Caylee's Story on Dateline NBC Dec 12th

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There was one part where CA was saying that Casey was always the mothering type. She was the mother of her group and that her friends even called her that. She didn't seem too motherly when calling her own child a snothead. I just don't see Casey being a mother hen type.

Remember KC cooked dinner for Rob D? KC also cooked for TL and his roommates. It reminds me of someone I once knew...she would give you the shirt off her back. NOT because she cared, but because it would make her look better and so you'd want to give back. It took a bit of time before I realized her acts of kindness were for selfish gain.

BTW, she was also a chronic liar.

KC would appear to be whatever she needed to be in order to manipulate people to do her bidding. She was especially keen on doing this to CA.

There was a lot Dateline missed. Perhaps due to the last minute discovery of the remains? They did not talk about Cindy's July 3 Myspace message, or casey's tons of boyfriends, or how AL did not want girl children or to have Caylee spend the night at this place. No one EVER talks about how the Anthonys change their story to try to fit the facts every two seconds. How about how Cindy at one point claimed Zanny could be Jesse? How about her finger pointing at him? Why didn't they say that casey did not know the Zenaida interviewed on the show. Everyone always says how that Zenaida, when questioned, claimed not to know casey or Caylee. So what? What about the fact that casey said that was not the Zanny she was talking about, nor were ANY of the Zenaidas whose pictures they showed casey. They also never mentioned how casey, after Caylee disappeared, kept lying to her mom about where Caylee was while at the same time telling friends Caylee was with Zanny or with Cindy? I could go on and on. Maybe I am expecting too much from an hour long program, but I want the whole picture out there. All of it paints such a bizarre picture that I guess only the investigators, Nancy Grace and Websleuths see the whole thing so far.
I watched Dateline - here on the west coast three hours later than those on the east coast. I thought the program was very well done! I tried to imagine someone who is not familiar with the case, someone who hasn't followed every detail, and if they would understand what happened. I felt that it would be easy for anyone to get a grasp of the case.

Yes, Cindy lied and omitted important details like the big fight that happened on June 15th. But that was to be expected.

I'd like to see Dateline do a repeat of this program as we get closer to the trial, whenever that might be now.
This show is doing a great job of putting it all together, from the start.

I agree. I taped 20/20 to watch later (after having watched Jane Velez Mitchel and Nancy Grace which was JVM again), and Dateline far surpassed all of them.
Dateline Transcript: December 12, 2008

When Caylee vanished: A toddler is missing, and Casey Anthony, her mom, is accused of her murder


"Word association: you hear "Orlando" and images explode of castles and rides, Mickey and Minnie, leaping orcas and slack-jawed children dazed with the wonder of it all. It's not much of an overstatement to say that the Orlando economy is all about making kids deliriously happy.

But for millions of TV viewers, since last summer there's one Orlando child, in particular, who's been a reminder that the flipside of children's happiest dreams can be the darkest ofnightmares."


Read Full Transcript Here:



Casey Anthony tells ‘some element of truth’

Ron Stucker, Chief of the Criminal Investigative Division at the Orange County Sheriff's Office, discusses the holes in Casey Anthony's story in the case of her missing daughter.
I realized when watching Dateline, that this was actually filmed about a month ago. Remember when the A's did their interview (I believe it was) on the Today show with Meredith ? They are wearing the same clothes (Cindy has the same plaid jacket on), when they did that show.

Same time when they were filmed walking in New York City, looking for Caylee. So everything we heard last night would have to be taken in the context that they said it a month ago (not that is much different than what they've said lately)...
It was the night of the fight & yes Cindy is lying

This is not the first time either - there are several lies from both Cindy & George

Cindy also lied when she said that she called Casey on June 24th & told her about the shed being broken into. There is no record of that call on Casey's phone records

I know this won't be popular, and I usually bite my tongue and keep looking for what I entered the thread to find, but this needs to be said. So much of what I read here is simply not true, likely based on "guilt until proven innocent", IMHO. Yes, Caylee's disappearance is a horrible thing, the poor little child being found this way is a horrible, horrible thing. I've shed a few tears myself, as I have over Madeline and others taken away this way. But making statements that aren't based on provable fact only serves to guarantee justice won't be served.

On June 24 at 2:49 and 2:50 there were 2 calls made to Cindy's cell phone. Then at 3:15 there was a longer conversation. Unless you have the conversation to prove your statement, there is a record of her having some kind of conversation with her and your statement isn't true.

I just read about the poor man that spent nearly 3 decades in the Florida prison, falsely. There are so many, so many more falsely imprisoned, just to close the case or keep the government jobs plentiful. Not only in Florida either. My state has lower crime rate but yet overflowing prisons, putting them in temporary buildings/tents, just like Florida. It's big business. I'd rather see 100 criminals walk than have one innocent person's life taken away. We have no right to judge her until the dna evidence proves this is Caylee and that Casey killed her.

I have to say, too, that much of my sadness, when I read here, is feeling the hate as I read so many of the posts. Hate won't bring that little girl back or get the facts correctly to see justice is carried out. It's a breath of fresh air when I read Chilly Willy or the few others that are objective. I was attacked in one thread I started to contribute to, my professional observations slandered by people that likely know nothing about my profession or the validity of what I was saying. I will not even answer that kind of attack. My professionalism was also challenged simply because I choose to use a yahoo mail account for my business. I can only pray that Casey, guilty or innocent, has a more unbiased jury than this.

Connie Reynolds

PS: not to Boston specifically, but to all, notice I have no problem showing my true identity. I do this because I have been accused of being a troll and astro-spy. :blowkiss:
I just finished my psychology course, when a woman looks upwards she is not knowing of the answer and trying to recall something; looking downwards is lying. That's what I was taught anyway.

Good point. There is more though. The right is reaching toward creativity, or the future, the left is the past. So looking to the left is recall, right can be making it up as you go. But, this isn't always true. Keep in mind what the person might be looking at too. If there are people there, they may be looking at them. One might look to the right to find a creative way to say something sensitive too. Also, I don't look up most of the time. I look down when recalling, so as to shut out most of the distraction I would see if keeping my eyes up. I am a stickler for being accurate and pretty good at it.

I know this won't be popular, and I usually bite my tongue and keep looking for what I entered the thread to find, but this needs to be said. So much of what I read here is simply not true, likely based on "guilt until proven innocent", IMHO. Yes, Caylee's disappearance is a horrible thing, the poor little child being found this way is a horrible, horrible thing. I've shed a few tears myself, as I have over Madeline and others taken away this way. But making statements that aren't based on provable fact only serves to guarantee justice won't be served.

On June 24 at 2:49 and 2:50 there were 2 calls made to Cindy's cell phone. Then at 3:15 there was a longer conversation. Unless you have the conversation to prove your statement, there is a record of her having some kind of conversation with her and your statement isn't true.

I just read about the poor man that spent nearly 3 decades in the Florida prison, falsely. There are so many, so many more falsely imprisoned, just to close the case or keep the government jobs plentiful. Not only in Florida either. My state has lower crime rate but yet overflowing prisons, putting them in temporary buildings/tents, just like Florida. It's big business. I'd rather see 100 criminals walk than have one innocent person's life taken away. We have no right to judge her until the dna evidence proves this is Caylee and that Casey killed her.

I have to say, too, that much of my sadness, when I read here, is feeling the hate as I read so many of the posts. Hate won't bring that little girl back or get the facts correctly to see justice is carried out. It's a breath of fresh air when I read Chilly Willy or the few others that are objective. I was attacked in one thread I started to contribute to, my professional observations slandered by people that likely know nothing about my profession or the validity of what I was saying. I will not even answer that kind of attack. My professionalism was also challenged simply because I choose to use a yahoo mail account for my business. I can only pray that Casey, guilty or innocent, has a more unbiased jury than this.

Connie Reynolds

PS: not to Boston specifically, but to all, notice I have no problem showing my true identity. I do this because I have been accused of being a troll and astro-spy. :blowkiss:

Just wanted to post a heads-up. MSNBC is going to re-play Dateline show at 12pm eastern time. In case anyone want's to catch it.
I thought it was well done as a summary of the case
I told my wife to watch it as she hasn't followed it as close as myself
As I mentioned before
I understand the GP's denial, but it has morfed into delusion, and now has morfed into outright lies.
To cling to the belief that Caylee was alive was understandable to dismiss all the lies the KC has told and then spin her behavior as somehow acceptable, and to come down on LE as the bad guys is not.
When CA said, something to the affect of our investigators have found out that everything kc has been telling us is true is just un friggin believable.
Why does Casey lie? Cindy says "I don't know. Why does anyone lie?" :rolleyes:

Because you raised her to LIE Cindy !!

You taught her how to lie to get what she wanted and to get out of trouble. Lying to you all worked all her life, she knows nothing different. Lying to LE got her in jail.

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