Cheney Mason said he was surprised by verdict

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I agree with everything you said except one item. I don't see KC as being co-dependent at all. I think she is far too manipulative for that. I would have called her a parasite and a parasite always needs a host to feed off of because they are too lazy to provide for themselves. When one host is depleted, they quickly move on to another.
A leech in other words. Or a tick you have to pluck them off or wait til they decide to fall off.
(by the way), I saw the light. I won't be defending her anymore! I believe she killed Caylee
Actually that's kind of what I meant, logicalgirl what you said. Co-dependent was a wrong choice of word.
"respectfully snipped"
It is the next couple of years not weeks, not months that I believe this defense team was not planning for. Let's see if they stand up to their moral obligation given the circumstances, notice I did not say (ethical). When you cross the line in that lawyer client relationship this is what happens.

With all respect to the prior poster, I don't believe it is the moral or ethical responsibility of the defense lawyers to keep Casey safe. I believe the opposite: that it is their moral obligation to step aside and let Casey experience the consequences of her own actions. She is the one who killed her child, whether accidentally or deliberately. She is the one who refused to take responsibility for her actions and refused to ever tell the truth about it. She believed that if she never admitted anything, she could never be proved guilty, and it turned out she was right. So let her pay the price of being right about that.

Some may say the defense team were the ones who threw her family under the bus, and without that she'd at least have her family to return to, but I would not agree with either point. She did not have to go along with the defense strategy. She could have got up on the stand and denied that her father and brother molested her, or that GA was there when Caylee died. Again, she declined to tell the truth, so that's on her as far as I'm concerned.

And I'm not too sure the Anthony's would take Casey back even if she hadn't dragged them through the mud. There's still the fact that she killed their granddaughter, led them along with lie after lie about it, and will probably never tell them the truth even after being acquitted. And now there's the additional fact that she'll likely never be able to support herself, and that having her home would bring the public down on them like a ton of bricks, making their lives even more miserable and downright unsafe. I don't really believe that they would ever take Casey back, at least not under conditions that would acceptable to Casey (such as unlimited financial support and no questions ever about Caylee).

Casey's defense team is standing in the way of karma, for their own benefit I think. I think they should get out of the way and let karma take its course with her.

I think the only part of this speech that is worthy of a response is when he admitted that they have no idea how they are ever going to keep Casey safe the rest of her life. This defense team let Casey take them on as a family. They used the Anthony family as a defense, threw them under the bus. I don't think they ever believed they would get her off totally, felt she would do time, be forgotten and when released old news.

Now that they have let Casey latch onto them as "her family" the burden is on the defense to find a way to integrate Casey back into society without her family it appears. They crossed the line a long time ago. And they have a moral obligation now that they hadn't thought about earlier as they did everything they could to earn Casey's trust. They made Casey their poster girl for the wrong reasons, and they have an obligation now, not to walk away from a client at the end of trial.

This is not an ordinary client/lawyer relationship and this team has their hands full. I do not like Cheney Mason and never have. But if it comes between him and Baez keeping Casey safe, Mason I think would accept the moral obligation more than Baez.

There was a statement recently by Baez that he is not involved in the plans for Casey's future he is letting others handle that. To me that says Baez did what he had to in the early days of her release and is now looking at his own future not Casey's. Trying to make the deal for money and move on.

My feeling is that Casey will always be shunned. But after a couple of years people will move on until she strikes again and is on the wrong side of the law and becomes news.

It is the next couple of years not weeks, not months that I believe this defense team was not planning for. Let's see if they stand up to their moral obligation given the circumstances, notice I did not say (ethical). When you cross the line in that lawyer client relationship this is what happens.

Baez wouldn't even pay child support for his own daughter until he was forced to. I don't see him caring for Casey unless he can get something out of it.
I just don't see any of them taking her on long term. This will be interesting to watch.
Of course he was surprised. She is guilty as sin and they all knew it.

Surprise, surprise!
CM has no credibility. In his own words in his interview before joining the DT, he said himself that the defense had no credibility. That is the one thing I agree with him about, but their lack of credibility never changed, and he can now add himself to that.

Why does he even speak now, everything he says is meaningless and just angers people even further, he's been nothing but combative towards the public and the media that he himself was part of before selling his soul to the devil. He seems to think that people are as gullible as the 12 jurors.

If he's now saying that he knew as soon as he joined the DT that Caylee had drowned, that means the DT is claiming to have known it prior to then. So they knew it was all just an accident, that George was involved and let Casey sit in jail for 3 years?

Bullcarp, they all deserve each other.

This makes me curious though how this might affect cases like Tim Miller's.

... Which translates to -- the DT KNEW she was guilty, KNEW the evidence proved it beyond a 'reasonable' doubt, KNEW she was toast and were focused solely on saving her from the DP. IMO

Yes they felt exactly as we the masses did. I think that's the shock of it all, she walks. But I had that feeling when I looked at the choices the jury had and tried to put myself in their shoes. To look over at a sweet young thang crying, picturing her put to death. Not gonna happen. So they checked the boxes, NOTHING !! :maddening:
That is funny considering he was saying the opposite in his fist media interviews. I saw him with my own eyes saying " We don't know what happened to that baby and probably never will." That was just a couple of weeks ago.
Can't this DT ever get their stories straight?

I wonder if Mason doesn't realize, that, in this modern world, you can't pretend you didn't say something. Once it's out there, it's out there forever. :rocker:
I found the date. He joined March 18, 2010. No help for any lawsuits at that late date.

So I have a question for those who are more familiar with law.

If a defense team knew as early as March 2010, and probably earlier, that their client was involved in an accident and not a murder, would they wait until trial in May 2011 to fight it and face the DP instead of contacting the police ASAP to have the charges adjusted?

For the record, I know in my heart it was murder, but I'm just playing out the scenario.

Why would defense lawyers allow their client to face DP, in jail for over 2 years, when they could have told the police it was an accident.

I'm looking for a legal explanation on this. Thanks
I already got placed on a 24 hour timeout for comparing Mason to, well, other creatures of this earth, so...I suppose I'll tone it down. I respect Baez more than Mason; Baez, whatever his faults, pushed and persisted toward becoming an attorney and while he made some mistakes in his past, he started from modest means and earned in time his license to practice law. I grudgingly respect JB ever so slightly;

Some good insights in this thread...

JB and the DT threw the family under the bus in prep for the life/death sentencing phase. Hadn't thought of that but it makes perfect sense.

JB I think is distancing himself from KC. His one statement in the NYT was plain as day, but as another poster noted, his posture and body language at the jail release was telling. He was not smiling nor holding KC's hand (not romantically I mean, but in a take-charge way that an adult would do to a young child) nor any of that. Baez didn't want to be perceived as the "captain" of this ship, because I think he sees what we see: it's going to sink.

I wonder if JB is afraid. A killer is loose. A manipulative, "child-killing" steal-from-everyone sociopath has just been dropped down into his lap by the jury. He may be in way over his head. Mason, too. For the record, I don't believe the "where's my check" story as it was told, but I can't imagine KC is easy to deal with these days.

What would you do?
I wonder if Mason doesn't realize, that, in this modern world, you can't pretend you didn't say something. Once it's out there, it's out there forever. :rocker:

And they have to know their little victim friend will be listening. She will want to hear all the good stuff they are saying about her. The great one they defended, who mooched off her parents and blamed her family for her actions and stole from friends and family and got away with all of it.
One big happy family.
With all respect to the prior poster, I don't believe it is the moral or ethical responsibility of the defense lawyers to keep Casey safe. I believe the opposite: that it is their moral obligation to step aside and let Casey experience the consequences of her own actions. She is the one who killed her child, whether accidentally or deliberately. She is the one who refused to take responsibility for her actions and refused to ever tell the truth about it. She believed that if she never admitted anything, she could never be proved guilty, and it turned out she was right. So let her pay the price of being right about that.

Some may say the defense team were the ones who threw her family under the bus, and without that she'd at least have her family to return to, but I would not agree with either point. She did not have to go along with the defense strategy. She could have got up on the stand and denied that her father and brother molested her, or that GA was there when Caylee died. Again, she declined to tell the truth, so that's on her as far as I'm concerned.

And I'm not too sure the Anthony's would take Casey back even if she hadn't dragged them through the mud. There's still the fact that she killed their granddaughter, led them along with lie after lie about it, and will probably never tell them the truth even after being acquitted. And now there's the additional fact that she'll likely never be able to support herself, and that having her home would bring the public down on them like a ton of bricks, making their lives even more miserable and downright unsafe. I don't really believe that they would ever take Casey back, at least not under conditions that would acceptable to Casey (such as unlimited financial support and no questions ever about Caylee).

Casey's defense team is standing in the way of karma, for their own benefit I think. I think they should get out of the way and let karma take its course with her.


I agree with you 100%. The defense team only owed KC a defense, nothing more. They could cut ties with her immediately if they so chose. The only reason any of them are still around her - getting her into "counseling" - getting her "protection" - hiding her - is because there is something in it for them. There is no moral high road here. They are not her "family". They simply continue to want to cash in. I am very interested in revisiting this mess a few years down the road to see what actually plays out.
Baez didn't want to be perceived as the "captain" of this ship, because I think he sees what we see: it's going to sink.

I wonder if JB is afraid. A killer is loose. A manipulative, "child-killing" steal-from-everyone sociopath has just been dropped down into his lap by the jury. He may be in way over his head. Mason, too. For the record, I don't believe the "where's my check" story as it was told, but I can't imagine KC is easy to deal with these days.

What would you do?
Admit that the ship was steered wrong right into an iceberg and beg for help?

Would you go down with that ship?
Further to my last post - I don't believe for a minute that KC is actually in "counseling".
If all these defense lawyers are smart they would distance themselves from the cloud of Casey Anthony. She will do nothing but bring them down like she has done to everyone in her path. I am sure none of their other clients get this so called concern after trial.
She will put them on her list if they don't steer clear quick. I bet their families would love for the seperation from this client to have happened like yesterday.
Time for their client to grow up and make something of herself instead of being pampered by them. All the cash they might make from her will ruin them.

The dt are already down to her level . All she is to them is their CASH COW . IMO
I agree with you 100%. The defense team only owed KC a defense, nothing more. They could cut ties with her immediately if they so chose. The only reason any of them are still around her - getting her into "counseling" - getting her "protection" - hiding her - is because there is something in it for them. There is no moral high road here. They are not her "family". They simply continue to want to cash in. I am very interested in revisiting this mess a few years down the road to see what actually plays out.

I honestly don't think they were ready for a not-guilty on all serious counts, and now JB is in a tough spot, a real Catch-22. He only really has two choices:

- He turns his back

KC likely has legal trouble soon. JB looks like he fooled a jury and got a murderer off. All of his prominence (maybe notoriety is a better word) evaporates; he is forever linked to KC as she spirals down toward karmic retribution even though he walked away after her release.

- He tries to help out somehow

He now has to think/worry about a sociopath, liar, thief on his hands all the time, a woman who JB knows deep down is quite capable of committing murder.

It's lose-lose for JB. The only way Baez can benefit from this at all is for KC to stay out of trouble. I suspect he is distancing himself just as quick as he can, so when the KC-ship hits an iceberg, the JB law firm will be far far away.

In the meantime, he is probably using her as a bargaining chip in some way to get someone else to house her and maybe get her some therapy. A KC interview in 8 months when she looks different, tan, healthy, has her GED and is taking college courses, is well-dressed, mature and can speak "at a distance" (meaning the public has largely moved on) will still put eyeballs on TV sets. To maximize the value of this outcome, JB has to shepherd her to that re-appearance. If she stumbles after that, well, not JB's problem. JB needs to be associated with a "rehabbed" KC; he will be the guy who got her acquitted and on the right track.

"rehabbed" in quotes because I don't believe it is possible. But he has to get her to that point without a misstep.
ShebaPoe, I absolutely 100% agree with your post about JB "rehabbing" KC and then 9 mos down the road presenting the "rehabbed" KC to the world, tan, fit, GED, and taking college courses.. All of course done in a very controlled environment.. Meaning the entire IV is preplanned Including the questions and answers.. IMO the value this "rehabbed" KC interview some 9+mos from now IMO could be worth a pretty penny.. As well as it gets Baez off the hook(in his mind) by his having "rehabbed" her and then presented the new and improved healthy version of KC.. And like you said whatever happens to her AFTRR that.. Well.. It's all on her.. Baez will have done more than his part(in his mind)..

Great post and ITA that could very likely be what is presently in the works.. If not.. Well.. We all know the DT reads here and it'd be just like them to take off with one of our ideas.. Wouldn't doubt it in the least!!!!
He had his doubts about her innocence BEFORE becoming part of the DT (taped interview) and he expressed his surprise at the verdict. What does that say for an attorney that never believed in her innocence yet, expected us to do just that? That little speech he made after the verdict makes him look ridiculous in light of this last statement.

All day today on HLN they have been saying that Casey told Cheney Mason that she wants to work for him in his law firm. He didn't think that would be a good idea because of her previous history. What history...stealing...lying...killing, etc. I think in Casey's mind she probably thinks that she can work for Mason and marry Baez. If I ever get into trouble for anything I hope I can get a few attorneys to take me in like family and be involved in my plans after the be responsible for

Cheney Mason has said on tv that Casey is like a granddaughter to him! Well Mr. Mason that means that you will help with finances when she needs them...let her stay with you when she wants to for however long she wants to stay, etc. Be a good granddad and just take her in. All of the defense team deserve what ever they get from ole Casey Anthony. This is what happens when you don't act like a professional and keep your relationship on a professional level. Good luck guys and girls. Where is ole cuddle bug? Haven't seen Dorothy in a while or is she working behind the scenes?
so CM says no one will believe what comes out of caseys mouth buts then says "i KNOW she drowned in the pool" kinda confusing there...he KNOWS as fact something a liar told him with no evidence to back it up
and the jury should be memoralized? GMAB thats taking it a bit far

Grabbed your post so I could comment on topic not what your posting! :)

This I don't understand. If (let's just suppose this is true) so why the defense strategy used? Makes no sense.

(BTW anyone remember the date CM officially joined the team? Doesn't matter just curious).

If your client is charged with felony murder...etc...etc.. in relation to their child. Why not put forth that defense early on? Try to work with the SA in getting reduction of charges, plea deal...etc?

Perhaps I'm too uninformed about how the dance of a trial works but to me, it makes far more sense logically to state up front this was an accidental drowning and try to go from there---not wait until trial and then throw everything in but the kitchen sink in order to win the case.

Does anyone else have a problem with that logic? JMHO
I wish the media would stop talking about Casey Anthony and trying to figure out where she is, etc. I know she is loving it. If everyone just stopped talking about her she would finally go away. The Anthonys would go away if not getting any attention. The trial is over and there was no justice for little Caylee. Who cares what happens to Casey Anthony or if she drives the defense team crazy. They have brought it on themselves. Live with it folks!
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