Cindy Anthony's testimonies

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JB w/CA.... kc has added a sweater or shawl ...

6 calls within 4 minutes on 6/16? Missed some calls on my cellphone

one @ 4:10, 4:11, 4:15 (object - she didn't know 6 calls- sustained!)
Jb you work @ Gentiva have health insurance? Yes...
JB wants to play portion of 3rd 911 call...

JB didn't know work electronic control...thinks it is dead....HHBp asks for # to be abundantly clear....States Exhibit #56

CA breathing deeply...
George Caylee is missing.....Caylee is missing....ZTN took her a month ago....she's been missing for a month....portion told GA something going on...had phone in hand waiting for Sheriff office to a little further back a little longer ...birthday 8/9/2005....George Caylee missing....kc said ZTN took her a month ago ...she's been missing for a month? You don't hear GA saying anything other than "what?" GA parked his car on street....walking to the house...didn't hear him say anything (train in background).... GA was not involved w/questioning kc w/LA...GA didn't question her with any of this? not aware if GA had contact w/kc....timeframe he was not home til 3rd he was coming home sheriff arrived ...everyone in the house @ that point...big jumble...we were all pushed aside..onces sheriff came we were all separated.....

said Caylee missing since 6/7....didn't have a calendar ...even though count back 31 days it would have been 6/ you recall . . .CA wrote down wrong date....Sunday before Fathers DAy....the 9th or you your statement refresh recollect? yes please....

Put in written statement June 8th Sunday before June 15th . . . wrote 8th but said 7th on 911 call....that last call she was was 6/15 from LE looked @ video of Caylee w/CA's father....wanted to go speak to people @ home where he was at ....verify that date...cA didn't want them to speak w/people @ home or with CA Father ...didn't want LE disturbing her FAther....he is still alive today....that evening when police arrived ...did CA had issues w/seizures? (Object- relevance . . .6/15 - sustained!) testified CA is a RN, not curently working (object- relevance -overrule) on disability right now....any financial interest in thiscase? Started organization named Caylee Marie Foundation....trademarked her name? Our Attys filed paperwork....made $ off this case? CA we lost $ on this case....sold pics of daughter & granddaughter? Brad Conway set this up...he got $6K she paid bills w/rest......go to NY w/GA....and Tom Luca....negotiate a deal for LA? She has no idea.....

fundraising activity for foundation? No . . . has it done anything? Yes it has....current have any negotionations with media for future interviews or projects w/this case? No Sir...flown to NY meet w/ABC many networks flown to NY to discuss possible projects? projects already done . . . when Caylee was missing . . . went to do contact since....JB whisper to DS asks for a moment.....
no further questions @ this time....


LDB approach clerk . . .



provided food for (CA provided most but many people did) shelter . . .
daughter's weight since 7/15/08 daughter's weight fluctuated over course of incarceration? Yes.....Father - Jessie G . . . told GA, people w/Greta VS in 8/2008 @ A home...tell them anything other than gate open? yes and ladder on it...June 17th 2008...vaguely remember that conversation . . . coworkers . . .pool ladder and gate incident was prior to gas can incident... locked gate is primarily unless we are working out in front yard...gate locked 6/17 thru that week....during that week only locked from ....GA didn't say he unlocked it....Caylee unable too tall for her . . . kc only person left in the house...

told people @ work dead body in car...object- overrule...manner of speaking ...your testimony to get officers there faster ..said whatever came to my smelled of garbage? told them tow driver and GA pulled bag of garbage out ....never smelled garbage in the car that long....used words smelled like dead body in 911 call....did it smell of a dead body? CA something I never smelled before...even more than rotting flesh @ work? I would say so ...never smelled something that big.....what did GA say during the 911 call? I don't remember ...collapsed in driveway he picked me up...he was quite upset....similar reactions to CA....shortly after LE arrived and separated everyone within seconds....copyright to prevent advertising of Caylee by strangers....told about ZTN and JH and other elaborate lies told to you by your daughter....told after Caylee was born . . .context of who was caring for Caylee or why she wasn't home.....not necessarily ....JH name came up about JG and her relationship....

also re: her employment and everything else or why kc wasn't @ home....object - overrule....

that is all the follow up...
Re-Cross smelled nothing smelled before..smelled dead bodies before... the car was overwhelming was different than I had smelled ....garbage or dead bodies....closest thing rotting flesh.....did you call police when rotting flesh in your home? I didn't believe it was rotting flesh! GA reaction similar to CA - visibly upset he picked me up and I hugged him and he cried and weep as much as CA...same reaction...heard CA reaction on 911 tape....GA was quite a ways away @ that time....did not hear his reaction did we? No Sir!

Recall kc's graduation? had a party planned and celebration for her highschool graduation...what happened? prior to grad date....kc missing .5 credit she was missing a quarter makeup English .. .she had extra credits to graduate but needed that credit...she was allowed to graduate . . she wasn't allowed to walk that date......we found out the day before not the 11th hour.....we didn't go to graduation....
this was before Caylee born right?

Witness Stand down...remove jury ....take up issues outside of jury presence.


JB is arguing to HHBP . . .confusing . . . stumbling....defense should elicite statements from defendant re: 6 felony convictions being allowed into court...not from prosecution during their direct exam....
statements of paternity of JG....DT brought it up....JB opened door to prior convictions...elicited hearsay statements from the defendant...St.of FL vs. John Steven Huggins 12/2/ 2004 decision....FL Supreme court....

HHBP looking up caselaw...Hillsboro Co. in Tampa....6 felony convictions...burden on JB to show . . .devastating effect . . .permit JB to argue in the morning...HHBP was on that Supreme court @ time of ruling....he was present during that time caselaw...he will have 10 min in morning to argue and SA will have 10 min to respond....he let this goes into evidence . . . if JB does not persuade into record 6 felony convictions ...hearsay about what kc has said . . . .may need a transcript of kc's testimony of today along with the cross . . . email HHBP a dirty copy but a clean copy in the morning...if DT was a dirty copy - are you saving your real time...didn't know they could...program called bridge...anotate testimony . .. recall issues ...state needs to pull out of the section . . .so HHBp can reference has to be surgical approach re: 6 prior convictions.... leave a email address to email that this evening....both SA and DT...

AH has been in Barcelona . . . take her out of order . . . 30 - 40 minutes direct exam estimated....HHBP to JB where is her file? ....It is in Kissimmee...working over the weekend on it...didn't expect her to be called today . . thought she was in Barcelona...early recess today get it back a full day on asked for room to store files...entire hallway in back is secured....unless something changed you have not stored any files down that hallway have you? JB Sorry didn't hear you.... HHBP .... let me make myself plain and clear .. .if you want files you better put them in there. I am Not.stopping. anymore. more .for you . to get. a. file...You go home.every.evening.these.folks aren't. you notice they all wanted to work Memorial. DAy! for whatever reason you work. on Memorial DAy! They are sequestered....make it pleasant for them....mindful they are sequestered..we cannot waste time will take the time for this case...5 minutes to step out....we will take testimony on AH....

KBelichWFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV
Cindy back on stand frowned at casey as she passed Casey. Casey did not look at her and is not looking now
Was duct taped kept anywhere other than garage?

not that I know of.

Was any duct tape used at the commend centre?

The did use duct tape to hold up posters. GA bought tape. CA believes it did not come from the house.

LDB have you ever made a statement that duct tape from your house was used at the command center?

CA if i did i dont remember

LDB refreshing her memory with her deposition. page 511

ICA glancing at CA.

When Caylee's body was found, she was in L.A. and was not present when the search warrant was executed on their home.

ICA writing notes to JB

On July 3rd she noticed Teddy was missing.

She had not seen the Winnie the Pooh blanket since the end of May.

Regarding July 2008 - she had the same hair style in the jail videos as she had for the past 6 months to a year. Her hair was longer. She cuts her hair every three weeks. She grew it out in the winter months and it was past her shoulder around Christmas time. She had longer hair in 2006. In 2002 she started putting hair color on. Prior to that, she highlighted strands of her hair. During 2004-2008 she continued to color her entire hair.

She was shown Exhibit 2 - a photo of Caylee in a green sundress.

ICA whispering to JB

She believes the photo was taken in the first couple of months of 2008. She had trimmed Caylee's hair but had not processed it ever.

Regarding ICA's hair, she started doing different things to her hair after Caylee was born. She started cutting it shorter and once in a while she would highlighted or colored it. ICA's natural hair color is brown.

She was shown a photo of ICA and Caylee. It was taken in the beginning of 2007.

ICA whispering to JB and DS.

Photo was marked as Exhibit 314.

Caylee's second birthday was 8/9/07.

(Cindy looking on the verge of crying)

LDB showing CA page 497 of her deposition - lines 1 thru 6.

(JB and ICA looking at monitor)

JB OBJECTION as no question pending. LDB using the depo as to determine when the picture was taken. OVERRULED.

CA asked if she recalled the photo being taken around Caylee's second birthday.


She recalled stating that the photo was taken around Caylee's second birthday.

LA usually keeps his hair short - he would shave his hair down to the smallest of the electric trimmers. It would never get more than an inch long and he has never processed his hair.

Her mother lives in Mt Dora. She believes her mom was in the Sunfire, but couldn't say when the last time was.

She stated that she and George drove the Sunfire a lot.

Her mother has not had hair longer than her shoulder in the past 10 years - brown, blonde, grey, white.

Regarding CA's brothers, she doesn't think they have been in the Sunfire, but it is possible her oldest brother could have. He has very short blond hair.

In 2008 she recalled black duct tape and blue and possibly silver. She doesn't really use it, but she did use the black to wrap the no trespassing signs. The duct tape was all kept in the garage. It was not their duct tape used at the Kid Finders command center.

Did she recall making a statement that duct tape from your house was used at the command center. She did not recall that, but could have. She was shown page 570 - line 13 of her 2005 depo. She remembered GA telling her about putting a piece of duct tape on the gas can. Then, 512 - line 24 - she again recalled using duct tape at the command center, but didn't know its origin.

She was shown Q-T which was a photo of a poster at the Kid Finders event.

(JB shaking his head)

She was shown Q-Z which was a photo of similar canvas items they had purchased and had at the home. The bottom item looked like what they used in Caylee's room for her stuffed animals. The top item she wasn't sure of because the size is blurred out.

She was shown Q-Z and exhibit 29 from her deposition. She agreed they were identical. She agreed that the top item was similar to one she had in her home. Item marked as Exhibit 315 with no objection by JB.

She agreed the top canvas bag was something they had in their home. At one point it was in their shed, she then put it in the garage on one of the shelves in the laundry area. That was where she last saw it. It had been 8 or 9 months prior to summer 2008 since she had looked at it.

The bottom item she used in Caylee's room until they received another one that looked like a tree. At that point, the canvas bag was put in the garage area.

She recalled saying in her 2009 depo that the last time she saw that was in Caylee's room, but she had forgotten that they had taken it out and put the tree-like one in. She also recalled saying that it was no longer in Caylee's bedroom after the police executed their search warrant.

She was shown Exhibit 290 - a photo showing the laundry area in the garage. She circled where the canvas bags were located. They stored items they didn't want to get dusty in a trash bag.

She was shown Exhibit 291 - a close up of 290 and agreed the canvas bags would have been stored in either of the garbage bags on the shelf.

She was shown another item and said it showed a bag containing the plastic balls found in a ball pit.

She was then shown Exhibit 13. It is a photo of Caylee and ICA. The first time she had ever seen the shirt was during her depo.

(CA sniffling - ICA stoic)

She usually did the laundry. GA and ICA occasionally did it. She does not ever remember seeing the pink shirt or this photo until July of 2009.

No further questions.

Mid afternoon recess until 3:00
CA getting a bit emotional at the plastic balls from the ball pit in the shed picture.

LDB may i have a moment Your Honor?

witness views number 13 in evidence. image of photo of ICA and Caylee. Caylee in Bgi trouble comes in small packages shirt. CA saying first time she saw that shirt was during her deposition.

is it fair to say you have never seen that shirt at your house?

I have never seen that shirt
HHJBP - Jury has asked to see Exhibit 313 again and also have asked for a typed list of all the exhibits during deliberations. HHJBP has asked LDB to put it on the document camera and then JB can begin his cross examination. The judge asked the clerk to make sure there are gloves in the jury room.

JB stated that the sticker has now fallen off the cardboard and he would like the jury to see it in the way it was collected.

(IAC given a black three ring binder)

LDB said that JB can call the witness back to clarify how the item was collected. She also stated there is a photo showing it at the time of collection.

HHJBP says they have to answer the Jury's (s)pecific question.

JB says that if they hand it to the jury, there should be a specific instruction that it was originally stuck to the cardboard.

Robin Maynard was the witness to predicate the sticker. During the break, the court reporter will find her specific testimony.

HHJBP - put the exhibit on the document camera and bring the jury in. If they want to hold it, they will address that then. (CM now at the podium with JB).

OFF THE RECORD - Call Ms. Peters (court reporter) and have her find the testimony. If there is no testimony that the cardboard was attached, all there is is assumptions.

Microphones turned off.
Judge is asking that they get out the document cam and show the jury exhibit 313. sending back a box of the gloves so the jurors can look at the evidence.

Jb saying the sticker has fallen off of the cardboard. Wanting the jury to see the item as it was.

LDB saying there is no evidence that the sticker was ever STUCK to the card board. Saying JB should call witness back to testify that the items was or was not stuck to cardboard.
LDB has no objection to the jury reviewing the item as it is. but this item is not in evidence yet.

HHJBP when a jury asks a specific question you must specifically answer that question.

They will see 313. that is what they asked for.

JB and LDB reaching a mutual agreement.

Ok doc cam is fine. if they want to see it in their hands they can see it in their hands.

JB suggesting that it was stuck to cardboard.

HHJBP says that is there record testimony that says it is STUCK to the cardboard?

LDB saying robin maynard was the witness to have testified to the heart sticker on the cardboard.

HHJBP having her testimony read from last saturday. As to whether the sticker was placed on the cardboard to take photos or if it was STUCK to the card board.

JB they wouldnt have included the cardboard if it wasnt part of the evidence.

HHBJP call miss peters to bring up that testimony and we need to find out.

going off the record for now

I think this is the puffy sticker and "cardboard" the Jury wants to see. The "cardboard" looks like photo/picture Matt board used in framing images. An image of the one found was overlayed over a piece of Matt board I thought looked like the "cardboard" and sticker in evidence.
(Thanks to another WSers help.)

When leaving stand Cindy Anthony did mouth I love you to her daughter. Confirmed w/ producer who reviewed tape. #CaseyAnthony -fell

Caylee was found on Dec. 11, 2008. The police executed a search warrant at her home. She was not home. Went home the next day to get their dogs and finally went back a couple of days later. They were then able to see what the police had done in their absence. The police returned on 12/20 to execute a second search warrant.

At some later point they got a copy of the items taken in the first search warrant.

At the time of the second search warrant, it was a difficult time.

Was there a confrontation?

OBJECTION BY LDB - RELEVANCY? Overruled for now.

Yes it was confrontational.

George had to be taken to the back area?


Did you tell LE that there was a missing blanket? She did not know when she told them that. She was not aware she told LE that on 12/20 until JB told her that.

Did the first search warrant list a Winnie the pooh blanket?

OBJECTION BY LDB - Items not in evidence.

SIDEBAR #4 regarding the Winnie the pooh blanket line of questions.

SIDEBAR #5 with Ms. Peters (court reporter)

More to come....
HHJBP returning from side bar, asks the Attorneys to RETURN to sidebar, Miss Peters

bunch of head nodding.

JB back up for cross.

JB Mrs A when you came home dec 11th 2008 your house was a mess?


The police turned the house upside down


JB didnt put anything back?

CA no

JB They took items on of the things included were her bedding, correct?

CA uhm yes

CA I wasnt sure what they were interested in, they looked under every little thing.

JB has her deposition, asking her questions. please read line 10 - 15

CA - yes

JB when you were asked, what exactly is the question asked to you during this?

LDB Objection, there is no impeachment going on here

JB im not impeaching her, i am talking about the item you showed her earlier.

(Splitting hairs)

LDB says jb is asking her to read a hearsay document.

JB mrs. were you asked by mrs LDB if casey removed duct tape from the house?

CA - doesnt recall the question, says she had a two day deposition, cant remember it all.

JB is reading the deposition. Back to CA
LDB objection to reading it, improper impeachment.

HHJBP something about passed recollection recorded? Im sorry i missed it
Jb do you recall giving a deposition?

CA Yes

July 29 2009

JB were you placed under oath?

CA Yes

JB can you read lines 10 - 15?

CA reads the lines 10 - 15 of her deposition

She agreed that after the first search warrant their house was turned upside down and they did not put anything back. They took items and at some point Caylee's bedding set had been taken. She was not exactly sure what they were looking for.

(Cindy sniffling and wiping her nose - ICA staring intently at the monitor in front of her)

CA was shown her prior depo - lines 10 - 15 regarding duct tape.

What question was asked of you?

OBJECTION BY LDB - improper impeachment, hearsay as to page - out of court statement. OVERRULED.

Were you asked by LDB if ICA removed any duct tape from the house when she was out of jail? She did not remember and the depo did not refresh her recollection. JB began to read...

OBJECTION BY LDB - improper impeachment as JB was reading her response. HHJBP - establish predicate for past recollection in court.

JB needs a minute to confer with CM, then the other young male defense attorney. JB then takes the deposition to CA with the page marked.

She read her answer as to whether ICA removed any duct tape while out of jail - she read - as far as I remember, no, because I believe we only had one roll of duct tape (black) and GA was using that to repair the signs in front of their house.

She was asked if GA was the only one using the roll of duct tape, but said that she would have been using it also. She agreed she said in her depo that GA was the only one using it.

CA showed Exhibit 314 - a photo of ICA and Caylee.

They have owned the Pontiac Sunfire since 2000 - eight years prior to it being confiscated. Her hair length, ICA's and Caylee's hair length has changed during that time. Her mother's hair length has never gone past her shoulder - 5". Lee's hair is usually very short.

Back to Exhibit 314. Photo was taken in early 2007. Caylee was younger than 2 years old in the photo - 18 months - the shorts in the photo were 24 months. In June of 2008 she no longer fit into those shorts. She was wearing 3Ts.

Whoever put those shorts on her were not familiar with her size?


No more questions by JB.

Witness told to stand down.
JB asking CA how long have you owned the pontiac sunfire

CA since 2000

Jb for 8 years?

CA yes

JB and your hair length has changed a lot in 8 years.

CA yes

Jb and so has Casey's

CA yes

Jb and so had Caylee's?

CA Yes

Gramma and lee too....

JB asking about how old caylee was in this picture.

CA i'de say 18 months.

JB Caylee had grown significantly since then. in a year and some months since this picture.

CA yes

JB so it would be a fair statement that who ever put these hsorts on her was unfamilliar with her SIZE.

LDB Objection asking a witness to speculate.

LDB redirect. Nothing further.

(My daughter wears all different sizes of clothes. If they fit they fit. Who cares what the label says. Jb is obviously not a parent)
Jury is taking a look at exhibit 313 on the evidence camera.

They will now pass it around.

JB asking that the jury to consider it attached.

JBP asking the jury to understand that the sticker was attached to the cardboard.

ICA is chatting to DCS w her hand over her mouth.
JB handing yellow notes to ICA who is reading something. then whispering again to DCS

ICA folds note and passes it to dcs to read.

ICA listening to something JB and Otherlawyerman (does he have a name?) are talking about behind her.

Jury still looking at item 313 . Heart shaped sticker that was attached to dirty old cardboard.

I wonder if they are looking at it to see if it compares to any stickers they saw else where? Or if it resembles the sticker outline they saw in the box?
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