Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #77

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I wonder where the dumpsters are at the Sawgrass. And are they the kind locked behind an enclosure where you have to fling your garbage over? Are they within view of any of the units?

I bet and hope that LE took cadaver dogs to the Amscot shopping center and the Sawgrass apartments.

That's a good thought, but I was recently told that people would be shocked at the amount of "dead" in dumpsters or other "related" surfaces (garbage truck, etc) that they would expect a cadvaer dog to hit almost 75% of dumpsters in a city area.. I did not find that particulary encouraging unfortunately
The smell was so bad in the car so I imagine if she had used dumpster that also would have smelled and brought alot of attention to area. People are putting trash in their dumpsters on regular basis. I just think that would have been easily found by someone very quickly. Unless she knew when and what time dumpsters were emptied and proceeded to dispose of baby right before that time. JMO
I agree if the dumpster was at the apt. complex as opposed to in an alley behind a restaurant, for example.
I definitely noticed a change. It seemed to me like she finally thought that someone was listening. It was probably all in how they approached her. Let's face it, these guys know exactly how to talk to people and get people to talk!

And once FBI were involved stakes are higher . . . you will be charged with lying to the FBI
People with this diagnosis are so hard to deal with. They are extremely manipulative, they lie for no good reason, they stir up drama to put the attention on themselves. The cannot deal with a child who needs immediate attention, they cannot hold down a job, and usually cannot live on their own.

You may want to read the DSM IV description of BPD. It really fits with Casey Anthony.


Can we not generalize people unless you care a specialist in this field??? I have BPD and have 5 kids which I raise very well thank you. I am sometimes hard to deal with but isn't everyone at some point in their lives. It really isn't fair to just say things like this about people. These things are not true. I hold down a job and in fact held down 4 at one point to buy myself and my children a house and can in fact live on my own and have. Please don't just say things without knowing all the facts.:furious:
He told channel 2 (might have to check the channel) last week.

Oh..OK..thank you absolut. My brain just isn't working as good as it did before this case. You read and and watch and then start to forget. I do remember when you aid that. So Thanks for helping me out. Need all help I can get.:woohoo:
Everyone's loyalty needs to be with Caylee. Everything needs to be questioned in this case and that includes the grand parents.

agree 100% and it is my understanding LE and FBI have questioned and have not arrested them but they continue to get questioned and ACCUSED here JMO:waitasec:
Ok this might strike a nerve but...

I have a guy named rick that lives is Indiana he is a meduim that helps find missing children. I sent him a picture of caylee when all this first starting going on it was not even national news at that point and this is his reply.

Thank you for sharing the photo of this little blessing. My thoughts and prayers to her family.
As I view the photo I feel to relay:

*mommy pushed me down - I am in the way
*I hear birds
*smells bad and dirty (this could be a location)

I have received this from someone else as well, and I also feel something to do with 'bucket' or 'dumpster' near.

ok I know he is for real I use him at times for my investigations. People are so skeptical of these type of people cause there are want to be mediums out there. But Rick is for real.
Neat...who is this guy...can you give contact info?
I saw a definite change in Cindy after FBI got involved. Did anyone else notice a slight change?

I feel sorry for her and will continue to do so unless it ever becomes proven that she knowingly covered up her grandaughter's death. Until then, I am affording them the respect I would to anybody in this case... (except Casey because she's declining FAR too many opportunities to help)
That's a good thought, but I was recently told that people would be shocked at the amount of "dead" in dumpsters or other "related" surfaces (garbage truck, etc) that they would expect a cadvaer dog to hit almost 75% of dumpsters in a city area.. I did not find that particulary encouraging unfortunately

I think you and I must have read the same article, and I can't recall where it was. People would be shocked at all the bodies that end up in dumpsters and landfills. I also remember that it was discussed about all the live homeless people that have gone missing and through others saying the last time they saw them they were sleeping in such and such dumster. Come to find out, there was a trash pick-up the next morning and no body ever found.
Are you saying that you think there is absolutely no one in this world who would be able to honestly say they like Casey as a person and that she has never lied to them (as far as they know) and they're happy to be in her company?

Geez, you have a worse opinion of her than I have. I figure there may be a couple of co-workers, high school friends, somebody willing to speak up on her behalf.

Frankly, your continual defense of Cindy - someone who has made many obvious boners in dealing with her granddaughter's disappearance - seems a little peculiar to me.

Of course I have no problem with your insistence on doing so, it just seems to me like misplaced loyalty.

On this subject, I think perhaps we will never be in agreement.

The original comment was about Cindy advising Casey's friends, when asked, not to talk to the media because if they did the media wouldn't leave them alone. There is nothing wrong with that advice and I don't say so out of loyalty, but out of common sense.

Moving on....
I could be wrong, but I believe she'd have to be charged and found incompetent to stand trial. At that point the DA could ask her to be forcibly medicated to make her competent to stand trial. I know most states handle it this way. I am not sure about Florida law though.

Two separate issues. One is a criminal court issue -- competency to stand trial; and the other is simply a mental health court matter -- competency to be able to make informed consent decisions regarding her normal mental health care. There were "two" mental health holds.
Good idea contained in your post!

Any young websleuthers in the area who could go hang out in the bars, and pick up the gossip?

IMO the "friends" are no longer there. I mean at this age most friendships are pretty superficial(i'm 23 and that's my experience) and the fact that she has been lying to them about what she does, work, school, ect. I doubt they have any reason to consider her a friend at this point. She's most likely just become a topic of gossip and the subject of many jokes.
Did I miss something today??? What's all the talk about searching the dumps??

someone suggested a landfill search and that led to a discussion as to why it probably won't happen.
I wonder where the dumpsters are at the Sawgrass. And are they the kind locked behind an enclosure where you have to fling your garbage over? Are they within view of any of the units?



This question brought up a thought to me.

Maybe Casey went to Sawgrass and dug through the dumpster to get a name, maybe the person filling out the form messed up, threw it away, and started over?

Casey found the name in the trash?

Not terribly likely, but just a thought...
no he has not that we are aware of.

Yes in the beginning he did. But maybe he could, get a call, write a letter she seemed as if she really needed to talk to him. Maybe he's the one she "trusts",
It's really interesting reading how we all handle, handled situations with our own children. My son has also gotten into trouble with LE. We pretty much let him suffer the consequences of his "mistake". We did go pick him up from the police station but he was on his own as far as the lawyer went.
We could have gotten him a high priced attorney for his deed; but, instead told him he was on his own for finding and paying for his attorney. He was 16at the time this all happened so he was working and I know it killed him to have to pay for that attorney. He did hire his attorney and we did have to go to court with him. We told the attorney we did want him to "fess" up, we did not want any fancy loopholes to get him "off".

He suffered the consequences both monetarily and in having to admit that he did wrong. I am grateful that this all happened before he was 18.

He will be starting college this fall and this event changed his entire attitude toward life. He pulled his grades up in the two years that followed so that he was on honor roll every quarter and he managed to get a full scholarship to College. He hasn't been in trouble since and has actually become much more loving and responsible since that episode.

I firmly believe it takes a true shake up in life to wake some up. He happened to be one of those that needed that shakeup.

I don't blame Casey's parents though. I think they probably did do what they thought was right in raising her but she did not seem to get the message. For all I know, if my son was not receptive to our "tuff luv" in the situation he got himself in to ... who knows? It is really a scary thought.
JMO..I really believe all parents do the best they can rearing children. I can look many years back and see lots of mistakes I made and alot of good I taught my kids. Everyone is different in our ways and parents can only hope and pray alot. My children are grown w/kids of their own. We talk and laugh alot about when they wee growing up. I am blessed mine turned out very good w/good lives and great families of their own. Some are not so fortunate.
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