Caylee may be cremated

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I believe if you read back, you will find where the Anthonys talked about burying Caylee. This appears to me to be doing the complete opposite of what they wanted for the baby. I am not surprised, but I am interested in WHY Baez was given the authority instead of them.

The ONLY reason that I can see is because they are going to say one or both of them killed Caylee.

I can think of others: 1) they changed their minds, 2) they can't afford a traditional funeral.

In any case, the child is long gone. As long as the remains are disposed of with respect, what difference does it make?
Do you think Dr. G missed a hole in the bones when she did the autopsy? I thought she was a well respected ME.

I hate this CW, but, yet again, I agree with you.

Why is there consternation about destroying evidence, when BOTH autopsies have been completed?

The remains are not released until all of the evidence has been gathered.
Some people want to be filled up with embalming fluid, dressed nice, makeup on and family and friends to look at them and spend a ton.

Others want to be placed in a cremator furnace to return to basic elements and pose no health risk to anyone.

It's a personal choice.
IF they have that technology in 10 years what difference would it make? The prosecution is not going to wait 10 years for the trial. If they convict Casey do you think they'll dig up Caylee's body in 10 years simply out of curiosity? Do you really believe that's what the A's are thinking - cremate the body so the prosecution doesn't have even MORE evidence to use against Casey 10 years from now, assuming the technology exists.

Exactly! And, is it thought that cremation destroys evidence, but embalming does not?
I can think of others: 1) they changed their minds, 2) they can't afford a traditional funeral.

In any case, the child is long gone. As long as the remains are disposed of with respect, what difference does it make?

I think the "respect" for the remains has long passed. At this point, all they seem to be are a blood money machine.
I think the "respect" for the remains has long passed. At this point, all they seem to be are a blood money machine.

I can't disagree, but it's hard to see how they will make money by cremating Caylee's remains.
Exactly! And, is it thought that cremation destroys evidence, but embalming does not?

You don't embalm bones. Embalming does not destroy the tissues when there are tissue left. It only takes out the blood, and that is kept for many years when there is any suspicion about the death. All the samples are preserved.
I hate this CW, but, yet again, I agree with you.

Why is there consternation about destroying evidence, when BOTH autopsies have been completed?

The remains are not released until all of the evidence has been gathered.

Sometimes with new techniques evidence can be found which was not identifiable at the time of burial, hence the need to exhume bodies. It happens rather frequently.
If they cremate the remains they are only doing it so she cannot be exhumed and retested down the road. They are destroying all the evidence. MOO

I totally agree, because forensic science has new techniques almost weekly which were not available even a year ago.
I think people are reading waaaay too much into this. There's nothing wrong with cremation and nobody has any right putting their own personal preference or stigma on how somebody else should lay their loved ones to rest.

I think you're right!
I think the "respect" for the remains has long passed. At this point, all they seem to be are a blood money machine.

Agreed! Just glad you said it, not me. Too chicken. Also too chicken to point out again the REASON many of us believe the A's may be delaying putting Caylee to rest...u know what I'm speaking of....
Sometimes with new techniques evidence can be found which was not identifiable at the time of burial, hence the need to exhume bodies. It happens rather frequently.

It happens in cases where there was a wrong conviction or no conviction, because they pre-date our sophisticated DNA studies.

It also happens when a natural death has been assumed, and evidence surfaces that the death may have been unnatural. As in poisoning cases.

Neither is the case, here.

Of course, scientific advancement has been exponential. But, once KC is tried, she can't be tried again, whatever evidence is found or assumed, or discovery is made.
Agreed! Just glad you said it, not me. Too chicken. Also too chicken to point out again the REASON many of us believe the A's may be delaying putting Caylee to rest...u know what I'm speaking of....

What reason is that?
What is up with all these "experienced" attorneys making such "inexperienced" comments?

What in the h&ll happened to diplomacy in the face of adversity?

I was always taught that to make a statement diplomatically all you had to do was turn it into a positive statement. Exp: like when BC was whining about grave robbers or whatever - DIPLOMATICALLY he should have said "In an effort to show respect for the deceased, the family feels cremation would be the best possible choice. That way she could be put to rest peacefully and remain that way without intrusion".

Just like I said the other day when the comment was made about LP not being invited to the public memorial - diplomatically you would say "The family is working on the plans for a public memorial. While it will be public, and therefore, no one will be turned away, the family would like LP to know that he is not welcome".

It just boggles my mind how these high powered attorneys can make such undiplomatic statements (which also "paint their clients" in an undignified light) and then wonder why the media reacts in a non-favorable way.

Does that make any sense?

Perfect sense.
My Mom was cremated, she was in a bag, in a gold box until we took her to the cemetary - she was then put in a gold sturdier box, and then placed in a cement casing in the ground

I'm sure thats how, if Caylee is cremated, will be buried - I'm sure her grave will be covered in flowers and toys for a very long time to come

My best friend's ashes came to us an a cardboard box, from the crematorium. Her son emptied the box into a hole we dug at the roots of the apple tree in her back yard, as she asked us to do.
The public doesn't have a "right" to Caylee. I think your statement is grossly unfair in that way. Why should they want their granddaughter's grave to be a tourist attraction? By your logic, one should also condemn the many other parents of children who have gone missing/were murdered who chose to have their children cremated. This is such a personal choice and it is their choice and no one else's. I can't believe anyone would try to infringe upon such a personal choice and think that because they read about this little girl or saw her on TV that they have any kind of right to her body.

Another good one from you, Squirrel!
They sure didn't seem to care much about "armchair psychologists" when they were out there doing the crazy to point the finger at EVERYTHING and ANYTHING except for the facts! Nope. Sorry. I don't buy it. These people have shut up now because the "gig" is up and they need to for their own self-preservation.


My best friend's ashes came to us an a cardboard box, from the crematorium. Her son emptied the box into a hole we dug at the roots of the apple tree in her back yard, as she asked us to do.

Personally, I think this was a lovely idea! Betting the tree produced some great apples following!

This topic is just too personal for any of us to be passing judgement.

Both my parents and myself wish to be cremated. My Dad and I want our ashes released in the "most beautiful" spot our family can access without financial burden. My mother, however, insists on her ashes being kept together. She doesn't care if this means they are in an urn on a fireplace mantel, in a cardboard box in a closet, or buried in the ground. It's just important to her that they remain all together. She can't even verbalize why.

As long as NO further info can be obtained from Caylee's remains, her burial method is a mute point.

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