Cindy is still looking for Caylee?

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Cindy actually writes, in a letter to Casey dated 5-24-10 from today's doc dump, that she is "not convinced it was Caylee." I had to stop reading after that. :(

It's on page 12 of 134 in this PDF file--I hope I did this citation correctly, apologies in advance if I didn't.
I read the first couple of letters from Cindy to Casey. I couldn't help but say to myself "no wonder they don't want her at the jail on video".

Yap Yap Yap Yap. She would be a loose cannon for sure to have on film. JMHO.
Cindy actually writes, in a letter to Casey dated 5-24-10 from today's doc dump, that she is "not convinced it was Caylee." I had to stop reading after that. :(

It's on page 12 of 134 in this PDF file--I hope I did this citation correctly, apologies in advance if I didn't.

Cindy also thinks LE should be looking for "who really took Caylee"?

I haven't heard nor read in Cindy's letters that she is or has been actively searching for the person she believes took Caylee or for Caylee since she is not convinced the remains identified by the Medical Examiner are Caylee's..
Sitting in air conditioning, doing myspace searches is not what a responsible, caring family member would do to look for a child. Neither is driving a sign around, or asking for unpaid personal assistants, selling photos and trashing people who are searching in the 100 degree heat and in alligator infested water. The need for this woman to have a come uppance is at an all time high. I hope Mr. Ashton and Ms. Burdick do not forget about CA and GA and LA and Mallory when the ICA trial is over.
Cindy also thinks LE should be looking for "who really took Caylee"?

I haven't heard nor read in Cindy's letters that she is or has been actively searching for the person she believes took Caylee or for Caylee since she is not convinced the remains identified by the Medical Examiner are Caylee's..

Her statement would certainly be more believable if they were out searching, turning over every rock, following every lead, walking every street, following up on every tip. But, that hasn't happened, from "DAY ONE." Empty words that are meaningless.
Elvis and mental heath jokes aside, if my child was in jail for killing my grandchild, I'd approach every alternate possibility, especially any alternative that suggested that my grandchild was still alive.
Elvis and mental heath jokes aside, if my child was in jail for killing my grandchild, I'd approach every alternate possibility, especially any alternative that suggested that my grandchild was still alive.

There's a lot more to it than though, isn't there? They cremated a body, held a memorial service, have a foundation in her name, and wear her ashes in jewlry on their bodies...let's get the whole truth out there. Would you do all of those things and then cutely say you think she's still alive? lol I doubt it.
There's a lot more to it than though, isn't there? They cremated a body, held a memorial service, have a foundation in her name, and wear her ashes in jewlry on their bodies...let's get the whole truth out there. Would you do all of those things and then cutely say you think she's still alive? lol I doubt it.

I'm wondering if she is trying to get herself off the witness list due to mental health issues/grief....I'm starting to quesiton if it is an act.

Yesterday on JVM they were saying that her letters are like an open forum to create reasonable doubt without any of those pesky questions some may ask...perhaps taint the jury pool with a grandmother so much in grief that she is looking for a live child or can't accept....anything and everything at this point??? KWIM????? Hope I'm making sense---
I'm with you Zoey, she's said it too many times now, and twice since she has been openly ridiculed for it. She is trying to discredit herself. I felt sorry for her the first time I heard it, now I don't believe her either....

Oh Cindy, you do know how to shoot yourself in the foot don't you?
Im struggling to get my head around Cindy of late. She wears the ashes as jewellry yet proclaims Caylee is still alive. Implies via the latest letters to Casey that they are BFF yet it was Cindy who phoned the police on Casey in the first place and furthermore she now claims she didn't mean what she said about the 'damn dead body'. I wish Cindy would make up her mind whether Casey did this to Caylee. Or if anything even happened to Caylee. Nor do I like how Cindy is photographed by the press holding George's hand yet it seems to me Cindy may have been responsible for the original sexual abuse allegations against George that appear in Dominc Caseys emails in the latest doc dump. Then we've got Cindy writing Casey how Lee is 100% in Caseys corner but there appears to be nothing from Lee to support this. So Cindy is enjoying very separate relationships with everybody in this family and nothing she is doing makes a whole lot of sense to me, it looks like she enjoys playing games and treats the family like puppets, runs around lighting fires and makes up and changes the rules to her games as she goes along. Once upon a time there was a mummy psychopath / sociopath and her wee little baby psychopath? Jmo. Throwing my hands up in the air atm, I just don't know what to think.
Why did LE leave the car at the Anthony home after that 911 call? Did they even look at the car at the time? If they knew that the car had been abandoned and just picked up, wouldn't they be concerned about the dead body smell whether a child was missing or not?
Cindy knows the truth, she knows Casey killed Caylee, and she knows why. Cindy's problem is that she doesn't want anyone else to know / believe this uncomfortable fact. I think that whatever Casey does is a reflection on Cindy in Cindy's mind. Cindy was a good mom, therefore Casey could not kill her daughter. If Casey is guilty, then Cindy is a bad mom, if Casey is in prison Cindy's a bad mom, and my god ... kid on death row = bad bad bad mom.

So Cindy could probably handle having a bad kid if that badness was contained inside four walls because then it would be Cindy's own problem, and she could choose how to paint the story to outsiders, but this one is off the hook ... this is all about 'face'. Cindy can't stand losing face so if she can try and weave her own version of events which paints Casey in a different light then her role in the drama can be something palatable.

I think this is why Cindy is so desperate for Casey to show her a sign of affection, because at the moment it's going this way;

Casey hates Cindy, she hates Cindy so much that she killed her little daughter just to knife her square in the heart, everyone else hates Cindy too, the world hates her, this is all her fault. Cindy is a bad mom, Cindy didn't protect Caylee, Cindy is bad, and partly to blame for the death of Caylee ... this is unbearable.

And Cindy doesn't want to be the bad one, Cindy wants some leeway, Cindy wants some sympathy, so Cindy's going to act a little bit nuts, and then everyone is going to cut her a bit of slack, and not look too closely at the history she created, and the events that led up to the death of Caylee, and at who Cindy really is.
Why did LE leave the car at the Anthony home after that 911 call? Did they even look at the car at the time? If they knew that the car had been abandoned and just picked up, wouldn't they be concerned about the dead body smell whether a child was missing or not?

LE was there all night until around 5 - 6am and towed the car the next day if I recall correctly, I doubt if anyone really thought Caylee was missing once they spoke to Casey and smelled that car, by the time they returned and picked up Casey to take her over to Universal that morning they knew everything she had told them was a lie, and therefore it was a homicide investigation, not a missing child investigation.
I think the ghost of Caylee haunts Cindy daily...............
Reasonable doubt.
She's probably planning a "Miracle on 34th Street" moment on the stand. "Look, there's Caylee!" And when everyone turns to look, she'll try to smother her Grinch grin as she says, "See? None of you believe she is dead either! You can't convict my daughter if you still think blah blah blah..."
Can't get immunity, might as well make yourself unstable and unreliable on the stand. I believe this is a scene we have seen before...Hawaii Motel??
Cindy knows the truth, she knows Casey killed Caylee, and she knows why. Cindy's problem is that she doesn't want anyone else to know / believe this uncomfortable fact. I think that whatever Casey does is a reflection on Cindy in Cindy's mind. Cindy was a good mom, therefore Casey could not kill her daughter. If Casey is guilty, then Cindy is a bad mom, if Casey is in prison Cindy's a bad mom, and my god ... kid on death row = bad bad bad mom.

So Cindy could probably handle having a bad kid if that badness was contained inside four walls because then it would be Cindy's own problem, and she could choose how to paint the story to outsiders, but this one is off the hook ... this is all about 'face'. Cindy can't stand losing face so if she can try and weave her own version of events which paints Casey in a different light then her role in the drama can be something palatable.

I think this is why Cindy is so desperate for Casey to show her a sign of affection, because at the moment it's going this way;

Casey hates Cindy, she hates Cindy so much that she killed her little daughter just to knife her square in the heart, everyone else hates Cindy too, the world hates her, this is all her fault. Cindy is a bad mom, Cindy didn't protect Caylee, Cindy is bad, and partly to blame for the death of Caylee ... this is unbearable.

And Cindy doesn't want to be the bad one, Cindy wants some leeway, Cindy wants some sympathy, so Cindy's going to act a little bit nuts, and then everyone is going to cut her a bit of slack, and not look too closely at the history she created, and the events that led up to the death of Caylee, and at who Cindy really is.
You have nailed this one on the head. True to Cindy's pathology, she is STILL manipulating with her 'a bit nuts' act to gain sympathy. Always has to be in control, always has to be manipulating. Does this woman ever sleep? There is no doubt in my mind where Casey's sociopathy came from.
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