Christmas Morning Picture of Burke and JB...

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
Patsy said that she had many of those notepads in the house. There was a notepad in the photo, but it does not indicate that it was the notepad used the write the ransom note.

As for the bags, Patsy used bags to pack the clothes. It was also Christmas day. In my house, we usually filled-up one of those 50 gal garbage bags with wrapping, boxes and stuff. They just had a party with 30 houseguests 2 days before and Patsy had to organize the party and prepare for Christmas and the 2 trips just after. LHP offered to help Patsy clean-up after the party, but Patsy said she didn't need the help. Patsy often just left stuff where it was dropped for LHP to clean-up, but I'm sure there was some party clean-up incase guests dropped by on Christmas. We don't know what time that photo was taken but do know it happened after the photos were taken Christmas morning.

Patsy's comment about the bags doesn't indicate quantity or size. The only information I get from this is that there is a scarf, bags and a notepad sitting somewhere it shouldn't be. 2 kids are in the house and a notepad is out of place. Not a lot of information there unless you're using it to fit your theory.
My gut feeling says that in the crime scene photos of LE , the notepad existed where JR picked it up to give to the investigators
but it didn't exist there at all in the shot taken in the Christmas morning photos of kids near the christmas tree.

It would be the time frame when J left for the airport and it could be an indication of its been prewritten out of the house by J.
imo.. If that is the case , the timing and sequence of that photo is very important. What is more the practice page (Mr and Mrs I ) could be left there deliberatly to enforce the idea that it was the same notepad and it was written in the house.

I strongly believed that P was all over the RN but I don't dismiss the idea that it could be faked by a long time hubby after a couple of exercises. J's samples not being made public is also weird.

prob similar thoughts could have been mentioned before sorry if this is a repitition :)

PLUS there were a lot of notepads in the house as per P but the one the RN came from was chosen to give to LE by JR.
Well that is strange , too imo.

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