Cindy's Deposition #3 *UPDATED* MOTION FILED

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Thanks for the merge of the thread, I still don't have this new thread and merging with old threads down...

I had a question but I don't think it got moved over. In the questioning, (depo) on the CC issue, BC and CA argue relevancy, then BC goes on to argue that it will impede a fair trial for Casey. Wouldn't the fair trial argument be better for BC since the question will most likely be ruled as relevant ?

Anything the A's know about use of their credit cards without authorization by Casey may "hurt" her interests, but it isn't privileged information as to the A's themselves. They don't have a right to claim Casey's 5th amendment privilege. A lot of evidence may tend to incriminate her, but it's only a problem if anyone tries to force Casey A to provide it. It isn't really a legitimate objection coming from BC.
Do we know which judge they'll go before?

Don't know----can't wait to read down and see. Thanks for that "?"--went thru my head as well, but it went thru too fast for my fangers to grab it.:blowkiss:
No. Conway's assertion is not going to prevail. In the civil case, the concept of relevance is extremely broad as this is the investigation and discovery part of the case. Anything is relevant that is helpful to understand any of the allegations supporting the complaint or defenses and it is also relevant if it MIGHT lead to some relevant information; so that basically includes the world. The only things that generally don't come in are when the WITNESS can claim 5th Amendment rights against self incrimination AND statutory privileges -- attorney-client, doctor-patient etc. It was all proper questioning. CA was compelled to be there via a subpoena and she doesn't get any choice in whether or not to answer any question on any argumentative ground. Period. Further, all of her voluntary arguments and comments were just icing on the cake.

THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!! You have made an ole woman's day/week/year.
I feel good---nanner--nanner--nanner--na----so goooooood.
It is indeed! Most civil attorneys hesitate on the enforcement because it is costly and the firms have to carry the cost until they get a court order to reimburse. But, that is a money judgment -- not the money itself -- so it costs MORE money to go out and get that enforced. Nice to see JM follow-through. It is indeed a whole new ball game! JB missed it!

I have often wondered why JM is doing this....certainly not for the fee from ZG. Is it a sense of civic need? Good heavens could it be a lawyer that sees an injustice and can afford to make it right does? If so I'd be so totally impressed! Any ideas out there?
The motion to compel Cindy to answer whether Casey ever used her credit cards without permission is the only question on the motion. Didn't Cindy refuse to answer numerous other things in the depo? Or maybe it just seems that way because of her attitude. And what about George? It seems like he refused to answer some questions but we haven't seen a motion to compel him. I wonder why just this one question about the credit cards.

Maybe cuz if CA is harnessed in then peeps feel like GA will calm down---maybe cuz he is fragile. LOL I don't know---I should be reading and not typin. Am just so excited.
I think JB is wishing he never let KC bring that counter suit. :)

You think? HMMMMM!!! It is keeping the media on CA and GA. That part he likes I think. Any kind of noise in the corner. Esp with this next dump coming.
My understanding is BC can only argue this if there are criminal charges against his clients, Cindy and/or George. Casey's attorney would have to object on her behalf.

I could be totally wrong, so any people with actual legal training please correct me if needed.

And KC's lawyer is never there.
I have often wondered why JM is doing this....certainly not for the fee from ZG. Is it a sense of civic need? Good heavens could it be a lawyer that sees an injustice and can afford to make it right does? If so I'd be so totally impressed! Any ideas out there?

That's how felt this way from the beginning. He is one of the good guys.
Hi All! I just joined but have been following this case and reading here from the beginning. My first post so I hope I am doing it right...

Anyhow - no way will Cindy do herself in. She loves herself too much. The more people hate her the more she feels justified in her behavior. At this point it is all the fighting that keeps her going. The belief that "it is the A's against the world" is the fuel that gets her up everyday and gets her going. She feeds off of all this conflict and chaos.

The day the cameras disappear, her daughter's appeals have been exhausted and the DP is carried out is when Cindy's world will implode. Until then she has every reason to live. IMHO this is all very exciting for her.

"Some people need pain to feel alive" from an old Carole King song. This is what I think is the problem here, they need the drama. If that weren't the case they would have divorced many, many years ago, right? There is no glue on my shoes and I'm not in to that long suffering stuff, life has chapters, if I were miserable, I would be late for the door. The fact that they stay and wallow in their misery is very telling.
Do you think Cindy will do herself in ala Melinda Duckett? She hasn't spoken to her daughter, her granddaughter is deceased, she is viewed with contempt by the general public.

Not unless she could plan the memorial first and sue NG posthumously.
"Some people need pain to feel alive" from an old Carole King song. This is what I think is the problem here, they need the drama. If that weren't the case they would have divorced many, many years ago, right? There is no glue on my shoes and I'm not in to that long suffering stuff, life has chapters, if I were miserable, I would be late for the door. The fact that they stay and wallow in their misery is very telling.
I think you're right, and she's enjoying the media as well. Being a narcissist she's all about self, and she could never do herself in. Notice yesterday on the CBS show she stated that "no one knew this" but she had left suicide "note(s)." If a person is suicidal, they will usually just leave ONE note, but she had to ONE UP GA by saying she had left notes (plural). **sigh** Also, not meaning to sound mean by saying this, but I've noticed that she has had her eyebrows significantly enhanced to try to soften "that look." I hope it helps her because carrying bitterness in one's heart will carry over to one's face and.. well I'll stop now. I wasn't meaning to be rude. **sigh**
As much as I feel CA's pathological dtermination will keep her afloat, It is typically the people who do not speak of suicide that seem to follow through with their decision. I would worry about those moments during the still of the night when intrusive thoughts are running through her head as I'm sure they do. As long as CA feels she has a mission as a mother she will keep up her unatural energy. Once trial is over I feel is when CA will be the most at risk. They are only human afterall. God bless the child that may enter the world as LA's child. Another child with the goal to make CA happy! Wouldn't the icing on the cake be KC getting pregnant in prison and giving the baby up for adoption. Scary thoughts enter my brain when thinking of the future of the A's.
:blowkiss: Thank you, Themis, for answering these legal questions of ours!

This "whole new ballgame" should be interesting indeed.

I only wish that "additional enforcements" could be required for the second depo. Such as:

1. No gum chomping.
2. No green.
3. No shamrocks.
4. No BYOB (of koolaid-water!)


I believe that George and Cindy both chewed gum at the deop's on purpose. I think they chomped that gum as fast as they could so everyone would notice. To me, it was a very rude way of showing their disrespect for the attorneys giving the depo's. I noticed that they didn't chew gum like that on the Early Show. I'm sure that they knew people would notice the difference in their total behavior on the shows. They act like rebellious teens.
OH, ME! I like it. WOW! I think I love Morgan. WOW! I can see CA in Court for this. LMAO-----jumpin up and screaming---"Ok Morgan-----you want an answer to your question---here it is---> Yes--she did steal from me. That what you want MR MORGAN??? You know what MR MORGAN---->!@#$%^&*--------!@#$%^&*"
I am a tad bit worried about this judge...Rodriquez, he seems so nice and gentle. I would hate to see Cindy change him, but you know she has a dangerous effect on people. :confused:
Bare with me. I couldn't find an open thread to discuss this Freudian type slip on CBS. I posted yesterday how the A's made the comment about Caylee's goal to make CA happy. I stated a toddler doesn't set goals to make adults happy. Cayllee didn't make it to the age of three when as a parent you want to freeze dry your child for the funny comments they make putting their thoughts and new vocabulary together. I feel CA truly meant to say was, " Our goal was for Caylee to make us happy and bring our divied family together." I feel CA wanted the birth of Caylee to fulfill her own needs in a loveless home.

I think that Cindy just worded what she meant in a confusing way. I took her to mean that when Cindy was feeling sad or bad and Caylee noticed she would come over and kiss her grandma to try and make her feel better. Kids do that all of the time. It isn't a goal in their lives...they just don't like to see their parents or grandparents sad or sick, ect. They believe a kiss heals everything. We kiss the knee that gets hurt or if the child is feeling sick we kiss them and so they just parrot what we do. I doubt that Caylee was any different from other kids. She didn't want her grandma to feel bad.

I have no doubt that Caylee was George and Cindy's world and that they have frozen every little thing that Caylee ever did in their minds. She had such a cute personality and was probably a lot of fun and I'm sure that they hurt to the depths of their souls with missing her. She looked so much like Cindy...even her expressions. I will never judge them as grandparents or even hint that they used this little girl or didn't love her. I have no doubt that they were good grandparents and that she was the love of their lives. Yes, their focus is on Casey now but that doesn't take away from their love of Caylee.
I believe that George and Cindy both chewed gum at the deop's on purpose. I think they chomped that gum as fast as they could so everyone would notice. To me, it was a very rude way of showing their disrespect for the attorneys giving the depo's. I noticed that they didn't chew gum like that on the Early Show. I'm sure that they knew people would notice the difference in their total behavior on the shows. They act like rebellious teens.

Think it was Friday said they had a tutor tell then how to act.
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