Cindy Anthony subpoenaed to appear in court

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Does anybody know why those police interviews with Cindy are edited? Right around the part where he's telling her that she's changing her story (after she accuses Jesse of changing his), they start talking about the 911 calls and how she said the smell thing to get the police there faster, and then the tape is edited. It's edited several times throughout.

At least one of the jail visitation tapes has been edited also. I wish I would have recorded the original version that was released b/c it now is cut, and goes around and around in circles. I started re-listening(not a word, I know) after the "letters" were released to see if anything GA or LA says/does strikes me differently. I don't know what to think b/c several things GA says....just didn't sit well with me. I'll leave it at that.

When CA is being interviewed and they talk about the dead body smell CA says that it didn't smell like a burned body. She would not admit that it smelled like a dead body but instead stated it didn't smell like a burned body. This was her way of manipulating the conversation to avoid answering a question directly. Cindy is in a huge state of denial. Her subconscious knows the truth but accepting the facts is so horrific for her that she is in full denial mode to protect her sanity. I truly believe Cindy loved Caylee and never thought that Casey was capable of hurting her daughter. Casey had no record of abuse to Caylee. I think Casey acted in anger and the duct tape was an angry response that went horribly wrong.

ITA that CA and GA never imagined that KC would have killed Caylee, but I'm not so sure about that there was no record of abuse in the past. The reason I say that is that the people who could tell us if KC had ever harmed Caylee in the past would NEVER admit it if she had. I mean, this is a young woman who had convinced everyone that she knew that she had this really sweet job working out of Universal studios, planning events, and that there was a nanny that took care of her daughter while she worked and "unwound" in the evenings. If she could hide the fact that she was unemployeed from everyone, I think she could have been as evil as she wanted to be to poor little Caylee, all day every day, and no one would have been the wiser. At least until Caylee could speak well enough to tell. JMO.
ITA that CA and GA never imagined that KC would have killed Caylee, but I'm not so sure about that there was no record of abuse in the past. The reason I say that is that the people who could tell us if KC had ever harmed Caylee in the past would NEVER admit it if she had. I mean, this is a young woman who had convinced everyone that she knew that she had this really sweet job working out of Universal studios, planning events, and that there was a nanny that took care of her daughter while she worked and "unwound" in the evenings. If she could hide the fact that she was unemployeed from everyone, I think she could have been as evil as she wanted to be to poor little Caylee, all day every day, and no one would have been the wiser. At least until Caylee could speak well enough to tell. JMO.

Bingo. With a report of a fight the night before and the duct tape found across the face with a heart-shaped sticker. Now that you make sense to motive....... And CA holds the key.
When CA is being interviewed and they talk about the dead body smell CA says that it didn't smell like a burned body. She would not admit that it smelled like a dead body but instead stated it didn't smell like a burned body. This was her way of manipulating the conversation to avoid answering a question directly. Cindy is in a huge state of denial. Her subconscious knows the truth but accepting the facts is so horrific for her that she is in full denial mode to protect her sanity. I truly believe Cindy loved Caylee and never thought that Casey was capable of hurting her daughter. Casey had no record of abuse to Caylee. I think Casey acted in anger and the duct tape was an angry response that went horribly wrong.
Maybe not documented, but clearly she did abuse her: Adams told agents about how they began communicating, and details about what the pair discussed."Anthony would give Caylee 'stuff' to make her sleep," the FDLE report said.According to the report, Anthony and Adams discussed chloroform and Anthony said she had given Caylee "antihistamines or something" to make her sleep.Adams told investigators Anthony confessed to using chloroform to put Caylee to sleep, and also implied that Cindy Anthony may have provided.The report states that Caylee had a hard time taking naps because she was afraid of "missing out on something.""Casey used the phrase 'knock her out' in reference to medicating Caylee to help her sleep," the report said. "Anthony would always like to have her days free."Maya Derkovic, another inmate serving a 30-year sentence for murder and carjacking, told investigators Anthony also told her stories about trying to put Caylee to sleep.Derkovic claimed she spoke with Casey Anthony in the Orange County Jail through their cell's ventilation system during the summer of 2008, and told investigators Anthony admitted to "knocking out" Caylee many times so she could party.
Does anybody know why those police interviews with Cindy are edited? Right around the part where he's telling her that she's changing her story (after she accuses Jesse of changing his), they start talking about the 911 calls and how she said the smell thing to get the police there faster, and then the tape is edited. It's edited several times throughout.

I just assumed whoever put it on youtube edited it to highlight specific points. The original didn't have this editing. Try the ones at this link:

Interesting that CA's is in 11 parts and GA's only 7.:angel:

ETA: The above one is the FBI. This is the LE one:
At least one of the jail visitation tapes has been edited also. I wish I would have recorded the original version that was released b/c it now is cut, and goes around and around in circles. I started re-listening(not a word, I know) after the "letters" were released to see if anything GA or LA says/does strikes me differently. I don't know what to think b/c several things GA says....just didn't sit well with me. I'll leave it at that.


See post 685.
Guys, what if aliens from the planet Zyquizkl kidnapped Caylee and KC just doesn't remember because she was probed and has a metal rod inserted inside her, which forces everything that comes out of her mouth to be a lie? Also it's possible the Zyquizkl's planted the human decomp in KC's trunk along with the hair that has the death band.

Oh boy... KC was probed? I hope her virginia is O.K.
ITA that CA and GA never imagined that KC would have killed Caylee, but I'm not so sure about that there was no record of abuse in the past. The reason I say that is that the people who could tell us if KC had ever harmed Caylee in the past would NEVER admit it if she had. I mean, this is a young woman who had convinced everyone that she knew that she had this really sweet job working out of Universal studios, planning events, and that there was a nanny that took care of her daughter while she worked and "unwound" in the evenings. If she could hide the fact that she was unemployeed from everyone, I think she could have been as evil as she wanted to be to poor little Caylee, all day every day, and no one would have been the wiser. At least until Caylee could speak well enough to tell. JMO.
You are right about not knowing if there is a record of abuse. We do not know how many times DCF was called to the house on behalf of Caylee. We do not know if KC was in juvenile detention as a teenager. There is much we don't know.
Seagull, I think you're mixing up two different interviews. The one where YM holds her hands is upthread somewhere I think. That's when his partner has the big calendar and CA is going on about Amy or Jesse is really Zanny. The clip above is her FBI interview where she is complaining about the poor job she thinks local LE is doing.
...and what a great interview it was...the agents just let Cindy talk...and talk...and talk. Perfect!
The best possible thing that Cindy can do at this point is to go to court on the 15th and tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. She needs to let the chips fall where they may.

Cindy would be wise to remember who she is dealing with. This is a defense team and defendent that will throw anyone and everyone under the bus to "prove" that Casey is innocent or at least that there is "reasonable doubt" (in their minds) that someone else may have done this to Caylee. Cindy should know this better than anyone since she was actively helping to find those people to go under that bus.

Cindy needs to remember that she, herself, is a good person to throw under the bus as well. Afterall, Cindy had the means and opportunity to be the killer which is more than what there was against R Kronk, J Grund, Amy, Tony, etc. If Cindy (or George or Lee) think that they would be "safe" from this type of thing from Casey then they really don't know Casey that well.

If Cindy still reads here I hope that she stops and thinks about all of this. Thinks about it and realizes that Casey would in fact blame Cindy if Casey thinks it will help herself. It amazes me that Cindy can't seem to see just how evil and rotten Casey really is.

You are right about not knowing if there is a record of abuse. We do not know how many times DCF was called to the house on behalf of Caylee. We do not know if KC was in juvenile detention as a teenager. There is much we don't know.

I wish we did know.. I wish there was a way we could know. Knowing her history could probably help me off of this fence I still sit on.
The best possible thing that Cindy can do at this point is to go to court on the 15th and tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. She needs to let the chips fall where they may.

Cindy would be wise to remember who she is dealing with. This is a defense team and defendent that will throw anyone and everyone under the bus to "prove" that Casey is innocent or at least that there is "reasonable doubt" (in their minds) that someone else may have done this to Caylee. Cindy should know this better than anyone since she was actively helping to find those people to go under that bus.

Cindy needs to remember that she, herself, is a good person to throw under the bus as well. Afterall, Cindy had the means and opportunity to be the killer which is more than what there was against R Kronk, J Grund, Amy, Tony, etc. If Cindy (or George or Lee) think that they would be "safe" from this type of thing from Casey then they really don't know Casey that well.

If Cindy still reads here I hope that she stops and thinks about all of this. Thinks about it and realizes that Casey would in fact blame Cindy if Casey thinks it will help herself. It amazes me that Cindy can't seem to see just how evil and rotten Casey really is.


And, Cindy Anthony's video visit with Caylee to her father, is in all reality, the LAST real visual of Caylee, since George's testimony, as well as the rest of the clan can not believed ~
I would not want to be in her shoes - no ma'am, no thank you.
I wish we did know.. I wish there was a way we could know. Knowing her history could probably help me off of this fence I still sit on.

I don't think that she has a juvie record, as I specifically brought this up to Richard Hornsby on his website when we were waiting for her to go to trial for the fraud charges.

He said it was a very good question, one that he had not concidered before.
In answering, he said that yes, had she had a juvie record, that it WOULD have been admitted into evidence; to show her as a habitual offender.

So, I guess her parents managed to bite/buy/dodge those bullets when they arose, because, IMO, there is no way that girl just started doing her "random stealing" once Caylee was born.
She had experience under her belt when it came to getting and using routing numbers from checks, and stealing money, again, IMO.
3 days 22 hours 16 minutes.......................

Till we all enter the Twilight zone.............

I agree with an earlier poster too bad we can't watch together...guess the internet is the next best thing to being there.

Watching the interviews again...listening to the 911 calls...going over the timeline is just incredible...
ITA with your post completely.

Mental illness, if she had it, which I don't believe she did, would not in the slightest excuse what she did. Just because you have a mental illness doesn't mean it's okay to murder a baby. You don't have to have a have a mental illness to hate your mother and be jealous of your own baby.

I swear, why some people want to go so far to take responsibility off of Casey is beyond me. She is where she deserves to be for the choices in life she made, and there was no mental illness that shaped her choices or forced her to do anything. The mental illness thing is a cop out, and this girl has had cop outs her whole life. It's obvious she's not mentally unstable, knew what she doing, and is going to pay the price for it. Trying to hide it under a mental disorder is...well, it's something Cindy would do. After all, Casey is perfect and can do no wrong. Please, gag me.

ITA! There's no reason for anyone to look for some elusive reason for Caylee's death. Casey Anthony is solely responsible for the death of Caylee, and she wasn't mentally ill or high on drugs when she murdered her daughter.

Cindy knows this, but she's spent a lifetime smoothing things over and making excuses for her daughter's behavior. Part of a parent's responsibility in raising children is to instill in them a belief in right and wrong and that there's a penalty to pay for wrong-doing. Cindy failed miserably when it came to raising Casey.

Casey knows the difference between right and wrong. When she does something wrong, she knows it and makes up a lie to cover up her wrong doing. Cindy never confronted her on her lies and allowed Casey to suffer a penalty. Instead, Cindy covered for Casey and "made things right" so that Casey wouldn't be punished.

And, that's exactly what Cindy has been doing since July 15, 2008 - trying desperately to find something to mitigate the facts so that Casey won't be punished. Cindy tried to blame innocent people like Jesse and other friends of Casey, and that didn't work.

When there's no escaping the fact that Casey murdered Caylee, Cindy will flounder around seeking a means to mitigate the severity of Casey's horrific crime. She'll excuse Casey's behavior citing mental illness, drugs, or something that makes Casey's crime seem less horrific than the reality.

When Cindy testifies in court this Thursday, I expect she will make an effort to be on her best behavior. I'm sure BC will have coached her. But Cindy doesn't accept the advice of others and believes she knows best, as we've seen with her depositions.

I'm sure that Cindy will try to tell the court that they didn't hear what they thought they heard........that she was only trying to get the police to respond quickly, as if a missing 2-year-old wasn't reason enough.

But there's no getting around the fact that Casey's car smelled like there had been a dead body in it, because in all likelihood, Caylee's dead body was in that car for a period of time. There's been far too many people who've stated that the car reeked of a human decomposition odor for Cindy to now try to say that when she said "it smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car", that wasn't a factual statement, but only a statement to get the police to respond quickly.
ITA that CA and GA never imagined that KC would have killed Caylee, but I'm not so sure about that there was no record of abuse in the past. The reason I say that is that the people who could tell us if KC had ever harmed Caylee in the past would NEVER admit it if she had. I mean, this is a young woman who had convinced everyone that she knew that she had this really sweet job working out of Universal studios, planning events, and that there was a nanny that took care of her daughter while she worked and "unwound" in the evenings. If she could hide the fact that she was unemployeed from everyone, I think she could have been as evil as she wanted to be to poor little Caylee, all day every day, and no one would have been the wiser. At least until Caylee could speak well enough to tell. JMO.

You bring up and excellent point! Casey is deceptive and lies about everything. She was able to deceive her parents and friends into thinking she had a job at Universal Studios, when in fact she had no job for two years. She was able to deceive her parents into thinking she had a nanny, when no nanny existed. She deceived her parents about friends she had, that never existed.

When Casey left her parents home on June 15/16, 2008, she apparently never left Orlando.........yet her parent couldn't find her. She was right there in the same city, yet her parents had no means of locating her and Caylee. Some great detective George was!

I don't know how George and Cindy can claim that Casey never harmed Caylee, when there was so much about Casey they didn't know. Casey could have been inflicting both physical and emotional abuse on Caylee, not leaving any physical marks, and her parents wouldn't know.
The best possible thing that Cindy can do at this point is to go to court on the 15th and tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. She needs to let the chips fall where they may.

Cindy would be wise to remember who she is dealing with. This is a defense team and defendent that will throw anyone and everyone under the bus to "prove" that Casey is innocent or at least that there is "reasonable doubt" (in their minds) that someone else may have done this to Caylee. Cindy should know this better than anyone since she was actively helping to find those people to go under that bus.

Cindy needs to remember that she, herself, is a good person to throw under the bus as well. Afterall, Cindy had the means and opportunity to be the killer which is more than what there was against R Kronk, J Grund, Amy, Tony, etc. If Cindy (or George or Lee) think that they would be "safe" from this type of thing from Casey then they really don't know Casey that well.

If Cindy still reads here I hope that she stops and thinks about all of this. Thinks about it and realizes that Casey would in fact blame Cindy if Casey thinks it will help herself. It amazes me that Cindy can't seem to see just how evil and rotten Casey really is.


It would be very simple for Casey to make up a new story..........

"I lied about the nanny taking Caylee to protect my mother. We had a terrible fight on the evening of June 15th. I was so scared and upset, I left the house and spent the night driving around or sleeping in the car. Caylee was asleep in her bed when I left, and that's the last time I saw her."
It would be very simple for Casey to make up a new story..........

"I lied about the nanny taking Caylee to protect my mother. We had a terrible fight on the evening of June 15th. I was so scared and upset, I left the house and spent the night driving around or sleeping in the car. Caylee was asleep in her bed when I left, and that's the last time I saw her."

Now if JB reads this he'll finally have a defense that is at least logical.
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