Cindy & George on TODAY SHOW 10/22/08

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You misunderstood my post.

*I* don't give a crap if my opinion of GA & CA isn't the popular one. Get it?

Just because the majority can't understand them and bash them every chance they get.......... doesn't make it right.

I don't see it as bashing. I see it as holding them accountable for their actions. When people lie and try to manipulate the public, they need to be scrutinized for all their inconsistencies. We could make an entire thread of all the things they have told which have turned out to be lies or twisting the information to put KC in a better light.

One which keeps jumping out at me was when CA was on Greta and downright lied about the dogs not making any conclusive hits in the backyard. That one just floored me because they have evidence tags all over some areas of that yard and took 5 gallon buckets of dirt with them.

When ANYONE would lie like that on national TV, not another word they say is not scrutinzed by me. See, I am different than the Anthonys who let KC lie to them for years, I don't take someone at their word EVER again once they lie to me.

They KNEW she was a habitual liar, but they condoned her lies because they went along knowing they were lies.....That is what got them in the position they are in today.......

They are doing the same thing now in my opinion and personally I don't believe a word they say.
I guess it's just that I disagree about calling that "lying." I firmly believe they think Caylee is alive, and I won't fault them for that, because deep down part of me WANTS to believe that also.

It's easy for me, though, to look at the evidence and decide that KC did, in fact, kill Caylee, but I don't think it's that easy for the people who held her little hand and loved her as a family member. Saying she is alive, IMO, is not a "lie" for the GP's, but a way of coping. Grieving takes a LONG time for some people, and there is no guideline for how it plays out.

That being said, I've said countless times that they NEED to stop doing these interviews.
Our opinions differ on this. And that's ok.
Cindy announced on national TV that they have a new tip line. She didn't once bother giving a phone number with the national coverage she was getting. Instead she plugged in some chit about "poor Casey"....

Perhaps they did the show to get out the tipline and Meridith instead asked the questions VIEWERS wanted to hear asked? Perhaps the interview was over before either GA or CA knew what happened.

I know the Today Show had them on for one reason only....ratings!
The way I see it is the minute, or second that the Anthony's admit that Caylee is dead then that means Casey is guilty. And that is what they are fighting.
I understand their denial. They have PI's saying they're close to finding her and likely giving them tidbits of info that keep their hope alive. Casey continues to say she didn't kill her and JB is probably telling them LE doesn't have what they insinuate they have.
If I were Caylee's GP's I would lean towards the side that tells me she's alive too.

It's simple, let LE put them out of their misery and show them the definitive proof that Caylee's dead. Let an FBI forensic's guy explain the evidence and how it proves she's dead.

I would need that. I would wonder why they didn't just charge her with murder instead of doing it in a 'secret' grand jury meeting that I couldn't be in. I would wonder why the police raided a home on a Caylee 'tip' after they said she was likely dead. I would wonder why they would say on TV that the evidence indicates she's dead but they don't say what tests or what they revealed. And I would talk to my daughter, liar or not and try to verify whatever she told me.
And I wouldn't care who was condemning me for believing she was alive if there was a 1% chance that she were alive.
I know the evidence indicates and she probably is dead, but can't believe it 100% until I hear the facts on the forensic evidence.

If their evidence is that strong, it shouldn't hurt to put it out there along with everything else they've thrown out there.

I'm at work & didn't spell check.
I think the mods understand things just fine.

It's really very simple. We are not 5th graders. You don't need a poll, you don't have to like ANYONE, but you do have to be respectful. It means NO name calling. NO mean-spirited attacks. NO BASHING. What exactly is so hard to understand here? :mad:

Apparently something is hard to understand, because I don't find it very respectful towards me, simply because I no longer believe the GP's are in actual denial, to be labeled, either by inference or flat out, as not caring about Caylee, to not be able to think for myself, to be an uncaring person, to be someone who just jumps to conclusions, with nothing to back it up, etc. etc. etc. etc.
It goes both ways, people.
The way I see it is the minute, or second that the Anthony's admit that Caylee is dead then that means Casey is guilty. And that is what they are fighting.

Yep, 2 deaths are worse than one is the boat they are in.
Sometimes people take an unpopular stance on subjects not because they believe in them, but because they simply like to argue the points. This does keep the pot stirred. At times, it is a good thing because it does allow us to see all points of view from different angles. Other times, it causes deeper conflicts.

I try to see the victims' side of cases. They are the ones with no voices. They are the ones who have lost the most. Caylee was the victim here. She continues to be victimized by the person who was supposed to love her the most. It is tragic and horrific that in 2 short years this little girl's life went from a bubbling baby into a murder trial.

It makes me angry that this case has not been about Caylee because of the people involved. It makes me so sad to think that her little body could have been found on July 15th, 2008 and laid to rest with dignity and some grace left. This has been taken from her. She has been left wherever she is to save the person who LE says killed her.

No one can bring Caylee back, but someone can bring Caylee home. I pray TES finds her soon and she will no longer be victimized by people only wanting to gain something from her death.
I've watched the videos of Caylee and Casey, looked at countless photos, and read what her friends have said about their bond and relationship...everyone said she was a good mother and loved that little girl. From all outward appearances Casey looked like a good & loving mother to me. I've seen nothing and read no statements about the time prior to Caylee's disappearance that would lead Cindy and George to believe Casey deliberately murdered their granddaughter.

Who would ever "expect" that their daughter was capable of murdering their own daughter? Did Cindy think her daughter was an unfit mother? Yes. Did Cindy think her daughter was a lying, thieving, sociopath? Yes. Did she suspect that Casey couldn't take care of her child properly? Yes. Does she now wish she had done something about it? IMO...YES!

Okay take both posts here - first I agree with the top post - I've watched the videos, seen the pix, read what people have said - to me Casey looked like a wonderful loving mother - no doubt

THEN, the second post - everything that Cindy has said, it's documented by friends, family AND LE - she did say these things, as well as some friends

We are all on the outside looking in - to us everything seemed normal - but those on the inside knew that it wasn't normal - THIS is why there is so much contridiction in this whole story - by the looks of pictures and videos I can't imagine Casey harming her little girl - BUT by statements from Cindy, family and friends and LE - she is totally capable

Do I think Casey did it intentionally? I don't know.....Do I think Caylee is no longer living? Unfortunately yes....Do I think that Casey did this alone? Yes, I do.....Do I think that Cindy or George had anything to do with it? No....Do I think Cindy knows the truth from Casey? Yes, I do...........and I think George knows the truth only by what the evidence states

As Cindy does interviews it's um, and you know - this is her putting thoughts together and making the story sound plausible - there is no conviction in her statements - BUT George, not an um or you know - his statement is a conviction
I understand their denial. They have PI's saying they're close to finding her and likely giving them tidbits of info that keep their hope alive. Casey continues to say she didn't kill her and JB is probably telling them LE doesn't have what they insinuate they have.
If I were Caylee's GP's I would lean towards the side that tells me she's alive too.

It's simple, let LE put them out of their misery and show them the definitive proof that Caylee's dead. Let an FBI forensic's guy explain the evidence and how it proves she's dead.

I would need that. I would wonder why they didn't just charge her with murder instead of doing it in a 'secret' grand jury meeting that I couldn't be in. I would wonder why the police raided a home on a Caylee 'tip' after they said she was likely dead. I would wonder why they would say on TV that the evidence indicates she's dead but they don't say what tests or what they revealed. And I would talk to my daughter, liar or not and try to verify whatever she told me.
And I wouldn't care who was condemning me for believing she was alive if there was a 1% chance that she were alive.
I know the evidence indicates and she probably is dead, but can't believe it 100% until I hear the facts on the forensic evidence.

If their evidence is that strong, it shouldn't hurt to put it out there along with everything else they've thrown out there.

I'm at work & didn't spell check.

EXCELLENT POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: WELL SAID AND I AGREE!
I cannot believe what I read in your last sentence. So you are saying a woman who has adopted a child because she could not carry a child or a couple who used a saragote does not love their child as much as someone who carries the child and gives birth. HMMM!!!!! You might want to rethink that. A grandmother is a mother. Enough said.

That's Not what I'm saying at all. Read it. What I'm saying is that CA response to this unfortunate situation is the response one would equate to the mother. Not the grandmother. Adopt? Surragates? What? Maybe your monitor is showing things I didn't write. Hmm.

Are CA's parents acting like complete lunatics? No. I just find it all very strange that people are talking about CA's grieving period as though SHE's the parent and not KC. I'm not saying she doesn't have every right in the world to be horribly upset but she's acting like she herself was the mother of Caylee. I know CA wishes she was Cayl's mommy but she's not. I just find her response to this whole matter very questionable.

Please, don't read into my statements. It's very clear what I meant to say and I stick by it.
I understand their denial. They have PI's saying they're close to finding her and likely giving them tidbits of info that keep their hope alive. Casey continues to say she didn't kill her and JB is probably telling them LE doesn't have what they insinuate they have.
If I were Caylee's GP's I would lean towards the side that tells me she's alive too.

It's simple, let LE put them out of their misery and show them the definitive proof that Caylee's dead. Let an FBI forensic's guy explain the evidence and how it proves she's dead.

I would need that. I would wonder why they didn't just charge her with murder instead of doing it in a 'secret' grand jury meeting that I couldn't be in. I would wonder why the police raided a home on a Caylee 'tip' after they said she was likely dead. I would wonder why they would say on TV that the evidence indicates she's dead but they don't say what tests or what they revealed. And I would talk to my daughter, liar or not and try to verify whatever she told me.
And I wouldn't care who was condemning me for believing she was alive if there was a 1% chance that she were alive.
I know the evidence indicates and she probably is dead, but can't believe it 100% until I hear the facts on the forensic evidence.

If their evidence is that strong, it shouldn't hurt to put it out there along with everything else they've thrown out there.

I'm at work & didn't spell check.
How many times has LE made public statements that Caylee IS dead??? Many! They didn't say 99% sure, they said DEAD. CA does not want to hear it so she claims they didn't say it. I heard it, did you hear it?
Ok, well, about the lying. The Anthonys, and most stunningly Cindy and Casey, whom I believe depends on Cindy's well-honed ability to obfuscate, play the role of supposed victims to the HILT. It is certainly politically impossible to address the crazy-making, obstruction of justice, and tampering with evidence concerns that scream out of this sordid, horrific tragedy, at least at this stage of what is obviously just another game for them.
No plea for her return - thats what I don't understand - if this child was given to someone or kidnapped why hasn't Cindy, George, Lee or even Casey plea for her safe return? This is key, meaning it's a creative diversion to say we have tips of her whereabouts and we are investigating them - instead of saying our daughter murdered our only grandchild

What was with all the um's and you know's - we need a psychologist to weigh in - with the placement of the um's and you know's it's telling as to what the Anthony's really believe or know

Let me try to explain denial to you.

YOU are going to die someday, could be tomorrow. Your death could be long, slow and painful, violent, horrific, at the hands of another etc... No one knows how your life will end or when, only that your death is guaranteed.


How often do you spend thinking about it? Do you live everyday like it's your last?

If you're normal....your answers would be...yes, not much and no

that's the best way I can explain denial. Life would hardly be worth living if every minute was spent thinking about dying. So...your brain...denies it...daily........ so you can live your life.

Sorry, but that is not the definition of denial.

Denial in psychology is :An unconscious defense mechanism characterized by refusal to acknowledge painful realities, thoughts, or feelings.

This is where the Anthony's train runs off track..........theirs is NOT UNCONSCIOUS.........if it were unconscious they would not lie, they would not make up things.

See? This is NOT psychological denial.
Not to mention
Their daughter is the one that didn't call LE for a month after her daughter went missing
Their daughter is the one than after being forced to report Caylee missing then proceeded to lie to LE about pretty much everything and provide them with fake people
Their daughter is the one who party and got a tat saying its a beautiful life, while she was supposedly looking for her lost daughter
Their daughter is the one that said ZG took her but cannot provide a shred of proof that she even exists let alone stole Caylee. And no one, NO ONE has ever seen or spoke to this ZG except Casey
And yet Cindy blames LE for suspecting her daughter and says things like Casey is as much as a victim as Caylee.

Its a bit much now
<<<<<<If their evidence is that strong, it shouldn't hurt to put it out there along with everything else they've thrown out there>>>>>>>>>

LE won't do that, it's saved for trial - I believe that most tests that prove the evidence is at FBI labs which are not under the Sunshine law - we'll have to wait for it to come out at trial
Perhaps they did the show to get out the tipline and Meridith instead asked the questions VIEWERS wanted to hear asked? Perhaps the interview was over before either GA or CA knew what happened.

I know the Today Show had them on for one reason only....ratings!

Perhaps Zani stole that part of the interview...where they shared the tipline number
Sometimes people take an unpopular stance on subjects not because they believe in them, but because they simply like to argue the points. This does keep the pot stirred. At times, it is a good thing because it does allow us to see all points of view from different angles. Other times, it causes deeper conflicts.

I try to see the victims' side of cases. They are the ones with no voices. They are the ones who have lost the most. Caylee was the victim here. She continues to be victimized by the person who was supposed to love her the most. It is tragic and horrific that in 2 short years this little girl's life went from a bubbling baby into a murder trial.

It makes me angry that this case has not been about Caylee because of the people involved. It makes me so sad to think that her little body could have been found on July 15th, 2008 and laid to rest with dignity and some grace left. This has been taken from her. She has been left wherever she is to save the person who LE says killed her.

No one can bring Caylee back, but someone can bring Caylee home. I pray TES finds her soon and she will no longer be victimized by people only wanting to gain something from her death.

Oh SS, now you went and made me cry. It's so true and so very sad.
Yep, 2 deaths are worse than one is the boat they are in.

Seriously. I couldn't imagine having to clear out 2 bedrooms of people you loved and cared for at the same time. I pray I never have to go through anything like that!

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