Caylee's Funeral

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No, the delay was to determine the cause and manner of death. The ME's opinion is that the manner of death was homicide and KC is the person accused of committing that crime. For justice to be properly served, she is entitled to defend herself against that charge and to challenge not only the prosecution's evidence against her but also the ME's opinion as to the manner of death. If you were accused of any crime, would you not wish to have such rights?

As to the A's having delayed the funeral since June 15/16, there is no evidence as yet that suggests they knew Caylee was dead before Dec.11 (although they must have feared it), and they certainly couldn't have known on June 15/16 because they didn't discover she was missing until July 15! :frown:

If she'd died of an allergic reaction or something "natural" the autopsy would have been quick...instead, in this case, she was spread out over an acre and the ME had to wait for her bones to be gathered. Sorry, but this was not just a manner and cause of death standard autopsy and the delay was due to the fact it was a homicide and her body parts had to be located by the authorities months later because the A family would not divulge their whereabouts, but preferred to waste precious resources searching for an alive Caylee.
Yes they were.... BUT Geroge and Cindy can't do anything with them
UNTIL Casey gives permission!

It's really not that hard to understand if you have ever had to burry
a person!

The legal guardian/ next of kin needs to make the plans and in this case
that is still it or not she has not been found guilty and is still the
next of kin!

I don't see why we have to keep saying Geroge and Cindy are holding off....
Its not them it's the defense and Casey!

apparently, those rights were signed over to CA, therefore KC relinquished those rights and is off the hook but the grandparents are not. It's hard to plan a funeral from jail therefore KC signed Caylee's body over to CA. Legally CA is now the "owner" of Caylee's body.
It has been reported that KC signed over the "rights" to Cindy, so the balls in her court.

I have not seen any report or article that Casey signed over "rights" to Cindy, just that she signed for the "release" of the remains.That would seem to have to go through the courts, and that would probably be a headline, That Cindy finally has custody. If you have a link to that I would like to see it.
I have not seen any report or article that Casey signed over "rights" to Cindy, just that she signed for the "release" of the remains.That would seem to have to go through the courts, and that would probably be a headline, That Cindy finally has custody. If you have a link to that I would like to see it.

since Caylee is no longer alive CA would not actually go to court to get legal custody. But she does have legal "custody" of her remains. Therefore, she is responsible for what happens to what is left of Caylee.
Did you read Cindy's myspace entry of July 3rd? And are you saying Casey didn't know she was dead til dec. 11th? Because in my opinion, had Casey been honest, Caylee would have been buried in the week following her death, and last time I checked she was an Anthony.

Of course she can defend herself...but if the autopsy is done and they are only holding off to make more money before they are charged, what does that have to do with Casey's rights to a fair trial???

Yes, I have read CA's myspace entry and there is no suggestion that she believed Caylee to be deceased. No, I was not suggesting that KC did not know she was dead until Dec 11.

In relation to your 2nd paragraph, the operative word is IF.
Yes, I have read CA's myspace entry and there is no suggestion that she believed Caylee to be deceased. No, I was not suggesting that KC did not know she was dead until Dec 11.

In relation to your 2nd paragraph, the operative word is IF.

That is your opinion...imo, that interpretation is certainly available (that is, that Cindy knew then and was posting about it). What do you think she meant by it and why do you say "no suggestion"?? And don't you find it odd that it's the same weekend they were digging in their backyard??

In relation to my 2nd paragraph, i was asking you what it has to do with Casey getting a fair trial?? I haven't said they shouldn't be allowed to conduct their own autopsy, just that they shouldn't be allowed to delay the funeral to avoid charges, and if that's what they are doing, I hope LE go ahead and charge them. And if it's discovered they let Caylee rot in the woods from at least mid-Nov., then I hope they too are in jail when her funeral takes place. about this....the funeral home didn't charge the Anthony's for the funeral expenses, since it was baby Caylee....AND, didn't the Anthony's say they were having a "private" service?? (A public memorial at a later date) I take "private" to mean we (the public) won't know when/where the funeral is held. Maybe it happened already....and perhaps, as I read here from another poster, they had her cremated and placed in a beautiful urn and is with C&G now.

This is only my opinion.. about this....the funeral home didn't charge the Anthony's for the service being it was baby Caylee....AND, didn't the Anthony's say they were having a "private" service?? (A public memorial at a later date) I take "private" to mean we (the public) won't know when/where the funeral service is held. Maybe it happened already....and perhaps, as I read here from another poster, they had her cremated and placed in a beautiful urn and is with C&G now.

This is only my opinion..

According to the As it hasn't happened do you think maybe it has already taken place and they are lying to put the police off??
I have not seen any report or article that Casey signed over "rights" to Cindy, just that she signed for the "release" of the remains.That would seem to have to go through the courts, and that would probably be a headline, That Cindy finally has custody. If you have a link to that I would like to see it.

It doesn't need to go through the courts. An attorney just draws of a paper to release the body to whomever you want it released too, basically a POA. We just went through this with my brother.
I have not seen any report or article that Casey signed over "rights" to Cindy, just that she signed for the "release" of the remains.That would seem to have to go through the courts, and that would probably be a headline, That Cindy finally has custody. If you have a link to that I would like to see it.

<<POSTED: Tuesday, December 23, 2008
UPDATED: 4:40 pm EST December 23, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- The remains of Caylee Anthony, which were discovered last week in a wooded area near her grandparents' home, have been released by the medical examiner's office to a funeral home, Local 6 News reported.

The child's remains were sent to the Robert Bryant Funeral & Cremation Chapel in Orlando after documents were signed by the girl's mother, Casey Anthony, Local 6 News reported. >>

EllieMae, I understand what you're saying (i think), but I'm not aware that they are 2 separate issues. Are you saying that KC has to do something additional? about this....the funeral home didn't charge the Anthony's for the funeral expenses, since it was baby Caylee....AND, didn't the Anthony's say they were having a "private" service?? (A public memorial at a later date) I take "private" to mean we (the public) won't know when/where the funeral is held. Maybe it happened already....and perhaps, as I read here from another poster, they had her cremated and placed in a beautiful urn and is with C&G now.

This is only my opinion..

Have they even left the house? Is the media trucks still out there constantly?

According to the As it hasn't happened do you think maybe it has already taken place and they are lying to put the police off??

Nope....maybe LE are just waiting till after the holidays as well as giving them some time after the funeral....I don't know....I don't think LE is too worried, the Anthony's are goin anywhere...YET!! LOL
Yes they were.... BUT Geroge and Cindy can't do anything with them
UNTIL Casey gives permission!

It's really not that hard to understand if you have ever had to burry
a person!

The legal guardian/ next of kin needs to make the plans and in this case
that is still it or not she has not been found guilty and is still the
next of kin!

I don't see why we have to keep saying Geroge and Cindy are holding off....
Its not them it's the defense and Casey

Harleysnana, please help explain it then. What is it that KC needs to do other than sign the documents she's already signed? :)
I havent' been on here for several days but this is appaling! They are letting this precious baby lay in the funeral home so they can save thier own sorry butts! I will never feel SORRY for CA, GA or LA!
Have they even left the house? Is the media trucks still out there constantly?


I honestly haven't looked at any of the media cams, if they still have them. From the pic of Lee's bizarre Beer Pong poster, it looked pretty quiet over at the A's house. I haven't read or heard anywhere that they left the house, though. Who knows anymore with these people.
I can't believe anyone could be so cold as they have been regarding the remains of this precious child.

First of all most people might have run down the street and wanted to make sure it was their granddaughter. Granted they would not have been allowed to stay there with CSI but most people would have tried, I think.

Now, they don't seem to be wanting to put this baby to rest. To give her a proper memorial service. I haven't seen even one picture of them attempting to go to the funeral home.

This is the most pathetic thing I have seen in many, many years. These people are just unbelievable IMO
Yup, and this maybe the family's last chance to "cash in" so they will take their time. They will shop magazines, throw a couple more fundraisers, sell some photos/videos, and give an exclusive interview or 2 b/f their arrest. These things cannot be done from jail and they will be paid a higher price if they keep quiet for a while. Sitting on their hands for a couple of weeks could be quite lucrative for this family. Sure beats the alternative.

I certainly hope you are correct because that is a horrible accusation to make without any substantiation.
KC released Caylee's remains to the funeral home, which usually means that the funeral home is/was authorized to pick Caylee's remains up from the ME's office, and bring them back to the funeral home.

From the link Capri posted

It "looks" like KC "may" have signed over the disposition of Caylee's remains to the A's. (that's if the newspaper is correct) The A's could not make Caylee's burial or cremation arrangements without an authorization from KC stating that she was assigning 'next of kin' rights over to the A's.
I think Cindy is still shopping for a magazine in order to sell the photo rights for Caylee's funeral, that's my guess as to why the services have been put on hold. But then, I'm pretty fed up with the Anthony family. So it's easy for me to see the negative.

I'm sure the offers poured in to videotape the funeral long before Caylee's remains were ever found, it certainly wouldn't hold things up now.

Casey is in charge of the remains, her defense team wants to examine them. Just like Casey signed for the remains to be sent to the funeral home, she'll have to sign her approval for them to be buried or cremated. It's not up to the A's. I'm sure they're as anxious as anyone to lay little Caylee to rest.
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