arms of her family? It's possible......she could go back to relying on friends like she did before...
ANd the friends that did speak in the beginning said she (Casey) was a habitual lair.

and in at least 2 instances I believe called LE before being called or visited.
I'll tell you.

She's engineered a situation in which the only information about this case is coming from the family - who are covering up and dancing as fast as they can - and LE, which has a vested interest in making sure the public knows they're doing their job.

Assume for a minute that Casey is innocent, and is mentally ill.

There is not one positive statement that has been released about her to the media. From anyone. Not her own grandmother, Gigi. Not her childhood friends. Not her current best friend. No one.

Why is that? Oh yeah, Cindy asked them all not to talk.

In that sense, her attempt to protect her daughter isn't helping.

So you've talked to Casey's friends and know that they have good things to say about her? Do you think the media will accept the good things they say and not follow up with some difficult questions that might reflect poorly on Casey? Not that any of it matters. Cindy has seen how intrusive the media can be. If her advice to Casey's friends - who asked her BTW - is to avoid it, I think that's good advice. Maybe it's bad advice, who knows? I just don't understand the need for the digs simply because she said it.
What if she's released before any more charges are brought about, and she decides NOT to go to the arms of her family? It's possible......she could go back to relying on friends like she did before...

but where are her friends?
He has not spoken to her since her arrest.

Just me .. but how do we know she has not spoken to Tony? She was demanding his phone number from Lee in one of the first calls. I'm just curious..
I dont think he is a public defender, on Caseys records a public defender was appointed and then withdrawn, Baez is listed as her attorney but not a public defender.

Hopefully we cleared this amply, Baez IS a former PD, in private practic for 3 years, and for further info, quick stats:

defended most recently: Nilton Diaz, unsuccessfully, was found guilty.

Cleared the Former Mayor Of Kissimmee of Sex charges, 2007
2006- Defended Client kidnapping of 6 week old roomates infant..

He became a father at age 18, in my estimation not the kind of trial experience I would hire if it were me.. As Diane B referenced, I would be calling Roy Black and Barry Scheck- who would refuse my case but there Geragos would take it just from hearing the rumor I talked to them.. heh heh
I think the answer to that lies in the same reason LE is not releasing the last few visits to the public that they fought for the ability to- I do expect there to be charges (add'l) in this case this week, and yes, SS I do think she will be implicating anyone she can

Apparently the information is the GPs were simply called and told the visit was canceled? Perhaps Casey is in a more restrictive disciplinary confinement or on a psychiatric setting -- suicide watch or in seclusion.
Just me .. but how do we know she has not spoken to Tony? She was demanding his phone number from Lee in one of the first calls. I'm just curious..

He told channel 2 (might have to check the channel) last week.
What if she's released before any more charges are brought about, and she decides NOT to go to the arms of her family? It's possible......she could go back to relying on friends like she did before...

Will not happen.. REPEAT... will not happen.. play on loop..
The second they file for another bail reduction, and I do not believe they will, they will charge her with homicide, imo
:clap: I may not agree with everything she's said, or what she's done, but I still feel sorry for her.
I saw a definite change in Cindy after FBI got involved. Did anyone else notice a slight change?
Apparently the information is the GPs were simply called and told the visit was canceled? Perhaps Casey is in a more restrictive disciplinary confinement or on a psychiatric setting -- suicide watch or in seclusion.

She is NOT on a suicide watch as most of us thought early on, per the correctional facility
But she won't be on meds yet... she'd have to accept that diagnosis....

Actually, the court can order psychotherapeutic drugs to be given involuntarily under some circumstances, but I don't see those circumstances being met here.
Hopefully we cleared this amply, Baez IS a former PD, in private practic for 3 years, and for further info, quick stats:

defended most recently: Nilton Diaz, unsuccessfully, was found guilty.

Cleared the Former Mayor Of Kissimmee of Sex charges, 2007
2006- Defended Client kidnapping of 6 week old roomates infant..

He became a father at age 18, in my estimation not the kind of trial experience I would hire if it were me.. As Diane B referenced, I would be calling Roy Black and Barry Scheck- who would refuse my case but there Geragos would take it just from hearing the rumor I talked to them.. heh heh

I'm completely nauseated now. I understand that everyone is allowed to have representation but someone that would represent a child rapist (of a 6 week old baby) is beyond disgusting.
I'm sorry but I cannot see how anyone can stick up for the parents. to go from saying the car smelled like a dead body to pizza is a drastic change. to say when the truth comes out, she'll be mother of the year...are you serious? and i dont understand how none of them are not pleading for this babysitter to return her. oh and lets not gorget the fact shes been her babysitter for two years yet shes never met the family. if the parents were as close to caylee as it seems..they would have met her at some point. so the fact the parents arent even arguing the ridiculous babysitter accusation just shows how much of enablers they are. it truly makes me sick. i do think they were sick of caseys lies and truly love caylee but they are putting caseys selfish ways above their innocent granddaughter who did nothing wrong. that is how i think they are to blame as well.
I've posted many times why this is not a likely scenario. But the answer about the dogs, landfill searches are so dangerous that many handlers will not take there dogs there. If they do it's under a very restricted set of rules. Besides, after almost 8 weeks later, we are talking 100's of tons of garbage to go through. Dumpsters are a very effective way to get rid of a body and never have it found.

Ditto, this is really the worse scenario that could befall this investigation, it is very dangerous to searchers. I will say that if they find there is a duffel that is unaccounted for after Cindy picked up the other 2 from Tony, I would be more encouraged at the possibility of a successful recovery there.
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