Cindy Implicated in Mail Fraud

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Here is the note on the envelope guys...


and agree, the handwriting does not look like CA, also it covers up where the address is written, you can see the words poking out underneath it to the right...appears to be a sticker placed after delivery to me.

I note the return address, and it looks like a stick-on label. You can see where the copy machine copied the top edge of the label. Most law firms have an imprinted return address.
At my office we use FedEx/UPS. If US Mail is used it is just a letter mailed with a regular stamp so,

Does anyone know if a Mail Meter has a specific number attached to it, for this very reason of Mail Fraud, so mail can be traced back to the meter that was used? If they do have a registered number, than it should be easy to trace it to the owner...shouldn't it? How is a Mail Meter purchased? How does it work?

I scanned the envelope using a Custom setting at 600x600 Resolution and adjusted the Brightness, Contrast, Saturation and Sharpness so I could see the postage meter stamp and this is what I think the numbers are:

06250007390551 (this is right under First Class)
34744 (this is right under above number all the way to the right)
83585720 (This number is running up and down on the left side of the metered stamp)
This could certainly be the case, and you put it well. But maybe... I can understand Cindy's point of view to be honest. Imagine if your daughter had never shown any sign of violence or maltreatment of her little girl, (forgetting all the morbid speculation that's been out there, the actual history is that there had never been any signs of neglect, never any injuries, etc. Caylee was a healthy, happy little toddler all the way up to June 15, 2008.) All the friends and family said Casey had always treated Caylee well and would never hurt her in any way, nor would she just let Caylee be missing. They were all completely baffled. According to all the friends, Caylee was very attached to Casey, too, loved being held by Casey, when visiting friends Caylee didn't like to see Casey go out of her sight, etc. She had a very good, positive attachment to Casey, and vice-versa.

Suddenly in May and June 2008, Casey is running with two new crowds, taking Caylee around these two apartments where Caylee is exposed to LOTS of new people, and Casey herself is exposed to lots of new people at Fusian etc. (And by their own admission there were drug users and even drug sellers among these people. There was also the weird guy who scratched one of the shot girls. Who knows who all was around.) Casey is very busy socializing with all these new friends and might not have been watching as closely as she should, might have been a little too trusting. She'd always had Caylee around her friends, didn't think this was any different. Coinciding with Casey moving in full time with new facebook acqaintance TL and his roommates, and all their hip-hop promotions crowd, something happens to Caylee and she's missing.

Casey doesn't report the disappearance and when finally confronted, is in some kind of la-la land, seems to have forgotten about Caylee. She didn't flee, she didn't hide, she didn't concoct a logical story to cover her own behind, she doesn't seem to understand the urgency of the situation at all. She is oblivious. She only wants to talk to Tony, she doesn't care about anything else. Her tone of voice and behavior/attitude is like a different person, according to old friends, she doesn't seem like the same person at all. They were shocked.

Some friends and family had seen Casey have something similar to seizures, when she was asleep, both before and after Caylee going missing. They also knew Casey had a history of not always making that much sense, they would take what she was saying with a grain of salt. She would sometimes just agree with what others were saying or tell harmless white lies. They knew she had occasionally stolen small amounts of money too, and now she had apparently stolen $600 from one of these new people.

If I were the family I would be thinking
(a) was there a bad egg somewhere among these new people Casey had had Caylee around, was there a pedophile or a violent person? Yes, pedophiles can be normal looking young men and women, too. Had Casey been so wrapped up in her new social life she wasn't watching closely and someone on the periphery had gotten Caylee?
(b) Did Casey not report the disappearance because she didn't want to rat out a friend or boyfriend (maybe even afraid to rat), or because she was traumatized in some way and in disbelief, or because she'd actually thought Caylee was with a friend, or because she didn't know what to do or how to face her parents?
(c) Had Casey had the onset more serious mental illness, like a schizophrenic or manic episode, or a medical brain issue of some kind, maybe delirium due to sleep deprivation, which caused her to lose time or fail to understand or report the disappearance?
(d) Had she been drugged by someone in this crowd, or started using more drugs than has been admitted, increasing her confused/delusional thinking and behavior, etc.
(e) had there been an accident she was afraid to admit or which had left her traumatized?
(f) Had she finally stolen from the wrong person, someone more dangerous? (i.e. TL's story he told Lee while wired for the police, about their drug dealer who had had money stolen and Casey talking about having money soon after that.)

I'm just saying if I were Cindy or any of the old friends, I could completely understand them thinking it could be someone else. That would be a perfectly logical suspicion that I would expect the family and old friends to have under the circumstances.

I'm still not sure what happened. I'm not sure how much Casey knows. She could have done it, of course. Maybe LE know stuff we just haven't seen yet. But as much as it could have been Casey it seems like it could just as easily have been almost anyone else around (from what we know so far). I can completely understand her mother thinking maybe it wasn't her.

Gosh Seagull, you are trying my memory here, lol. If Cindy had no inkling Casey was a neglectful mom, why then was she threatening to take custody of Caylee? IIRC, Cindy had a conversation regarding this with one of her co-workers (possibly her supervisor, Debbie Polisano.) And in one of the 911 calls, Cindy was heard saying she would then go the custody route, since Casey wasn't producing Caylee. I don't recall any of the friends being 'baffled' by Casey hurting Caylee. In fact, several felt that Casey was responsible. Most damning perhaps is Cindy's own mom, Shirley Plesea, who told LE that if Cindy felt Casey was lying, then Caylee must be dead. "Casey hated her mother more than she loved her daughter." Doesn't get more direct than that, IMO. Finally, if Casey had a "positive attachment" with Caylee, as you say in your post, why did Cindy state that Casey took Caylee on vacation to "bond?" Maybe someone can help out here, cause my old memory isn't what it used to be, lol!
There is no flashy logo or crest. His letterhead has a crest. It was probably printed using a Word program for envelopes. By whom and where......another question.

Wonder if this has anything to do with that time that the SA had to get a court order making the A's turn something over to them that they were stalling on giving? Wasn't that a computer? Maybe they had caught on to CA's little mailing scheme at that time. Guess I'm gonna have to check dates.
At my office we use FedEx/UPS. If US Mail is used it is just a letter mailed with a regular stamp so,

Does anyone know if a Mail Meter has a specific number attached to it, for this very reason of Mail Fraud, so mail can be traced back to the meter that was used? If they do have a registered number, than it should be easy to trace it to the owner...shouldn't it? How is a Mail Meter purchased? How does it work?

I scanned the envelope using a Custom setting at 600x600 Resolution and adjusted the Brightness, Contrast, Saturation and Sharpness so I could see the postage meter stamp and this is what I think the numbers are:

06250007390551 (this is right under First Class)
34744 (this is right under above number all the way to the right)
83585720 (This number is running up and down on the left side of the metered stamp)

Yes...actual mail meters do have a number that will trace back to a user. Additionally...if you use online postage (like we did in our office) a unique account number is registered to the user and tied to the post office records. Be it online postage or an actual is traceable.
Yes...actual mail meters do have a number that will trace back to a user. Additionally...if you use online postage (like we did in our office) a unique account number is registered to the user and tied to the post office records. Be it online postage or an actual is traceable.

Than I would say...this letter was mailed from JB Office.
Besides...if it was "normal" operating procedure, why is Casey not writing her family? it's obvious from Cindy's emails that she hasn't been.

I think it's a matter of Casey not wanting to write her family. I'm sure that if she really wanted to, JB would allow it, making sure that Casey didn't write anything in her letters that would compromise the case.
AZ - How soon do you think HHJP will handle this? Is it something that he would be bothered with or would that have to come from OCSO/Lawyers?
This could certainly be the case, and you put it well. But maybe... I can understand Cindy's point of view to be honest. Imagine if your daughter had never shown any sign of violence or maltreatment of her little girl, (forgetting all the morbid speculation that's been out there, the actual history is that there had never been any signs of neglect, never any injuries, etc. Caylee was a healthy, happy little toddler all the way up to June 15, 2008.) All the friends and family said Casey had always treated Caylee well and would never hurt her in any way, nor would she just let Caylee be missing. They were all completely baffled. According to all the friends, Caylee was very attached to Casey, too, loved being held by Casey, when visiting friends Caylee didn't like to see Casey go out of her sight, etc. She had a very good, positive attachment to Casey, and vice-versa.

Suddenly in May and June 2008, Casey is running with two new crowds, taking Caylee around these two apartments where Caylee is exposed to LOTS of new people, and Casey herself is exposed to lots of new people at Fusian etc. (And by their own admission there were drug users and even drug sellers among these people. There was also the weird guy who scratched one of the shot girls. Who knows who all was around.) Casey is very busy socializing with all these new friends and might not have been watching as closely as she should, might have been a little too trusting. She'd always had Caylee around her friends, didn't think this was any different. Coinciding with Casey moving in full time with new facebook acqaintance TL and his roommates, and all their hip-hop promotions crowd, something happens to Caylee and she's missing.

Casey doesn't report the disappearance and when finally confronted, is in some kind of la-la land, seems to have forgotten about Caylee. She didn't flee, she didn't hide, she didn't concoct a logical story to cover her own behind, she doesn't seem to understand the urgency of the situation at all. She is oblivious. She only wants to talk to Tony, she doesn't care about anything else. Her tone of voice and behavior/attitude is like a different person, according to old friends, she doesn't seem like the same person at all. They were shocked.

Some friends and family had seen Casey have something similar to seizures, when she was asleep, both before and after Caylee going missing. They also knew Casey had a history of not always making that much sense, they would take what she was saying with a grain of salt. She would sometimes just agree with what others were saying or tell harmless white lies. They knew she had occasionally stolen small amounts of money too, and now she had apparently stolen $600 from one of these new people.

If I were the family I would be thinking
(a) was there a bad egg somewhere among these new people Casey had had Caylee around, was there a pedophile or a violent person? Yes, pedophiles can be normal looking young men and women, too. Had Casey been so wrapped up in her new social life she wasn't watching closely and someone on the periphery had gotten Caylee?
(b) Did Casey not report the disappearance because she didn't want to rat out a friend or boyfriend (maybe even afraid to rat), or because she was traumatized in some way and in disbelief, or because she'd actually thought Caylee was with a friend, or because she didn't know what to do or how to face her parents?
(c) Had Casey had the onset more serious mental illness, like a schizophrenic or manic episode, or a medical brain issue of some kind, maybe delirium due to sleep deprivation, which caused her to lose time or fail to understand or report the disappearance?
(d) Had she been drugged by someone in this crowd, or started using more drugs than has been admitted, increasing her confused/delusional thinking and behavior, etc.
(e) had there been an accident she was afraid to admit or which had left her traumatized?
(f) Had she finally stolen from the wrong person, someone more dangerous? (i.e. TL's story he told Lee while wired for the police, about their drug dealer who had had money stolen and Casey talking about having money soon after that.)

I'm just saying if I were Cindy or any of the old friends, I could completely understand them thinking it could be someone else. That would be a perfectly logical suspicion that I would expect the family and old friends to have under the circumstances.

I'm still not sure what happened. I'm not sure how much Casey knows. She could have done it, of course. Maybe LE know stuff we just haven't seen yet. But as much as it could have been Casey it seems like it could just as easily have been almost anyone else around (from what we know so far). I can completely understand her mother thinking maybe it wasn't her.

Respectfully Quoted seagull :)

Many friends and family: RG, JG, SP, Grandpa at the hospital, all knew Casey had stole a lot more than six hundred dollars. George knew Casey had forged a deposit slip for over a thousand dollars. Cindy herself told TL and AH "good luck" in getting money back from Casey. Cindy spoke to her mother, SP regarding Casey's thefts, and it was Cindy who called 911 to report that her daughter had stolen a car.

Everyone did not think that Casey was a good mother to Caylee. Cindy had conversations with her mother regarding attaining custody of Caylee. Cindy relayed she had been to see a professional for an opinion. In one of the 911 calls Cindy is heard to say(paraphrased)"We'll do the child thing and you'll never..." JG told his father RG that Casey would put Caylee in her play pen and be involved with him and other men to the detriment of Caylee receiving proper attention. JG said Casey would leave Caylee unattended in other ways. Annie Dowling said she (and most of her friends)knew Casey was a liar. They knew she lied all the time, and at one point Annie says she (paraphrased) "got tired of being betrayed" and their friendship ended.

Most of what you have brought up if it were true, then why isn't any of that anything Casey or Cindy or anyone is saying? I.E. Any accident theory, or idea that she is protecting someone...? Many of us await an explanation or reason for many things Casey has said and done. The idea that Casey can be totally innocent while those around her "do drugs" and aren't "good people" does not makes sense in my world. A good mother wouldn't have her daughter around people doing drugs. She wouldn't leave her daughter with "new friends", to take your account to heart I would have to see Casey as a person with a diminished intellect at best and a very neglectful mother at worst.

Casey "did drugs" herself. Why is she elevated above the other adults who were also indulging? Adults who, did not have children and were either going to school and had jobs or both. While Casey had a child, did not graduate from school and had no job. That is why she stole. She also stole from AH and Casey has been convicted of that crime.

From my understanding Casey has had full medical check ups and if she had had some kind of, or was still suffering from some kind of medical malady: wouldn't her defense want to bring that to light? As far as her having seizures, JG said she had one and Casey told Robyn in her letters that she has them. Again, I am sure that is something a medical professional would be able to diagnose and I would think we would have heard something about that by now from the defense.

"Had she finally stolen from the wrong person? An accident that left her traumatized that she won't admit? These things still make Casey very responsible and does not excuse or explain her behavior and lies(they continue to this day), for what reason would Casey still be silent?

"Yes, pedophiles can be normal looking young men and women, too."
Yes, and according to Casey and (if you believe DC's emails)Cindy: George was a pedophile and according to Casey, Lee tried to pressure her into having sex and at one point came into her room to fondle her breasts while she slept.

"Had Casey been so wrapped up in her new social life she wasn't watching closely and someone on the periphery had gotten Caylee?" Again, this makes her a horrible mother and a terrible human being, imo. The impression I am left with of Casey is one of a shallow, vapid uncaring selfish bad mother who let her daughter be around drugs and a "bad crowd." That Casey was "so wrapped up" in these "pedophile druggies" that she lost sight of Caylee's safety and welfare? What kind of "good mom" is that?

Since we have access to documents, we can read the statements of the people Casey was hanging out with: for my money they are all decent young folk. LE, the FBI and the SA all know none of the people Casey was hanging out with past or present had anything to do with the death of Caylee and they have told Cindy that for a fact.

Cindy thinks Caylee is alive. Cindy still spouts off "tips" of a live Caylee in letters to Casey. Cindy says LE won't follow up on these tips that would prove Caylee is alive and Casey is innocent of murder. Okay. Why doesn't Cindy go find Caylee herself? Cindy said she would knock on every door until the end of time until she found Caylee. Maybe she could start with one of the hot tips she has received? No one would expect her to really knock on every door, but to not even attempt to follow tips you feel are valid? It makes no sense except, even Cindy knows Casey is guilty.

"She didn't flee, she didn't hide, she didn't concoct a logical story to cover her own behind, she doesn't seem to understand the urgency of the situation at all." She did flee, she took off from Cindy and George's house. She was "hiding" at TL's apartment, Casey was consciously avoiding Cindy. She sure didn't concoct a logical story to cover her own behind: that is what everyone is saying, she is lying. Her lack of urgency would, again have to be such a mental abnormality as to be noted by those in who she has trusted her defense. I would hope that George and Cindy would be asking that these types of things be looked into, I would wonder why George and Cindy would never have said any single thing about Casey ever having had any such "breaks" with reality?

Barring there being such a mental abnormality, imo not seeming to "understand the urgency of the situation" is a inhuman comment. No human being, having even the slightest care for another person would or could understand Casey "not understanding the urgency" in the idea that her daughter had been missing from her sight for over a month. The only truth, or real emotion in this whole case was when Cindy called 911 the third time and made her famous "smell in the damn trunk" statement.

The fear in Cindy's voice is what is expected from a human being with normal feelings for other human beings. Casey said she hadn't told her mother because she knew her mother would "freak out", that was Casey's first story as to why she has not reported Caylee missing. Not because she was "protecting" anyone. That is something Cindy came up with to explain to herself why Casey wasn't talking or giving information to bring Caylee home. As we see with the latest doc dump, DC was also feeding Cindy and George "information" that they had the "kidnappers" under surveillance. I saw an early interview George did with local news where he is driving around the Caylee billboard and he tells the reporter that they know who has Caylee and they are being watched "as we speak."

I listened to Casey's interview with LE at Universal Studios. That is not a woman who is not in her right mind, or had a shock because of an accident. Much of that interview is LE asking Casey about every thing that could have happened, that was leading her to lie and act as she had/has. Casey refused any of their theories of accidents, or shame or fear. The officers say we are all human, accidents happen...but Casey does not say this is so. They say then any reasonable human being must conclude that she did something to harm her daughter and she wants to cover that up. I understand his frustration. I share that frustration. So much of that interview is the two officers giving Casey every benefit of the doubt as she continues to lie and lie.

Was Casey out of her mind, having a seizure or under the effects of fear or anything else, when her friend Christina cried out in pain for the idea of the loss of Caylee and all Casey could do was ask for Tony's phone number completely dismissing her friends extreme emotion while also having no reaction to the thought of "her baby girl, her flesh and blood" as Christina was sobbing about?

Okay. Enough from me. Obviously I do not agree with your theory. I disagree with respect. :bow:

BBM. Isn't that the truth, Solace? For someone who wants to prove her daughter is innocent and is getting "railroaded", her mother sure does a crappy job of it. I love all the mind-play stuff at work here....Cindy can say it all she wants that she thinks Casey is innocent but her subconcious gives her away every time.

OMG. I cannot respond to this. But yes! Exactly.
This could certainly be the case, and you put it well. But maybe... I can understand Cindy's point of view to be honest. Imagine if your daughter had never shown any sign of violence or maltreatment of her little girl, (forgetting all the morbid speculation that's been out there, the actual history is that there had never been any signs of neglect, never any injuries, etc. Caylee was a healthy, happy little toddler all the way up to June 15, 2008.) All the friends and family said Casey had always treated Caylee well and would never hurt her in any way, nor would she just let Caylee be missing. They were all completely baffled. According to all the friends, Caylee was very attached to Casey, too, loved being held by Casey, when visiting friends Caylee didn't like to see Casey go out of her sight, etc. She had a very good, positive attachment to Casey, and vice-versa.

Suddenly in May and June 2008, Casey is running with two new crowds, taking Caylee around these two apartments where Caylee is exposed to LOTS of new people, and Casey herself is exposed to lots of new people at Fusian etc. (And by their own admission there were drug users and even drug sellers among these people. There was also the weird guy who scratched one of the shot girls. Who knows who all was around.) Casey is very busy socializing with all these new friends and might not have been watching as closely as she should, might have been a little too trusting. She'd always had Caylee around her friends, didn't think this was any different. Coinciding with Casey moving in full time with new facebook acqaintance TL and his roommates, and all their hip-hop promotions crowd, something happens to Caylee and she's missing.

Casey doesn't report the disappearance and when finally confronted, is in some kind of la-la land, seems to have forgotten about Caylee. She didn't flee, she didn't hide, she didn't concoct a logical story to cover her own behind, she doesn't seem to understand the urgency of the situation at all. She is oblivious. She only wants to talk to Tony, she doesn't care about anything else. Her tone of voice and behavior/attitude is like a different person, according to old friends, she doesn't seem like the same person at all. They were shocked.

Some friends and family had seen Casey have something similar to seizures, when she was asleep, both before and after Caylee going missing. They also knew Casey had a history of not always making that much sense, they would take what she was saying with a grain of salt. She would sometimes just agree with what others were saying or tell harmless white lies. They knew she had occasionally stolen small amounts of money too, and now she had apparently stolen $600 from one of these new people.

If I were the family I would be thinking
(a) was there a bad egg somewhere among these new people Casey had had Caylee around, was there a pedophile or a violent person? Yes, pedophiles can be normal looking young men and women, too. Had Casey been so wrapped up in her new social life she wasn't watching closely and someone on the periphery had gotten Caylee?
(b) Did Casey not report the disappearance because she didn't want to rat out a friend or boyfriend (maybe even afraid to rat), or because she was traumatized in some way and in disbelief, or because she'd actually thought Caylee was with a friend, or because she didn't know what to do or how to face her parents?
(c) Had Casey had the onset more serious mental illness, like a schizophrenic or manic episode, or a medical brain issue of some kind, maybe delirium due to sleep deprivation, which caused her to lose time or fail to understand or report the disappearance?
(d) Had she been drugged by someone in this crowd, or started using more drugs than has been admitted, increasing her confused/delusional thinking and behavior, etc.
(e) had there been an accident she was afraid to admit or which had left her traumatized?
(f) Had she finally stolen from the wrong person, someone more dangerous? (i.e. TL's story he told Lee while wired for the police, about their drug dealer who had had money stolen and Casey talking about having money soon after that.)

I'm just saying if I were Cindy or any of the old friends, I could completely understand them thinking it could be someone else. That would be a perfectly logical suspicion that I would expect the family and old friends to have under the circumstances.

I'm still not sure what happened. I'm not sure how much Casey knows. She could have done it, of course. Maybe LE know stuff we just haven't seen yet. But as much as it could have been Casey it seems like it could just as easily have been almost anyone else around (from what we know so far). I can completely understand her mother thinking maybe it wasn't her.
So why were Cindy's first words..."What have you done?"

Cindy knows it's not looking good for Casey. What it comes down to now, IMO, is making sure she's not put to death. Her letters cover so many of the (court) issues...LE's competence, Robin A., Roy K., etc. Cindy believes she can single-handedly create doubt.
I'm with you Purple Iris. I think this is all on Cindy. I don't even necessarily think she took the envelopes from JB. She probably made them herself. This just seems like her MO to me. Instead of just sending letter and cards to Casey the same way as everyone else, I see her going through a lot of trouble just to subvert the system. She just can't be told what to do.
...and for all we know, she may feel the need to disguise the letters from Casey...thinking that Casey wouldn't open the envelope knowing it was from her. I'm beginning to not really care anymore. (How sad is that?) I believe in karma and the whole bunch will get there's in the end, IMHO.
I know what you mean....the idiotic dramarama has worn me out. Couldn't care less about Cindy anymore or her attempts to have Casey 'just look her way, oh please Casey, you're so bewoodeeful....blah' it's actually creepy, and if I was Casey's lawyer the only parent who's head would be in the chopping block would be Cindy.

On the karma will be poetry in motion, I'm a big believer in karma, and love watching it unfold, this is just the beginning IMO and there will be a lot to follow. Caylee will get legal and universal justice for what happened to her, guaranteed.
I can't help think but think how horribly haunting this is going to be to Tony and his friends ...and ica's "friends" forever.:(

I hope Tony has gotten professional help, I'm sure he must feel responsible indirectly even though he isn't.
This is sure confusing. But there seem to be a couple of facts that are sifting through that lead me to believe JB's office was involved.

1. The metered postage that was on the envelope. (Cindy couldn't have duplicated this or had access to it.)
2. The unfamiliar handwriting on the envelope ~ Doesn't look like anything I've ever seen Cindy write.
3. Could not be an envelope that Cindy "got" from JB's office because I can't imagine that JB's office would have a pre-metered card-sized envelope laying around for Cindy to take.
4. The fact that it is a card-sized envelope would also explain why it's not in one of his normal envelopes (they would be too small) and thus not have his pre-printed return address.
5. There was nothing sensitive or of interest contained in the message that Cindy would expend such effort on to hide.

It seems logical to me that Cindy probably gave the card to JB to give to Casey, knowing there was no language in it that JB would find objectionable. She probably didn't know if he would take it to her or send it through the mail. His office help will probably take the fall for this broohaha ~ But nothing will really come of it as:

"Orange County corrections officials have not publicly accused anyone of mail fraud, and no investigation will be conducted, according to a jail spokesman."
After comparing CA handwriting in the letter with the card, I am not sure this was even sent by CA. Could this have been a bad joke? imo
Respectfully Quoted seagull :)

Many friends and family: RG, JG, SP, Grandpa at the hospital, all knew Casey had stole a lot more than six hundred dollars. George knew Casey had forged a deposit slip for over a thousand dollars. Cindy herself told TL and AH "good luck" in getting money back from Casey. Cindy spoke to her mother, SP regarding Casey's thefts, and it was Cindy who called 911 to report that her daughter had stolen a car.

Everyone did not think that Casey was a good mother to Caylee. Cindy had conversations with her mother regarding attaining custody of Caylee. Cindy relayed she had been to see a professional for an opinion. In one of the 911 calls Cindy is heard to say(paraphrased)"We'll do the child thing and you'll never..." JG told his father RG that Casey would put Caylee in her play pen and be involved with him and other men to the detriment of Caylee receiving proper attention. JG said Casey would leave Caylee unattended in other ways. Annie Dowling said she (and most of her friends)knew Casey was a liar. They knew she lied all the time, and at one point Annie says she (paraphrased) "got tired of being betrayed" and their friendship ended.

Most of what you have brought up if it were true, then why isn't any of that anything Casey or Cindy or anyone is saying? I.E. Any accident theory, or idea that she is protecting someone...? Many of us await an explanation or reason for many things Casey has said and done. The idea that Casey can be totally innocent while those around her "do drugs" and aren't "good people" does not makes sense in my world. A good mother wouldn't have her daughter around people doing drugs. She wouldn't leave her daughter with "new friends", to take your account to heart I would have to see Casey as a person with a diminished intellect at best and a very neglectful mother at worst.

Casey "did drugs" herself. Why is she elevated above the other adults who were also indulging? Adults who, did not have children and were either going to school and had jobs or both. While Casey had a child, did not graduate from school and had no job. That is why she stole. She also stole from AH and Casey has been convicted of that crime.

From my understanding Casey has had full medical check ups and if she had had some kind of, or was still suffering from some kind of medical malady: wouldn't her defense want to bring that to light? As far as her having seizures, JG said she had one and Casey told Robyn in her letters that she has them. Again, I am sure that is something a medical professional would be able to diagnose and I would think we would have heard something about that by now from the defense.

"Had she finally stolen from the wrong person? An accident that left her traumatized that she won't admit? These things still make Casey very responsible and does not excuse or explain her behavior and lies(they continue to this day), for what reason would Casey still be silent?

"Yes, pedophiles can be normal looking young men and women, too."
Yes, and according to Casey and (if you believe DC's emails)Cindy: George was a pedophile and according to Casey, Lee tried to pressure her into having sex and at one point came into her room to fondle her breasts while she slept.

"Had Casey been so wrapped up in her new social life she wasn't watching closely and someone on the periphery had gotten Caylee?" Again, this makes her a horrible mother and a terrible human being, imo. The impression I am left with of Casey is one of a shallow, vapid uncaring selfish bad mother who let her daughter be around drugs and a "bad crowd." That Casey was "so wrapped up" in these "pedophile druggies" that she lost sight of Caylee's safety and welfare? What kind of "good mom" is that?

Since we have access to documents, we can read the statements of the people Casey was hanging out with: for my money they are all decent young folk. LE, the FBI and the SA all know none of the people Casey was hanging out with past or present had anything to do with the death of Caylee and they have told Cindy that for a fact.

Cindy thinks Caylee is alive. Cindy still spouts off "tips" of a live Caylee in letters to Casey. Cindy says LE won't follow up on these tips that would prove Caylee is alive and Casey is innocent of murder. Okay. Why doesn't Cindy go find Caylee herself? Cindy said she would knock on every door until the end of time until she found Caylee. Maybe she could start with one of the hot tips she has received? No one would expect her to really knock on every door, but to not even attempt to follow tips you feel are valid? It makes no sense except, even Cindy knows Casey is guilty.

"She didn't flee, she didn't hide, she didn't concoct a logical story to cover her own behind, she doesn't seem to understand the urgency of the situation at all." She did flee, she took off from Cindy and George's house. She was "hiding" at TL's apartment, Casey was consciously avoiding Cindy. She sure didn't concoct a logical story to cover her own behind: that is what everyone is saying, she is lying. Her lack of urgency would, again have to be such a mental abnormality as to be noted by those in who she has trusted her defense. I would hope that George and Cindy would be asking that these types of things be looked into, I would wonder why George and Cindy would never have said any single thing about Casey ever having had any such "breaks" with reality?

Barring there being such a mental abnormality, imo not seeming to "understand the urgency of the situation" is a inhuman comment. No human being, having even the slightest care for another person would or could understand Casey "not understanding the urgency" in the idea that her daughter had been missing from her sight for over a month. The only truth, or real emotion in this whole case was when Cindy called 911 the third time and made her famous "smell in the damn trunk" statement.

The fear in Cindy's voice is what is expected from a human being with normal feelings for other human beings. Casey said she hadn't told her mother because she knew her mother would "freak out", that was Casey's first story as to why she has not reported Caylee missing. Not because she was "protecting" anyone. That is something Cindy came up with to explain to herself why Casey wasn't talking or giving information to bring Caylee home. As we see with the latest doc dump, DC was also feeding Cindy and George "information" that they had the "kidnappers" under surveillance. I saw an early interview George did with local news where he is driving around the Caylee billboard and he tells the reporter that they know who has Caylee and they are being watched "as we speak."

I listened to Casey's interview with LE at Universal Studios. That is not a woman who is not in her right mind, or had a shock because of an accident. Much of that interview is LE asking Casey about every thing that could have happened, that was leading her to lie and act as she had/has. Casey refused any of their theories of accidents, or shame or fear. The officers say we are all human, accidents happen...but Casey does not say this is so. They say then any reasonable human being must conclude that she did something to harm her daughter and she wants to cover that up. I understand his frustration. I share that frustration. So much of that interview is the two officers giving Casey every benefit of the doubt as she continues to lie and lie.

Was Casey out of her mind, having a seizure or under the effects of fear or anything else, when her friend Christina cried out in pain for the idea of the loss of Caylee and all Casey could do was ask for Tony's phone number completely dismissing her friends extreme emotion while also having no reaction to the thought of "her baby girl, her flesh and blood" as Christina was sobbing about?

Okay. Enough from me. Obviously I do not agree with your theory. I disagree with respect. :bow:


The 'small amounts of money' mentioned by Seagull amounted to many thousands of dollars, I believe between 40 and 50K had to be taken from Cindy's IRA at one time, to pay off her credit card debt and others. Where I'm from that is not a small amount of money- this is the result of a lifetime of calculated theft from all around her- no seizures involved then.... that is her usual personality, completely amoral.
My take on how this card scam may have happened is that Cindy gave the card to Baez to give to Casey..instead of bringing the card with him to the jail, he decided to mail it through his office, thinking it would get through to her with his law firms return address. The female handwriting is not Cindy's, probably someone in Baez' office. The letter is received at the jail.. I am thinking the printed "legal mail do not open" looks like a male handwriting, and is written right on front over her name (post-mailing, not pre-mailing addition). It could have been a mail sorter at the jail who made the notation when he saw Baez return address... then mail is given to the officers who inspect it before dispersing it to the inmates. Perhaps it looked hinky because Baez never mails anything? or it felt firm like a card? .. for whatever reason, a red flag came up for the officers. JMO.
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