Cindy & George on TODAY SHOW 10/22/08

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Honestly, I dont like CA either. But Im honestly getting sick and tired of people condeming these people for holding hope, as slight as it might be..

None of us have seen the evidence proving Caylee is 100% dead. Yes, LE has said this and that and I have no doubt that there is evidence. What if it was your child or grandchild and there was mountains of evidence proving the child was dead, but....

There could be a 1% or 2% chance the child is alive?? Would you not hold hope and search, would you not want the exposure these people have to find their gd.
There is no doubt they Love this child as much as any of us love the children in our families. Would you give up on your child with any tiny bit of hope?

Now with the tiny bit of chance the child is alive, (as hopeless as it seems) would you just throw your hands up and accept your child murdered someone?

I have no doubt that Caylee is playing with the Angels, I have no doubt that KC did it. But for one moment put yourself in the A's shoes. We dont have to like them or how they acted, it's bad... but Im really tired of people condeming them for holding hope when any of us would do the same thing.

I disagree with this post, in fact after watching both GP's for a couple of months now, I have come to the conclusion that these folks do not know the meaning of love. They ALL are very narrisistic. They very rarely mention their GD, always talk about Casey and never have once pleaded for her safe return.
The one thing I was surprised by is when Cindy discussed the protesters and how if they wanted to do something they could help search with Tim and TES.
IMO she was being sarcastic when she said that, kind of saying that the energy spent protesting was a waste of time just like searching with TES
I disagree with this post, in fact after watching both GP's for a couple of months now, I have come to the conclusion that these folks do not know the meaning of love. They ALL are very narrisistic. They very rarely mention their GD, always talk about Casey and never have once pleaded for her safe return.
i think when GA was on tv he did .. i thought so anyway . i thought ive heard them say give caylee back bring her home . they didnt plead tho
According to the Anthony's, the only reason they continue to do interviews is to put Caylee's face out there and to get help from the public. So they go ALL the way to NY to be on a news show that will give them great exposure, and they don't give out the new "tip line" number or give us a clue as to where to keep our "eyes open" for Caylee from tips they have received? Give me a break. They aren't pulling this charade off very well. No pleas to the "kidnapper", nada, nothin'. I feel like calling in a "tip"- "Look in the woods near the airport if you really wan't to bring Caylee home"

I couldn't agree more!!
The Body Farm
State Attorney Forensics Lab

This is the way I've understood it anyway.

I wonder if they are all testing the same evidence though. As in I wonder if all the evidence is being tested at every lab. I'll be interested to see when we hear the proof at trial.

ETA- After CA's comment about weeks ago she refers to them telling her weeks ago no evidence is 100% which she SHOULD have known MONTHS ago. It's another spin by CA IMO.
Honestly, I dont like CA either. But Im honestly getting sick and tired of people condeming these people for holding hope, as slight as it might be..

None of us have seen the evidence proving Caylee is 100% dead. Yes, LE has said this and that and I have no doubt that there is evidence. What if it was your child or grandchild and there was mountains of evidence proving the child was dead, but....

There could be a 1% or 2% chance the child is alive?? Would you not hold hope and search, would you not want the exposure these people have to find their gd.
There is no doubt they Love this child as much as any of us love the children in our families. Would you give up on your child with any tiny bit of hope?

Now with the tiny bit of chance the child is alive, (as hopeless as it seems) would you just throw your hands up and accept your child murdered someone?

I have no doubt that Caylee is playing with the Angels, I have no doubt that KC did it. But for one moment put yourself in the A's shoes. We dont have to like them or how they acted, it's bad... but Im really tired of people condeming them for holding hope when any of us would do the same thing.

Your right, I would have hope until they showed me her body. My Dad had cancer. We knew for six years, he was going to die. We watched him die slowly. I thought I had come to terms with it but, when all was said and done, I still had hope until he drew his last breath. So even if they know deep down, until they see her body, they will still have hope. IMHO
You have no way of knowing that CA wasn't totally serious at the time she labeled her daughter a sociopath, or what doubts she had about Casey as a mother and person.

How do you presume to know what I know or don't know?

I never stated it as fact, I prefaced it with "I think"
At what point does someone become an accomplice? If this tragedy wasn't about the neglect, abuse, and death of a darling baby girl, but rather a case involving adults, how would we perceive and process the actions and statements of the Anthony Clan?

I really wonder if this lunacy is just about personality disorders.
I in NO, way, shape or form judge them EVER!! But I will also give the same respect to the As.
Well IF (and that's a big IF) Natalie's mom was paid she obviously used that money to pay for her several month long stay in Aruba where she plead with law enforcement and searched every day for her daughter.
As far as Sharon Rocha goes, I grew up in Modesto, Ca and am very knowledgable about that case. Why don't you check out where 100% of the proceeds of that book went, after that you can question Sharon's character. I can't believe that you would think for a minute that these two mothers were comperable to CA.
I disagree with this post, in fact after watching both GP's for a couple of months now, I have come to the conclusion that these folks do not know the meaning of love. They ALL are very narrisistic. They very rarely mention their GD, always talk about Casey and never have once pleaded for her safe return.

:clap::clap::clap::clap: Here, Here, Ned!! If she was alive WHY weren't they PLEADING with "Zanny" for her return. Why don't they ever plead for her return and rave about the $225K reward? Why have they NEVER gotten their feet dirty trying to look for Caylee? That's why we have condemned them! What a bunch of crack heads. I am sooooooooo tired of this mess and I pray about a million times a day that one of you good samaritans in Orlando will find her remains!!!!! Please, God!!!!! Just let them find her so that this can all be over:praying:
~~Respectfully snipped~~

I believe it is time to broadcast other families. We would be able to fill an entire forum on the differences in how the A's are acting and how most all other families are acting.

Please include in your broadcast all of the other cases where the child of grandparents is suspected of murdering their own grandchild and all of the parents of suspected murders that are vilified by protesters in front of their own home.

Couldn't be because no one has ever before been treated like this??????/
I never once saw "protesters" in front of the home of the parents of Scott Peterson or Joran Vandersloot's.

Please someone provide me with a link to the manual that dictates how people must act & react in unfathomable situations!
Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't recall C or G thanking anybody on any of these programs. Like, thanks for all the wonderful people who have sent cards of encouragement, thanks for all the well meaning people who never met Caylee, but hold out hope for her return. It's everybody is against KC, LE, TES, bloggers, poor, poor KC. I know they must think they are helping their daughter, but all they are doing is making people angry, and I can't believe their lawyer doesn't see that.
They are in such denial i am not so sure even finding her body will convince them--- they just dont want to accept she is gone---

DNA evidence of a 'dead' Caylee doesnt convince them, dont think even her remains would convince them. Unless theyre really just so stuck on believing Casey-- if they ever accept she is dead-- they will than blame the media and say the "kidnappers " did it because of media attention.
I wonder if they are all testing the same evidence though. As in I wonder if all the evidence is being tested at every lab. I'll be interested to see when we hear the proof at trial.

If I was to guess I'd say they are testing the same evidence. LE announced not too long ago they had "iron clad proof" that Caylee is deceased. I would guess they are testing for decomp and chloroform, and possibly drugs. The basics of the case is to prove that Caylee is gone.

I'm psyched up for this trial. I cannot wait to hear what they have. We need to invent a 'jaw picker-upper' gadget when the evidence is presented.
At what point does someone become an accomplice? If this tragedy wasn't about the neglect, abuse, and death of a darling baby girl, but rather a case involving adults, how would we perceive and process the actions and statements of the Anthony Clan?

I really wonder if this lunacy is just about personality disorders.

An accomplice is someone who aids and abets another in a criminal act, which I haven't seen any evidence of. Of course at some point or another a lot of us have speculated about.Obstruction of justice is something I THINK they A's have all been a part of at some point in this mess, IMO.
If I was to guess I'd say they are testing the same evidence. LE announced not too long ago they had "iron clad proof" that Caylee is deceased. I would guess they are testing for decomp and chloroform, and possibly drugs. The basics of the case is to prove that Caylee is gone.

I'm psyched up for this trial. I cannot wait to hear what they have. We need to invent a :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:'jaw picker-upper' gadget when the evidence is presented.
lol ya we will need one of those for sure
CA again accuses LE of having "tactics", now they're trying to delay the sharing of evidence by dropping neglect charges, it has nothing to do with Caylee being presumed dead. She also talks about how "every bit of evidence" can be diproven by expert witnesses. Where is the concern for getting the truth? They know their daughter is a liar?
They mention their new tip line but don't give the number, CA refers to KC as "poor KC" and then mistakenly refers to KC as Caylee. The whole interview is about defending KC, there's no doubt about it.
This is why I am concerned - the A's are NOT simply in denial, they are in full forced trying to say their daughter is being framed and there are political motives behind her arrest and that the police are ignoring information that Caylee is alive because they so want to prosecute Casey. I have a HUGE problem with that.

If htey went on tv and begged for information on her whereabouts and gave the public information on why they think she is alive and asked for help, instead of the anger, then I would say they are only trying to avoid the unimaginable.

You should read up on don't seem to understand it.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't recall C or G thanking anybody on any of these programs. Like, thanks for all the wonderful people who have sent cards of encouragement, thanks for all the well meaning people who never met Caylee, but hold out hope for her return. It's everybody is against KC, LE, TES, bloggers, poor, poor KC. I know they must think they are helping their daughter, but all they are doing is making people angry, and I can't believe their lawyer doesn't see that.
oh i bet he does but if he is being paid then he has to do his job however that doesnt mean he cant "help it along " ie let them hang themselves .. that is what i think the legal team is doing .. thus the remarks they make that bewilder us all and mabey that is why jb isnt doing his job like he should ect ect
Maybe not now, but CA did smoke because I thought at the time they threw out the stuffed animals people had given them, it was very strange to say they smelled of smoke considering she smoked.

IIRC.....first they tossed the toys, because of "smoke smell".....

then the blogger that 'napped' their trash said there was 'butts' along with the torn cap, papers, etc...

LOL....I 'question' everything said by this family.

Sure wish someone would ask them WHY they said they first searched their own BACKYARD, even before LE (the first night of the news).

if I was told my family member had been missing a month, I would not first look in my back yard.....especially if I thought the missing was a live person.

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