Cindy Over the Edge? Where are the A's?

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Incoming and outgoing mail in jails and prisons is read by the authorities. I know this because I had a friend who was in prison for abusing her baby girl. It is stamped right on the outside of the envelope that the mail is being monitored.

I am thinking KC could write things for them, give it to Baez or the minister and they could pass it on. That I believe is what happened, and Baez read it when he was not supposed to.
We did see them after the remains were found...they enjoyed dinner at Morgans and a night at the Ritz that very day. But we haven't seen them since the PI stuff and requests for immunity started. I think they are quiet because they are about to be charged, and because they are in panic over the PI situation, and perhaps they are busy making deals for media funeral rights, licensing more pics etc. They can't yell "get off your asses and find Caylee anymore", so they have to come up with a new game plan and some new "Casey is innocent" propaganda to feed us, cause they can't go with the "Caylee is alive and playing in malls and flying on planes" rubbish anymore.

something like this seems more likely to me than "they just wised up and did what their lawyer said".
why should we expect to see them? They owe us nothing. They have finally figured out to keep quiet and deal with this mess privately. I say it's about time and it's the right thing to do.

I don't think her question implied that the A's owed the public anything. The question was, how are they getting their groceries and going to the bank. How are they leading their lives without ever leaving the confines of their home.
I don't think they owe us anything. It's really between them, their daughter, and LE. Also, I believe that one day every person will meet their Maker. My pastor gave a memorable sermon entitled "God is Not Mocked". When bad things happen, that I cannot reconcile in my limited mind, I find comfort in that thought. Holds me in check too, although, I do not have criminal tendancies. Furthermore, no one makes us follow this case day in day out.

After everything we have witnessed, I feel for Cindy. BP, Axis whatever, I cannot imagine this scenario in my life. Lesser circumstances would put me over the edge I'm sure. She was/is a ring leader gone wrong but appears to be a hard worker and, it seems, only wanted good things for "her girls". It reminds me of the tiger trainer in Vegas who, after he was almost killed by the tiger, pleaded to spare the tiger's life. He loves his tiger.

This is not a story with a happy ending that's for sure.

I believe they were obstructing justice and maybe even aiding and abetting after the murder. If that can be proven in court, then YES they do OWE US something.

I believe they already owe us something, because they cost the taxpayers of Florida TONS of money when I feel they KNEW Caylee was dead. They sent LE on wild goose chases IMO when they KNEW she was dead which cost most likely a million dollars or more overall and if LE can prove that they need to be made to pay back every dime it cost.
Firefly, I agree with most of your post but not on the immunity. I do not think immunity should even be offered. Why on earth does the state have to play lets make a deal in order to get someone to do the right thing and tell the truth. KC committed a horrible crime when she killed Caylee in cold blood. IF the Anthony's or anyone else has information they need to come clean, other wise they might as well have put her in the garbage bag themselves. KC should have been the 1st person to protect her daughter, after that, the grand parents. KC is in jail so she isnt going to demand justice but the Anthony's should. Why on earth is it only the state & strangers who are the voice for Caylee? Shouldnt the Anthony's be her voice, the one voice that is heard over all others wanting justice?

Being a parent & life itself causes each of us to make some hard decisions. Often gut wrenching, heart breaking decisions. It sucks & isn't always fair. But at the end of the day, you take comfort in knowing you did the right thing. The Anthonys have a very difficult road ahead of them but they DO know the right answer. They know what's right & what isn't. No matter how hard it is, I think they know, deep in their gut, the right thing & the ONLY choice to make is to stand up & tell the court what you know, the entire truth. It should not take immunity to do that.

At this time I dont feel they owe us anything. Forget me, the person they owe is Caylee. SHE is the ONLY one that matters now. They need to get on their knees in prayer & ask for Caylee's forgiveness for not protecting her & then ask for God's guideance. If they believe in God like they say they do, they know the right thing. Just look to the 10 commandments for the answer......thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not lie. That's a good place for them to start.

How were George and Cindy supposed to protect Caylee? Casey was her mother, Casey is not a minor. Do you know what it takes to prove someone an unfit mother in a court of law? It's not as easy as most would like to believe. Casey's lying would not make her an 'unfit mother' in a court of law...even her partying and going out a lot...does not make her an 'unfit' mother. Chances are, if George and Cindy try to retain legal custody of Caylee, it would have cost them a lot of money only to likely lose the case. George and Cindy could do nothing but let Casey and Caylee stay with them so they could keep an eye on Caylee. I believe they put up with Casey's crap to protect Caylee. Also, I highly doubt G&A will be brought up on any charges. I don't believe they did anything intentionally to protect Casey or disrespect Caylee. They couldn't hold Casey responsible for Caylee's death until Caylee's body was found. Prior to Caylee's remains being found, I believe they were acting our of pure desperation and they didn't care how the public perceived them. Regardless of what LE said, what the prelim forensics said, or anyone else said, they were not going to believe Caylee was dead until a body was found. I don't blame them for fact...I completely understand it. So, as long as they believed Caylee might be alive...they couldn't blame their daughter for her murder. Even if they felt Casey was involved, there is no way they would've admitted that prior to Caylee's remains being found. And even now that Caylee has been found, I doubt they will say anything publically against Casey....she is still their child. I love my child UNCONDITIONALLY. If my child had done something this horrible, I would let him take the punishment, but I don't know that I could help in his punishment. Can you imagine what it would be like to have to testify against your own child? To say something that might put the nail in your child's coffin? This Anythony's coudn't win no matter what they said or did....not then...and not now. They are not only grieving the loss of their granddaughter, but also their own daughter. George said, if my granddaughter is dead, I've lost my daughter. My heart breaks for them. I don't understand why so many have so much anger and hatred against them.
I believe GA works some, but that may not be true either since they found the body. He does not have a record of being able to keep a job since they moved there, so who knows?

My guess is they have some money left over from the "find Caylee" fund before and with their selling of the pictures, they could most likely pay their bills, but not forever.

I think they are shopping the story and plan to live off of the BLOOD MONEY if anyone will buy it. These people are pure evil in my eyes and the lesser evil will destroy the weaker evil in the end. I guess we will see who is still standing after this is all over.

They are rid of their "problem" daughter, and rid of raising a small child, so they most likely consider themselves FREE at this point and with some TV story money, they will try to live in "high cotton."

People who never had anything and then acquire big money always screw it up and they will too, even if they get it. They will die broke.

...........and yes, I am opinionated. LOL

Hey, I knew you would come through for me. LOL! I really am curious though.

Curious about - ok - what if they make a living off of lost children work in the future. You know ... an organization or something.

Also, the blood money. This has me most curious of all. We always say no living off blood money .... but is it blood money in actuality and does it really matter. Tons of money going to be made whether they take it or not -- so sometimes I wonder you know. I'm always willing to change my mind.

Met a lady who said she was sure Caylee would want to take care of them if she "knew" and if she could. Dunno.... just still curious.

Now the word evil. Ick I do not like that word. Once upon a time Galileo was pronounced evil (for nuttin) and it took centuries for that to go away. The other day I asked a poster that if I called Casey Anthony evil what would I then call Jeffrey Dahmer. I have a sense of humor. Poster said at least he was sorry for what he did.... (pass the bottle)

But I wonder if those so not involved have any problem with the Anthony's earning money from now on based on this tragedy? What do you think.
Incoming and outgoing mail in jails and prisons is read by the authorities. I know this because I had a friend who was in prison for abusing her baby girl. It is stamped right on the outside of the envelope that the mail is being monitored.

Not if it goes to the attorney or the minister.
I believe they were obstructing justice and maybe even aiding and abetting after the murder. If that can be proven in court, then YES they do OWE US something.

I believe they already owe us something, because they cost the taxpayers of Florida TONS of money when I feel they KNEW Caylee was dead. They sent LE on wild goose chases IMO when they KNEW she was dead which cost most likely a million dollars or more overall and if LE can prove that they need to be made to pay back every dime it cost.

Something I read today said they haven't seen her or spoken with her since she was arrested on Oct. 14th. I didn't realize it had been that long. I think it goes both ways, the A's don't want to see Casey and she doesn't want to see them. She has the ability to phone them or to request visits and apparently she's not doing that. I think she realizes there's nothing more that they can do for her. That makes them worthless in Caseyland.

Agreed. And let me say this regarding my earlier posts...I don't expect the A's to be out kissing everyones behinds apologizing all over. But they did what they did, it is what it is.....I just find it out they haven't been seen anywhere. I do feel sorry for them in aspect, and that's one aspect only right now...that Baez is controlling everything. Baez cares about no one but Casey and Baez.
I believe GA works some, but that may not be true either since they found the body. He does not have a record of being able to keep a job since they moved there, so who knows?

My guess is they have some money left over from the "find Caylee" fund before and with their selling of the pictures, they could most likely pay their bills, but not forever.

I think they are shopping the story and plan to live off of the BLOOD MONEY if anyone will buy it. These people are pure evil in my eyes and the lesser evil will destroy the weaker evil in the end. I guess we will see who is still standing after this is all over.

They are rid of their "problem" daughter, and rid of raising a small child, so they most likely consider themselves FREE at this point and with some TV story money, they will try to live in "high cotton."

People who never had anything and then acquire big money always screw it up and they will too, even if they get it. They will die broke.

...........and yes, I am opinionated. LOL


After the way these people have acted through this whole thing with Caylee laying in a trash bag while they STILL defend Casey!!!!

I for one will never have any compassion for them! :furious:
I respectfully disagree with parts of this. I think they DO owe us, and many others, for the nasty comments, the accusations, for calling bloggers scumbags, for violent reactions to protestors, for trying to spin our heads 360 degrees, for hampering the search efforts of Caylees remains. They owe apologies.
However, I can imagine the horror of their reality right now. My own compassion for them is at a high level right now. We do not know what they are feeling either way- only what we would think and feel if we were in their position. I do believe they loved Caylee . I have 8 grandkids that are treasures in my life, and if anyone ever hurt them there would be no safe place on this earth for them to hide. For now I will believe that George and Cindy feel at least some of this same emotion.It is true that they could go see Casey at jail if both parties were willing, regardless of it being taped. You can show love and concern without being penalized for it- so I believe it has been a matter of one person refusing to face the other. Just my own thoughts.

Bloggers haven't exactly been nice as pie to them nor have the protesters. Would you sit back and take it if you were in their position? People can only be pushed so far before they react. The person responsible for spinning heads 360 degrees is Casey, not her parents.
How were George and Cindy supposed to protect Caylee? Casey was her mother, Casey is not a minor. Do you know what it takes to prove someone an unfit mother in a court of law? It's not as easy as most would like to believe. Casey's lying would not make her an 'unfit mother' in a court of law...even her partying and going out a lot...does not make her an 'unfit' mother. Chances are, if George and Cindy try to retain legal custody of Caylee, it would have cost them a lot of money only to likely lose the case. George and Cindy could do nothing but let Casey and Caylee stay with them so they could keep an eye on Caylee. I believe they put up with Casey's crap to protect Caylee. Also, I highly doubt G&A will be brought up on any charges. I don't believe they did anything intentionally to protect Casey or disrespect Caylee. They couldn't hold Casey responsible for Caylee's death until Caylee's body was found. Prior to Caylee's remains being found, I believe they were acting our of pure desperation and they didn't care how the public perceived them. Regardless of what LE said, what the prelim forensics said, or anyone else said, they were not going to believe Caylee was dead until a body was found. I don't blame them for fact...I completely understand it. So, as long as they believed Caylee might be alive...they couldn't blame their daughter for her murder. Even if they felt Casey was involved, there is no way they would've admitted that prior to Caylee's remains being found. And even now that Caylee has been found, I doubt they will say anything publically against Casey....she is still their child. I love my child UNCONDITIONALLY. If my child had done something this horrible, I would let him take the punishment, but I don't know that I could help in his punishment. Can you imagine what it would be like to have to testify against your own child? To say something that might put the nail in your child's coffin? This Anythony's coudn't win no matter what they said or did....not then...and not now. They are not only grieving the loss of their granddaughter, but also their own daughter. George said, if my granddaughter is dead, I've lost my daughter. My heart breaks for them. I don't understand why so many have so much anger and hatred against them.

BRAVO!!!! Best post I've seen on this forum to date. :clap::clap::clap::clap:
I believe GA works some, but that may not be true either since they found the body. He does not have a record of being able to keep a job since they moved there, so who knows?

My guess is they have some money left over from the "find Caylee" fund before and with their selling of the pictures, they could most likely pay their bills, but not forever.

I think they are shopping the story and plan to live off of the BLOOD MONEY if anyone will buy it. These people are pure evil in my eyes and the lesser evil will destroy the weaker evil in the end. I guess we will see who is still standing after this is all over.

They are rid of their "problem" daughter, and rid of raising a small child, so they most likely consider themselves FREE at this point and with some TV story money, they will try to live in "high cotton."

People who never had anything and then acquire big money always screw it up and they will too, even if they get it. They will die broke.

...........and yes, I am opinionated. LOL
Turbo, I respect your opinions, but I truly hope you are wrong on this! The only thing to me worse than her death, is her grandparents utilizing her death in this manner!
How were George and Cindy supposed to protect Caylee? Casey was her mother, Casey is not a minor. Do you know what it takes to prove someone an unfit mother in a court of law? It's not as easy as most would like to believe. Casey's lying would not make her an 'unfit mother' in a court of law...even her partying and going out a lot...does not make her an 'unfit' mother. Chances are, if George and Cindy try to retain legal custody of Caylee, it would have cost them a lot of money only to likely lose the case. George and Cindy could do nothing but let Casey and Caylee stay with them so they could keep an eye on Caylee. I believe they put up with Casey's crap to protect Caylee. Also, I highly doubt G&A will be brought up on any charges. I don't believe they did anything intentionally to protect Casey or disrespect Caylee. They couldn't hold Casey responsible for Caylee's death until Caylee's body was found. Prior to Caylee's remains being found, I believe they were acting our of pure desperation and they didn't care how the public perceived them. Regardless of what LE said, what the prelim forensics said, or anyone else said, they were not going to believe Caylee was dead until a body was found. I don't blame them for fact...I completely understand it. So, as long as they believed Caylee might be alive...they couldn't blame their daughter for her murder. Even if they felt Casey was involved, there is no way they would've admitted that prior to Caylee's remains being found. And even now that Caylee has been found, I doubt they will say anything publically against Casey....she is still their child. I love my child UNCONDITIONALLY. If my child had done something this horrible, I would let him take the punishment, but I don't know that I could help in his punishment. Can you imagine what it would be like to have to testify against your own child? To say something that might put the nail in your child's coffin? This Anythony's coudn't win no matter what they said or did....not then...and not now. They are not only grieving the loss of their granddaughter, but also their own daughter. George said, if my granddaughter is dead, I've lost my daughter. My heart breaks for them. I don't understand why so many have so much anger and hatred against them.

Yes I do and I can tell you it isn't easy but in order for your child to become responsible and accept the consequences for their actions, it is necessary. I always told my kids, you do the crime, you do the time. When that time did come I let them do it. I told my child I loved them but they needed to accept society's rules for their actions.

My child did not commit murder but a crime against society and was charged and admitted guilt and did time in jail for it as well as restitution.
Hey, I knew you would come through for me. LOL! I really am curious though.

Curious about - ok - what if they make a living off of lost children work in the future. You know ... an organization or something.

Also, the blood money. This has me most curious of all. We always say no living off blood money .... but is it blood money in actuality and does it really matter. Tons of money going to be made whether they take it or not -- so sometimes I wonder you know. I'm always willing to change my mind.

Met a lady who said she was sure Caylee would want to take care of them if she "knew" and if she could. Dunno.... just still curious.

Now the word evil. Ick I do not like that word. Once upon a time Galileo was pronounced evil (for nuttin) and it took centuries for that to go away. The other day I asked a poster that if I called Casey Anthony evil what would I then call Jeffrey Dahmer. I have a sense of humor. Poster said at least he was sorry for what he did.... (pass the bottle)

But I wonder if those so not involved have any problem with the Anthony's earning money from now on based on this tragedy? What do you think.

I am sure the Anthony apologists would say they should get the money. No surprise there.

As for them living off "missing children"..........those people in my opinion don't need to be ANYWHERE around any children. They are unstable IMO and this did not just happen with Caylee's death. If you look back through the things we know now, it is an obvious pattern of violence and addiction.

As for Jeffery Damner - yes, he is evil, but he is a stronger evil than the Anthonys. They are a covert evil where he is an upfront evil.

There is a book you really need to read if you want to see a profile of the Anthonys. It is "People of the Lie" written by M. Scott Peck. You will see them profiled in there as will you see how their evil affected Casey and how predictable the end result was.
We did see them after the remains were found...they enjoyed dinner at Morgans and a night at the Ritz that very day. But we haven't seen them since the PI stuff and requests for immunity started. I think they are quiet because they are about to be charged, and because they are in panic over the PI situation, and perhaps they are busy making deals for media funeral rights, licensing more pics etc. They can't yell "get off your asses and find Caylee anymore", so they have to come up with a new game plan and some new "Casey is innocent" propaganda to feed us, cause they can't go with the "Caylee is alive and playing in malls and flying on planes" rubbish anymore.

i remember someone stating on websleuths that people are not hateful here. i could have quoted a lot of people to disprove that, but here's the latest example. jesus christ. "they enjoyed dinner..."? wow. heartless at best.
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