Caylee Anthony Missing 2 Year Old- General Discussion #26

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Perhaps she has more than one purse? I don't, but just about everyone else I know has multiple purses. LOL
I found this at Fox News:

Cindy also expressed her displeasure with investigators on the case. "Every time they call, they ask to speak to my husband or Casey's brother. They're treating me like a child. I'm not a child."

I think Cindy should not be commenting any further. LE is Smart for keeping her out of it. This lady is strange
I think the car would have smelled of gasoline then, too.

One time I accidentally spilled a little gasoline in my car seat when I was trying to transport gas in a gas container to put in my lawnmower. Yeah, I know, dumb idea to put the gas container in my seat -- I know that now! :doh:

Anyways, it wasn't a lot of gas that spilled... but it smelled soooo bad! I mean, make you throw up or get high from the fumes bad. It took a longgggg time to get that smell out. My mustang probably was comparable to the size of Caseys pontiac car.

So if Casey meant to spill gas in her trunk -- I would only imagine that it would have been totally RANK in there when her parents drove it home from the tow-in lot.
Maybe she was planning on going into hiding or pretending she was kidnapped too?
I hate how Cindy says "why would a woman leave her purse" (or along those lines)... uh, why would MOTHER lose her child???????

Cindy is also stating now that Casey was giving her clues the entire month. Clues???? WTF, does this family realize how absolutely ridiculous they sound to the general public.
I understand and totally agree, I guess my thought was just that...if they were setting it up to use that in the future against her, why wouldn't they tell the officer that they suspected their daughter, as she had a history of it? Otherwise they wouldn't be able to use it right? Because they couldn't prove it was her.

I'm not well versed on the ins and outs of family court, but have a fairly low opinion of that system based on my experiences as a teen. I think the burden of proof is lesser there than it would be in other courts. Granted, my experience had nothing to do with custody, and wasn't in the state of FL, and I am essentially talking right out of my bleeeeeeeeeep, but... I think it could have been thrown in there.

And since an incident report had been filed, I'm sure they could have followed up on it, gone back to the station and mentioned they suspected Casey.
Perhaps she has more than one purse? I don't, but just about everyone else I know has multiple purses. LOL
I'm with you, I have one but with the money she was going through she probably had several.
Does anyone know if that interview was before or after the court appearance? I am not able to watch it currently because of the slow service from my ISP
I was just wondering if this has already been discussed, Has anyone come up with a reason for her leaving her purse in the car?

I believe she was planning on concocting a story she was carjacked and Caylee kidnapped originally. I think it fell through because she may not have known about cameras there or somewhere else OR she simply realized in that scenario she would have to be sober and one hell of an actress and was not up to it, imo.
This woman (broad) needs to shut up. She is making so angry,and goes on about how she is getting all these supportive phone calls and that the media is spinning everything,we are only seeing snipets that make Casey look bad,the public is not seeing the whole story.
also, I noticed there is a toll bridge between orlando and the northern city the friend was staying at (cant remember the name) I am sure they have video of her paying the toll, if she did.

And actually there are tolls ALL over Orlando, so speaking of that, another way they could track her is if she has an EPASS or SUNPASS (it's a pass that charges your bank account or credit card so you don't have to stop and pay cash at a toll. They keep it on a transcript...for instance it would say TOLL on DEAN RD EXIT: Charge $.50 at 06.04am on June 15, 2008.), those records would show when and what time she drove through which tolls. They are VERY specific (and her epass/sunpass would have all those records up through the whole year) You can track your entire commute that way. Most people in Orlando have a pass because it's a pain in the butt to have to pay for EACH and EVERY toll here...there are TONS!
I wonder if she was smart enough (I don't think she's stupid) to know if she took a road trip with Caylee whether she was alive or dead and she stopped for gas their would possibly be cameras....remember the astronaut that drove from Texas to FL and wore diapers so she didn't have to go to the bathroom but the cameras caught her paying for gas...maybe Casey did this to avoid being seen God knows where getting gas
now THAT is some damm good thinking, SBW! That completely makes sense and also fits in the timeline of 24-27 June imhoo. far can fifty dollars of gas get that white car round trip (and it was empty when she dumped it at amscott).
I'm with you, I have one but with the money she was going through she probably had several.
Does anyone know if that interview was before or after the court appearance? I am not able to watch it currently because of the slow service from my ISP
It's a morning show, so I believe it's before the hearing.
Umm because it was a habit, as in.. this was not the first time.. as in they should have caught on by then that if it was there she would take it.

Yes, I understand that but do people stop buying things or having any possessions if the person living with them steals?

The Anthony family tries to work AROUND Casey's bad habits... they find she stole gas, they locked it up. It might not have prevented Casey from stealing again but they DID address the problem.

So what does Casey do next.... she takes the one thing SHE 'owns' outright..... Caylee.
I found this at Fox News:

Cindy also expressed her displeasure with investigators on the case. "Every time they call, they ask to speak to my husband or Casey's brother. They're treating me like a child. I'm not a child."

I think Cindy should not be commenting any further. LE is Smart for keeping her out of it. This lady is strange
Yes, she is strange but so is the dad, IMHO. He is a wimp that only repeats what his wife says. He lost me completely TODAY when he said they wanted to make Casey "smile". How can he think anyone has sympathy for a woman who didn't report her child missing for 30 days and now is lying to law enforcement. I hope that LE has something soon, because this thing is a three ring circus!
doesn't she know Susan Smith already tried that carjack scenario. didn't work for her either.

Anybody know where the $45k worth of goods she bought is right now?
Why would she need to steal gas during this time anyway? Didn't she have Cindy's credit card?

Hmmm... I wonder if maybe this was what caused the blow up around Father's Day that made Casey leave with Caylee. Maybe Cindy cut her off from the credit cards and told her to grow up and start taking care of Caylee herself (instead of relying on them so much for everything).

Refresh my memory someone -- did Cindy state exactly what time-frame she had these cc receipts from?
Cindy is also stating now that Casey was giving her clues the entire month. Clues???? WTF, does this family realize how absolutely ridiculous they sound to the general public.

Cindy sure doesn't. She thinks we're all big mean poopyheads because we're suspicious of her daughter. On some level, I can't really blame her -- it's either remain oblivious, or face the truth, and given the weight of the likely truth... well, no, I can't blame her. OTOH, if she insists on chasing unicorns, I wish she'd do it in a pasture out of public eye.
I lieu of the timeframe the gas was stolen...june 24 (which falls into our time line of 24-27 June) how far could fifty dollars of gas get you round trip in the kind of car that she drove. Her car was on empty...she used the gas to drive somewhere, dump the body, drive back and the car was out of gas and she dumps it at amscott and calls her bf to come and get her.

Also, per that video I posted above gma states that her purse was in the car when they picked it up.

gma also stated the following inconsistencies in that video: that she (gma) thinks that casey did not know where the car was (um has she even read the afadavit or any of the info on that lol), that she might not have been the last person to drive the car (planing the thought there that someone took her car and dumped it at the amscott...puuullllleeeaasseee!)

Let me get this straight, Cindy now believes someone else drove that car, but they left Casey's purse in it and abandoned it in front of a check cashing place?

Who else would be driving that car that needs to go to the check cashing place, (to cash some stolen checks!)?

I wonder if she wrote the stolen checks from Amy out to herself using her real name, or if she has a fake ID with a different name that she wrote the checks to and cashed them with the fake ID. It didn't seem hard for her friend Amy to figure out Casey stole her checks, so maybe she did write them to herself.

Sorry if this has already been discussed, I try to keep up, honest I do!
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