Cindy Over the Edge? Where are the A's?

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This is my first post (and a long one at that) so go easy on me. I've been lurking for awhile and really think this site is a great place to come to for details on the case, theories and evidence.

I'm posting now because I just feel that I have to say something in regards to the hate of the Anthony’s (not KC). As a parent I can't even imagine what this family is going through. I honestly feel that anything they do would be criticized in some way or another.

There are a lot of people who are mad that they were out there looking for their granddaughter even when everyone else thought that she was dead, but I can’t fathom why people would be surprised or upset that they would be in denial and that they believed she was alive. I know I wouldn’t want to believe that she wasn’t, no matter what was shown or told to me. They loved that little girl and wanted so much to believe that their daughter would never do anything to her. Of course they fell for her lies, because she was their last hope. Yes, they enabled Casey, but sometimes love is blind, especially when it comes to your children. This doesn’t mean that they are horrible people. Who in their right mind would want to believe that their child killed their granddaughter? We know that Casey wasn’t the greatest daughter, lying, stealing, etc. but sometimes it easy to forget the bad things when you want so much to believe that your child is good.

For example, think of a long relationship that you had with someone who broke your heart, then years later when you think of the person you remember the bad things they did, but most of the time you remember all the good things. It happens all the time with people who get divorced. They hate each other but as time goes by they wonder if they made a mistake. Why? Because they remember the good times and sometimes the bad doesn’t seem “that bad”. The same can be said about a job. You hate your job, you leave, you start another and start to not like it and before you know it, you’re talking about all the great things at your old job. It’s easy to do and I don’t know one person who hasn’t had this experience.

So, when your own child is accused of killing your grandchild, of course you don’t want to believe it. The public can see things differently because they have no attachment or history with the actual people involved. Casey and Caylee are there flesh and blood, not a name in the paper.

We all care about Caylee, but before this got into the news, we knew nothing about her and they did, they knew and loved her. So no matter how much we get upset or hate what has happened or hate who did it, we will never know what or how the grandparents feel, because this was their life.

I don’t care if they told lies, if they supported Casey, if they were mean to protestors on their property. Their goal was to find Caylee and yes, to even believe that Casey didn’t do it. It obvious to all of us because we can look at it clearly, we are outsiders looking in. When everyday life and love and family history come into it, it’s not always so black and white. Sometimes we can confuse reality and see what we want to see because it’s easier. I don’t see why it’s hard to believe that they held onto the hope that she was alive and that their daughter had nothing to do with it. I think they do know deep down that Casey is involved (you can see it in their jail sessions), but I also think that they would never admit it because they can’t accept that their daughter did this to their granddaughter. I don’t agree with obstructing justice but I think if they did indeed do this it wasn’t because they weren’t honoring Caylee, I think they really wanted to believe that Casey couldn’t do this and felt if they couldn’t save their granddaughter that they would save their daughter because they couldn’t bare with the thought of their whole lives falling apart. So whether or not their reactions were right, we will never (God willing) know what they have and are going through.
This is my first post (and a long one at that) so go easy on me. I've been lurking for awhile and really think this site is a great place to come to for details on the case, theories and evidence.

I'm posting now because I just feel that I have to say something in regards to the hate of the Anthony’s (not KC). As a parent I can't even imagine what this family is going through. I honestly feel that anything they do would be criticized in some way or another.

There are a lot of people who are mad that they were out there looking for their granddaughter even when everyone else thought that she was dead, but I can’t fathom why people would be surprised or upset that they would be in denial and that they believed she was alive. I know I wouldn’t want to believe that she wasn’t, no matter what was shown or told to me. They loved that little girl and wanted so much to believe that their daughter would never do anything to her. Of course they fell for her lies, because she was their last hope. Yes, they enabled Casey, but sometimes love is blind, especially when it comes to your children. This doesn’t mean that they are horrible people. Who in their right mind would want to believe that their child killed their granddaughter? We know that Casey wasn’t the greatest daughter, lying, stealing, etc. but sometimes it easy to forget the bad things when you want so much to believe that your child is good.

For example, think of a long relationship that you had with someone who broke your heart, then years later when you think of the person you remember the bad things they did, but most of the time you remember all the good things. It happens all the time with people who get divorced. They hate each other but as time goes by they wonder if they made a mistake. Why? Because they remember the good times and sometimes the bad doesn’t seem “that bad”. The same can be said about a job. You hate your job, you leave, you start another and start to not like it and before you know it, you’re talking about all the great things at your old job. It’s easy to do and I don’t know one person who hasn’t had this experience.

So, when your own child is accused of killing your grandchild, of course you don’t want to believe it. The public can see things differently because they have no attachment or history with the actual people involved. Casey and Caylee are there flesh and blood, not a name in the paper.

We all care about Caylee, but before this got into the news, we knew nothing about her and they did, they knew and loved her. So no matter how much we get upset or hate what has happened or hate who did it, we will never know what or how the grandparents feel, because this was their life.

I don’t care if they told lies, if they supported Casey, if they were mean to protestors on their property. Their goal was to find Caylee and yes, to even believe that Casey didn’t do it. It obvious to all of us because we can look at it clearly, we are outsiders looking in. When everyday life and love and family history come into it, it’s not always so black and white. Sometimes we can confuse reality and see what we want to see because it’s easier. I don’t see why it’s hard to believe that they held onto the hope that she was alive and that their daughter had nothing to do with it. I think they do know deep down that Casey is involved (you can see it in their jail sessions), but I also think that they would never admit it because they can’t accept that their daughter did this to their granddaughter. I don’t agree with obstructing justice but I think if they did indeed do this it wasn’t because they weren’t honoring Caylee, I think they really wanted to believe that Casey couldn’t do this and felt if they couldn’t save their granddaughter that they would save their daughter because they couldn’t bare with the thought of their whole lives falling apart. So whether or not their reactions were right, we will never (God willing) know what they have and are going through.

My feelings also and how well you explained it all.
Well, I do think that the Anthony's did indeed Obstruct Justice. Honoring Caylee? No, they turned it all into 'Casey this, and Casey that'. For a long time, little Caylee was pushed to the back burner.

I do not care for the Anthony's. They are now doing the first thing I can even begin to respect by just being quiet.
We did see them after the remains were found...they enjoyed dinner at Morgans and a night at the Ritz that very day. But we haven't seen them since the PI stuff and requests

You know, on the day their granddaughter's body was found, I really, really doubt they 'enjoyed' that dinner or the night spent at the Ritz.

Thanks! This site is great. There are some very smart sleuthers out there!
This is my first post (and a long one at that) so go easy on me. I've been lurking for awhile and really think this site is a great place to come to for details on the case, theories and evidence.

I'm posting now because I just feel that I have to say something in regards to the hate of the Anthony’s (not KC). As a parent I can't even imagine what this family is going through. I honestly feel that anything they do would be criticized in some way or another.

There are a lot of people who are mad that they were out there looking for their granddaughter even when everyone else thought that she was dead, but I can’t fathom why people would be surprised or upset that they would be in denial and that they believed she was alive. I know I wouldn’t want to believe that she wasn’t, no matter what was shown or told to me. They loved that little girl and wanted so much to believe that their daughter would never do anything to her. Of course they fell for her lies, because she was their last hope. Yes, they enabled Casey, but sometimes love is blind, especially when it comes to your children. This doesn’t mean that they are horrible people. Who in their right mind would want to believe that their child killed their granddaughter? We know that Casey wasn’t the greatest daughter, lying, stealing, etc. but sometimes it easy to forget the bad things when you want so much to believe that your child is good.

For example, think of a long relationship that you had with someone who broke your heart, then years later when you think of the person you remember the bad things they did, but most of the time you remember all the good things. It happens all the time with people who get divorced. They hate each other but as time goes by they wonder if they made a mistake. Why? Because they remember the good times and sometimes the bad doesn’t seem “that bad”. The same can be said about a job. You hate your job, you leave, you start another and start to not like it and before you know it, you’re talking about all the great things at your old job. It’s easy to do and I don’t know one person who hasn’t had this experience.

So, when your own child is accused of killing your grandchild, of course you don’t want to believe it. The public can see things differently because they have no attachment or history with the actual people involved. Casey and Caylee are there flesh and blood, not a name in the paper.

We all care about Caylee, but before this got into the news, we knew nothing about her and they did, they knew and loved her. So no matter how much we get upset or hate what has happened or hate who did it, we will never know what or how the grandparents feel, because this was their life.

I don’t care if they told lies, if they supported Casey, if they were mean to protestors on their property. Their goal was to find Caylee and yes, to even believe that Casey didn’t do it. It obvious to all of us because we can look at it clearly, we are outsiders looking in. When everyday life and love and family history come into it, it’s not always so black and white. Sometimes we can confuse reality and see what we want to see because it’s easier. I don’t see why it’s hard to believe that they held onto the hope that she was alive and that their daughter had nothing to do with it. I think they do know deep down that Casey is involved (you can see it in their jail sessions), but I also think that they would never admit it because they can’t accept that their daughter did this to their granddaughter. I don’t agree with obstructing justice but I think if they did indeed do this it wasn’t because they weren’t honoring Caylee, I think they really wanted to believe that Casey couldn’t do this and felt if they couldn’t save their granddaughter that they would save their daughter because they couldn’t bare with the thought of their whole lives falling apart. So whether or not their reactions were right, we will never (God willing) know what they have and are going through.

Excellent post. :applause: :applause: :applause:

Welcome!!!! :woohoo:
You know my dad become an alcoholic later in his life, it was SO obvious, but I could not see it. I brushed things off, made excuses, even covered for him...and then the day he was in an accident, almost killing himself and two other people, ..... WHAM, I saw it clear as a bell.

Everything about Casey is so obvious to us, but we are outsiders, we didn't love her and raise her, we didn't even know her until June, so it's incredibly easy for us to say "oh yeah, she is evil." That is all we know of her. But it's incredibly hard for the people who remember her 1st steps, her first day of school, sitting on Santa's lap, get the idea... So I continue to cut the A's slack, probably because of my own experience and knowing that sometimes your mind can and does shut out the truth that is right in front of your face.
ITA !! you are right on .. i think people need to lay off them for awhile .. they are living a horrible life right now .. ya i know they brought it on themselves and ect ect .. who cares ? its over and done with now and THEY have to live with what happened .. i wouldnt wanna live thier life for ANYTHING ..
can you just imagine how they feel ? i say leave them alone to grieve .i dont care that they lied ect ect .. just look at what thier daughter did to thier lives .and sooo many others . can you just imagine thier horror to find out thier own flesh and blood killed an innocent baby that they loved? ON PURPOSE ?.. i forgive them for now .. (this is my compassion talking ) the only one i hate is kc she did this... not them ! she had them played like everyone else .. can you imagine how cindy must feel going on tv and defending her daughter thinking ok this wasnt on purpose and now they have to face the cold hard fact it was on purpose .she must just want to die inside .i think part of those people died when they finally learned hey casey did this intentionally.. if my son ever did something like this to someone id just die inside too .. and hating the anthonys wont bring caylee back .. caylee loved them.. so out of respect for her memory im leaving them be for now .. justice will prevail if its found they knew this wasnt an accident .we dont need to judge them god will for us i wouldnt wanna be on the end of that line if it were me .. ihad a very crappy night at work and im pooped and going to bed .. i hate drunk customers that puke all over everything :mad::furious:

Sorry you had a bad night...When I waited tables, I always used to say that
"drunks are only fun if you are one of them!"
Well, I do think that the Anthony's did indeed Obstruct Justice. Honoring Caylee? No, they turned it all into 'Casey this, and Casey that'. For a long time, little Caylee was pushed to the back burner.

I do not care for the Anthony's. They are now doing the first thing I can even begin to respect by just being quiet.

I think they should get in trouble if they did obstruct justice, but I don't think they feel they are not honoring Caylee. Casey was all they had left after they couldnt find Caylee and they probably felt that believing in Casey was their last chance and hope of feeling connected to Caylee.
This is my first post (and a long one at that) so go easy on me. I've been lurking for awhile and really think this site is a great place to come to for details on the case, theories and evidence.

I'm posting now because I just feel that I have to say something in regards to the hate of the Anthony’s (not KC). As a parent I can't even imagine what this family is going through. I honestly feel that anything they do would be criticized in some way or another.

There are a lot of people who are mad that they were out there looking for their granddaughter even when everyone else thought that she was dead, but I can’t fathom why people would be surprised or upset that they would be in denial and that they believed she was alive. I know I wouldn’t want to believe that she wasn’t, no matter what was shown or told to me. They loved that little girl and wanted so much to believe that their daughter would never do anything to her. Of course they fell for her lies, because she was their last hope. Yes, they enabled Casey, but sometimes love is blind, especially when it comes to your children. This doesn’t mean that they are horrible people. Who in their right mind would want to believe that their child killed their granddaughter? We know that Casey wasn’t the greatest daughter, lying, stealing, etc. but sometimes it easy to forget the bad things when you want so much to believe that your child is good.

For example, think of a long relationship that you had with someone who broke your heart, then years later when you think of the person you remember the bad things they did, but most of the time you remember all the good things. It happens all the time with people who get divorced. They hate each other but as time goes by they wonder if they made a mistake. Why? Because they remember the good times and sometimes the bad doesn’t seem “that bad”. The same can be said about a job. You hate your job, you leave, you start another and start to not like it and before you know it, you’re talking about all the great things at your old job. It’s easy to do and I don’t know one person who hasn’t had this experience.

So, when your own child is accused of killing your grandchild, of course you don’t want to believe it. The public can see things differently because they have no attachment or history with the actual people involved. Casey and Caylee are there flesh and blood, not a name in the paper.

We all care about Caylee, but before this got into the news, we knew nothing about her and they did, they knew and loved her. So no matter how much we get upset or hate what has happened or hate who did it, we will never know what or how the grandparents feel, because this was their life.

I don’t care if they told lies, if they supported Casey, if they were mean to protestors on their property. Their goal was to find Caylee and yes, to even believe that Casey didn’t do it. It obvious to all of us because we can look at it clearly, we are outsiders looking in. When everyday life and love and family history come into it, it’s not always so black and white. Sometimes we can confuse reality and see what we want to see because it’s easier. I don’t see why it’s hard to believe that they held onto the hope that she was alive and that their daughter had nothing to do with it. I think they do know deep down that Casey is involved (you can see it in their jail sessions), but I also think that they would never admit it because they can’t accept that their daughter did this to their granddaughter. I don’t agree with obstructing justice but I think if they did indeed do this it wasn’t because they weren’t honoring Caylee, I think they really wanted to believe that Casey couldn’t do this and felt if they couldn’t save their granddaughter that they would save their daughter because they couldn’t bare with the thought of their whole lives falling apart. So whether or not their reactions were right, we will never (God willing) know what they have and are going through.

Excellent post and my sentiments exactly. I hope that they will find a way to put this behind and my prayers are with them. They will be able to start that process once Caylee is laid to rest and the trial is over. IMO
You know my dad become an alcoholic later in his life, it was SO obvious, but I could not see it. I brushed things off, made excuses, ect...and then the day he was in an accident, almost killing himself and two other people, .....
WHAM, I saw it clear as a bell.

Everything about Casey is so obvious to us, but we are outsiders, we didn't love her and raise her, we didn't even know her until June, so it's incredibly easy for us to say "oh yeah, she is evil." But incredibly hard for the people who remember her 1st steps, her first day of school, sitting on Santa's lap, get the idea... So I continue to cut the A's slack, probably because of my own experience and knowing that sometimes your mind can shut out the truth that is right in front of your face.

I totally agree!
This is my first post (and a long one at that) so go easy on me. I've been lurking for awhile and really think this site is a great place to come to for details on the case, theories and evidence.

I'm posting now because I just feel that I have to say something in regards to the hate of the Anthony’s (not KC). As a parent I can't even imagine what this family is going through. I honestly feel that anything they do would be criticized in some way or another.

There are a lot of people who are mad that they were out there looking for their granddaughter even when everyone else thought that she was dead, but I can’t fathom why people would be surprised or upset that they would be in denial and that they believed she was alive. I know I wouldn’t want to believe that she wasn’t, no matter what was shown or told to me. They loved that little girl and wanted so much to believe that their daughter would never do anything to her. Of course they fell for her lies, because she was their last hope. Yes, they enabled Casey, but sometimes love is blind, especially when it comes to your children. This doesn’t mean that they are horrible people. Who in their right mind would want to believe that their child killed their granddaughter? We know that Casey wasn’t the greatest daughter, lying, stealing, etc. but sometimes it easy to forget the bad things when you want so much to believe that your child is good.

For example, think of a long relationship that you had with someone who broke your heart, then years later when you think of the person you remember the bad things they did, but most of the time you remember all the good things. It happens all the time with people who get divorced. They hate each other but as time goes by they wonder if they made a mistake. Why? Because they remember the good times and sometimes the bad doesn’t seem “that bad”. The same can be said about a job. You hate your job, you leave, you start another and start to not like it and before you know it, you’re talking about all the great things at your old job. It’s easy to do and I don’t know one person who hasn’t had this experience.

So, when your own child is accused of killing your grandchild, of course you don’t want to believe it. The public can see things differently because they have no attachment or history with the actual people involved. Casey and Caylee are there flesh and blood, not a name in the paper.

We all care about Caylee, but before this got into the news, we knew nothing about her and they did, they knew and loved her. So no matter how much we get upset or hate what has happened or hate who did it, we will never know what or how the grandparents feel, because this was their life.

I don’t care if they told lies, if they supported Casey, if they were mean to protestors on their property. Their goal was to find Caylee and yes, to even believe that Casey didn’t do it. It obvious to all of us because we can look at it clearly, we are outsiders looking in. When everyday life and love and family history come into it, it’s not always so black and white. Sometimes we can confuse reality and see what we want to see because it’s easier. I don’t see why it’s hard to believe that they held onto the hope that she was alive and that their daughter had nothing to do with it. I think they do know deep down that Casey is involved (you can see it in their jail sessions), but I also think that they would never admit it because they can’t accept that their daughter did this to their granddaughter. I don’t agree with obstructing justice but I think if they did indeed do this it wasn’t because they weren’t honoring Caylee, I think they really wanted to believe that Casey couldn’t do this and felt if they couldn’t save their granddaughter that they would save their daughter because they couldn’t bare with the thought of their whole lives falling apart. So whether or not their reactions were right, we will never (God willing) know what they have and are going through.

WOW you said it so much better then I ever could I feel the same way you do.
I respectfully disagree with parts of this. I think they DO owe us, and many others, for the nasty comments, the accusations, for calling bloggers scumbags, for violent reactions to protestors, for trying to spin our heads 360 degrees, for hampering the search efforts of Caylees remains. They owe apologies.
However, I can imagine the horror of their reality right now. My own compassion for them is at a high level right now. We do not know what they are feeling either way- only what we would think and feel if we were in their position. I do believe they loved Caylee . I have 8 grandkids that are treasures in my life, and if anyone ever hurt them there would be no safe place on this earth for them to hide. For now I will believe that George and Cindy feel at least some of this same emotion.It is true that they could go see Casey at jail if both parties were willing, regardless of it being taped. You can show love and concern without being penalized for it- so I believe it has been a matter of one person refusing to face the other. Just my own thoughts.

Great post! The only thing they owed anyone was to treat civilly those that tried to help. I am sorry for their loss, as I would be for anyone that has to go through something this horrible---the fact that they are eminently unlikeable really shouldn't have anything to do with it. (But unfortunately, it does to me.)
Well, I do think that the Anthony's did indeed Obstruct Justice. Honoring Caylee? No, they turned it all into 'Casey this, and Casey that'. For a long time, little Caylee was pushed to the back burner.

I do not care for the Anthony's. They are now doing the first thing I can even begin to respect by just being quiet.

You're so right.
Tragedy does not excuse breaking the law. Nor does grief.

Caylee doesn't look so great now either.
You know my dad become an alcoholic later in his life, it was SO obvious, but I could not see it. I brushed things off, made excuses, ect...and then the day he was in an accident, almost killing himself and two other people, .....
WHAM, I saw it clear as a bell.

Everything about Casey is so obvious to us, but we are outsiders, we didn't love her and raise her, we didn't even know her until June, so it's incredibly easy for us to say "oh yeah, she is evil." That is all we know of her. But it's incredibly hard for the people who remember her 1st steps, her first day of school, sitting on Santa's lap, get the idea... So I continue to cut the A's slack, probably because of my own experience and knowing that sometimes your mind can shut out the truth that is right in front of your face.

My ex FIL was an alcoholic too, and I didn't realize it until one day he showed up sober. Truly, I was stunned. He was like a different person. People couldn't believe I didn't know.
I hope to see the A's really soon...being perp walked in cuffs...all three of them...Cindy, George, and Lee in a row...right into jail...Yes, I hope to see them all again very soon!
I respectfully disagree with parts of this. I think they DO owe us, and many others, for the nasty comments, the accusations, for calling bloggers scumbags, for violent reactions to protestors, for trying to spin our heads 360 degrees, for hampering the search efforts of Caylees remains. They owe apologies.
However, I can imagine the horror of their reality right now. My own compassion for them is at a high level right now. We do not know what they are feeling either way- only what we would think and feel if we were in their position. I do believe they loved Caylee . I have 8 grandkids that are treasures in my life, and if anyone ever hurt them there would be no safe place on this earth for them to hide. For now I will believe that George and Cindy feel at least some of this same emotion.It is true that they could go see Casey at jail if both parties were willing, regardless of it being taped. You can show love and concern without being penalized for it- so I believe it has been a matter of one person refusing to face the other. Just my own thoughts.
I agree they do sort of "owe" us. Maybe not owe us, but they do owe LE the whole truth and nothing but the truth from now on. IMO they did try to throw suspicion off Casey - I'm not sure to what extent they did this, if it went into illegal territory I'm not sure. I can understand they were trying to save their daughter but what about their grandchild? So I hope now that they will tell LE all the truth of whatever they know and not try to purposefully spin events to Casey's advantage anymore. If LE gives them immunity, I hope they give LE something in return, something real and not lies.

I don't expect them to apologize or come out in public. Of course they can't and won't do that. They must be devastated and I imagine they know now that they should have kept quiet from the very beginning. Even if they want to visit Casey, they're probably afraid that she will look bad in the recordings. Even if they sent someone else to see her, that would be broadcast and Casey might smile or laugh. I'm sure the defense doesn't want her to be seen or heard from unless absolutely necessary.
I'm new here, a refugee from another board. This thread renews my faith in message boards like this. Who What When - I entirely agree with everything you said. That others here recognize that things aren't always so black and white and there are valid psychological reasons for Cindy Anthony's actions, makes me feel really good about this place. Thanks for being kind and for recognizing that the one responsible here is Casey and her parents are also victims of her actions.
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