Cindy & George on TODAY SHOW 10/22/08

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She's not a "character" she's a real person going through the worst hell imaginable

Doesn't change the fact that she is very difficult to like. She just doesn't seem to garner sympathy. My opinion? She conveys arrogance and contentiousness.
Media blitz is what I'm thinking. I can't see them traveling to NY for a five minute interview on the Today Show.

I won't be watching another interview with C & GA.
I have no tolerance for those people.:doh:

Hooray! Thank you. Since there are some indications that the Today show paid them $200,000 for "licensing fees" for some videos, I bet they will make a few appearances with them and keep bilking the show as best they can.
I still think it is important to tell the shows, especially the morning shows, that scrambled brains aren't good for breakfast and that there is no news value from anything the Anthony's babble and sputter.:liar::liar::crosseyed:

After CA's declaration that "there is no evidence", what is the point of listening to their attempts to further discredit and destroy truth and evidence?
Just because CA says Caylee is alive does not make it so and Caylee's & KC's life does NOT depend on what CA thinks, CA can scream from the hill tops that Caylee is alive and it will not change the facts and the truth. Everything that is happening to CA, KC and the family is a direct consequense of their daughter, KC's actions, not reporting your daughter missing for 31 days and not taking better care of her and being irresponsible will get you where they are today - no one deserves the pain that they are going through - but someone in this family deserves to get punished for failing that child, take your pick on who you want that to be, but in the end someone will PAY for hurting this child.:furious:

The George and Cindy show is put out for public comsumption. They could stop it. They choose not to, they love the lime light. I don't consider this entertainment at all. I consider it sad. Sad that there are people so evil in this world. Sad that Caylee never had anyone in her life that she could count on. Sad that she was used in a pawn in her mother and grandmothers sick little twisted game. I give compassion to those who deserve it. They do not.

I feel the same way - Caylee was a "prop" in a stage play for the entire family in my opinion. She was a power pawn for KC and a way for CA to keep control of KC. It is pitiful in my eyes that a small child was so misused and not cherished as a little girl should be.

Caylee is being used now by all of them for their own wants and needs. That is not denial, but more maniuplation and lies.

It is very distressing to me they don't care where her little body is, and have never spent that first day looking for her. I would have been to every apartment in Sawgrass if I believed KC's story. It is obvious to me they NEVER believed her from the beginning because THEY never looked.

GA would have good investigative skills having been in LE, but did he go interview anyone? NOPE...........that speaks volumes.

I am just very sad they don't care enough about Caylee to find her and bury her little body.
(snipped) Turbothink: "I believe her being young, she went with their lead, and their lead caused her to be where she is. KC has her parents to thank for her long jail time in my opinion. I believe she is getting exactly what she deserves, but it could have been so different with different parents. "
(bolded by me)

this would be a cell of hell for me, to face my own failure as a parent with such catastrophic results.........
if that is the case then that guilt may be the root of C and G's battle "against all odds".......
but, I am not convinced that it is always "the parent's fault" how a child turns out.......I remember coming to a crossroads in my life and realizing I had to take responsibiliy for me and not blame my parents for me.......

(I probably shouldn't even post takes me so long to say what I'm thinking and probably never make much sense......:crazy:
Who would ever "expect" that their daughter was capable of murdering their own daughter? Did Cindy think her daughter was an unfit mother? Yes. Did Cindy think her daughter was a lying, thieving, sociopath? Yes. Did she suspect that Casey couldn't take care of her child properly? Yes. Does she now wish she had done something about it? IMO...YES!

Cindy contradicts herself. She allegedly wanted custody of Caylee and felt KC was an unfit mother. Yet now she has stated repeatedly that KC is a great mother, a mother of the year. 180 degrees.
Also I would like to point out that CA was saying that IF it went to court that there will be Science guys to prove the evidence will not hold up! (In around about way!) Look how many people have been on death row who were charged, years latter DNA set them FREE! Myself I believe in DNA and etc. Just like CA said they can't say well I can't wait to hear the Defense side of the case: JUST CAN'T WAIT!!!
I think they are well aware that Casey is a liar and a theif and used people. I think Cindy tossed the psychopath label out there when talking to Casey's friend because she was angry. I don't think Cindy EVER had any concern that Casey didn't love Caylee. Nothing prepared the grandparents for this.

When I was Casey's age I knew plenty of people that were liars, theives not a one ever murdered anyone.

You have no way of knowing that CA wasn't totally serious at the time she labeled her daughter a sociopath, or what doubts she had about Casey as a mother and person.
What people need to understand..... It's not that they are in denial. Its:

1. Purposefully changing facts/stories.
2. Purposefully lieing to police.
3. Trying HARD to pin the disappearance on Jesse, Amy, etc. Repeatedly.
4. Skewing/blaming LE for deliberately leaking evidence, purposefully refusing to look for Caylee, not doing their job, saying this is all for political gain.
5. Playing the victim/martyr even including Casey in "the conspiracy" against the family.

If the Anthony's were a minority 'race' - I suggest they'd be pulling the race card also.

THAT'S why people have issues with them! Not just cuz they are in Denial. (BTW, it's been FOUR MONTHS).

Thank you! This sums it up perfectly.
Well IF (and that's a big IF) Natalie's mom was paid she obviously used that money to pay for her several month long stay in Aruba where she plead with law enforcement and searched every day for her daughter.
As far as Sharon Rocha goes, I grew up in Modesto, Ca and am very knowledgable about that case. Why don't you check out where 100% of the proceeds of that book went, after that you can question Sharon's character. I can't believe that you would think for a minute that these two mothers were comperable to CA.

I totally agree, there is no comparison btw Cindy and Beth and Sharon, none. It is time for the Today Show and other programs to concentrate on other families with missing loved ones, you would think the Anthony's are the only ones in America that has someone missing. Enough making money on tv shows, so you can pay for your daughters defense, it is hard for me to imagine anyone wants to look and listen to anything these two people have to say. I only care about Caylee's remains being found and laid to rest.
(snipped) Turbothink: "I believe her being young, she went with their lead, and their lead caused her to be where she is. KC has her parents to thank for her long jail time in my opinion. I believe she is getting exactly what she deserves, but it could have been so different with different parents. "
(bolded by me)

this would be a cell of hell for me, to face my own failure as a parent with such catastrophic results.........
if that is the case then that guilt may be the root of C and G's battle "against all odds".......
but, I am not convinced that it is always "the parent's fault" how a child turns out.......I remember coming to a crossroads in my life and realizing I had to take responsibiliy for me and not blame my parents for me.......

{Right, its called enabling. The already thousand of dollars spent on this case, because of this dysfunctional family. The monies put into her jail account so she can be more comfortable, etc. When Cindy tells people they need to start looking for Caylee...what?

These people are perfect examples of enablers.}
(snipped) Turbothink: "I believe her being young, she went with their lead, and their lead caused her to be where she is. KC has her parents to thank for her long jail time in my opinion. I believe she is getting exactly what she deserves, but it could have been so different with different parents. "
(bolded by me)

this would be a cell of hell for me, to face my own failure as a parent with such catastrophic results.........
if that is the case then that guilt may be the root of C and G's battle "against all odds".......
but, I am not convinced that it is always "the parent's fault" how a child turns out.......I remember coming to a crossroads in my life and realizing I had to take responsibiliy for me and not blame my parents for me.......

(I probably shouldn't even post takes me so long to say what I'm thinking and probably never make much sense......:crazy:
makes sense to me .. imho constantly blaming the parents takes the responsibility off of the kid and your not gonna tell me a 5 -18 year old doesnt have SOME sense of right from wrong . i think if more kids were held accountable for thier actions it would teach them right from the get go that hey its not gonna fall back on the parents all the time . alot of kids know straight up that it will fall back on the parents and sometimes that is exactly why they do things they do .. to hurt the parent and to do it to get away with it
The key thing I heard in that entire interview, aside from the denial, was Cindy saying weeks ago that LE told her there wasn't 100% proof that Caylee was dead.

Those tests have come back now and LE has told the nation that Caylee is deceased on more than one occasion. It looks to me like the A's are choosing to ignore this. It also seems possible that LE hasn't specifically told them face to face of the findings.

I personally think the A's are going with the small, minute fact that forensics is not 100%. I think that is what CA was alluding too, JMO. They would rather not think of the HUGE percentage that it was Caylee in that trunk at some point in time.
I have heard Cindy say so many times, "The evidence they have is just circumstantial"....doesn't that say enough as to the strategy in this case? No body, no crime. Well, I for one, can't wait until the defense is able to rub Cindy's nose in the "circumstantial" evidence. She is such a con artist sociopath, just like Casey.
It is time for the Today Show and other programs to concentrate on other families with missing loved ones, you would think the Anthony's are the only ones in America that has someone missing.

~~Respectfully snipped~~

I believe it is time to broadcast other families. We would be able to fill an entire forum on the differences in how the A's are acting and how most all other families are acting.
That's what I wonder..and that's what makes me so angry. I know and understand denial, but even for them, if there is a 1% chance that she IS out there in their mind (I know that they say there is no chance, but they HAVE to have at least considered that possibility) how can they not want TES to look, find her and bring her home. I understand that is not the outcome that they want, none of us do, but everyday that passes IMO, there is less chance of finding her.

this is what gnaws at me, too..........thanks for saying it so simply
The Anthonys have also gone through the worst hell imaginable.

In my eyes they are in their own "self created hell" - When you lie and try to manipulate public opinion to free someone who was indicted as a BABY KILLER, you will be in hell on earth.

Losing Caylee does not seem to bother them near as much as saving KC. That to me is abominable

Karma is not pretty in cases like this.
You have no way of knowing that CA wasn't totally serious at the time she labeled her daughter a sociopath, or what doubts she had about Casey as a mother and person.
oh i think cindy knew and blames herself that is why she is so vehemently defending her now .. cuz casey is HER baby . i do wish that cindy could somehow get past that and do right by caylee but i suppose that is much easier said than done . as ive stated before though i have so many mixed feelings with this case .. i can see why to a point why the a's are doing what they are doing but the moral part of me says wtf? ugh :(
I personally think the A's are going with the small, minute fact that forensics is not 100%. I think that is what CA was alluding too, JMO. They would rather not think of the HUGE percentage that it was Caylee in that trunk at some point in time.

I understand that. Their glass is half full.

What caught my attention though is that Cindy said "weeks ago" which made my conclusion that it was before forensics came back from 3 different labs of the same evidence that... Caylee is deceased.

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