Cindy is still looking for Caylee?

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I think Cindy & Lee were extensively prepped by the defense and their new strategy is that Cindy is a “crazy grandma,” as she called herself, to explain away what she said in the 911 tapes, the ballistic Morgan depo’s & other damaging statements she’s made for 2 years. And Mason deliberately mentioned that Cindy believes Caylee is alive in his closing statement, it’s all part of this new strategy, imo. But I don’t foresee the jury buying her baloney, they’ll see her combativeness & lying as covering up from the beginning.

And Cindy is absolutely using this ploy to try to get herself off the hook for her criminal behavior - not calling 911 when they knew what the smell was, tampering with evidence (washing the pants etc), bragging that she gave the wrong hairbrush to investigators, lying to local LE, lying to the FBI, collecting donations when they knew Caylee was dead, etc.

moo moo moo
BBM. I agree, Cindy knew what that smell was way before the third 911 call. She only tells 911 about the "dead body" smell when she has a kidnapper (the nanny took Caylee) to give police.
Cindy knows Caylee is gone. She absolutely does! She knew the minute she asked, "What have you done?"

She went into clean up mode (literally) almost immediately after finding out what Casey had done. Who knows why she cleaned up evidence and lied. To save Casey for some odd reason even though she murdered her GD? Maybe she didn't want people to think that she & GA could have raised someone like ICA? Who knows with these people.

But then we witness this whole other CA on the stand & wonder WTH happened? I'm thinking the A's have talked countless days & nights about these letters from Casey that were released. The accusations, whether true or false are, I'm sure, hard to deal with. That on top of what ICA did to precious Caylee is enough for Cindy to get on the stand & say just what what needed to say to fry her. She may have said that about Caylee just to pizz Casey off. To say that she thinks Caylee is alive right in front of Casey, when they both know what really happened just burns ICA up inside. The look on Casey's face when CA said that was very telling, IMO

CA went on the stand & basically threw her to the wolves. Casey knew it too. I have never agreed with ANYTHING CA has done in the past except make that 911 call. But, she certainly didn't help the case at this last hearing! She threw some undercover jabs at ICA too - my favorite being, "I respect Casey" :Banane11:
I think Cindy had Caylee cremated to eliminate any further evidence testing. With no body she can spin tales and believe them. Logic dictates what are the odds of a body matching Caylees dna being found 1/4 mile from their home? And being found with items that matched what Caylee had on or owned? Too coincidental Cindy!
They matched it to Caylee's DNA.

Okay, I have never seen confirmation on how they did this. I know it was mitochondrial for the hair. I know that Cindy initially did not provide the correct brush. So I have not seen if they actually got Caylee's DNA, or if they simply determined this child was Casey's child and also consist with DNA in the Anthony home.

Either way, I can come up with something outrageous...

What if the defense is going to try and say, that Casey had a second child, another daughter.
Whether it was that Caylee had an identical twin...(easier to disprove) or that Casey had another child just before or just after Caylee with the same guy (which she gave birth to at home of course).

She couldn't handle two kids (you can't carry two and still look cool holding your drink) so she had someone nearby raising the other one. Of course this hypothetical child (Catey Marie or - Cassy, Cylee, Carly, Candy, or Cally) came to visit...because she was such a loving mother.

Then, when Caylee went missing this other family had just disappeared. So there is no way of knowing if the other little girl is dead or alive. So, that could be THAT little girl's body and there would be no way to prove it. The other family could have accidentally killed their child and took Caylee even. So Caylee could be alive somewhere, or it could be the other little girl that is alive. But unless they can prove where Casey's second child is, they can never accept that Caylee is really dead.

Whew.... that stinks so bad it was hard to even type it all out.

Now, if they USE that at trial... I want a prize or something after I pick myself up off the floor. :waitasec:
Okay, I have never seen confirmation on how they did this. I know it was mitochondrial for the hair. I know that Cindy initially did not provide the correct brush. So I have not seen if they actually got Caylee's DNA, or if they simply determined this child was Casey's child and also consist with DNA in the Anthony home.

Either way, I can come up with something outrageous...

What if the defense is going to try and say, that Casey had a second child, another daughter.
Whether it was that Caylee had an identical twin...(easier to disprove) or that Casey had another child just before or just after Caylee with the same guy (which she gave birth to at home of course).

She couldn't handle two kids (you can't carry two and still look cool holding your drink) so she had someone nearby raising the other one. Of course this hypothetical child (Catey Marie or - Cassy, Cylee, Carly, Candy, or Cally) came to visit...because she was such a loving mother.

Then, when Caylee went missing this other family had just disappeared. So there is no way of knowing if the other little girl is dead or alive. So, that could be THAT little girl's body and there would be no way to prove it. The other family could have accidentally killed their child and took Caylee even. So Caylee could be alive somewhere, or it could be the other little girl that is alive. But unless they can prove where Casey's second child is, they can never accept that Caylee is really dead.

Whew.... that stinks so bad it was hard to even type it all out.

Now, if they USE that at trial... I want a prize or something after I pick myself up off the floor. :waitasec:
:hand:Easily disproved by hospital records that Caylee had no twin, and a Gyn exam could determine if Casey had given birth more than once. :snooty:This is not reasonable doubt, it's unreasonable doubt!
Page 56, or 7572 is where Cindy says "So I'm not sure why she would abandon the car. Especially if the car had all this evidence that's gonna link her to Caylee's death in it." That was in April of 2009...

There is more from James L. McIntyre in this comment section here:

I wonder if Cindy has had James L. McIntyre's theory checked out, since she believe Caylee is alive?
My understanding is Dr G did save a small bone for future testing if needed. Believe it was a femur.


I believe it was Dr. G. that explained bone is made from tissue.Therefore they can get DNA from a bone.It stuck in my head because I was amazed,never thought DNA could come from a bone unless there is marrow.I am sure Dr. G saved the femur which is a long bone.

We WILL find out caylee ~ just hang in there Sweetie.:angel: :angel:
Okay, I have never seen confirmation on how they did this. I know it was mitochondrial for the hair. I know that Cindy initially did not provide the correct brush. So I have not seen if they actually got Caylee's DNA, or if they simply determined this child was Casey's child and also consist with DNA in the Anthony home.

Either way, I can come up with something outrageous...

What if the defense is going to try and say, that Casey had a second child, another daughter.
Whether it was that Caylee had an identical twin...(easier to disprove) or that Casey had another child just before or just after Caylee with the same guy (which she gave birth to at home of course).

She couldn't handle two kids (you can't carry two and still look cool holding your drink) so she had someone nearby raising the other one. Of course this hypothetical child (Catey Marie or - Cassy, Cylee, Carly, Candy, or Cally) came to visit...because she was such a loving mother.

Then, when Caylee went missing this other family had just disappeared. So there is no way of knowing if the other little girl is dead or alive. So, that could be THAT little girl's body and there would be no way to prove it. The other family could have accidentally killed their child and took Caylee even. So Caylee could be alive somewhere, or it could be the other little girl that is alive. But unless they can prove where Casey's second child is, they can never accept that Caylee is really dead.

Whew.... that stinks so bad it was hard to even type it all out.

Now, if they USE that at trial... I want a prize or something after I pick myself up off the floor. :waitasec:

Some of the items provided by the As did have mixed DNA, but the investigators were able to separate out Casey's DNA profile to figure out Caylee's DNA profile, which was a match to the DNA from the tibia of the skeleton found on 12/11/08.

Also, the "extra" DNA profile on the items provided by the As, which was assumed to be Caylee's and which matched the tibia DNA, also matched the DNA profile listed for Caylee in Jesse Grund's paternity report. There is really no question that the tibia belonged to Caylee.
I must apologize to everyone on this board. :blushing: After Friday's hearing, everyone was saying Cindy said she believes Caylee is alive. I mistakenly thought she said she was thinking so at that time, the night of the 911 calls. I said this in another thread. I was able to playback that part of her testimony last night, and everyone is correct, she DID say she still believes Caylee is alive, and then scrunched up her mouth in the strangest, ugliest way I've never seen her do before. How did I miss that the first time I watched??? Body language experts must have had a field day with her scrunched up lips.

Turns out, I was having trouble with "buffering" during that time. I even missed Lee's "I love you" and LDB's comment saying she assumed he wasn't talking to her. :wink:

Just want to say, it's always eye-opening to re-watch this type of stuff. One can miss a lot the first time around! :blushing:

Just found Dr. Glass' take on the whole thing, thanks to someone else's link. Dr. Glass didn't miss Cindy's mouth trick - she said it lasted 10 seconds! Great catch, Dr. G. :clap:
She even threatened Tim Miller if he came back and searched again. Vicious evil woman.

Man, she left a message over three minutes long to rub digs into him about his daughter, to bash him, and to say what she wanted him to hear. Nice, nice woman. Sorry, just can't feel sorry for a woman who does things like that. She acted like TIM was a criminal! :eek:

BBM. Vicious evil woman. I couldn't agree more. :shakehead:
I think Cindy states that Caylee is alive is because if she ever is charged with anything she can declare that she mentally ill.
Who on this forum has not faced their own personal crisis? Some even larger than Cindy's but hopefully, most of us not as painful. But we know we all had to make our own personal choices about how to respond to those life-changing events. If our choices are weak and selfish we can expect that the repercussions will extend the pain and horror. If we respond selflessly, morally and honorably we will still experience the sorrow of the event but have a huge support system to help us recover.
The Anthony family has shown us exactly what not to do. Do not be proud, do not be deceptive, do not inflict insult on innocent bystanders to relieve your own guilt in the event. They are not without their choices ~ and of this date they continue to stand by them. The only pity I have for all of them now is that they still don't see the power they still have to make corrections. At this point, IMO, they are still creating their own suffering and the collateral damage is unforgivable. I think they are little people that have no compassion for anyone but themselves.
The title of this thread is "Cindy is still looking for Caylee?" Cindy is continuing her self indulgence at the expense of many people now. I feel sorrow for her loss but angry that she is damaging so many other peoples' lives to try to self-sooth. I have zero respect for her. Obviously, moo.
I think Cindy states that Caylee is alive is because if she ever is charged with anything she can declare that she mentally ill.
You may be onto something there.

Frankly, I thought Cindy was cuckoo the first time I saw her on TV and she was babbling about how the police should look everywhere except in her house for evidence. Yeah, okay Cindy. And now she is either (a) in complete denial or (b) even more cuckoo.
I have never posted on one of the Anthony thread before because of my deep distaste for this entire family. However in the light of this information I have to say that I feel completely founded in what I have believed from the start of this mess.

IMOO This whole family is mentally ill. And not take a couple pills and be "ok" mentally ill... but postal worker seems normal till they snap out of the blue one day type of mentally ill. The most dangerous ones are the ones who pretend to be normal and deny their illness; and the ones who embrace it and enjoy what the disease does to them. (I have met both types in my life) I think the Anthony's are a rare and dangerous mix of both types.

I am sad to say it, but little Caylee is better off in heaven than with these lunatics as a family. All IMHOO
Both Cindy and George would love to be declared to be mentally incompetent.

As per the Judge's order, the 911 CA call, "smells like a dead body" excited utterance, comes into trial, as long as Cindy is there to substantiate, or refute it.

George's testimony to the Grand Jury, will also come in, at trial. Grand Juries don't call defense witnesses. They call witnesses for the state. George's testimony helped bring an indictment against Casey. No doubt he wishes he could be declared mentally incompetent, so he would not have to testify against his daughter. I'm waiting for that to happen next. Maybe it will be a 'two-fer'.

Cindy is doing what she always does,...lying. Don't forget if any of the jurors believes Cindy's statement that Caley is still alive, it raises reasonable doubt, and the sentence against Casey could be reduced.

It is ridiculous, but when the defense has little or nothing to support its case, the defense attorney has no choice but to make ridiculous statements. The question is,...who is going to believe it? I mean, really??? No one with a functioning brain.
I have never posted on one of the Anthony thread before because of my deep distaste for this entire family. However in the light of this information I have to say that I feel completely founded in what I have believed from the start of this mess.

IMOO This whole family is mentally ill. And not take a couple pills and be "ok" mentally ill... but postal worker seems normal till they snap out of the blue one day type of mentally ill. The most dangerous ones are the ones who pretend to be normal and deny their illness; and the ones who embrace it and enjoy what the disease does to them. (I have met both types in my life) I think the Anthony's are a rare and dangerous mix of both types.

I am sad to say it, but little Caylee is better off in heaven than with these lunatics as a family. All IMHOO

Hmm. I see it more as evil, not illness.
I think Cindy had Caylee cremated to eliminate any further evidence testing. With no body she can spin tales and believe them. Logic dictates what are the odds of a body matching Caylees dna being found 1/4 mile from their home? And being found with items that matched what Caylee had on or owned? Too coincidental Cindy!

I think Cindy states that Caylee is alive is because if she ever is charged with anything she can declare that she mentally ill.


I believe it was Dr. G. that explained bone is made from tissue.Therefore they can get DNA from a bone.It stuck in my head because I was amazed,never thought DNA could come from a bone unless there is marrow.I am sure Dr. G saved the femur which is a long bone.

We WILL find out caylee ~ just hang in there Sweetie.:angel: :angel:

When Jose called a press conference to announce Caylee's remains would be cremated against Casey's wishes, I immediately thought something was fishy. The As were desperately trying to paint a happy, tight-knit, healthy family so why call a presser to point out there is animosity? Cindy said Casey was/is mother of the year so why not follow her wishes if that's what Casey truly wanted. So, my first reaction was they want to destroy evidence (all of them, including Casey) in case further testing becomes available due to scientific advances. It makes Casey look better if she doesn't cremate her (nothing to worry about if scientific advances come along later to clear her). Jose's presser made it perfectly clear that Casey opposed the cremation and Casey wanted a headstone where Casey could visit. Yea...right, we all know what Casey thought was a proper burial (duct tape, heart sticker, two trash bags, and a laundry hamper dumped in the elements to be picked apart and destroyed by animals and nature.) So Casey couldn't care less how Caylee was buried. She already had her funeral, no limo ride with Caylee in a coffin to a cemetery, just a decomposing body in her trunk on her way to the dump site. Her funeral was cheap too, it only cost two stolen trash bags, stolen duct tape, heart sticker, and a stolen hamper. Remember Casey hasn't held a job since before Caylee was born.

Now I think Cindy is simply taking any nonsensical thing she can think of and running with it, like Caylee is still alive. I don't believe for one second Cindy believes the BS coming out of her mouth. The As make up lies on the fly, they can get more mileage out this lie...more than destroying evidence, now they can say she has gone over the deep end or created UNreasonable doubt for Casey trying to make the public believe she's still alive (maybe even on that cruise ship or the tattoo place). Jose can ask the jurors to look at the door because Caylee and the Nanny are coming in and when everyone looks, JB can say, YOU LOOKED, you can't convict. Hopefully the SAs will tip the jury off to that old dirty trick before it happens. Also, Caylee's bones were in a cardboard box for MONTHS. Why? Were they still trying to perfect their story--or--did they simply not care?

If Cindy really thought those bones were not Caylee's, she should have never had them cremated so that another family couldn't find their loved one and properly bury them.

Cindy mentioned in one of her letters to Casey about how they could work together to influence the jury pool (I'm paraphrasing). So I feel this is just another lame attempt to taint the jury pool with bogus information about Caylee being alive. Also a good way to solicit funds for their (cough, cough, choke) fund.

I've read several posts that Dr. G kept a bone so if the A team needs to do testing, I'm sure it can be arranged. Either put up or shut!

IMO, Cindy definitely knows Caylee is dead, but she refuses to admit this to others.

Because CA must always present herself and her family in a virtuous/perfect manner, she cannot admit that Caylee is dead. To admit that Caylee is dead is an admission that she and her family are frauds and they are nothing like she has represented them to be for decades. To admit that Caylee is dead is admitting that she personally raised a monster. CA has some warped self-esteem issues that will not allow her to state what she knows to be true because it is personally damaging to her "image".

CA desires a close relationship with her daughter, but she hasn’t been able to have this for years. She cannot admit to others that Caylee is dead because she does not want to push KC further away. She has also repeatedly tried to rescue KC from her lying, manipulative, sociopathic behavior for years and, sadly, CA developed an unhealthy satisfaction from trying to save KC or “cover” for KC. This last paragraph is an example of codependency.
IMO, Cindy definitely knows Caylee is dead, but she refuses to admit this to others.

Because CA must always present herself and her family in a virtuous/perfect manner, she cannot admit that Caylee is dead. To admit that Caylee is dead is an admission that she and her family are frauds and they are nothing like she has represented them to be for decades. To admit that Caylee is dead is admitting that she personally raised a monster. CA has some warped self-esteem issues that will not allow her to state what she knows to be true because it is personally damaging to her "image".

CA desires a close relationship with her daughter, but she hasn’t been able to have this for years. She cannot admit to others that Caylee is dead because she does not want to push KC further away. She has also repeatedly tried to rescue KC from her lying, manipulative, sociopathic behavior for years and she, sadly, CA developed an unhealthy satisfaction from trying to save KC or “cover” for KC. This last paragraph is an example of codependency.

That's a good article. Thanks.
They must have had CA in mind when they wrote that!
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