Cindy's Deposition #3 *UPDATED* MOTION FILED

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So this is a whole new ball game. :woohoo:
It is indeed! Most civil attorneys hesitate on the enforcement because it is costly and the firms have to carry the cost until they get a court order to reimburse. But, that is a money judgment -- not the money itself -- so it costs MORE money to go out and get that enforced. Nice to see JM follow-through. It is indeed a whole new ball game! JB missed it!
He just needs one question to make his point and get her to change her attitude. He could do many depos with her, so he will continue with depos on that day and any other day until he gets what he needs.

Makes if the judge rules in JM's favor and we have another depo he can ask ANY questions he wants and CA has to answer.

I hope BC explains that to CA so that we don't have another round of "Why are you asking that? It is not relevant" etc...
Do you think Cindy will do herself in ala Melinda Duckett? She hasn't spoken to her daughter, her granddaughter is deceased, she is viewed with contempt by the general public.
No,not right now.Cindy is out to prove everyone wrong.She's in a fight and she won't withdraw.Now, maybe after KC is sentenced,but even then I see her carrying on the fight through appeals and blaming everyone else for railroading KC.
It is indeed! Most civil attorneys hesitate on the enforcement because it is costly and the firms have to carry the cost until they get a court order to reimburse. But, that is a money judgment -- not the money itself -- so it costs MORE money to go out and get that enforced. Nice to see JM follow-through. It is indeed a whole new ball game! JB missed it!

I think JB is wishing he never let KC bring that counter suit. :)
So if CA isn't :angel: and is :snooty: then she can be :silenced: and :behindbar: if Judge :gavel:. Maybe she'll :bateyes: at judge?

I think she will :liar: :argue: :steamed: :rage: :curses: on this second go 'round though.

Then :razz: :nono: :cow: is :behindbar:

Have a nice weekend Cindy. We're all rooting for you.
Do you think Cindy will do herself in ala Melinda Duckett? She hasn't spoken to her daughter, her granddaughter is deceased, she is viewed with contempt by the general public.

No. She wouldn't be around to see the drama.
It is indeed! Most civil attorneys hesitate on the enforcement because it is costly and the firms have to carry the cost until they get a court order to reimburse. But, that is a money judgment -- not the money itself -- so it costs MORE money to go out and get that enforced. Nice to see JM follow-through. It is indeed a whole new ball game! JB missed it!

:blowkiss: Thank you, Themis, for answering these legal questions of ours!

This "whole new ballgame" should be interesting indeed.

I only wish that "additional enforcements" could be required for the second depo. Such as:

1. No gum chomping.
2. No green.
3. No shamrocks.
4. No BYOB (of koolaid-water!)

Do you think Cindy will do herself in ala Melinda Duckett? She hasn't spoken to her daughter, her granddaughter is deceased, she is viewed with contempt by the general public.

Hi All! I just joined but have been following this case and reading here from the beginning. My first post so I hope I am doing it right...

Anyhow - no way will Cindy do herself in. She loves herself too much. The more people hate her the more she feels justified in her behavior. At this point it is all the fighting that keeps her going. The belief that "it is the A's against the world" is the fuel that gets her up everyday and gets her going. She feeds off of all this conflict and chaos.

The day the cameras disappear, her daughter's appeals have been exhausted and the DP is carried out is when Cindy's world will implode. Until then she has every reason to live. IMHO this is all very exciting for her.
Hi All! I just joined but have been following this case and reading here from the beginning. My first post so I hope I am doing it right...

Anyhow - no way will Cindy do herself in. She loves herself too much. The more people hate her the more she feels justified in her behavior. At this point it is all the fighting that keeps her going. The belief that "it is the A's against the world" is the fuel that gets her up everyday and gets her going. She feeds off of all this conflict and chaos.

The day the cameras disappear, her daughter's appeals have been exhausted and the DP is carried out is when Cindy's world will implode. Until then she has every reason to live. IMHO this is all very exciting for her.
Welcome NL.You are so right :clap:
So if CA isn't :angel: and is :snooty: then she can be :silenced: and :behindbar: if Judge :gavel:. Maybe she'll :bateyes: at judge?

I think she will :liar: :argue: :steamed: :rage: :curses: on this second go 'round though.

Then :razz: :nono: :cow: is :behindbar:

Have a nice weekend Cindy. We're all rooting for you.

Yeah, what she said!
Thanks for the merge of the thread, I still don't have this new thread and merging with old threads down...

I had a question but I don't think it got moved over. In the questioning, (depo) on the CC issue, BC and CA argue relevancy, then BC goes on to argue that it will impede a fair trial for Casey. Wouldn't the fair trial argument be better for BC since the question will most likely be ruled as relevant ?
Good for Morgan. I don't know how any Judge could refuse Morgan's request to have CA pay for the Depo.

Didn't Morgan also file a motion to have Lee come back and answer questions?
Has a hearing been held on that yet????
Good for Morgan. I don't know how any Judge could refuse Morgan's request to have CA pay for the Depo.

Didn't Morgan also file a motion to have Lee come back and answer questions?
Has a hearing been held on that yet????

So true Magnolia. It is no one else's responsibility or fault to redo this other than Cindy & her crazed behaviour.

Her behaviour was so scary, can you imagine little Caylee ever seeing that with her own eyes? I'm sure she did on more than one occasion when KC/CA were going through rounds. :( Poor little babe.
Thanks for the merge of the thread, I still don't have this new thread and merging with old threads down...

I had a question but I don't think it got moved over. In the questioning, (depo) on the CC issue, BC and CA argue relevancy, then BC goes on to argue that it will impede a fair trial for Casey. Wouldn't the fair trial argument be better for BC since the question will most likely be ruled as relevant ?

My understanding is BC can only argue this if there are criminal charges against his clients, Cindy and/or George. Casey's attorney would have to object on her behalf.

I could be totally wrong, so any people with actual legal training please correct me if needed.
Bare with me. I couldn't find an open thread to discuss this Freudian type slip on CBS. I posted yesterday how the A's made the comment about Caylee's goal to make CA happy. I stated a toddler doesn't set goals to make adults happy. Cayllee didn't make it to the age of three when as a parent you want to freeze dry your child for the funny comments they make putting their thoughts and new vocabulary together. I feel CA truly meant to say was, " Our goal was for Caylee to make us happy and bring our divied family together." I feel CA wanted the birth of Caylee to fulfill her own needs in a loveless home.
ZFG and her lawyers are doing exactly what they need to do..
if they dont clear all loose ends up - then guess who will be SHOVED under the truck?

ITA. If ZG had not sued, CA, KC/JB, GA and LA (but ESP. CA) would have trotted out "Zanny the Nanny" anytime it suited their purpose. Her name would have become equivalent to "baby killer". (Think M.L. and BJ--Pres. C scandal) :cow:
Bare with me. I couldn't find an open thread to discuss this Freudian type slip on CBS. I posted yesterday how the A's made the comment about Caylee's goal to make CA happy. I stated a toddler doesn't set goals to make adults happy. Cayllee didn't make it to the age of three when as a parent you want to freeze dry your child for the funny comments they make putting their thoughts and new vocabulary together. I feel CA truly meant to say was, " Our goal was for Caylee to make us happy and bring our divied family together." I feel CA wanted the birth of Caylee to fulfill her own needs in a loveless home.

I saw this in the other thread, Karen. I don't believe it was a Freudian slip. I think Cindy DID mean to say that Caylee was there to make her happy. I think her identity was becoming as enmeshed with Caylee as it was with Casey. Cindy cannot do it in any other way.
Hi All! I just joined but have been following this case and reading here from the beginning. My first post so I hope I am doing it right...

Anyhow - no way will Cindy do herself in. She loves herself too much. The more people hate her the more she feels justified in her behavior. At this point it is all the fighting that keeps her going. The belief that "it is the A's against the world" is the fuel that gets her up everyday and gets her going. She feeds off of all this conflict and chaos.

The day the cameras disappear, her daughter's appeals have been exhausted and the DP is carried out is when Cindy's world will implode. Until then she has every reason to live. IMHO this is all very exciting for her.

Welcome and GREAT analysis. Perfect explanation. I too believe this to be true but couldn't put it as well as this.

OH, ME! I like it. WOW! I think I love Morgan. WOW! I can see CA in Court for this. LMAO-----jumpin up and screaming---"Ok Morgan-----you want an answer to your question---here it is---> Yes--she did steal from me. That what you want MR MORGAN??? You know what MR MORGAN---->!@#$%^&*--------!@#$%^&*"
Hmm. Good question about the cost. I'm sure it would include what the law firm (or that particular attorney) charges per hour along with the cost of a court reporter to type the questions and answers into that little machine they use and cost for the time to transcribe the testimony and copying it.
If it's done in a court of law, I guess that would add on costs of using that facility.
I'll make a guess = More than she would ever want to pay!
Even if it's as small as $5, Cindy will truly have a fit if she's made to pay!
That thought just warms the cockles of my heart.

When would she have to pay? If not on the spot then they will have more Court stuff to do on her----right? OH-----bolded--me 2.
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