Cindy Implicated in Mail Fraud

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If you look at the prior letters Cindy sends to Casey, they are filled with Caylee things - to pictures, to her being in heaven, etc. etc., how much Caylee loved you; i know you loved caylee and on and on

Now if you believed your child did not do this, would you be constantly reminding them of the baby being in heaven and how much Caylee loved you. No, that is unbearable and you would not do it UNLESS you knew that your child killed this baby. IMO

Cindy talked about Caylee being in Heaven?

Are you sure?

Cindy said on the stand that Caylee is alive.
(I think she is in NY.Cindy said)...
(watch out steely)
Then there's the matter of the cremains jewlery.......makes my head spin
MOO :cow:
Still there but not under the fraud section.

pg 4 of 134

ETA......the image is reverse but it shows
Legal Mail Do not open. some have pointed out, the letters with the Jose Baez return address were postage meter stamped and the others from CA had regular stamps.

The handwriting is VERY different imo.. ICA's name and address on the ones having Baez return address appear to have been addressed by a young female, to my untrained eye, lol! ..Cindy has a horrible penmanship while George's could pass for a females..all moo..:angel:
I'm confused. Is it just the card that was sent with "legal documents" written on it, or was it one of the letters as well?
Here is the note on the envelope guys...


and agree, the handwriting does not look like CA, also it covers up where the address is written, you can see the words poking out underneath it to the right...appears to be a sticker placed after delivery to me.
I'm confused. Is it just the card that was sent with "legal documents" written on it, or was it one of the letters as well?

There is only the one card that Cindy wrote "you were a wonderful mother to Caylee" on it - in the "Legal Mail" envelope.

There was only ONE Baez return address envelope.
There are a couple of different views of the ONE envelope.

The address is not Cindy's handwriting and she does not address her daughter as "Ms Casey M. Anthony" -- always "Casey Marie Anthony".

The envelope is dated May 10th - the day after Mothers Day. I believe Cindy gave that card to JB to give to Inmate Anthony for Mothers Day, and JB's staff put it in the mail.
There is only the one card that Cindy wrote "you were a wonderful mother to Caylee" on it - in the "Legal Mail" envelope.

There was only ONE Baez return address envelope.
There are a couple of different views of the ONE envelope.

The address is not Cindy's handwriting and she does not address her daughter as "Ms Casey M. Anthony" -- always "Casey Marie Anthony".

The envelope is dated May 10th - the day after Mothers Day. I believe Cindy gave that card to JB to give to Inmate Anthony for Mothers Day, and JB's staff put it in the mail.

Thank you. That's now what I think happened too.
Here is the note on the envelope guys...


and agree, the handwriting does not look like CA, also it covers up where the address is written, you can see the words poking out underneath it to the right...appears to be a sticker placed after delivery to me.

To me, it looks like there are labels for both the return address and Do Not Open that cover an originally different return address and mail to address.

Makes me think CA mailed this to JB to pass onto KC and JB had an assistant post it to the jail -- thus covering the original return address and addressee.

Have you compared the envelope with Cindy's return address to the envelope with the Baez return address?
The writing doesn't look the same to me. And the type of postage is different, too. One has a regular stamp, the other has something different. Is it possible that Baez was given the mail by Cindy, screened it, and then mailing it from his office? Or did Cindy simply concoct the whole thing? How would she get a return address stamp from Baez' office? There is more to this than it seems.

Mothers Day was May 9th
Baez return label on envelope is postmarked May 10th
Motions Hearing on May 10th and DP Motions Hearing on May 11th
I believe Cindy probably handed the Mothers Day card to JB, to give to Inmate Anthony, and then JB had his staff mail it.

I think Cindy did not know what type of envelope was used, or what the envelope had on it.
Cindy wrote to Inmate Anthony ... "why would I mail you a CARD with a different address on it ...."
Hmmmm! Is it too early to begin making out my wish list for Christmas? :D

I've already started mine. :deal:
Instead of any jingle bells I'd rather hear that lovely click-click
of the handcuffs and the clinking of the leg chains on Cindy. :iamashamed0005:
There is only the one card that Cindy wrote "you were a wonderful mother to Caylee" on it - in the "Legal Mail" envelope.

There was only ONE Baez return address envelope.
There are a couple of different views of the ONE envelope.

The address is not Cindy's handwriting and she does not address her daughter as "Ms Casey M. Anthony" -- always "Casey Marie Anthony".

The envelope is dated May 10th - the day after Mothers Day. I believe Cindy gave that card to JB to give to Inmate Anthony for Mothers Day, and JB's staff put it in the mail.

Which just makes it worse for JB because the jail doesn't allow that!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wonder which giggly hair model will be getting the boot for that one???

Looking more like JB may have been willing to let CA take the mail fraud blame because if it came from his's one more ethical / jail policy violation that can be added to the ever growing list.
Jail Officials Confiscate Contraband Sent To Casey Anthony
Anthony's Mother Sent Note In Envelope Labeled 'Legal Mail'

POSTED: Friday, August 6, 2010
UPDATED: 5:18 pm EDT August 6, 2010


Instead of confidential legal documents, the envelope contained a greeting card signed by Anthony's mother, Cindy. "I love you and miss you," the card stated. "You were a great mother to Caylee."

Corrections officials confiscated the contraband and returned the card to Anthony's attorney, according to a jail spokesman.

Jose Baez told Local 6 the card was not sent from his office.

Cindy Anthony's attorney, Brad Conway, said he was unaware his client had sent a card to her daughter.
Can someone here clarify something for me? If the mail is marked "Legal Correspondence" does that mean the inmate and only the inmae can open it? IF this is so then how did CA put send letters marked as such that are now made public. Just confused. Thank goodness I or no one I know has been in jail so it is unfamiliar territory for me:)

In May, employees in the jail's mail room intercepted an envelope addressed to Casey Anthony which was labeled "Legal Mail - Do Not Open". The type-written return address suggested the letter had been mailed from the Kissimmee office of Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez.
Corrections officials told Local 6 the envelope looked suspicious, so two officers hand-delivered the correspondence to Anthony's jail cell and watched her open it.
Instead of confidential legal documents, the envelope contained a greeting card signed by Anthony's mother, Cindy. "I love you and miss you," the card stated. "You were a great mother to Caylee."
Corrections officials confiscated the contraband and returned the card to Anthony's attorney, according to a jail spokesman.
Jose Baez told Local 6 the card was not sent from his office.
Cindy Anthony's attorney, Brad Conway, said he was unaware his client had sent a card to her daughter.
Two weeks after corrections officials confiscated the greeting card, Cindy Anthony mailed a letter to her daughter. The family's home address was printed on the envelope.
"So I understand the jail (thinks) I committed mail fraud," the letter states. "They must think I'm really STUPID. Why would I send you a card and put another address besides mine on it? What purpose would that serve? None!"
Orange County corrections officials have not publicly accused anyone of mail fraud, and no investigation will be conducted, according to a jail spokesman
Jail Officials Confiscate Contraband Sent To Casey Anthony
Anthony's Mother Sent Note In Envelope Labeled 'Legal Mail'

POSTED: Friday, August 6, 2010
UPDATED: 5:18 pm EDT August 6, 2010


Instead of confidential legal documents, the envelope contained a greeting card signed by Anthony's mother, Cindy. "I love you and miss you," the card stated. "You were a great mother to Caylee."

Corrections officials confiscated the contraband and returned the card to Anthony's attorney, according to a jail spokesman.

Jose Baez told Local 6 the card was not sent from his office.

Cindy Anthony's attorney, Brad Conway, said he was unaware his client had sent a card to her daughter.

I was just about to give everyone the benefit of doubt and assume this was an innocent mistake by an assistant, but JB says it didn't come from his office. I don't know what to think now, (of course I feel that way with just about every single thing revolving around this case & these people.)
Have you compared the envelope with Cindy's return address to the envelope with the Baez return address?
The writing doesn't look the same to me. And the type of postage is different, too. One has a regular stamp, the other has something different. Is it possible that Baez was given the mail by Cindy, screened it, and then mailing it from his office? Or did Cindy simply concoct the whole thing? How would she get a return address stamp from Baez' office? There is more to this than it seems.

Do they share the same zip and mailing station?

I know mine goes 40 miles out of the way before it comes back. Never have figured that one out.
Still there but not under the fraud section.

pg 4 of 134

ETA......the image is reverse but it shows
Legal Mail Do not open.

I believe page 4, page 5, and page 6 are different views of the same envelope.
which the card on pages 7 and page 8 were in.

After reading Mrs G Norris post ... it does look like a peel off label that was affixed to the envelope AFTER it was delivered through the US mail to the jail.

page 4 of the envelope appears to have the peel off label "Legal Mail Do Not open" on the BACK of the envelope.

page 5 of the same envelope appears to have the peel off label over the address to Ms Casey M. Anthony.

page 6 of the same envelope appears to not have the peel off label on the envelope at all.

The one envelope was xeroxed in different stages. IMO
BBM - Maybe she does it 'subconsciously'... I think that no matter how badly she wants to support KC - you know she HAS to know the truth; down deep inside and cautiously hidden, that her KC is a monster. Furthermore, I suspect that the reason that she cannot accept it, is because she created KC.

As a mom myself, I think its normal to feel guilty to some degree for your childrens' actions...after all...we try to teach them and sometimes (often for me it seems) we mess up - with the best of intentions. Some of us are lucky enough to see the error of our ways and to take the steps to set boundaries, to detach. Others may never learn and will continue to perpetuate the dysfunction.

:cow: (love this cow) :D

This could certainly be the case, and you put it well. But maybe... I can understand Cindy's point of view to be honest. Imagine if your daughter had never shown any sign of violence or maltreatment of her little girl, (forgetting all the morbid speculation that's been out there, the actual history is that there had never been any signs of neglect, never any injuries, etc. Caylee was a healthy, happy little toddler all the way up to June 15, 2008.) All the friends and family said Casey had always treated Caylee well and would never hurt her in any way, nor would she just let Caylee be missing. They were all completely baffled. According to all the friends, Caylee was very attached to Casey, too, loved being held by Casey, when visiting friends Caylee didn't like to see Casey go out of her sight, etc. She had a very good, positive attachment to Casey, and vice-versa.

Suddenly in May and June 2008, Casey is running with two new crowds, taking Caylee around these two apartments where Caylee is exposed to LOTS of new people, and Casey herself is exposed to lots of new people at Fusian etc. (And by their own admission there were drug users and even drug sellers among these people. There was also the weird guy who scratched one of the shot girls. Who knows who all was around.) Casey is very busy socializing with all these new friends and might not have been watching as closely as she should, might have been a little too trusting. She'd always had Caylee around her friends, didn't think this was any different. Coinciding with Casey moving in full time with new facebook acqaintance TL and his roommates, and all their hip-hop promotions crowd, something happens to Caylee and she's missing.

Casey doesn't report the disappearance and when finally confronted, is in some kind of la-la land, seems to have forgotten about Caylee. She didn't flee, she didn't hide, she didn't concoct a logical story to cover her own behind, she doesn't seem to understand the urgency of the situation at all. She is oblivious. She only wants to talk to Tony, she doesn't care about anything else. Her tone of voice and behavior/attitude is like a different person, according to old friends, she doesn't seem like the same person at all. They were shocked.

Some friends and family had seen Casey have something similar to seizures, when she was asleep, both before and after Caylee going missing. They also knew Casey had a history of not always making that much sense, they would take what she was saying with a grain of salt. She would sometimes just agree with what others were saying or tell harmless white lies. They knew she had occasionally stolen small amounts of money too, and now she had apparently stolen $600 from one of these new people.

If I were the family I would be thinking
(a) was there a bad egg somewhere among these new people Casey had had Caylee around, was there a pedophile or a violent person? Yes, pedophiles can be normal looking young men and women, too. Had Casey been so wrapped up in her new social life she wasn't watching closely and someone on the periphery had gotten Caylee?
(b) Did Casey not report the disappearance because she didn't want to rat out a friend or boyfriend (maybe even afraid to rat), or because she was traumatized in some way and in disbelief, or because she'd actually thought Caylee was with a friend, or because she didn't know what to do or how to face her parents?
(c) Had Casey had the onset more serious mental illness, like a schizophrenic or manic episode, or a medical brain issue of some kind, maybe delirium due to sleep deprivation, which caused her to lose time or fail to understand or report the disappearance?
(d) Had she been drugged by someone in this crowd, or started using more drugs than has been admitted, increasing her confused/delusional thinking and behavior, etc.
(e) had there been an accident she was afraid to admit or which had left her traumatized?
(f) Had she finally stolen from the wrong person, someone more dangerous? (i.e. TL's story he told Lee while wired for the police, about their drug dealer who had had money stolen and Casey talking about having money soon after that.)

I'm just saying if I were Cindy or any of the old friends, I could completely understand them thinking it could be someone else. That would be a perfectly logical suspicion that I would expect the family and old friends to have under the circumstances.

I'm still not sure what happened. I'm not sure how much Casey knows. She could have done it, of course. Maybe LE know stuff we just haven't seen yet. But as much as it could have been Casey it seems like it could just as easily have been almost anyone else around (from what we know so far). I can completely understand her mother thinking maybe it wasn't her.
I was just about to give everyone the benefit of doubt and assume this was an innocent mistake by an assistant, but JB says it didn't come from his office. I don't know what to think now, (of course I feel that way with just about every single thing revolving around this case & these people.)

I think that was probably a knee-jerk response from JB ... before he had thoroughly researched exactly what happened with that card and envelope. His gut reaction was to say "I DIDNT DO IT".
In May, employees in the jail's mail room intercepted an envelope addressed to Casey Anthony which was labeled "Legal Mail - Do Not Open". The type-written return address suggested the letter had been mailed from the Kissimmee office of Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez.
Corrections officials told Local 6 the envelope looked suspicious, so two officers hand-delivered the correspondence to Anthony's jail cell and watched her open it.
Instead of confidential legal documents, the envelope contained a greeting card signed by Anthony's mother, Cindy. "I love you and miss you," the card stated. "You were a great mother to Caylee."
Corrections officials confiscated the contraband and returned the card to Anthony's attorney, according to a jail spokesman.
Jose Baez told Local 6 the card was not sent from his office.
Cindy Anthony's attorney, Brad Conway, said he was unaware his client had sent a card to her daughter.
Two weeks after corrections officials confiscated the greeting card, Cindy Anthony mailed a letter to her daughter. The family's home address was printed on the envelope.
"So I understand the jail (thinks) I committed mail fraud," the letter states. "They must think I'm really STUPID. Why would I send you a card and put another address besides mine on it? What purpose would that serve? None!"
Orange County corrections officials have not publicly accused anyone of mail fraud, and no investigation will be conducted, according to a jail spokesman


Yes, once again CA thinks everyone ELSE is stupid . . . . not her.
I didn't know it was illegal for a defense attorney to bring notes from the parents or vice versa, etc (as long as he's read the contents obviously and they don't contain anything nefarious, he'd bear the responsibility for that if he's carrying the message.) I wouldn't think he'd be able to bring any items in and leave them with an inmate, but as far as being a conduit for messages from the family, is it really illegal or unusual? I just never thought about this before. I would think most likely if he was doing this it was his own suggestion, he seemed to be discouraging Casey from taking normal visits at the jail due to the taping. At least that was my impression, I don't know if it's true.

I believe it is considered contraband. Here is the OC Jail Inmate Handbook, see top of page 5:

ETA: Page 10, item #18 explains the penalty
Which just makes it worse for JB because the jail doesn't allow that!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wonder which giggly hair model will be getting the boot for that one???

Looking more like JB may have been willing to let CA take the mail fraud blame because if it came from his's one more ethical / jail policy violation that can be added to the ever growing list.

I think as long as the letter went through the US mail ... it was OK ... no laws broken.
It just looked odd, but the process in which it arrived at the jail was not unlawful.
It was not technically "contraband" because it was not smuggled into the jail by means other than the US mail.
It is not technically "mail fraud" because Cindy did not put her card in that envelope and mail it, there was no attempt to deceive jail staff, on Cindy's part. IMO
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