Cindy Implicated in Mail Fraud

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I think that was probably a knee-jerk response from JB ... before he had thoroughly researched exactly what happened with that card and envelope. His gut reaction was to say "I DIDNT DO IT".

LOL. That sounds about right. JB's like the little kid who is always getting himself into trouble, so he goes into instant denial mode before he even knows what he's in trouble for, this time.
In May, employees in the jail's mail room intercepted an envelope addressed to Casey Anthony which was labeled "Legal Mail - Do Not Open". The type-written return address suggested the letter had been mailed from the Kissimmee office of Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez.
Corrections officials told Local 6 the envelope looked suspicious, so two officers hand-delivered the correspondence to Anthony's jail cell and watched her open it.
Instead of confidential legal documents, the envelope contained a greeting card signed by Anthony's mother, Cindy. "I love you and miss you," the card stated. "You were a great mother to Caylee."
Corrections officials confiscated the contraband and returned the card to Anthony's attorney, according to a jail spokesman.
Jose Baez told Local 6 the card was not sent from his office.
Cindy Anthony's attorney, Brad Conway, said he was unaware his client had sent a card to her daughter.
Two weeks after corrections officials confiscated the greeting card, Cindy Anthony mailed a letter to her daughter. The family's home address was printed on the envelope.
"So I understand the jail (thinks) I committed mail fraud," the letter states. "They must think I'm really STUPID. Why would I send you a card and put another address besides mine on it? What purpose would that serve? None!"
Orange County corrections officials have not publicly accused anyone of mail fraud, and no investigation will be conducted, according to a jail spokesman

Darn. :(
I believe page 4, page 5, and page 6 are different views of the same envelope.
which the card on pages 7 and page 8 were in.

After reading Mrs G Norris post ... it does look like a peel off label that was affixed to the envelope AFTER it was delivered through the US mail to the jail.

page 4 of the envelope appears to have the peel off label "Legal Mail Do Not open" on the BACK of the envelope.

page 5 of the same envelope appears to have the peel off label over the address to Ms Casey M. Anthony.

page 6 of the same envelope appears to not have the peel off label on the envelope at all.

The one envelope was xeroxed in different stages. IMO

If you look at the post office's date stamp on this envelope it says ORLANDO FL 328, which is the same as on the envelopes with Cindy's return address. Baez's office address is Kissimmee, FL 34744. If it was mailed from his office would it not go to a Kissimmee post office for processing?
I don't think Cindy knows why she does half of what she does. I wonder if she's had some type of frontal lobe damage in the past as she seems so impulsive as is my son who was injured in a car accident.

(I actually wonder this about Casey, ks1. I can relate, having a brother with a history of head injury. I'm very sorry to hear about your son's injury.)
If you look at the post office's date stamp on this envelope it says ORLANDO FL 328, which is the same as on the envelopes with Cindy's return address. Baez's office address is Kissimmee, FL 34744. If it was mailed from his office would it not go to a Kissimmee post office for processing?

Could Baez or staff have mailed it from Orlando when they were in Hearings that day??
People Magazine has a brief article stating that Cindy Anthony has been implicated in mail fraud for using Jose' address when sending mail to Casey.

thanks for the thread, I feel bad for Cindy if this is the case, she may not have known sending mail to Casey c/o her lawyer was any kind of mail fraud. I think they talked from the beginning even in the taped visits about giving letters to him or something didn't they? If JB is the one who suggested letters go through him, I hope he steps up and apologizes
If you are a little smart. it is rather easy to get legal mail back and forth between anyone and the inmate. The inmate can send legal mail to his attorny or his attorney in fact. or just make up something, and the mail goes right out. In coming legal mail is the same way, just make up a legal sounding name and address. or it can even go through one of the mail remailing companies. Depending on the level of security needed or placed on an inmate is how they decide to even let the inmate have their legal mail. They can stall for days and days.
Cindy prob is guilty of mail fraud, I prob would be too if it my daughter. I really dont see much coming out of the whole situation other than to take everyones eyes off of where they are going and what they are doing. (jmo, jmo...if it was my daughter, I would give my life jmo jmo)

seagull? it would have been difficult for someone else to get the tape, heart sticker and blanket.
It is such damming evidence.
And once again, Cindy does what she wants and gets away with it. *sigh*

Not exactly. Casey wasn't allowed to keep, or likely do more than glance at the card.
I just can never figure out why the defense goes after lonesome George. Isn't it rather obvious that the real idiot is Cindy?
Thanks. Given that the return address (JB's Law Firm) is typed it would not surprise me at all if this was JB's idea and he gave CA some pre-printed envelopes to use. JB did not want to get caught again, as a mail courrier, so proposed this to try to keep things secret. I would think CA would have JB's permission or sent them via his office.

Okay - don't slap me around on this one, as I am not defending Baez in this little fiasco at all....but, what if;

Cindy used envelopes that maybe Baez had put information and etc in for the Anthony's = that these were maybe hand delivered of copies of things that he gave to them.
Given, and not through the postal service.

Cindy then just "recycled" the envelopes on her own doing, without Baez's knowledge?
He surely could/would SAY that this is how Cindy ended up with letters that his firm's logo imprinted on them.
Or, Cindy may have been in his office one day, and pulled one of her daughter's tricks - stole them.
Or, during the time that ICA was out on bond, going back and forth each day, she was using the envelopes to bring info back and forth, and these were left in the home at the time???
Waiting for RHornsby to chime in on this one! Should be a goodie either way.
Okay - don't slap me around on this one, as I am not defending Baez in this little fiasco at all....but, what if;

Cindy used envelopes that maybe Baez had put information and etc in for the Anthony's = that these were maybe hand delivered of copies of things that he gave to them.
Given, and not through the postal service.

Cindy then just "recycled" the envelopes on her own doing, without Baez's knowledge?
He surely could/would SAY that this is how Cindy ended up with letters that his firm's logo imprinted on them.
Or, Cindy may have been in his office one day, and pulled one of her daughter's tricks - stole them.
Or, during the time that ICA was out on bond, going back and forth each day, she was using the envelopes to bring info back and forth, and these were left in the home at the time???

I'm with you Purple Iris. I think this is all on Cindy. I don't even necessarily think she took the envelopes from JB. She probably made them herself. This just seems like her MO to me. Instead of just sending letter and cards to Casey the same way as everyone else, I see her going through a lot of trouble just to subvert the system. She just can't be told what to do.
Sorry for the question, as I really haven't had a chance to read everything yet, and am trying to keep up through you guys.

If the correspondance was strickly the Mother's Day card, WHY would Cindy have even used a letter that had Baez's firm's logo on it??
She has mailed other letters to Casey, so why try to be so sneaky with this???

{and again, thanks for all the time you guys have put into reading this stuff and offering your comments and opinions so far - will seriously be doing some reading tonight}
Sorry for the question, as I really haven't had a chance to read everything yet, and am trying to keep up through you guys.

If the correspondance was strickly the Mother's Day card, WHY would Cindy have even used a letter that had Baez's firm's logo on it??
She has mailed other letters to Casey, so why try to be so sneaky with this???

{and again, thanks for all the time you guys have put into reading this stuff and offering your comments and opinions so far - will seriously be doing some reading tonight}

That's why I think it was just a mistake. There was no reason to take such a stupid risk over that card. I also agree with those that say the writing on the envelope doesn't look like Cindy's.
seagull? it would have been difficult for someone else to get the tape, heart sticker and blanket.
It is such damming evidence.

As is the decomp smell and body fluids in her car. No logical story? There really was no logical explanation that she could have provided so she did the best that she could with what she had to work with. Caylee had been kidnapped by the Nanny, she was looking for her for thirty-one days. She would have been better off to not make up a story and just say that she didn't know WHERE she was or who took her, and that she really didn't care as she was now free to party and do all of the things that a young girl her age should be doing. Like, Mom, I have all of these new friends and I bought all of these new clothes with the money I stole, and if I didn't go out every night, tony might have met someone else, and you know how insecure I am since dad and Lee molested me. And I really did look for Caylee but they must have checked her ID at the door of Fusion because she was never there.
Edited to add: Until KC met Tony and had the blow up with Cindy, she really had no reason to not be a good mother. With JG, he accepted Caylee, his family took care of her when she needed them too. Tony and his roommates made it clear that they did not think Caylee should be in their environment. Cindy wasn't going to babysit every night so that KC could sleep over at Tony's. When she was expected to step up to the plate and put Caylee first, she chose not to.
I think that was probably a knee-jerk response from JB ... before he had thoroughly researched exactly what happened with that card and envelope. His gut reaction was to say "I DIDNT DO IT".

Hmmmm, where have I heard that before...his client maybe?

Even if it wasn't real mail fraud, it seems that Cindy was trying to see what she could get away with.
This has been discussed on another thread in detail. violates jail policy. JB is bound to conform with jail policy. Inmates are not to have unauthorized contact with parties outside their counsel. Otherwise.............inmates could run their illegal activities from prison with no limits.... An inmate is monitored for a reason.

And........I think this case is a PERFECT example of why that rule is in place.
Besides...if it was "normal" operating procedure, why is Casey not writing her family? it's obvious from Cindy's emails that she hasn't been.
Besides...if it was "normal" operating procedure, why is Casey not writing her family? it's obvious from Cindy's emails that she hasn't been.

And, in one of her letters, CA tells ICA that LA would write to her but ONLY if she would write back. Evidently, that hasn't happened.
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