Caylee may be cremated

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In my humble and possibly wrong opinion, I really do think that one reason that they are thinking of cremating little Caylees remains is that they are sick and tired of "sharing" her with the public at large. Millions of us have come to think of this small precious little girl as one of our own. Our hearts are broken. But I don't believe that they want a grave that will be surrounded by offerings from strangers who to them , have no right or place to do so. The A's have shown marked disdain and anger towards those not only in the media ,but for just plain citizens who have not agreed with their take on any phase of this situation. I think that instead of blaming KC, they blame anyone and everyone else for the misery that they feel.

You summed that up excellently and I agree with you 100%. Is that dissociative behavior they exhibit?
They probably made this decision after they found out that they can't sell tickets to her burial site. I can just see GA sitting out there selling tickets and LA serving lemonade under an umbrella (charging a crazy amount of $) while CA yells @ everyone to get off the grass. As always this family is unbelievable. It is always about $$$.

Wow, you get all that from their decision to have Caylee's remains cremated?

OH! I think I've figured it out. They plan to make up a bunch of little packages of Caylee's ashes and sell them on ebay!
I was on another blog on New Year's Day (a Thursday) and someone who called herself Janice came on and said that Caylee had already been cremated "last Monday", which would have been on Dec. 29. When pressed for details she said that she would know, as it was where she worked. She said she could not elaborate because her boss said they were not allowed to contact the media but said to look where Caylee had been sent and we would know.

People on the blog were pretty rude to her that night and did not believe it - at that point no one even knew a second autopsy had been done. Dr. Lee later made a vague reference on NG it had already been done about 6 days earlier, and the timing still did not make sense for a Dec. 29 date. But I saw a report (believe it was on Channel 2 in Orlando) that Dr. Spitz had been flown down right after Christmas to do the second autopsy for the defense. If that is accurate what this person said actually might be true.

One thing I have always thought odd is the apparent lack of security at that funeral home. NG has ranted and raved about her bones "being in a one foot square cardboard box" and has mentioned that the security for Anna Nicole's remains was very high level at the funeral home with windows boarded etc. - so that didn't make much sense Caylee's remains would be in a building with a key pad on the back entrance and full length windows at the front, particularly in light of how careful the prosecution has been about protecting pictures of the remains.

Dr. Spitz' son, on a recent appearance to NG I believe, was asked what was entailed in a "second autopsy" and admitted that photographs would have been taken of the remains - perhaps to compare with the originals by the ME's team. I also thought it very odd no-one followed up on that admission. It means that the defense may ALREADY have had their own photographs of the remains as early as right after Christmas, certainly before the disc was handed over to JB at the recent hearing.

It struck me then, that the subsequent motions the prosecution made at the recent hearing to protect ALL images and photographs of the remains might not simply be to protect ones they handed over to the defense but also to cover any photos the defense team may have already taken themselves.

At any rate, some of this delay may be less about release of "remains" and more about stalling for time. Isn't LE waiting to move forward with any OJ moves until after the memorial service?

Also, as an aside, I lived in FL for about 8 years and realized that the climate and the terrain create conditions that make it more favorable or customary to cremate remains. There are far less cemeteries and many more mausoleums in that state than most others.
Cremation is cost effective and no burial plot is required.

$800 and another plastic bag.

Calous I know but I am sick of them and believe that they are all like KC. Me, Me, Me.
They wouldnt sell on Ebay- they take a cut of the selling price.:rolleyes:
Respectfully, I have a will that asks for my remains to be cremated in the event of my death. Both my Mother and Brother have the same instruction. It's a personal choice, and one made every day my Families around the Globe.

The Medical Examiner, Dr. G would never release the remains of a murder victim without having previously exhausted all proper and necessary tests on the remains in question. Not to mention the fact that the high profile nature of this case virtually guarantee's that no stone has been left unturned in regards to all avenues of Forensic Examination. It is also my understanding that the ME retained "samples" of additional Biological Material for further testing.

Caylee's remains have spoken loud and clear to those that will aid in the search for Justice now. It is time for her to be memorialized in whatever way her next of kin feel would be appropriate.

I myself could write a 30 page essay on all of the offensive behavior I have observed from many in the Anthony camp. However, accusing the Anthony Family of attempting to destroy Forensic Evidence merely because they wish to cremate her tiny body just isn't logical, in my opinion.

I do not feel it is for us to decide, and however you look at it her remains are not what made Caylee, Caylee. The little girl that we all fell in love with has already moved on. What is left behind is just the "home" that little Caylee's Soul lived in during her short time on this Earth.

Buried or cremated, she is still gone..

I cannot imagine that she would want everyone that loves her so much to be so torn up inside & out over this issue.

I was on another blog on New Year's Day (a Thursday) and someone who called herself Janice came on and said that Caylee had already been cremated "last Monday", which would have been on Dec. 29. When pressed for details she said that she would know, as it was where she worked. She said she could not elaborate because her boss said they were not allowed to contact the media but said to look where Caylee had been sent and we would know.

People on the blog were pretty rude to her that night and did not believe it - at that point no one even knew a second autopsy had been done. Dr. Lee later made a vague reference on NG it had already been done about 6 days earlier, and the timing still did not make sense for a Dec. 29 date. But I saw a report (believe it was on Channel 2 in Orlando) that Dr. Spitz had been flown down right after Christmas to do the second autopsy for the defense. If that is accurate what this person said actually might be true.

One thing I have always thought odd is the apparent lack of security at that funeral home. NG has ranted and raved about her bones "being in a one foot square cardboard box" and has mentioned that the security for Anna Nicole's remains was very high level at the funeral home with windows boarded etc. - so that didn't make much sense Caylee's remains would be in a building with a key pad on the back entrance and full length windows at the front, particularly in light of how careful the prosecution has been about protecting pictures of the remains.

Dr. Spitz' son, on a recent appearance to NG I believe, was asked what was entailed in a "second autopsy" and admitted that photographs would have been taken of the remains - perhaps to compare with the originals by the ME's team. I also thought it very odd no-one followed up on that admission. It means that the defense may ALREADY have had their own photographs of the remains as early as right after Christmas, certainly before the disc was handed over to JB at the recent hearing.

It struck me then, that the subsequent motions the prosecution made at the recent hearing to protect ALL images and photographs of the remains might not simply be to protect ones they handed over to the defense but also to cover any photos the defense team may have already taken themselves.

At any rate, some of this delay may be less about release of "remains" and more about stalling for time. Isn't LE waiting to move forward with any OJ moves until after the memorial service?

Also, as an aside, I lived in FL for about 8 years and realized that the climate and the terrain create conditions that make it more favorable or customary to cremate remains. There are far less cemeteries and many more mausoleums in that state than most others.

Good stuff cecy!

I have assumed she was already cremated for awhile. Just as I had assumed her second autopsy had been done. They don't have to tell NG everything they do in advance .... and NG only tells us what she knows - which hasn't been much lately - with everyone and their brother scrambling for developments, etc... We also do not know what kind of security the funeral home had. Just because the national guard wasn't posted -- we really don't know. We actually know very little. Thanks for the info.
I think its already been done as well. This isn't about Caylee, it never was to Casey, else she would have given the rights to her mother, not to Baez. Cindy being Cindy would have given the defense time with the remains before doing anything with them. I personally do not think that Caylee's remains will EVER be handed over to the Anthony's. Casey is pissed because she got caught. I think she killed Caylee because she was pissed at Cindy, and this is the last slap in Cindy's face that her daughter will ever be able to take pride in..
No way will she give Caylee to the Anthony's now..No way..
I will be shocked if it happens.
My guess is she has already been cremated and her urn is sitting waiting for Casey to get approval to have it in her cell!:furious:
Cremation isn't more expensive than a regular funeral and burial. It's actually a bit cheaper. One advantage to cremation is you don't have to buy a burial plot if you don't want to. The ashes will be placed in an urn and given to the family to do with as they please. I'm speaking in general, not of the Anthonys specifically. I've had personal experience with cremation, ground burial, and crypt burial. It's always costly. Cremation is normally the cheapest way to go, especially if they're not given a regular burial, but the remains stay in the possession of the family or later placed inside the coffin of the next family member who dies and has a cemetery burial, which we've also done.

My thought is cremation is the Anthonys last chance to have total control over Caylee remains and not have to deal with mourning strangers and mounds of memorial donations of flowers and toys appearing on her gravesite in the future.

If Caylee's remains have already been cremated, it could have been Casey's choice to do so, since we've been told Baez is in possession of them (his words), which could mean the ashes are in their urn atop his mantel at his house or on his dresser in his bedroom. This definitely would be the ultimate insult to Cindy.

It's a sin for this poor child to have been caught between two such ruthless women.
Cremation is, ofcourse, a family decision. The question is why did BC think he needed to bring it up and then justify it with an outlandish, potential horror story ? :confused:
The whole A team sure is concerned about anyone else profiting. One of my horrible traffic day alternatives takes me by the cemetery where Jon Benet' Ramsey is buried. It's a small cemetery in the middle of an suburban area - right next to a large middle school. There doesn't seem to be any security there and I've not heard of any incidents.

Nobody is going to mess with Caylee's remains. Now, if it were CA or GA, it might be another story. Not Caylee.

Time will tell I guess, but with the Anthony's not having custody of her remains - where would they be kept??

I keep my dad in an urn here. I can pick him up and rattle him anytime I want.

Do you think Dr. G missed a hole in the bones when she did the autopsy? I thought she was a well respected ME.

Dr. G doesn't miss a thing. If anything was there after death, she caught it. We just don't know about it.

If they don't have any toxicology now..... in 10 years or less, there'll likely be all kinds of great tests. Best to pulverize any spec of Caylee to prevent that.

As far as anyone digging up a casket in a vault 6 feet down - give me a break.

Bones don't completely pulverize - there are pieces left. I don't know about a child though.
Good stuff cecy!

I have assumed she was already cremated for awhile. Just as I had assumed her second autopsy had been done. They don't have to tell NG everything they do in advance .... and NG only tells us what she knows - which hasn't been much lately - with everyone and their brother scrambling for developments, etc... We also do not know what kind of security the funeral home had. Just because the national guard wasn't posted -- we really don't know. We actually know very little. Thanks for the info.

Hmmmmmm? Did Baez give us any clues the other day when he was in court for the hearing? I thought he said he had control over the remains. If so, and Caylee's been cremated...what's he still doing with them? I'm not saying that she HAS been cremated, I'm just curious what the truth is about her remains. I thought he said someone was flying in the end of the month to physically look at the remains. I'm brain dead tonight, but does anyone remember what was said in court at the hearing?
In my humble and possibly wrong opinion, I really do think that one reason that they are thinking of cremating little Caylees remains is that they are sick and tired of "sharing" her with the public at large. Millions of us have come to think of this small precious little girl as one of our own. Our hearts are broken. But I don't believe that they want a grave that will be surrounded by offerings from strangers who to them , have no right or place to do so. The A's have shown marked disdain and anger towards those not only in the media ,but for just plain citizens who have not agreed with their take on any phase of this situation. I think that instead of blaming KC, they blame anyone and everyone else for the misery that they feel.

Maybe they just want to keep her close to them, it would be hard to go to her grave site and visit with her. Alot of People have strong feelings against them and probably would be very hostile to them. They love her and Caylee was a daily part of their lives, after all she was their grandchild.
ITA - plus IF the A's are so worried about a gravesite being dug up - then why no security on the funeral home? We have all seen the reporters stationed outside and how there is no security (((((scratching head now)))))))))))

I think what the As are trying to do at the moment is..... they are trying to get people to overlook the fact they knew Caylee was lying in the woods by accusing anyone and everyone of cashing in on Caylee pics etc. They hope it will change the topic and get people angry at people other than them. And it seems to be working, not on me, but I see many others are forgetting about G & C and focusing on attacking RK and JH. I'm pretty sure that's what the As were hoping for.
ITA - plus IF the A's are so worried about a gravesite being dug up - then why no security on the funeral home? We have all seen the reporters stationed outside and how there is no security (((((scratching head now)))))))))))

The article does not say that the A's are concerned about the gravesite being dug up. Conway says that's a concern of his.
Cremation isn't more expensive than a regular funeral and burial. It's actually a bit cheaper. One advantage to cremation is you don't have to buy a burial plot if you don't want to. The ashes will be placed in an urn and given to the family to do with as they please. I'm speaking in general, not of the Anthonys specifically. I've had personal experience with cremation, ground burial, and crypt burial. It's always costly. Cremation is normally the cheapest way to go, especially if they're not given a regular burial, but the remains stay in the possession of the family or later placed inside the coffin of the next family member who dies and has a cemetery burial, which we've also done.

My thought is cremation is the Anthonys last chance to have total control over Caylee remains and not have to deal with mourning strangers and mounds of memorial donations of flowers and toys appearing on her gravesite in the future.

OMG you are so right.
My grandmother passed last Monday (God rest her soul), we buried her on the 7th, along with the cremated remains of her boyfriend, and her beloved cat..(he was cremated too).. When I can talk about it, I will share a very funny story of following through my grandmothers wishes..I still chuckle today about it, when I don't feel guilty as crap!
I seen the bill, both of them! 5 years ago, my grandmother's boyfriend was cremated for $419, where my grandmother was buried for $7000, ..and she didn't get anything extravagant by any means.. It made me reconsider quiet a few things...
I agree with the Anthony's and the control part, however, something is just telling me that Casey is not ever going to give them that control. When she says she is a spiteful "bi***", I don't think it was a joke..
Good stuff cecy!

I have assumed she was already cremated for awhile. Just as I had assumed her second autopsy had been done. They don't have to tell NG everything they do in advance .... and NG only tells us what she knows - which hasn't been much lately - with everyone and their brother scrambling for developments, etc... We also do not know what kind of security the funeral home had. Just because the national guard wasn't posted -- we really don't know. We actually know very little. Thanks for the info.

Thank you radio! I realize we don't know the actual security arrangements at the funeral home, but if the above is true, it would make sense that they would not have to go to great lengths to protect anyone from photographing actual remains any more. They could get by with minimal arrangements.

I agree that NG is a pretty poor place most days for news. I actually had the feeling she was ranting on there about it as a way to see what might surface. In fact, I think she does that a lot the same way LP does - stir things up to see what media minions will dig for facts! Cheaper than paying your own research team!
I'm not upset at all. He recently lost his wife to cancer, is down to his last dollars, did the right thing by Caylee at personal expense and stress and will be put through hell by the As, who haven't even thanked him for finding her, but would rather try to turn him into a suspect.

I think it's sad he couldn't get the crimestoppers reward. These rewards are offered for a reason, and if people are constantly publicly attacked for claiming such a reward, they may stop bothering to look for people or to report it to LE if/when they find them. I think we ought to be careful before we criticise those that find missing people like this. I can't help but wonder if a lot of people are jealous that he found her??? I don't get the attacks on this poor guy and thinks he deserves our thanks and the A's thanks.

I agree with you to a certain extent. I am thankful that he found Caylee and even more thankful that he didn't let the issue go until someone came out there and got that baby.

On the other hand, I'm just so cranky that everyone is making so much money from her and it seems like she has NO ONE in her family that is actually standing up for her. She's just a baby - and bless her heart, she didn't ask for any of this!
They probably made this decision after they found out that they can't sell tickets to her burial site. I can just see GA sitting out there selling tickets and LA serving lemonade under an umbrella (charging a crazy amount of $) while CA yells @ everyone to get off the grass. As always this family is unbelievable. It is always about $$$.

I can certainly picture them selling tickets to her grave, which is really really bad. I'm pretty sure they're negotiating funeral pic & video rights at the moment.
Wow, you get all that from their decision to have Caylee's remains cremated?

OH! I think I've figured it out. They plan to make up a bunch of little packages of Caylee's ashes and sell them on ebay!

Sorry chilly, but that just made me chuckle....:angel:

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