Chase Merritt Charged W/Murder of Joseph, Summer, Gianni and Joe Jr McStay #4

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I wish the poor jurors peace. What an horrid case. I can't imagine having to witness that trial and have the weight of responsibility on my shoulders for it.

They had to witness what was done to babies. I'm sure it became super personal to them in a sense.

God bless them.
I think it will be the DP as it has to be even though being from the UK i don’t agree with it but i can make my peace with it knowing he won’t be put to death anyway.

Are you saying everyone from the UK is against the DP ?
I’m conflicted over DP in general, primarily because someone has to do the deed & I worry for them. I have other concerns ,also , but in cases like this one ,I’m more than ok with it.
The man had every advantage a defendant could have .
Maybe there was one hold-out juror on this count, and since there were already 3 death penalties it was kind of moot, so they just went with LWOP.

It has to be something along those lines. This stuck out what the juror(s) said. Thank you @Tortoise. What could a jury do after their service to make the fight not stop here? Maybe to protect children more?

The panel did tell the defense, "we did a really good job, but it wasn't enough," he said.

"We're disappointed, but the fight doesn't stop here," he said,

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I am so going to put this behind me. Although, I will never forget.
God Bless and Thank You San Bernadino Law Enforcement for picking up this mere flicker of a torch and making it into the absolute Bonfire that it really was.
I know that there are probably a dozen of you, or more, who quietly went about your business of bringing this quadruple murderer to justice.
I hope that somewhere, you are all appreciating your many years of hard work.
Most Sincerely,
Kali in So. California
Agree San Bernadino investigators etc. did a great job under the circumstances to get this case to Trial and conviction.
It has to be something along those lines. This stuck out what the juror(s) said. Thank you @Tortoise. What could a jury do after their service to make the fight not stop here? Maybe to protect children more?

The panel did tell the defense, "we did a really good job, but it wasn't enough," he said.

"We're disappointed, but the fight doesn't stop here," he said,

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I think that last line was stated by the defense attorney, not a juror.
I personally think it was a strategy. This way, even by the slightest chance he were to win an appeal, he still is on the hook for the other charge. Pretty crafty.
Maybe there was one hold-out juror on this count, and since there were already 3 death penalties it was kind of moot, so they just went with LWOP.[/QUOTE
Richard K. De Atley (@RKDeAtley) | Twitter
Prosecutor Sean Daugherty, leaving the courthouse, was asked if jurors explained the mixed recommendations. “Not really,” he said.” They were very thorough and very thoughtful with what they did.”

Merritt defense attorney Jacob Guerard said outside court jurors also did not explain to him their reasons for splitting their recommendations.The panel did tell the defense, "we did a really good job, but it wasn't enough," he said.

"We're disappointed, but the fight doesn't stop here," he said,
Dear Atty G,
The jury was simply being polite .
Sincerely ,
JMHO, but the verdict came down as I expected. I've never believed that CM went to the the house with the intent to kill Joey. I've believeded for a long time that a violent confrontation broke out between the two men mutually and unexpectedly, as an angry exchange elevated to rage. Sadly, CM being the more ruthless opponent bested the even-tempered Joey. The noise and disruption roused the attention of Summer, who I believe was upstairs tending to the children. I can imagine Summer went after CM like a wildcat. CM became more enraged and rose to his highest defenses, killing innocent Summer in grisly, cold blood. If there's any irony here, had CM killed only Joey in the course of a confrontation, he just might have gotten off with manslaughter, or the California equivalent.

Remember, premeditation can occur within moments if accompanied by aggravating circumstances. Premeditation does not mean necessarily that Chase went to the Avo Lanehouse with the express intent to murder Joey.
In the case of Summer and the children, there was no provocation, and thus zero mitigating circumstances.

Right or wrong, that's been my view for years now, and the sentencing seals it for me. Regardless I'll sleep better knowing that at least one monster will no longer walk the streets. One down, 999,999,999 to go. I only wish my dear husband had lived to see this case through. Of all of the cases I follow, and have followed, on WS for over 12 years now, the McStay murders was the only one he inquired about frequently, and expressed sincere interest. I never saw him so disturbed and mystified about a murder. May they all rest in peace.

And now, I sit staring at my summons to appear for Jury Duty tomorrow
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JMHO, but the verdict came down as I expected. I've never believed that CM went to the the house with the intent to kill Joey. I've believeded for a long time that a violent confrontation broke out between the two men mutually and unexpectedly, as an angry exchange elevated to rage. Sadly, CM being the more ruthless opponent bested the even-tempered Joey. The noise and disruption roused the attention of Summer, who I believe was upstairs tending to the children. I can imagine Summer went after CM like a wildcat. CM became more enraged and rose to his highest defenses, killing innocent Summer in grisly, cold blood. If there's any irony here, had CM killed only Joey in the course of a confrontation, he just might have gotten off with manslaughter, or the California equivalent.

Remember, premeditation can occur within moments if accompanied by aggravating circumstances. Premeditation does not mean necessarily that Chase went to the Avo Lanehouse with the express intent to murder Joey.
In the case of Summer and the children, there was no provocation, and thus zero mitigating circumstances.

Right or wrong, that's been my view for years now, and the sentencing seals it for me. Regardless I'll sleep better knowing that at least one monster will no longer walk the streets. One down, 999,999,999 to go. I only wish my dear husband had lived to see this case through. Of all of the cases I follow, and have followed, on WS for over 12 years now, the McStay murders was the only one he inquired about frequently, and expressed sincere interest. I never saw him so disturbed and mystified about a murder. May they all rest in peace.

And now, I sit staring at my summons to appear for Jury Duty tomorrow
Bessie, you're the greatest -
Chase Merritt, The Gambler. He placed his bets the way he'd always done.

And, he lost everything.

So long, punk. You gambled it all, and you lost. And there's no way for you and, oh yes, your family, to recoup those losses. My heart goes out to your daughter, always in court, defending her Dad. Did you ever give one thought at all to that girl?


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Are you saying everyone from the UK is against the DP ?
I’m conflicted over DP in general, primarily because someone has to do the deed & I worry for them. I have other concerns ,also , but in cases like this one ,I’m more than ok with it.
The man had every advantage a defendant could have .

No we don’t have the death penalty because the powers that be have decided it’s not s deterrent to commit crime . I agree with that point of view. Also the fact that not ever criminal is actually guilty and the system gets it wrong. So if somebody is put to death and it’s wrong then that person has already lost their life and can’t exactly be brought back to life. I have looked at the list that still does do the death penalty and the majority of country’s on the list are not exactly liberal in the first place either. I wish the UK had tougher sentences for crimes is my complaint.

Not everybody will share that that point of view of course but I do.
Monday, June 24th Update:
*Penalty Phase Trial (Day 6)-Verdict! (@ 9:30am PT) - CA - McStay Family: Joseph (40), Summer (43), Gianni (4) & Joey Jr (3) (Feb. 4, 2010, Fallbrook; found Nov. 11, 2013) - *Charles "Chase" Ray Merritt aka Charles Ray Mandel aka Charles Ray Morritt aka Chase Meredith aka Chase Jarvis (57/now 62) arrested (11/5/14) & indicted (11/7/14) of 4 counts of murder with special circumstance. Plead not guilty. Held without bond. DP case.
Trial started 1/7/19. Dark on all Fridays. Jurors started with 8 women & 4 men; now have 9 women & 3 men (alternates started with 4 men & 2 women-alternates left 1 men & 1 woman). Took about 22 hours of deliberations for guilty verdict on all 4 counts of 1st degree murder with special circumstance.
Trial Days (1-63: 1/7/19 thru 6/7/19) & Verdict (6/10/19) & Penalty Phase (Day 1-5: 6/11/19 thru 6/21/19) reference post #998 here:
GUILTY - Chase Merritt Charged W/Murder of Joseph, Summer, Gianni and Joe Jr McStay #4

6/24/19 Day 6: Jurors started deliberations about 9:37am to 11:32am. (2 hrs). Lunch until 1:30 pm. Jurors have reached a verdict after 4.5 hours of deliberations. It will be read at 4pm. Verdict: Count 1 LWOP (Joey), Count 2 Death (Summer), Count 3 Death (Gianni), Count 4 Death (Joey, Jr.). Judge dismisses jurors. Judge Smith sets sentencing on Sept. 27.
Schedule for Penalty Phase-Week of June 24 thru 28th: Jury deliberations-6/24
Jurors have deliberated: 6/20-Day 1: 11:50am-3:53pm (1.5 hr lunch right after start) = ~ 2 ½ hrs. 6/21-Day 2: 8:36am-9:48am = 1 hr. & 9 mins. 6/24-Day 3: 9:37am-11:32am = 2 hrs. (2 hour lunch). Came back with verdict at 1:51pm. Total hours of deliberation: ~5 hours, 10 minutes, give or take a few minutes.
I agree with this verdict. I can understand how they reached it.
I don't think a death sentence being overturned was a real concern, because generally it's just commuted to life. However, I like that the base is covered if that were to happen.
My guess is the sentence is simply a cumulative effect.

e.g. They think he murdered Joe first, perhaps in the context of the theft discovery and that would have earned LWOP if he stopped there.

But then in the next transaction he went on to murder Summer and the kids - and the jury saw that as aggravated offending attracting the highest possible tariff.

I guess I see the logic of that - the offending is right at the high end.

Personally I would have gone with LWOP as I don't agree with the death penalty on principle
I wish the UK had tougher sentences for crimes is my complaint.

Not everybody will share that that point of view of course but I do.


NZ went down this road, but the problem is it doesn't take you anywhere. Admittedly some sentences were a bit light 40 odd years ago, but decade after decade there have been calls for politicians to toughen sentences when inevitably, someone does some new shocking crime. OR - more commonly - someone does a bad crime but not the worst and then the politicians get mad that he didn't get the maximum sentence

So then we increased sentences decade after decade but this led to an explosion in our prison population.

I get your sentiment, but sentences are already pretty tough compared to the old days (and brutal in the US) so where do you stop with making them tougher?
Are you saying everyone from the UK is against the DP ?

Not everyone of course. Every now and then a media outcry will emerge to bring it back after a bad murder - e.g the Soham murders.

But generally speaking, it doesn't have much support.
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