Chase Merritt SENTENCED TO DEATH for murder of McStay Family POST TRIAL THOUGHTS

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I'm sort of new to this case. I can't for the life of my find where people believe the McStays were murdered? Or how Merritt was able to I presume restrain all four of them and kill them when it seemed like he used a sledge hammer. I'm guessing he could have used a gun. I watched the closing statements and the prosecutor mentioned they don't need to prove where the family was murdered for conviction but I'm wondering about theories.

Thanks for any theories offered.
I think as in a lot of murder cases that go to Trial, the State doesn't have to prove exactly how the murders occurred, because unless the murderer confesses all those details, those details remain largely unknown. Whether CM could of had an accomplice to help, no one knows and he has never said, and all we can have are theories about the crimes he committed.
If you want to know some of the theories that have been purported you might find it interesting to read back on all the threads about this case as there have been some good theories by various posters over the years.
But but but, did he consider the Provecho fountain?

Ok ok, in all seriousness, THANK GOD,
Haaa, the judge DID consider it. He did say one mitigating factor was CM's creativity and skills with his metalwork.

But alas, that was not enough to offset brutalising an entire family and dumping them in the desert.
I'm sort of new to this case. I can't for the life of my find where people believe the McStays were murdered? Or how Merritt was able to I presume restrain all four of them and kill them when it seemed like he used a sledge hammer. I'm guessing he could have used a gun. I watched the closing statements and the prosecutor mentioned they don't need to prove where the family was murdered for conviction but I'm wondering about theories.

Thanks for any theories offered.
We have discussed many theories here over the years, many based upon the evidence we have. Like the kids being in PJ's, etc.

My personal theory, is quite brutal, sadly.

I think Summer was upstairs in the bathroom, bathing the boys.

Joey was down in the office and the killer came by, unannounced. Joey was blindsided because he wasn't expecting violence. Chase was able to restrain Joey somehow, and Joey did have a broken bone in his leg I believe, when found. I think Joey was knocked out and or tied up, before Summer even knew what was going on. The fighting between Joey and Chase may have happened out in the yard. OR even downstairs, because Summer wouldn't have heard much if she was up in the bathroom with the boys.

It would have been very easy for Chase to subdue Summer. All he had to do is grab one of the kids, and she would have complied. He could have cornered them in a room, put the boys somewhere while he assaulted Summer. Then he finished off the children...:(:(

How did he have the emotional rage necessary to kill 2 innocent kids?

I think he had built up a lot of resentment and anger towards Joey and his family. Joey had a nice new house, that his wife was renovating. His kids had a happy life and all of the things they needed.

Chases's horrible gambling lifesyyle left his family on the brink of eviction many times. His home life was a shambles compared to Joey's. And Chase blamed Joey for that.

Chase believed Joey was getting all of the credit and the money while Chase was the artistic creator and the one doing the work.

So when Joey began changing the payment procedures and began farming out more work to MSM, and talking about needing a new welder too, Chase was livid. When Joey asked him at lunchtime about the missing check, Chase KNEW it was over. And he exploded with rage, in my opinion.
We have discussed many theories here over the years, many based upon the evidence we have. Like the kids being in PJ's, etc.

My personal theory, is quite brutal, sadly.

I think Summer was upstairs in the bathroom, bathing the boys.

Joey was down in the office and the killer came by, unannounced. Joey was blindsided because he wasn't expecting violence. Chase was able to restrain Joey somehow, and Joey did have a broken bone in his leg I believe, when found. I think Joey was knocked out and or tied up, before Summer even knew what was going on. The fighting between Joey and Chase may have happened out in the yard. OR even downstairs, because Summer wouldn't have heard much if she was up in the bathroom with the boys.

It would have been very easy for Chase to subdue Summer. All he had to do is grab one of the kids, and she would have complied. He could have cornered them in a room, put the boys somewhere while he assaulted Summer. Then he finished off the children...:(:(

How did he have the emotional rage necessary to kill 2 innocent kids?

I think he had built up a lot of resentment and anger towards Joey and his family. Joey had a nice new house, that his wife was renovating. His kids had a happy life and all of the things they needed.

Chases's horrible gambling lifesyyle left his family on the brink of eviction many times. His home life was a shambles compared to Joey's. And Chase blamed Joey for that.

Chase believed Joey was getting all of the credit and the money while Chase was the artistic creator and the one doing the work.

So when Joey began changing the payment procedures and began farming out more work to MSM, and talking about needing a new welder too, Chase was livid. When Joey asked him at lunchtime about the missing check, Chase KNEW it was over. And he exploded with rage, in my opinion.

ok, so you believe it happened at the home. I would also assume this but I haven't read of any evidence found at the home. I feel like murdering four people in a home would leave at least some blood behind. Unless, he got the drop on both the parents and then killed he children, but even getting the drop on both parents wouldn't prohibit blood being spilt. Ya know?

Sorry if this has all already been hashed out. I've searched through the older threads and didn't see any theories on where the killings happened. Admittedly, I only did a cursory search.
For people who are going to watch these, I watched the 2nd one, it is the entire hearing...3hrsand 19 minutes I believe...

You have to fast forward about 20 minutes before the judge appears....

but when watching this video, mine kept shutting down after about 15 minutes or so....

It worked fine if you just go back and start again where you left I'd keep checking to see what the time count was so when it shut down I'd know where to start back again....

But anyway it does work, just kind of glitchy...
ok, so you believe it happened at the home. I would also assume this but I haven't read of any evidence found at the home. I feel like murdering four people in a home would leave at least some blood behind. Unless, he got the drop on both the parents and then killed he children, but even getting the drop on both parents wouldn't prohibit blood being spilt. Ya know?

Sorry if this has all already been hashed out. I've searched through the older threads and didn't see any theories on where the killings happened. Admittedly, I only did a cursory search.
We don't know that the blood would have to have been left behind long enough for forensic to find it. If Summer and then kids were killed in the bathroom it could have been easily cleaned up.

And because the house was being painted and remodelled, there were tarps all over. He may have killed them on a tarp?
We don't know that the blood would have to have been left behind long enough for forensic to find it. If Summer and then kids were killed in the bathroom it could have been easily cleaned up.

And because the house was being painted and remodelled, there were tarps all over. He may have killed them on a tarp?
God that would be sick and show premeditation. He'd have to know what he was doing to prevent blood being picked up from luminol. I'd hope someone who helped laid tarps would notice some were missing but he could have replaced them.

To add to your theory, maybe he went there as a friendly visit, maybe to even help with something to do with remodelling, and he brought and laid more tarps with him. He could have been like, "dude, your contractor has it all wrong, I figured while I was in the area, I'd help fix it up, but I gotta lay some more tarps first" then whacked him from behind.
God that would be sick and show premeditation. He'd have to know what he was doing to prevent blood being picked up from luminol. I'd hope someone who helped laid tarps would notice some were missing but he could have replaced them.

To add to your theory, maybe he went there as a friendly visit, maybe to even help with something to do with remodelling, and he brought and laid more tarps with him. He could have been like, "dude, your contractor has it all wrong, I figured while I was in the area, I'd help fix it up, but I gotta lay some more tarps first" then whacked him from behind.
Chase had plenty of tarps in his work truck all of the time. He used them to transport the fountains and the supplies.
Not that it matters. But, I will never understand how someone would be cruel enough to take out an entire family in a completely evil way, that would surpass any horror story.
I do believe that Chase Merritt raped Summer. Certainly after he had disabled or killed Joey.
Did Joey and Summer's little boys witness all of this? I tend to believe so. I see Chase Merritt getting angry at their cries and turning on them.

The liklihood that he walked in and bashed their brains in is unlikely.

Something, set him off enough to bash their heads in. I really think it was their cries, as their Mother and Father were tortured.

There is no fixing this. Lives were destroyed from this piece of.

In my opinion, a needle should be put into his brain that ends his life.
I'm not really into the rot in your cell thing. Although a few months of that would be okay.
I'm just into "take this thing, off of our planet".
I feel a lot of sorrow for the McStay Family. They are really so good and kind.
Because they are good and kind people, they will carry on for their children.
Joey, Summer and the boys were too.

An Emotional good bye to the McStay Family. Rest in Peace.

We don't know that the blood would have to have been left behind long enough for forensic to find it. If Summer and then kids were killed in the bathroom it could have been easily cleaned up.

And because the house was being painted and remodelled, there were tarps all over. He may have killed them on a tarp?
Agree, and that was a theory i believe too, and especially if the tarps were the waterproof type?
And also from reading some forensic articles previously from blunt force trauma, there wouldn't necessarily be a lot of blood involved, especially a hard blow to the head if the object used was not sharp.. All the damage would be internal. As i am aware of in motor vehicle accidents where head injuries are involved.
Haven't heard that?

It's the latest nonsense from CM and Small Suit. He said it during his address to the Court.

#McStay - Charles Merritt says following the verdict, in the jury room, there was high-fiving and celebrating. He said the judge, prosecutors and Summer/Joseph's family members were in there.
What on earth are you talking about?????

It was part of the speech by Chase today. He was talking about the surviving McStay family members, the prosecution team and the judge were behind the scenes high fiving, and celebrating the imminent decision to sentence him to death. Chase didn't appreciate what he believed to be a party atmosphere.
I think as in a lot of murder cases that go to Trial, the State doesn't have to prove exactly how the murders occurred, because unless the murderer confesses all those details, those details remain largely unknown.


It's pretty common in cases where bodies are dumped.
Charles Merritt is a liar, thief, baby killer, and the lowest scum to walk the earth.
I personally know some of the McStay family members.
I don't believe this for a second.
Consider the source. He would say ANYTHING to try to wiggle out of his rightfully deserved death sentence.
I hope they find the absolutely worst cell to throw his disgusting self into in San Quentin.
I hope he suffers every single minute for the rest of his disgusting life.

It's the latest nonsense from CM and Small Suit. He said it during his address to the Court.

#McStay - Charles Merritt says following the verdict, in the jury room, there was high-fiving and celebrating. He said the judge, prosecutors and Summer/Joseph's family members were in there.
It was part of the speech by Chase today. He was talking about the surviving McStay family members, the prosecution team and the judge were behind the scenes high fiving, and celebrating the imminent decision to sentence him to death. Chase didn't appreciate what he believed to be a party atmosphere.

Just another unsubstantiated allegation as usual

What was quite funny is when small suit was whining yet again just before sentence and Imes could barely conceal a smile.
Perhaps the most absurd moment of all was then the Judge, having dismissed all of small suits motions, asked if Mr Maline was ready to move on to the sentence.

Then Maline objected to the Court passing sentence on all the grounds previously dismissed :p
Charles Merritt is a liar, thief, baby killer, and the lowest scum to walk the earth.
I personally know some of the McStay family members.
I don't believe this for a second.
Consider the source. He would say ANYTHING to try to wiggle out of his rightfully deserved death sentence.
I hope they find the absolutely worst cell to throw his disgusting self into in San Quentin.
I hope he suffers every single minute for the rest of his disgusting life.

His address targeting Mike and Susan was a disgrace.

But also quickly hilarious when he started implying the Judge was part of the prosecutors corrupt scam. Then the fake crying, only to have not one tear on his cheeks at the end.

We saw exactly how this man operates every single day

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