Cindy Blames "You Guys"

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What is the opposite of drinking the koolaid? Would it be jumping the shark?

I have defended Cindy's behavior in here many times. I have felt sorry for her and the position she is in. I have worried over her mental and physical health. This all changed last night when for me she jumped the shark, for lack of a better phrase.

I put a lot of thought into this, trying in vain to come up with an innocent reason for what she pulled yesterday. I can't. If she wants to believe Caylee is alive, despite all evidence to the contrary, I understand, if she wants to even gripe at people for not looking for a walking, breathing little girl, I understand, but what she did yesterday was deliberately and yes, I believe maliciously, interfere with an ongoing, active search for her granddaughter. These people searching are not going to say, "Ok, Cindy, we will all stop looking through the woods and go check out what few clubs your daughter missed in her search, and maybe throw in a mall or two, and who wants to volunteer to search the theme parks?" and NOBODY is stupid enough to think they would. Is TES getting to close to for comfort? Is that why she did this? What other reason is there?

Well, here is what I am going to do. I am going to scrape up every spare dime I have and send it to TES. I am going to send email after email to TES begging them to continue searching. If, God forbid, that innocent, precious baby girl has not been found by week after next when I go to Florida, I am going to beg my husband to take a couple of days out of our vacation to go to Orlando and search myself. And if TES packs it up and goes home, I am going to call every media outlet in Florida and beg them to put pressure on LE to lock Cindy up. IMO, they have her for several things, and it is one thing to whine and cry to the media, but what she did yesterday is harming the search for this little girl who deserves way better than this.
All right, my rant is over. For now, anyway.
Lanie well said.

How can she turn against TES? This is my question, she should hope they search the woods and all areas and come up with nothing to validate her theory. I wish these crazies would stop calling Cindy claiming to have see her grandchild, some people seriously want attention and want to speak with her and make up these stories.

I just can't believe Cindy can meet with LE for hours on end and then berate them in the media, has she done it to their face? Has she told them directly that they are not looking for Caylee? What did LE say in response?

I think the entire country is looking for Caylee, but why should we keep looking when this family is so rude and abrupt? Because of course we want to bring this baby home and NOTHING can stop us NOT even you CINDY. STEP DOWN - YOU WILL NOT INTERFERE - CAYLEE is not property you have complete control of, you WILL NOt control the investigation and puppeteer the media, LE and regular folks who are concerned.

Ona side note: These peope protesting and going up to the Anthony house should be embarrassed. It is crazy to see video of people yelling at Cindy in her front yard. Yes she is not well liked and yes we all think she is going about this wrong, but for crying out loud get a life and focus your energy on helping to find a resolution.
I have tried to my best to have more compassion and to unharden my heart towards these people. I am not even gonna try anymore.

This my opinion only and if i get banned for it so be it.

This is not denial on their part. They are playing the blame game for one reason and one reason only. To try and help Casey. Caylee is once again a pawn. She is of no use to them if her body is found.

As long as they keep spouting off blame. red herrings, and the idea that caylee is alive, they believe this will hopefully cast doubt on Casey's case.

If Having Caylee's body found would help Casey, I have no doubt in my mind that they would be doing anything and everything possible for her to be found.
And would be all over the news and the public begging for any help they could get.

This is "Operation save Casey", nothing more, nothing less. That is thier mission and Caylee doesn't matter right now.

God Bless You Caylee, You Deserved So Much More.
In addition, Cindy said something about 'these dangerous people' with whom her daughter has been associated. Kind of 'gang'...well, if these people are the ones with whom her daughter had such a good time at Fusion or somewhere else (ooops, I should say working hard/conducting 'investigation':) - then looks like we should join this 'gang' to find Caylee! Does anyone knows to which 'gang' Casey was belong? I couldn't see any reference to the 'gang' name in LE documents...:)
<<Can the real ZG stand up?>>

LOL! I'm sorry, I know that's kind of mean, but I couldn't resist.
In addition, Cindy said something about 'these dangerous people' with whom her daughter has been associated. Kind of 'gang'...well, if these people are the ones with whom her daughter had such a good time at Fusion or somewhere else (ooops, I should say working hard/conducting 'investigation':) - then looks like we should join this 'gang' to find Caylee! Does anyone knows to which 'gang' Casey was belong? I couldn't see any reference to the 'gang' name in LE documents...:)
Cindy blames us... the media... everyone else.

Fact is: A decomposing body was not in my trunk.

In fact, if we wanted to take that a bit farther, there was decomposition in Cindy's car trunk, according to her initial report that her car was stolen.

We can project guilt with the best of them.
I have no respect what so ever for Cindy. She treats Tim like crap even though he is out there searching with his own money on his own time. What does Cindy do all day? **** on her hiny. It is stupid sentences like this coming out of that stupid head that makes people protest. These are the same words that make people question her involvement in the whole thing. I don't think they want this child found due to the consequences that will face the truth. It seems like the entire family is in on it. It is ashame the media, public, and the le are more dedicated and want to find this child more than the child's own family. If I was born into a family like that I'd pray they aborted me and saved me from the terrible future I would've had.
are both Cindy and George out of work at this point?
I have no respect what so ever for Cindy. She treats Tim like crap even though he is out there searching with his own money on his own time. What does Cindy do all day? **** on her hiny. It is stupid sentences like this coming out of that stupid head that makes people protest. These are the same words that make people question her involvement in the whole thing. I don't think they want this child found due to the consequences that will face the truth. It seems like the entire family is in on it. It is ashame the media, public, and the le are more dedicated and want to find this child more than the child's own family. If I was born into a family like that I'd pray they aborted me and saved me from the terrible future I would've had.

Ain't that the truth.

I am appalled by the protesters and their behavior, I think they are making a bad situation worse. However, had Cindy crossed my path in the last 12 hours, I can't say I would have had the restraint to not get in her face. I could care less if she is blaming US, but for her to be out there SABATOGING the search for her granddaughter BY TOTAL STRANGERS while THE MOTHER OF THIS DEAD CHILD HAS DONE NOTHING BUT LIE, GO CLUBBING AND SURF THE NET, IS INEXCUSABLE!!!:furious::furious::furious:
All she is doing is throwing obstacles in the path of her granddaughter being found. Body or no body, Casey is going down for this, there is too much circumstantial evidence, and Casey is cutting her own throat with the story she is telling, and everything she has done. An attorney fresh out of law school could get a conviction in this case, I could get a conviction and I'm not even an attorney.
I posted this on another thread, but want to make sure Cindy sees it, lol.

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

Cindy needs to take the cotton out of her ears and put it in her mouth. Of course, I believe we all need to take it out of our mouths and put it in our ears and not listen to all this BS any more. By starting threads regarding the Anthonys, what Cindy did or didn't say, etc etc etc is just adding fuel to her fire. The more chaos she can stir up the more the focus is off of what it needs to be on and that is finding Caylee.

Our focus should be on finding Caylee and the HELL with what the Anthony's say or think!!! It is all nonsense and we are getting sucked right in -

I am going to chose to take the cotton out of my mouth and put it in my ears - I am tired of listening to this BS!!!


I am joining you right there!!!

Last night I turned off NG and refused to finish and listen to her manipulative, calculated lies and distortions!
Good for you Poco, your so right. Some people thrive on drama, perhaps the Anthony family is in that club.

This is something I've been thinking for a while now. Remember the message Casey had left for her friend talking about Dramaaa? Drama seemed to be talked about often like it was an enjoyable thing. There are people who do thrive on drama, if there isn't any, they'll be sure and create some. They are not happy if things are going slow, quiet and peaceful. Is it because they get an andrenelin rush from drama?

imo Casey and Cindy have a lot in common except Cindy did get an education and used that to earn money.

If all the cameras and reporters went away, imo Cindy would do something to bring them back, she would not do well with quiet and peaceful.

I don't see how either one could be working. I doubt anybody would hire them. Remember Zanny said she couldn't get a job because of this even though she is innocent. Their living off donations. Good thing I'd never donate to them. I am actually surprised they haven't used the donations for the bail.........Cindy is really starting to show her true colors: Casey over Caylee
How is it that Cindy can call directly into Nancy Grace during the show when others call for days on end?

She most likely has a direct number every time someone says something on the show that she wants to complain about. NG needs to cut Cindy's air time or her ratings and viewers will drop.
Talk about hocus pocus. She doesn't want anyone looking in Orlando. Wonder why?

Kinda like Snott Peterson trying to get people to search away from the marina.....She knows where Caylee is! IMO:furious:
I have to disagree respectfully, of course, Lilt! I want Cindy on NG again and again...but from now on instead of Tim and her quasi forensic specialist...I want an FBI agent, Yuri, or other official who is working on this case there to be able to back up the results of the tests to drum it home to Cindy that the ONLY person who has put Caylee in a coffin (or a dumpster, or a grave, or a swamp) is Casey. They need to make sure this charade stops once and for all with absolutely no doubts as to who is responsible for this!!
I have to disagree respectfully, of course, Lilt! I want Cindy on NG again and again...but from now on instead of Tim and her quasi forensic specialist...I want an FBI agent, Yuri, or other official who is working on this case there to be able to back up the results of the tests to drum it home to Cindy that the ONLY person who has put Caylee in a coffin (or a dumpster, or a grave, or a swamp) is Casey. They need to make sure this charade stops once and for all with absolutely no doubts as to who is responsible for this!!

I can somewhat agree with this. If solid proof was there to debunk every wild story Cindy comes up with, she'll eventually either believe it or keep her mouth shut.
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