Caylee Anthony General Discussion Thread #78

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Chilly- I have smelled BOTH a dead body and spilled cappy in my car- which makes me objective to say there is no realm of the universe where the two are comparable. Your opinion does not bother me, it is the lack of background on the issue in the first place.
Stop making this personal to anyone that does not agree with you, that's what debate is for, but when showing up for a debate be an expert "bluffer" or only answer the questions for which you are a subject matter expert.
I'm knocking on 3000 posts since the end of March, you are welcome to review them for a post where I was disrespectful; including this one.

Let's agree that we are not going to agree that aged coffee and rotting remains smell similar and move on to Caylee.

You have not answered my question - how do you know that Cindy KNOWS what a decaying body smells like?

As for making things personal - wasn't me. Was you.
brought over from last thread

Originally Posted by gigi2009
Fox just announced live that Casey has refused tonight's scheduled visit.
We kinda saw that coming.
Casey is mad so it's her turn to be in charge and met out punishment.
Actually, I don't think they should even bother for a while.
Let her stew. When the baby is back, then they can chat.
Remember, its aaalllllllll about Casey the adult vs. Caylee the baby.
Ps,, gigi, sometimes we are in the middle of posting and don't see the 1st 2nd or 3rd closing notice until we actually get there.
Once should suffice, imo.

LOL--Heck, I've been guilty myself of posting when the threads been moved! Then the "continue thread" gets buried cause posters type wicked fast! The worst is when the posts get going on something really juicy and Wham, we move and everything kinda stalls for awhile till everyone gets caught up. :)
That's what I had remembered hearing, but I wasn't certain.

I have been thinking a lot about the Sawgrass + ZG + June 17th scenario - but she also wanted to set up a fake abduction defense with the car.

If she wanted the car to be stolen, then asking Tony to pick her up at the Amscot would have been a problem.
Yet another strange thing in this case. Supposedly the car ran out of gas or something like that? So she calls Tony to pick her up, and just leaves the car there until it gets towed away? Why not go get gas for it or if it was another problem, why not call mom/dad or somebody to get it to a repair shop? The only thing that makes sense is she was trying to ditch the car because she knew a dead Caylee had been in it. MOO
For the record, I was not comparing the smell of sour cappuccino to the smell of decomposing flesh. I'm merely stating that other things can and do create awful odors. Someone who has never smelled a decomposing body might not know the difference. If you've never smelled a pickle, how do you know it doesn't smell like a grape? Get it?

HOWEVER, cadaver dogs don't hit on other things.
No, it doesn't surprise me that Casey refused to see her parents today. I didn't think it would happen.
She knows she's been doing what she does best, lying.

She knows her parents would have umpteen questions and she's working on the next batch of lies to give them.
Little Caylee's birthday has now come and gone. What happened to " I feel like she's close. " And, " She'll be home by her birthday, " Her parents and brother put alot of faith and hope in those words, and Casey knows that.
It must be difficult to lie on and on again and just live a life of lies!

She's got her lying thinking cap on for now, trying to concoct a whopper to cover up and give reason for the last bunch of lies not coming to fruition!
I get it. But do you? Think about it this way--Cindy is an RN. Her husband is a former Homicide Investigator. Now no matter how stressed someone is-do you think with that background Cindy would yell that the car smells like a dead body? She could said there's a foul odor or a peculiar smell but Cindy used those words. And a Detective also smelled it. And so did the cadaver dogs. So how to discount all of that? See? That's where I'm coming from, not to fight with you but to debate the different opinion--K? :cool:

Exactly, Cindy flatly denies it could be though she used those words. George now says it's possible, but maybe she could have hit something outside. Point being if they have the background or NOT to know what a dead body smells like, why be so adamant that it was something else?
did the cadaver dogs actually have true hits on the trunk and spots in the backyard? I thought the first dog had some maybe and the second dog had nothing...

Yes. Two different dogs from two different agencies at two different times hit on the same places. The trunk and some places in the back yard.
Yet another strange thing in this case. Supposedly the car ran out of gas or something like that? So she calls Tony to pick her up, and just leaves the car there until it gets towed away? Why not go get gas for it or if it was another problem, why not call mom/dad or somebody to get it to a repair shop? The only thing that makes sense is she was trying to ditch the car because she knew a dead Caylee had been in it. MOO

I agree with this observation. If it were just about the lack of fuel, then Casey would have returned that day to get her means of transportation to and from the clubs (you know, to work on her investigation).
Post 1 thread back was very interesting.. about the idea that there could be another way Casey is knee deep in to something very bad but it might not be cut and dry about Casey hurting Caylee... I want to believe there is a way for Casey to be a liar and also truthful on some level due to involvement with really shady and not always real identities. meaning if you are involved with gangs. If you start looking into the folks she surrounded herself with, are they really all above board or did she have a network of really bad people?

We need answers.. I wish we could jump in and see what LE has and solve this one!!
Yet another strange thing in this case. Supposedly the car ran out of gas or something like that? So she calls Tony to pick her up, and just leaves the car there until it gets towed away? Why not go get gas for it or if it was another problem, why not call mom/dad or somebody to get it to a repair shop? The only thing that makes sense is she was trying to ditch the car because she knew a dead Caylee had been in it. MOO

I agree if it had been stolen than recovered she could claim that the smell was from whatever happen during the time it was missing. Due to her age and lack of knowledge she may have also thought that the smell would disapate.
Even George has admitted that the car smelled like decomp. Besides, one of Cindy's Cindyisms was the she is a "Nurse of decomposition".
i don't know how to describe the smell but the first body i smelled i knew immediatly what it was. all i can say is u would know it if u smelled it


But being that I never smelled a body, how would I know what it smelled like???:confused:
brought over from last thread
We kinda saw that coming.
Casey is mad so it's her turn to be in charge and met out punishment.
Actually, I don't think they should even bother for a while.
Let her stew. When the baby is back, then they can chat.
Remember, its aaalllllllll about Casey the adult vs. Caylee the baby.

Can we even begin to imagine the nightmare she is putting grandparents and brother into? Lee and grandparents desperately checking phone numbers, emails, possible scenarios, any tiny thread of hope to locate the baby.

Having to go to bed with that baby still missing and with the mother of the baby in jail holding the KEY to all of this. Having to wake up another day and battle against their better judgement of what might have happened, and play ball with Casey to give them some clue.

And they have to baby Casey, they have to listen to her, they have to follow her instructions to find this baby. Then sit by the phone and wait for one clue in her words, one hopeful sign. She has brother come down to visit and tell him she is not going to see him. At least this time Casey was ''thoughtful'' enough to let Cindy now soon enough she wasn't seeing her, before she left the house.

If anything could be close to the cruelty of harming Caylee, the rollercoster of nightmare and hope, hell and hope, she is putting these people, the mind games she is playing with them is right there after. The Anthony's will need a lot of help and support and therapy to come to terms with what happened to the baby but they will need additional therapy for the mindgames Cayse played with them while looking for that baby.
HOWEVER, cadaver dogs don't hit on other things.

clarify for me.. do cadaver dogs know "who" they are searching for? So for instance, if there was a hit.. does that mean it's Caylee or could it be someone else?? Just curious. thx
i don't deny that, but if cindy has never before smelled one how could she be certain that's what the smell was?

I think people might be surprised to know that many members of law enforcement have also never smelled a decomposing body. Recently deceased, yes, but decomposing, no.

cindy stated she worked n decomposition in one of many chats with the media, so she no's the difference of smell
did the cadaver dogs actually have true hits on the trunk and spots in the backyard? I thought the first dog had some maybe and the second dog had nothing...

They both had hits as testified to at the bond hearing. It's Cindy that's saying the dogs didn't get true hits. Or however she worded it.
You have not answered my question - how do you know that Cindy KNOWS what a decaying body smells like?

I have a friend in nursing school at one of the local colleges here. and she's required to go to a certain amount of autopsies. This could be how she knows the smell.
Yet another strange thing in this case. Supposedly the car ran out of gas or something like that? So she calls Tony to pick her up, and just leaves the car there until it gets towed away? Why not go get gas for it or if it was another problem, why not call mom/dad or somebody to get it to a repair shop? The only thing that makes sense is she was trying to ditch the car because she knew a dead Caylee had been in it. MOO

Yup. I can't find the original reference, but didn't CA tell Tony that there was something wrong with the car, not that it was only out of gas, and that her dad would come pick it up. She then did not call her dad and tell him him that the car was parked there and had a problem. So it seems she wanted to leave it, car seat, inexplicably smelly trunk and all, with even her purse, for someone else to find or take. Amazingly, it stayed there (or so we think) until it got towed 3 days later. Two weeks later, it still had all her stuff in it when the parents got it back. I doubt she was counting on that.
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