Charity Distances Itself From Anthonys; Shoe Donations

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I understand - disclosing that she would be donating her murdered grandaughter's shoes was going that one step too far because it's creepy when we know about it, but done with discretion would have fullfilled the simple goal of donating a pair of shoes for a kid who needs them without the creep factor and the negativity in the media and the story.

Cindy can never really help the charities because she does it for ulterior motives. It has to be about her publicity and because she is viewed as a traitor to Caylee in defending Casey, she will carry a negative stigma - as negative as the stigma on a murdered child's shoes :(

I keep seeing that picture LE took with all those shoes of Caylee's and have to ask myself why is Cindy only givin up 1 pair of shoes?
I'll admit I haven't read through this whole thread yet so forgive me if this has been posted.

What in the world is wrong with people? Why are they harassing a charity?

The Charity can't control who donates clothing and shoes for goodness sake.

Look, I feel the same way about Cindy as most of you and she should just stop putting herself in the spotlight. It does no good. It does no good for her or for anyone she associates with


This is just ridiculous. When people make these type of phone calls others always assume it's people "on the Internet" or "Internet crazies."

Not only should these people stop harassing a charity but they also give a black mark to people who post on discussion forums.

My two cents and thanks for listening.

I am still so furious about this whole situation and personally, hold the media......and ONE media source in particular (Cind's "pet") with running with this story based strictly on an email from Cindy Anthony!:furious:

To me, this was no different than publishing a story based solely on "rumor" with apparently NO ATTEMPT at verifying information or obtaining the WHOLE STORY!

HAD News 6 received this email "tip" from Cindy Anthony and THEN contacted the charity to obtain quotes and information about THEIR upcoming annual drive, they would have learned that CA is NOT affiliated with this organization at all. Surely the email alone stood for itself that CA's motives were completely self serving....was obvious to most everyone else...but guess they wanted to be First to Break Story.

Now News 6 bears responsibility in bringing negativity and has probably hurt the success of this event that has been in planning for a year...

I certainly don't agree with all the backlash emails that were directed at the charity over the last 24 hours, but sure do wish those people who engaged in that action would have lashed out at Local 6 INSTEAD!!!

I admit I sent the charity an e-mail, but I wasn't harsh, nor did I protest, I simply told them it wasn't a good idea to be associated with Cindy Anthony because they are a children's charity and she won't stand up for justice for her own granddaughter.

As for the media, can't tell you how many messages I've sent (maybe 9 or 10) to NBC, CBS, ABC, plus one or two local Orlando outlets over the past two years regarding the constant attention they give to the As, as well as money. Local 6 and a couple of other media heard from me this week about their advertising Cindy's appearance. Not once did I curse the charity, nor have I done any name calling or harassing. I may have used the phrasing "living off the blood of their granddaughter", however.

A quiet donation to this charity would be a good thing.
Haha, when I opened this thread, I thought we were going to be discussing KC's lie about the last conversation she had with Caylee on the phone where she said they talked discussed "her shoes." It was such a long lie and absolutely chilling when you realize what really happened to Caylee. I wonder how Cindy explains this?

Also, its weird that she is donating one pair of used shoes. How about a collection of books or toys?

I agree, Pattymarie. I was shocked too when I heard it was shoes.

(Personally, I'm still not sure whether Casey's story about the phone call from Caylee was a lie or a delusion, because Casey sounded so addled when describing it. She actually said "yes, she was talking to me about her shoes and her book that she was reading, and we have a video of her talking about her book." (???) It was like she couldn't distinguish between having seen it in the video or hearing it in a phone call. Basically, it really sounded like in her mind the video had morphed into being a phone call from Caylee. She also appeared to be oblivious to how strange what she was saying would appear to others. Lie or delusion, it was chilling either way.)

Well, I wonder, maybe this is Cindy's way in her own heart as well as in the eyes of the public to try to restore Caylee's shoes to their original innocence. It must have been so horrifying/painful all this time hearing her little shoes discussed, etc, you know, in terms of potential evidence etc, by the public. Maybe also to try to restore her public image in a way, which I can't really fault her for. They have been through so much.

If it were me, (of course who am I to judge the A's, I haven't been in their position), but I don't think I would be able to bring myself to give any of her things away, just in case any item could turn out to be useful as evidence in any way. I literally would probably go crazy preserving every little shoe and item as they had been just in case any of them had a fingerprint or something on them.
Given the Anthonys association with fraud charities, their own fraud foundation, and charities run by felons and scamsters, it's ok in my opinion, for people to find out what the Anthonys are up to - HOWEVER, the charity should get the benefit of the doubt, because they cannot control who donates or tries to associate themselves with the charity. imo...people shouldn't jump the gun.
And one more thing...I do not believe Cindy Anthony is donating her grand daughter Caylee Anthony's shoes. I believe she will go around the corner to Walmart and purchase a new pair. JMO

snipped by me

I bet you're right, Sparky. That would make more sense. I never thought of that.
I agree, I'm shocked that CA is only donating one pair of shoes...When I've seen all of the stuff in Caylee's room (4 Elmo dolls, at least!) and the many pictures where Caylee had on a different pair of sunglasses in each one, I'd think she could give so much more. And as many here have said, CA should give without calling attention to herself...

(Personally, I'm still not sure whether Casey's story about the phone call from Caylee was a lie or a delusion, because Casey sounded so addled when describing it. She actually said "yes, she was talking to me about her shoes and her book that she was reading, and we have a video of her talking about her book." (???) It was like she couldn't distinguish between having seen it in the video or hearing it in a phone call. Basically, it really sounded like in her mind the video had morphed into being a phone call from Caylee. She also appeared to be oblivious to how strange what she was saying would appear to others. Lie or delusion, it was chilling either way

Hmmm, I heard it completely differently - to me ICA sounded antimated, almost giddy when talking about that phone call & I immediately thought that she was out & out lying, which was later proven by the phone records. She was attempting to sound convincing, but it fell flat IMO...
Would anybody be talking about this had Cindy NOT sent an email to the press? Maybe she just wanted to help a charity out by putting their name in the press? IMO this is much ado about nothing. In my eyes she was doing a GOOD DEED and just because her granddaughter died doesn't mean she can't donate her things, that act does not make her a bad person, my sisters child died at 7months and she donated all his clothes and bedding and I don't think that made her a bad person, she wanted to help the children that were still here

THIS IS JMOO please don't hate me

PS I don't think Cindy had anything to do with Casey killing Caylee and don't see any point in making her a villain when the killer is in jail JMOO

May I say I'm very sorry for your family's loss of their precious little baby.

What your sister did in donating her infant's things was kindhearted and generous. I'm sure it wasn't easy to let go but she knew others could use the items.

Did your sister notify the media that she was making her generous donation? I'm sure she didn't.

That's the problem, Cindy notified the media that SHE was donating and SHE would be there. If she had just made her donation without blabbing about it, everyone would be fine. If she had sent the notice of the day and time, without mentioning herself or "Caylee's shoes", that would have been okay, too. By inserting herself, saying she was donating her grandbaby's shoes, she made it all about herself and not about the charity. That's what everyone is upset about.
I hope that charity is okay. Man, how depressing that Cindy, with a few words to the media, has so severly affected a charity of all things...

I need to talk about lighter stuff. I started a thread about the new lawyer on Casey's defense team, if anyone is interested in talking about that instead!

God bless that charity!
Can someone please point out which post # has the address info so I can send a check tomorrow? TIA
not to mention that when you hold your child or grandchild's shoes it's such a strong reminder of them, especially a young child whose shoes you used to always put on for them. It would be very hard to give away.

I agree very much with everyone here who said it's a good and healthy idea to give away Caylee's belongings, though. I just don't think I would be able to do it if it were me. I would be so afraid of giving away evidence.

I'm kind of surprised Cindy can even give Caylee's things away (I would think maybe there would have been direction from the police not to do that.....but I guess if the police never wanted any more of the items... Still, though.)
I agree, Pattymarie. I was shocked too when I heard it was shoes.

(Personally, I'm still not sure whether Casey's story about the phone call from Caylee was a lie or a delusion, because Casey sounded so addled when describing it. She actually said "yes, she was talking to me about her shoes and her book that she was reading, and we have a video of her talking about her book." (???) It was like she couldn't distinguish between having seen it in the video or hearing it in a phone call. Basically, it really sounded like in her mind the video had morphed into being a phone call from Caylee. She also appeared to be oblivious to how strange what she was saying would appear to others. Lie or delusion, it was chilling either way.)

Well, I wonder, maybe this is Cindy's way in her own heart as well as in the eyes of the public to try to restore Caylee's shoes to their original innocence. It must have been so horrifying/painful all this time hearing her little shoes discussed, etc, you know, in terms of potential evidence etc, by the public. Maybe also to try to restore her public image in a way, which I can't really fault her for. They have been through so much.

If it were me, (of course who am I to judge the A's, I haven't been in their position), but I don't think I would be able to bring myself to give any of her things away, just in case any item could turn out to be useful as evidence in any way.

Hi seagull. I have known people who lie so much that they really do forget what the truth is ~ and I guess that would be delusional (a fixed false belief that is resistant to reason or confrontation with actual fact). So you are probably right on both counts.

But I can't follow your thinking on restoring Caylee's shoes to their original innocence. The shoes were never guilty of anything! All of Caylee's (and Casey's) possessions have been looked at and discussed as potential evidence so I don't think the shoes would hold any greater significance to Cindy (or the public) than any of Caylee's other clothes or toys.

I do agree with you that Cindy was probably trying to improve her public image but she sure didn't think that out very well! She has done so many things that have angered the public that they will be exceedingly critical. She has put herself in the position (with all of her past acts) that as far as the public is concerned ~ she almost can't do anything right. IMO, she should have learned by now that the best thing she can do to help the trial move along, herself and her daughter is just to be quiet.

How different all of this would have been if she and George had been discovered quietly helping the Children of Love with their car wash ~ washing cars. Or even just sent in the flyer to her chosen news agency with a request that they give it some advertisement without mentioning her name. She needs to be quiet. I have found that the most generous of deeds are done with humble spirits and expect no acknowledgement. MOO.
I agree, I'm shocked that CA is only donating one pair of shoes...When I've seen all of the stuff in Caylee's room (4 Elmo dolls, at least!) and the many pictures where Caylee had on a different pair of sunglasses in each one, I'd think she could give so much more. And as many here have said, CA should give without calling attention to herself...

(Personally, I'm still not sure whether Casey's story about the phone call from Caylee was a lie or a delusion, because Casey sounded so addled when describing it. She actually said "yes, she was talking to me about her shoes and her book that she was reading, and we have a video of her talking about her book." (???) It was like she couldn't distinguish between having seen it in the video or hearing it in a phone call. Basically, it really sounded like in her mind the video had morphed into being a phone call from Caylee. She also appeared to be oblivious to how strange what she was saying would appear to others. Lie or delusion, it was chilling either way

Hmmm, I heard it completely differently - to me ICA sounded antimated, almost giddy when talking about that phone call & I immediately thought that she was out & out lying, which was later proven by the phone records. She was attempting to sound convincing, but it fell flat IMO...

But she said it knowing that the phone records would be checked.
She said it even though if she'd been sane she would realize her description was actually a description of the video from father's day.

I agree that she sounded animated and strange when telling about the phone call. The "Hi Mommy!" part for example. And her tangential way of rambling on into how Caylee never cries when she talks to her whether it's been almost a day, or a whole day, or more than that....then later coming back to the fact that before this Caylee had never been apart from her for more than a day, etc. To me she seemed to have inappropriate affect and to be illogical throughout the interviews and conversations IMO. A lot of nonsensical things seemed to make sense to her, as pointed out by one of the detectives, right before he asked her if she'd ever spent time at the mental hospital before....
Originally Posted by kaRN
Hi and welcome!! Nobody would even know without the email alert, that Cindy had done a good deed or was about to. The act is not what is being criticized. It's a wonderful charity. It's the personal endorsment that's offensive.
Cindy has lied, derailed LE, criticized us, the media, attempted to destroy the lives of several young people, lived off the profits generated by her grandaughters image, denied her death but never searched and impeded those who came in and searched on her behalf.........................................
She's not a celebrity spokesman for anything but familial dysfunction and she needs to realize that. She villainized herself.
But now she knows what her media endorsment buys and hopefully her new team of criminal lawyers will reign her in and gag her. MOO I respect YO too.

BBM: Ex-per-zactly! She's not acting as a community member offering to contact media outlets to see if they will promote the drive (like any of us could do). She perceives herself as a spokesperson/celebrity/star whose mere endorsement and token donation and....gasp!...personal appearance...(back up folks...the public will be swooning) will bring folks to the event in droves.
And one more thing...I do not believe Cindy Anthony is donating her grand daughter Caylee Anthony's shoes. I believe she will go around the corner to Walmart and purchase a new pair. JMO

No! I will never believe it! Cindy? Buy a new pair of shoes for some Honduras orphan she will not ever be able to make any money off of? Never! Now she might go to the Salvation Army thrift store and buy the cheapest pair they got- after all they will be good enough too get her the publicity - especially since she can say that the well worn shoes were Caylee's favorites
IIRC ICA has a rather small foot as well. If these shoes are for children maybe she should donate ICA's shoes as well...Oh wait..nevermind...stripperboots probably wouldn't be a good thing for the kids in Honduras.
BBM = why not? They can sit in a closet gathering dust, or they can be used to help a child in Honduras.

I don't agree with Cindy's antics, but agree that Caylee's shoes should be donated to a worthwile cause. Burning them, IMHO, is clearly disrespectful.



My thoughts exactly. I should have elaborated in my earlier post it is the impropriety in drawing media attention I find morally repugnant.
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