Caylee's Shorts

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I have been questioning this since I read the words, "31 Days".

I have thought since I saw Cindy's first appearances on NG and GvS that the family, or at least she, knew from the beginning. I have suspected they knew from the start and purposely put off calling police until enough time had passed to make it extremely difficult to find the body and extremely difficult to get forensic evidence if it was.

Nothing about what she said and did in those appearances rang true for a grandmother who had just learned her granddaughter was missing.
~Bolded by me~

Neither am I surprised! But why would GA lie? Doesn't this family know about lies coming back to bite you in the rear?:bang:

It's entirely possible that he didn't intentionally lie. he may have a very vivid memory of them leaving the house like that, but connected it to the wrong date.

This might be one of the "conflicting statements." In the mess of sorting things out and being interviewed, he might have thought he remembered something, and now, having had another 6 months, is now thinking, "maybe that was NOT the day I saw that."

I've done this before (though not in a police interview!). If you asked me what my daughter was wearing last week when we volunteered at the Ronald McDonald house, i would immediately say she was wearing her youth group t-shirt, because that is normally what all the kids wear when they are volunteering. However, once I thought more about it, I have remembered that she was NOT wearing that because it was in the wash.

If you asked me next month, I would answer the same...youth group t-shirt, but it would take me much longer to remember otherwise...and it would probably hit me out of the at 3AM if I was awake, worried sick, because my child was missing.
I do wish they would have released the color of the top and any markings on it. I would be willing to bet it is the same clothing she was wearing when she was at the nursing center. This would also put Cindy's account of her going swimming upon their return into question, imo.

I never believed George's story about the 16th anyway so I am not surprised at all.

I am with you STILL on this one. I never, ever believed the swimming story, or I tucked them both into bed the night of the 15th of June OR I heard them in the bedroom the morning of June 16th and of course George's statement at 12:50 PM.
Still doesn't match the clothing George said she was wearing. I will wait until I read it was white because he could be mistaken.

I don't think he "forgot" or got his days mixed up, imo. Let's just wait to see what else they discovered with Caylee's body.
I am with you STILL on this one. I never, ever believed the swimming story, or I tucked them both into bed the night of the 15th of June OR I heard them in the bedroom the morning of June 16th and of course George's statement at 12:50 PM.

Sorry to say, Patty and Seriously Searching, I'm with you both and have been from the beginning of this case.

Patty i agree with everything you said here.

I often wondered if Caylee didn't die during that fight or shortly after and they all knew then...Maybe CA or KC was holding her, she was screaming and crying...GA tried to separate mom and daughter....something happened...she hit her head, KC tried to run with her..whatever.....but that does not explain the duct tape on the mouth
My question is then if it she wasn't wearing the outfit GA described....where is the outfit GA said she was wearing on the 16th? Is it in her closet or was it found with the body?
I am 95% sure that I read that the top was white. Didn't you guys see that too? Same place where it said the shorts were white with stripes......going back to look
That's what I'm wondering. If Caylee was found with the clothes she wore at the nursing home, that would mean GA did not see them the next day...IMO of course.

Maybe this is why they have an lawyer. This could be the possible obstruction of justice. I have never ruled out the possiblity that she died the night of 7/15. I have always thought it was strange that cindy made a point of saying she heard Caylee "breathing" through the door the morning of the 7/16.
Sorry to say, Patty and Seriously Searching, I'm with you both and have been from the beginning of this case.

Patty i agree with everything you said here.

I often wondered if Caylee didn't die during that fight or shortly after and they all knew then...Maybe CA or KC was holding her, she was screaming and crying...GA tried to separate mom and daughter....something happened...she hit her head, KC tried to run with her..whatever.....but that does not explain the duct tape on the mouth

I don't think Cindy is the brightest bulb in the shed, but I don't think she or GA would have been that stupid not to call the police or 911. Out of all the players I think on KC is dumb enough to do this.
Sorry to say, Patty and Seriously Searching, I'm with you both and have been from the beginning of this case.

Patty i agree with everything you said here.

I often wondered if Caylee didn't die during that fight or shortly after and they all knew then...Maybe CA or KC was holding her, she was screaming and crying...GA tried to separate mom and daughter....something happened...she hit her head, KC tried to run with her..whatever.....but that does not explain the duct tape on the mouth

I also thought Caylee was killed late on June 15 or early morning June 16. I never believed CA's story either of tucking in her adult daughter with Caylee. I can't imagine casey going to bed early. She's a night owl.
I think CA lied to downplay the probable fight that evening but I do not think there was any accident during a fight. It seems pretty clear to me that casey planned to kill her daughter and researched how to do it and what the fallout would be when people discovered Caylee was missing. This was back in March, 2008. casey waited until the right time. I think she couldn't wait any longer after the fight and that the fight, and/or her family's reaction to her lies and stealing, was the catalyst for casey's murder of Caylee.

I don't see how Caylee swimming later on June 15th is negated by what she may have worn or been found with. If she swam, I can see grandma later putting her back in the same clothes she had on before swimming.

I think GA is either mistaken or subconsciously misled LE about the 16th. I never really believed GA saw them on June 16th, but I could be wrong. casey could have changed Caylee's clothes that day, before she was killed. She did reportedly have a backpack.
I don't suspect GA of consciously or purposefully trying to derail the investigation by lying because he also specifically pulled LE aside to make incriminating statements about casey's possible involvement, then later, in LE interviews, incriminated her with further statements indicating he thought Caylee was likely dead and that casey did it and finally, his testimony at GJ led to her indictment. All of that conduct is in direct conflict with his purposeful misleading of LE in another instance.
I just watched the clip of the reporter that said Caylee was wearing a white shirt and white shorts...I wonder if he just read it wrong and stated both were white, b/c in the same report, the reporter said the body was placed in a trash bag and then in a cloth laundry bag, which the documents say the opposite....body in cloth laundry bag then put in trash bag..

Neither am I surprised! But why would GA lie? Doesn't this family know about lies coming back to bite you in the rear?:bang:

Cound me in as a member of the "A's knew from day 1 Club" - July 15, that Caylee was gone and Casey did it.

But that aside, I've been thinking about GA and his statement about seeing the girls on June 16th. I never did believe that, but I wondered why he lied about it, if he indeed did lie. So I got to thinking....

Let's suppose GA DID smell decomp in the car on June 24, the date of the infamous gas can incident. One whiff and he knew Casey was in deep trouble and he didn't want any one else in the family to be part of it. I'm sure he wasn't thinking she'd have actually killed Caylee. He knows she is capable of some pretty terrible things, but he probably thought it was something else... like she got into a bad crowd and someone got bumped off, (realizing later, that Casey WAS the bad crowd). So GA does what's easiest. He sticks his head in the sand and goes on with life as usual because, gosh, it's been so darn peaceful without Casey around and her antics. Even Cindy seems to be more relaxed, except that she is calling Casey constantly trying to talk to Caylee with no success.

So when Cindy calls 911 on July 15, and GA is questioned, he decides to pretend July 15 was THE VERY FIRST TIME he smelled the decomp in the car at the tow yard, which is why he made such a big deal about it to cops, remember, Lee said the same thing, that July 15 was THE VERY FIRST TIME he smelled the car. Lee laughs about it do ward off any hint that he knew anything beforehand. GA and Lee probably discussed the smell on June 24 or shortly after. Perhaps GA wasn't entirely honest with Lee, if Lee had never smelled decomp, GA may have just said the car smelled terrible and Lee agreed.

This is also why GA went running up to LE in front of his house the night LE dropped Casey off at home on July 15 (July 16?) after her interrogation, where they were running all over town and *catches breath* told them his daughter is hiding something. He had known she was in hot *hit since he smelled decomp on June 24, but had to make up for hiding that fact these past 3 weeks and today somehow by being *very honest* about the decomp smell at the tow yard.

Now, let's suppose GA never told Cindy that he smelled decomp on June 24, so now that she's gone and called 911, he initially pretends to Cindy that he saw KC and Caylee on June 16, happy go lucky as ever. This way, it would appear that KC did not leave in an angry rage on June 15, making the whole thing their fault, in their minds, but that she left *just like any other day* on June 16. If Cindy knew George smelled decomp on June 24, after the raging fight of June 15, and knowing she has not been able to talk to Caylee, and he didn't do anything (remember, we are still dealing with "911 Cindy" not 'pod person drinkin the Casey Coolaid' Cindy) she'd have his head on the backyard grill.

Well, it's just an idea. I'm sure others have thought it too. I'm sure GA had come clean with Cindy at some point to get their stories straight, which is safe to do, since ever since day 2, telling the truth was just not an option to the A's.

I never did believe GA saw Caylee's body in the trunk on June 24, but I did think he smelled something. Sorry this is so long.
Could Caylee's light blue shirt have faded in six months to a white color? Just curious...
Could Caylee's light blue shirt have faded in six months to a white color? Just curious...

I guess if it had been exposed to the sun for the whole time, but since it was supposedly flooded in there I doubt it saw much sun..Also in dense woods like that very little sunlight gets in.
.snipped I don't see how Caylee swimming later on June 15th is negated by what she may have worn or been found with. If she swam said:
........common enough to change tops on a child that young--she had eaten at least twice that day. The dirty one was probably washed and LE knows this part. IMO
Could Caylee's light blue shirt have faded in six months to a white color? Just curious...

I thought that too but I don't think it would fade evenly on both sides and in all spots to white. There would probably be places where it had folded over or where one side was less exposed where it would fade less.

I've used the lemon juice and sunshine method to bleach out old linens and you have to be sure it's lying perfectly flat with no creases or folds.
My Kids and I have more than one pair of white shorts and white shirts. Not sure how a kid can be out all day and not get white clothes dirty.

Just my opinion, but I do not think they have to be the same shorts, although, if LE says they are, it speaks volumes with the timing and everything.
IF it is true that she is wearing the clothes at the nursing home then GA and CA should go down w/o immunity! WHO IS GOING TO FINALLY SPEAK FOR CAYLEE!!!!
I thought that too but I don't think it would fade evenly on both sides and in all spots to white. There would probably be places where it had folded over or where one side was less exposed where it would fade less.

I've used the lemon juice and sunshine method to bleach out old linens and you have to be sure it's lying perfectly flat with no creases or folds.

She had chilli and lunch after the visit. She may have even ate dinner later at home. She could have got her shirt dirty, like most toddlers do when eating, and they changed her shirt.

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