Cindy and Casey on Mother's Day 5/10/09

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Boy, I must be hard hearted...The "A" didn't even cross my mind yesterday.
Since "Mother's day is for real Mother's" and those 2 females don't qualify.:furious:

Feel sorry for them NO. they have made their bed, let them lay in it.
The only person I have compassion for is Sweet Shirley, now there is a great lady..I wonder if Cindy visited her yesterday, probably not.

So Hopefully all you Mother's had a great day, I know I did.

RIP Caylee
Motherly feelings aside, I still don't get why JB wouldn't seize the opportunity to allow the Anthonys in and say "Look, their daughter is accused of killing their beloved granddaughter, and the people who know her best are still standing by her and believing in her" and know that the released video would be really good PR.

I guess the only wild card is KC. Maybe he doesn't trust her to keep her cool. Maybe he's afraid she'll say something that people will dissect and find as consciousness of guilt.

Still, I think the [good] publicity is badly needed and a well-coached KC should be able to get through a 15 miniute visitation without blowing things too badly. It could be all "Okay, KC, you be a good girl and pretend you don't loathe your parents, and you can suck on my Twizzler after."
Happy Mother's Day ladies. Hope ya'll have a nice peaceful day. I know you are probably treated like a Queen today. Hope you have your feet up and somebody else is cooking and cleaning. Wither it's feet up or feet running around waitin on e-body else----make dem memories---catch as many as you can and put em on that special shelf so you can sit and build yourself a nice warm blanket when you get old. Is what keeps you warm when your old. I begged out for this Mother's Day. To tired for it.

Anyway, back to CA. I really feel sorry for her today. Never thought I would feel sorry for her again---but, looks like I was wrong. Poor thang! Wonder if she is visiting her Mother. That could soften the blow. Bet she could use a Bear Hug today. Bet she doesn't even have a friend to give her a Bear Hug. That has hit me as sad today. Sure hope we don't start ranting today, cuz I will probably cry.

Can you imagine what Christmas is going to be like this year. Last Christmas, they were into cover mode and it probably was a very bad day---but I think the next one will be way worse. I wouldn't even do a tree. Poot, I would be very heavily medicated.

KC's day???????? Doubt if it even enters her mind. She is doin the norm, thinkin the norm. What's for lunch? What's for snacks? Really not trying to be ugly here. Is what I think she is thinkin. I have never thought she had any emotions. No love---nuttin. To me, anythang she shows as emotion is a learned reaction.

I recall her police interview, how honest she was and HURTING! Her son says she goes to the nursing home twice a day, every day to see her ill husband, the adorable sweet old boy Caylee is hugging and singing with on the video. She says she writes a letter to her sister every single day, without fail. Such a devoted lady, full of selfless love. It makes one wonder about the nature vs nurture argument. Her son Rick seems so honest and down to earth and Cindy is so out there. When two children grow up with the same parents in the same house under the same family values and rules and one goes so far awry, it is interesting. In any case, I want to tell all of you mothers on here it is my sincere honor to read all of your inspiring posts. I'm thankful for you today, and I am thankful for Shirley. I prayed for Cindy too. I think it is hateful Casey who is refusing the visits, I really do. She can't look them in the eyes.

Mama Bear, I think you could write a very clever, colorful hilarious memoir!
Motherly feelings aside, I still don't get why JB wouldn't seize the opportunity to allow the Anthonys in and say "Look, their daughter is accused of killing their beloved granddaughter, and the people who know her best are still standing by her and believing in her" and know that the released video would be really good PR.

I guess the only wild card is KC. Maybe he doesn't trust her to keep her cool. Maybe he's afraid she'll say something that people will dissect and find as consciousness of guilt.

Still, I think the [good] publicity is badly needed and a well-coached KC should be able to get through a 15 miniute visitation without blowing things too badly. It could be all "Okay, KC, you be a good girl and pretend you don't loathe your parents, and you can suck on my Twizzler after."

LMAO----Very interesting. I also think it could be a plus for the Mother's Day visit------IF they could have pulled it off. However, I wonder if CA might (deep down) feel a relief that she doesn't have to look/talk to KC. No way to get into their heads and see how they really feel.
If anyone deserves a letter it would be her. George asked for us to write to Casey. I'd much sooner have us send some love Shirley's way. What do you think?
I recall her police interview, how honest she was and HURTING! Her son says she goes to the nursing home twice a day, every day to see her ill husband, the adorable sweet old boy Caylee is hugging and singing with on the video. She says she writes a letter to her sister every single day, without fail. Such a devoted lady, full of selfless love. It makes one wonder about the nature vs nurture argument. Her son Rick seems so honest and down to earth and Cindy is so out there. When two children grow up with the same parents in the same house under the same family values and rules and one goes so far awry, it is interesting. In any case, I want to tell all of you mothers on here it is my sincere honor to read all of your inspiring posts. I'm thankful for you today, and I am thankful for Shirley. I prayed for Cindy too. I think it is hateful Casey who is refusing the visits, I really do. She can't look them in the eyes.

Mama Bear, I think you could write a very clever, colorful hilarious memoir!

Oh, I have some stories---fersur (nice warm blanket--lots of very hard times tho).

You know, What I can see of SP (might be wrong) she might be a very strong lady. She has a support system---Friends/Rick and his family/the ladies at the nursing home (nurses and other ole ladies)/sister (a big one there). She is in the older crowd and her peeps probably help her thru this nightmare. It doesn't take much to hold ole hands and comfort one who is down. I feel she is one strong ole bird. She sounds like it to me. I would hate to see her on the stand tho. (at the trial). Hope they can go on without her there.
If anyone deserves a letter it would be her. George asked for us to write to Casey. I'd much sooner have us send some love Shirley's way. What do you think?

That would be a good idea. As long as nobody mentioned "the mess" that is rolling around her.:blowkiss:
Don't forget, the As are unable to "visit" her. All they can do is get a video hookup from across the street from the jail. Then, as soon as it's recorded, the media makes a request for it to be released. And we all know what happens after that... every word, every blink and every expression is scrutinized on national tv.

I do not understand that at all. (made bold)
I knew someone once who had been to jail, they can sit in same room across the table from visitor.
and when the person was transfered they had a wall between them with glass and a phone.
Why cant they at least see her... NO TALK just see...???

I do think that JB has much to do with that.
I am sure she will be questioned on that one in court.
IMO she was talking about "You did not tell them when we found out? or that we helped you clean up?" JMHO
I think after Cindy said "You did not tell them anything" it scared them.
Motherly feelings aside, I still don't get why JB wouldn't seize the opportunity to allow the Anthonys in and say "Look, their daughter is accused of killing their beloved granddaughter, and the people who know her best are still standing by her and believing in her" and know that the released video would be really good PR.

I guess the only wild card is KC. Maybe he doesn't trust her to keep her cool. Maybe he's afraid she'll say something that people will dissect and find as consciousness of guilt.

Still, I think the [good] publicity is badly needed and a well-coached KC should be able to get through a 15 miniute visitation without blowing things too badly. It could be all "Okay, KC, you be a good girl and pretend you don't loathe your parents, and you can suck on my Twizzler after."

I think this case has way too much air and print time.
and IMO anything said or written will be transposed as BS.
They did set that up for us to call them BS artists.
but at this point it is to late.
No PR at all - would be the best PR for this case.
I think the public needs to get out of this to let it simmer down.
but it makes money so it will keep going on in print and on air time..........:rolleyes:
But even good PR would have turned ugly, and dissected to be BS.
They set their own stage, now the public just wants to hate them. :truce:

I think they all had a very sad day yesterday.
And that is a valid feeling too.
Don't forget, the As are unable to "visit" her. All they can do is get a video hookup from across the street from the jail. Then, as soon as it's recorded, the media makes a request for it to be released. And we all know what happens after that... every word, every blink and every expression is scrutinized on national tv.

OH BOO HOO - being a prisioner has its down side ...........
I refuse to feel sorry for any of them with the sole exception of
Caylee. She is the only victim here not the prisioner and certainly not
her lying enabling gparents.
I don't think Casey wants to see her parents, I mean what for?
The whole Caylee thing is old news now, she's got nothing to say to them ..

Right now Casey's got better things to focus on, like saving her own A$$ ..
Motherly feelings aside, I still don't get why JB wouldn't seize the opportunity to allow the Anthonys in and say "Look, their daughter is accused of killing their beloved granddaughter, and the people who know her best are still standing by her and believing in her" and know that the released video would be really good PR.

I guess the only wild card is KC. Maybe he doesn't trust her to keep her cool. Maybe he's afraid she'll say something that people will dissect and find as consciousness of guilt.

Still, I think the [good] publicity is badly needed and a well-coached KC should be able to get through a 15 miniute visitation without blowing things too badly. It could be all "Okay, KC, you be a good girl and pretend you don't loathe your parents, and you can suck on my Twizzler after."

This is what I imagine if they had done that.
A thread named "MOMMY DEAREST"
I do not mean to be rude...But I can not imagine anything would get a pleased reception at all.
I think they are on most peoples most hated list.
So positive PR would only give fule to other PR. :truce:
There have been no visitations because they don't want to see one another.
Cindy and George have nothing of value to offer Casey.
She doesn't find them to be of any emotional value. They only frustrate her and the tapes are used against her.
Cindy and George get nothing from the visits but temper tantrums and more lies.

If Casey wanted them there they would go. And if Cindy wanted in and was being told no by any of them we would have all heard about it. Cindy wants what Cindy wants when she wants it. Period. She doesn't want to talk to her. It is easier to love that girl from afar.... none of that pesky "evidence to the contrary" to effect the make believe bond she thinks they have.

George and Lee tow the line. That is what they do.
If Baez is adamant about anyone not being in there it is Lee.

This is what I imagine if they had done that.
A thread named "MOMMY DEAREST"
I do not mean to be rude...But I can not imagine anything would get a pleased reception at all.
I think they are on most peoples most hated list.
So positive PR would only give fule to other PR. :truce:

Right, here it would be the reaction, but what about the Schmoes that don't know what snack KC had on the first Monday of February?

It just doesn't seem like there is an attempt to market, for lack of a better word, KC to those potential jurors in Orlando or Miami or Tampa or Pensacola or Atlanta or wherever the circus puts up its tent. I think Baez desperately wants bad publicity. It's good for his case as plaintiff in the Case of the Poisoned Jurors.

I know the Anthonys meeped their way onto the Today show, but then they shot themselves in the foot with Oprah. Surely some of this bumbling has to be on purpose because I have a hard time believing a group of people can be this consistently disorganized. I mean, as a group. It's mind boggling.
Thinking of KC sitting in her cell pretending to be reading and studying law books on Mothers Day cracks me up. KC has never followed through with anything in life (except her preganac and look hw that ended up) KC should be preparing for, "Fast times at Florida Pen" She will adapt and be forced to following through every min of her walking days. Something she has never been made to do before.
Right, here it would be the reaction, but what about the Schmoes that don't know what snack KC had on the first Monday of February?

It just doesn't seem like there is an attempt to market, for lack of a better word, KC to those potential jurors in Orlando or Miami or Tampa or Pensacola or Atlanta or wherever the circus puts up its tent. I think Baez desperately wants bad publicity. It's good for his case as plaintiff in the Case of the Poisoned Jurors.

I know the Anthonys meeped their way onto the Today show, but then they shot themselves in the foot with Oprah. Surely some of this bumbling has to be on purpose because I have a hard time believing a group of people can be this consistently disorganized. I mean, as a group. It's mind boggling.
And will also be on Larry King Live - they need to go home and lay low, and they need to shut it.
I think they have no cue what to do, or not do, I think their representation has not helped them get a handle on changing that entire public image.
I think they desperately need to shut up.
Can they get a fair trial, I do not know at this point.
But I do wonder if they want a fair trial? because surly they must read what we are all saying
and surly they must know they are not wining any votes.
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