Cindy talking about the sheds...

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On Oct. 2nd, I posted on Questions for WS's, re: the sheds
Since then two things have come to light that makes me feel the need to bring it up again. Did anyone else pick up on this?

Cindy on Greta V. regarding the stolen gas cans--
Greta-" Are these the sheds were there was some report something was stolen from the shed or broken into?"

Cindy- "Yes, and we actually need to replace a lot of stuff out there. But yes, this is one of the sheds that we would normally keep locked and normally keep shovels in, which we do keep shovels in."

I find the fact that she states they need to replace a lot of stuff, when only being asked about the gas cans, interesting. Also, why say normally? Does that mean the shovel/shovels are no longer there either? Now the witness comes forward having seen someone matching Kc's description carrying a shovel in a bag out of the wooded area.
Then, tonight on NG comes the information about recipes for chloroform and pool shocker can be an ingredient.

What all was really missing from the shed? Just makes me go H-:rolleyes:hhhmmmm!:rolleyes:
On Oct. 2nd, I posted on Questions for WS's, re: the sheds
Since then two things have come to light that makes me feel the need to bring it up again. Did anyone else pick up on this?

Cindy on Greta V. regarding the stolen gas cans--
Greta-" Are these the sheds were there was some report something was stolen from the shed or broken into?"

Cindy- "Yes, and we actually need to replace a lot of stuff out there. But yes, this is one of the sheds that we would normally keep locked and normally keep shovels in, which we do keep shovels in."

I find the fact that she states they need to replace a lot of stuff, when only being asked about the gas cans, interesting. Also, why say normally? Does that mean the shovel/shovels are no longer there either? Now the witness comes forward having seen someone matching Kc's description carrying a shovel in a bag out of the wooded area.
Then, tonight on NG comes the information about recipes for chloroform and pool shocker can be an ingredient.

What all was really missing from the shed? Just makes me go H-:rolleyes:hhhmmmm!:rolleyes:

i bet they are missing a tarp

Good Point!
I have always thought that the A's are holding back information from media and more importantly, LE. So maybe KC couldn't get into the shed the day she borrowed the shovel from the neighbor...And one of the days she came back, when she got the gas cans, also took a shovel???
and trash bags. But those come on a roll usually so those wouldn't really be missed
Casey may have been taking her parents pool chemicals which led to them locking the sheds. They said they locked them because of Caylee being mobile.

Pool chemicals can be sold to people who make illegal drugs or used to make illegal drugs (including chloroform) and sold. That would be one way of making money if you have no job.
Yeah..all of us here in Florida have few of those Tarps on hand. Something we learned was a necessity after all those hurricanes came thru here a few years ago. Also sand bags if your in a flood zone. A lot of people I know who own homes have those on hand because of the flooding..tie or throw a few of those into a bag, suitcase what have you and you could sink a body KWIM?
It is hurricane season here now. Just thinking out loud..
Yeah..all of us here in Florida have few of those Tarps on hand. Something we learned was a necessity after all those hurricanes came thru here a few years ago. Also sand bags if your in a flood zone. A lot of people I know who own homes have those on hand because of the flooding..tie or throw a few of those into a bag, suitcase what have you and you could sink a body KWIM?
It is hurricane season here now. Just thinking out loud..

How big is a chlorine bucket? Can you fit a small child into it?
Perhaps part of what GA testified about at the GJ were the items missing from the shed.
On Oct. 2nd, I posted on Questions for WS's, re: the sheds
Since then two things have come to light that makes me feel the need to bring it up again. Did anyone else pick up on this?

Cindy on Greta V. regarding the stolen gas cans--
Greta-" Are these the sheds were there was some report something was stolen from the shed or broken into?"

Cindy- "Yes, and we actually need to replace a lot of stuff out there. But yes, this is one of the sheds that we would normally keep locked and normally keep shovels in, which we do keep shovels in."

I find the fact that she states they need to replace a lot of stuff, when only being asked about the gas cans, interesting. Also, why say normally? Does that mean the shovel/shovels are no longer there either? Now the witness comes forward having seen someone matching Kc's description carrying a shovel in a bag out of the wooded area.
Then, tonight on NG comes the information about recipes for chloroform and pool shocker can be an ingredient.

What all was really missing from the shed? Just makes me go H-:rolleyes:hhhmmmm!:rolleyes:

Very interesting! I don't think we've picked up on that sentence before. It appears from what Cindy stated that it wasn't only the gas cans taken, but other items too!

So we need to think about garden tools that are normally kept in a shed...........shovels, rakes, pruning shears, etc. I wonder if the Anthonys had any of those clear plastic covers that you put over the barbecue or patio furniture when they're not in use. Since they have a pool, there's probably pool supplies too. I wonder if they have one of those plastic solar blankets for the pool to absorb heat from the sun?
How big is a chlorine bucket? Can you fit a small child into it?

:eek: Oh no, I never thought of that. The one's that I have seen would be close, but I have to imagine that they come in different sizes. Good, but chilling thought!
I remember the interview with Greta where Cindy was walking her out to the shed and said "we need to replace". Cindy was looking down and pointing towards the walkway and the central air unit. I felt she was talking about the yard, but I suppose she could have just been pointing towards the central air unit because it was right there as theyl went around the corner. She might have felt that Greta could trip or fall over something.
One could probably stuff a small child into a 5 gallon bucket. But! Remember the stain in the trunk of the car! Caylee was not in a bucket.
I don't think that was the interview- I believe they were sitting in a tv studio. I will try to find that interview again.
Thanks to all for your input- this has bothered me for some time now- however the thoughts and visuals I am getting now that 2 + 2 is finally = 4, is making me feel ill.
I do feel we need to concentrate on this area a bit more to get a better feel for what took place involving the shed and the yard, and the possiblity of a 2nd party, and or cover up.
Thanks again and Bless you all !
One could probably stuff a small child into a 5 gallon bucket. But! Remember the stain in the trunk of the car! Caylee was not in a bucket.

could she have been placed in the bucket after a few days. maybe things started getting messy and KC decided to seal her up in a bucket. I'm going to go vomit now.
and trash bags. But those come on a roll usually so those wouldn't really be missed

Speaking of trash bags. I know this is OT however, I watched an interesting crime show about a murder and the body was found in a trash bag but there wasn't much other evidence to charge the person (I think husband). They were able to tell that the trashbag used to put the body in was the same box that the guy had in the house by the cut, brand, markings etc. It was quite amazing!
Guy witness saw a bag and shovel and a girl having trouble handling it going in woods?
or was she coming out of woods? no bucket??? hit her head on trunk door? any pix of fore head on KC in pix?
IMO, it is hard for me to see KC doing manual, dirty work.............might break a nail
IMO, baby was dumped or buried not to much work for a woman that never does anything but dance, drink and have sex.........oh, that's exercise............
wonder if KC will gain weight now........
GA filed a police report. What was taken should be listed in that report. All I remember being listed was the gas cans.

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