Cindy Over the Edge? Where are the A's?

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ITA..There is nothing they could say at this point that wouldn't be used against them in some way. The only thing that would make people happy, it seems, is if they came out and said " We would like to see KC put to death if convicted!"...As a parent, they WILL not publicy say they think she is guilty, even if they do. Honestly, most parents wouldn't so they are doomed in the public eye regardless. They will not be allowed to smile in public for the rest of their lives because it will show they don't grieve Caylee enough..etc,etc...

I'm with ya. I've always had a degree of sympathy for the A's. They didn't kill anybody... anything they've done since then has been a reaction. I know they wasted time, money, etc. on searching for a live Caylee when it was obvious she was dead, but if I were in their shoes I wouldn't let anyone tell me my granddaughter was dead until I had irrefutable proof in front of me. However, they need to bury their granddaughter NOW.
CA did herself nor KC any favors when she opened her mouth so maybe BC has finally gotten through to her.

Plus she and GA accept that the body found was Caylee, so they are now grieving, I imagine CA is a mess right now, I know I would be. MOO
I respectfully disagree with parts of this. I think they DO owe us, and many others, for the nasty comments, the accusations, for calling bloggers scumbags, for violent reactions to protestors, for trying to spin our heads 360 degrees, for hampering the search efforts of Caylees remains. They owe apologies.
However, I can imagine the horror of their reality right now. My own compassion for them is at a high level right now. We do not know what they are feeling either way- only what we would think and feel if we were in their position. I do believe they loved Caylee . I have 8 grandkids that are treasures in my life, and if anyone ever hurt them there would be no safe place on this earth for them to hide. For now I will believe that George and Cindy feel at least some of this same emotion.It is true that they could go see Casey at jail if both parties were willing, regardless of it being taped. You can show love and concern without being penalized for it- so I believe it has been a matter of one person refusing to face the other. Just my own thoughts.
Your words are really the truth. Cindy was out front, spitting fire, for entirely too long --- but she was insisting she had hope then for Caylee's survival. That hope is now dashed, and all that's left is dealing with Casey's future. At least for appearances sake, she is grieving the way I'd expect a grandmother and mother to.

Remember in one of the LE interviews George said that if they find the baby dead "It will kill my wife, it will kill her" so I imagine they are all dealing with unimaginable pain right now.
Your words are really the truth. Cindy was out front, spitting fire, for entirely too long --- but she was insisting she had hope then for Caylee's survival. That hope is now dashed, and all that's left is dealing with Casey's future. At least for appearances sake, she is grieving the way I'd expect a grandmother and mother to.

You have that right. Their lives have been destroyed. They are probably phycially unable to do much of anything these days. Which is understandable. They have some more very long difficult times ahead.
Only the Anthony's know the depth of their own denial. Caylee came back to let them know what happened to her at the hands of her own mother and her remains speak volumes to all of us including them most of all. If they were ever to go to the jail to speak to their daughter, that taped conversation would be the nail in Casey's coffin. They have to be just devastated to finally know what happened to the baby and to talk to their daughter would have them crying and her NOT emotional about it and STILL blaming the Nanny for it. To sit there and support her would only bring more scrutiny of their tampering and spinning of the truth. I don't think I could ever look her in the eye and support her lies wholeheartedly.

They do need to take a side now. To either take the immunity and put everything out on the table but lose Casey altogether or to stay in denial and live under the pressure of putting up a false front for the rest of their lives.....and then going to jail for their part in the coverup. I don't blame them for hiding out. Their bed has been made and they are now "lying" in it.
Remember in one of the LE interviews George said that if they find the baby dead "It will kill my wife, it will kill her" so I imagine they are all dealing with unimaginable pain right now.


I agree with you completely. Wishing the best possible for them.
If the A's feel like they can't visit KC because of the video cameras why couldn't they appoint one of their many friends, (?), to be a advocate for them and go talk to KC and explain to her that they are unable to visit her physically & mentally but they love her. I feel KC has been instructed by defense team to refuse her parents visit. I get this creepy feeling the defense team is grooming her for trial. The lawyers seem to visit around the clock in that jail almost as if they are babysitting not even wanting the guards to have an inkling as to KC's real personality. Where can we find the dockets showing KC's visitors and the amount of time spent with her until the next lawyer comes in. What are KC's alone times?
I respectfully disagree with parts of this. I think they DO owe us, and many others, for the nasty comments, the accusations, for calling bloggers scumbags, for violent reactions to protestors, for trying to spin our heads 360 degrees, for hampering the search efforts of Caylees remains. They owe apologies.
However, I can imagine the horror of their reality right now. My own compassion for them is at a high level right now. We do not know what they are feeling either way- only what we would think and feel if we were in their position. I do believe they loved Caylee . I have 8 grandkids that are treasures in my life, and if anyone ever hurt them there would be no safe place on this earth for them to hide. For now I will believe that George and Cindy feel at least some of this same emotion.It is true that they could go see Casey at jail if both parties were willing, regardless of it being taped. You can show love and concern without being penalized for it- so I believe it has been a matter of one person refusing to face the other. Just my own thoughts.
If you think about it, it would be insane for them to speak out at this point. They never should have done interviews and and all the other nonsense they did at the beginning. The fact is even if they actually did apologize for something, that would be twisted and most likely not accepted by anyone anyway.
They are doing exactly the right thing and they should have done it long long ago. JMHO of course. Might be too little too late, but it's past time.
If the A's feel like they can't visit KC because of the video cameras why couldn't they appoint one of their many friends, (?), to be a advocate for them and go talk to KC and explain to her that they are unable to visit her physically & mentally but they love her. I feel KC has been instructed by defense team to refuse her parents visit. I get this creepy feeling the defense team is grooming her for trial. The lawyers seem to visit around the clock in that jail almost as if they are babysitting not even wanting the guards to have an inkling as to KC's real personality. Where can we find the dockets showing KC's visitors and the amount of time spent with her until the next lawyer comes in. What are KC's alone times?
Do they visit her around the clock? I did not know that.

Perhaps the A's don't want to visit her.
If the A's feel like they can't visit KC because of the video cameras why couldn't they appoint one of their many friends, (?), to be a advocate for them and go talk to KC and explain to her that they are unable to visit her physically & mentally but they love her. I feel KC has been instructed by defense team to refuse her parents visit. I get this creepy feeling the defense team is grooming her for trial. The lawyers seem to visit around the clock in that jail almost as if they are babysitting not even wanting the guards to have an inkling as to KC's real personality. Where can we find the dockets showing KC's visitors and the amount of time spent with her until the next lawyer comes in. What are KC's alone times?

It has occurred to me that CA might not care to see KC now that she knows the truth.
I know people in my family have been disowned for ALOT less.
Just a thought.
These people know that during a visit they have to watch what they say so I dont buy that is the reason they dont go visit. JMO
*if* KC were innocent, they would go and comfort her after finding the discovery of Caylee I would think.
If you think about it, it would be insane for them to speak out at this point. They never should have done interviews and and all the other nonsense they did at the beginning. The fact is even if they actually did apologize for something, that would be twisted and most likely not accepted by anyone anyway.
They are doing exactly the right thing and they should have done it long long ago. JMHO of course. Might be too little too late, but it's past time.

Also they owe Tim Miller and all LE that were searching for the baby, a huge apology.

They had to know from the start that their conversations would be recorded, but having so much of each being broadcast might have come as a surprise.

Of course they knew the jail house & phone calls were recorded. George worked in LE.
For our own peace of mind I hope CA & GA don't want to visit her. This would show that their grief process is moving forward for them and is now at the place of anger. This is a good thing ! The adrenlin that one goes through during a reaction to truama can last along time before the body actually shuts down from grief. My feelings are CA feels she will be representing Caylee at the memorial and that keeps her going. Only speculation here but I fear she will collaps while waiting for trial to begin. She will have to much free time that will allow all those intrusive thoughts about everything that has taken place. I hope GA will be strong & patient with her but I'm fearful GA might just hurt himself as he stated 3 wks. into the investigation. This time there are no rules for him in his home to have a gun. KC's in jail. Hopefully BC has retained grief counselors for them to visit in the home. We have seen in many videos the range of emotions the A's have felt & now that they are contained a bit, those emotions have to spill out somewhere.
Only the Anthony's know the depth of their own denial. Caylee came back to let them know what happened to her at the hands of her own mother and her remains speak volumes to all of us including them most of all. If they were ever to go to the jail to speak to their daughter, that taped conversation would be the nail in Casey's coffin. They have to be just devastated to finally know what happened to the baby and to talk to their daughter would have them crying and her NOT emotional about it and STILL blaming the Nanny for it. To sit there and support her would only bring more scrutiny of their tampering and spinning of the truth. I don't think I could ever look her in the eye and support her lies wholeheartedly.

They do need to take a side now. To either take the immunity and put everything out on the table but lose Casey altogether or to stay in denial and live under the pressure of putting up a false front for the rest of their lives.....and then going to jail for their part in the coverup. I don't blame them for hiding out. Their bed has been made and they are now "lying" in it.

Firefly, I agree with most of your post but not on the immunity. I do not think immunity should even be offered. Why on earth does the state have to play lets make a deal in order to get someone to do the right thing and tell the truth. KC committed a horrible crime when she killed Caylee in cold blood. IF the Anthony's or anyone else has information they need to come clean, other wise they might as well have put her in the garbage bag themselves. KC should have been the 1st person to protect her daughter, after that, the grand parents. KC is in jail so she isnt going to demand justice but the Anthony's should. Why on earth is it only the state & strangers who are the voice for Caylee? Shouldnt the Anthony's be her voice, the one voice that is heard over all others wanting justice?

Being a parent & life itself causes each of us to make some hard decisions. Often gut wrenching, heart breaking decisions. It sucks & isn't always fair. But at the end of the day, you take comfort in knowing you did the right thing. The Anthonys have a very difficult road ahead of them but they DO know the right answer. They know what's right & what isn't. No matter how hard it is, I think they know, deep in their gut, the right thing & the ONLY choice to make is to stand up & tell the court what you know, the entire truth. It should not take immunity to do that.

At this time I dont feel they owe us anything. Forget me, the person they owe is Caylee. SHE is the ONLY one that matters now. They need to get on their knees in prayer & ask for Caylee's forgiveness for not protecting her & then ask for God's guideance. If they believe in God like they say they do, they know the right thing. Just look to the 10 commandments for the answer......thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not lie. That's a good place for them to start.
I think they're all hiding out because they're scared of possible upcoming charges. They have all had months to grieve.
Of course they knew the jail house & phone calls were recorded. George worked in LE.

It's one thing to know that they were recorded, having those visits and phone calls broadcast all over the media is another thing entirely. No one expected that.
Remember in one of the LE interviews George said that if they find the baby dead "It will kill my wife, it will kill her" so I imagine they are all dealing with unimaginable pain right now.

I do remember that and it is actually what I was thinking, I don't except them to or think they should speak out, but since we haven't seen a glimpse of them, I'm wondering if Cindy is even capable of getting out of bed.
We did see them after the remains were found...they enjoyed dinner at Morgans and a night at the Ritz that very day. But we haven't seen them since the PI stuff and requests for immunity started. I think they are quiet because they are about to be charged, and because they are in panic over the PI situation, and perhaps they are busy making deals for media funeral rights, licensing more pics etc. They can't yell "get off your asses and find Caylee anymore", so they have to come up with a new game plan and some new "Casey is innocent" propaganda to feed us, cause they can't go with the "Caylee is alive and playing in malls and flying on planes" rubbish anymore.

I tend to agree with you, but let's see what happens now.......on NG the reporter said no charges or arrests for the rest of the family now????? It will be very interesting to see, IMO if I was CA I would never be able to leave my bed. And LA going back home, for mom????
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