Cindy's (draft?) email to Casey--computer forensics report

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Here is the transcript of CA interview with OC Investigators in Aug. anthony.pdf

I hadn't read this transcript before, very enlightening.
It seems that boyfriend Jeff stood for whom ever was the boyfriend of the moment.
Cindy so easily believed the stories that Casey was dishing out, it sounded like events written for a soap opera. Perhaps Cindy thought Casey was getting her act together and wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt yet she realized or sensed something was not right, I'm not saying she thought Caylee was missing or deceased, just that Casey was keeping Caylee away from the family, from Cindy.
What is the "going back to work"? I thought KC was at "work" when she was in Tampa with Zanny. I work a weird schedule and sometimes I don't work for a week or two and then I work a lot but my mother would not say "when are you going back to work?" she would say, "when do you have to work again". Methinks that she knew that KC worked sporadically (if at all).

I believe Caylee was at Mt. Dora on 6/15 but IMO the date of 6/9 keeps coming up as something. Some big event happened that day.

I think when Cindy asks Casey when she's going back to work, she means going back to work, after the "vacation" with Caylee .. :blowkiss:
:bang: :behindbar :snake:

These probably don't help either ..



Or these!:slap::laugh::snooty::devil::butthead::gum::::floorlaugh::40__s:(kool-aid):rolleyes::banghead::sick:
I'm thinking if the Anheiser Busch deal was announced July 14, and given that this document starts "can't sleep," it was probably prepared in the middle of the night on July 14-15, the day before George finally picked up the certified letter and they found the car and tracked down KC. Thus, the reference to George working 9 am-6:30 pm might have been regarding his new job that he just started that day (July 14). I'll have to check George's EPass records for that day.

KC did get a "myspace alert" on her cell phone at 11:30 pm on July 14th, followed by a call from the Anthony house that she let roll over to voice mail (but no message was left), followed by another "myspace alert" at 12:12 am. I wonder if this "can't sleep" message was one of the myspace alerts?

bold me

I remember the media announcing the sale of Anheuser and the earlier speculation of the sale so I double checked and found that Fox announced the sale on Sunday July 13, perhaps the local Fox station could have announced it Sunday evening as well but most ran the story on July 14th it seems.
Does anyone think this may be the email that was sent to Kathy B in error?

Remember, Kathy sent in onto the FBI ..

And please forgive me if this has already been discussed as I haven't read the entire thread yet.

From what I've read so far it seems that most are in agreement that this "Draft/e-mail" was written on either the 14th or 15th of July.

Does anyone know when Cindy first learned that Casey's car had been Towed?

Was it the evening of the 14th or the Morning of the 15th...?

Does anyone know when Cindy first learned that Casey's car had been Towed?

Was it the evening of the 14th or the Morning of the 15th...?

They got the notice of the Registered letter on the 11th, I believe and didn't go pick it up until the 15th.
They got the notice of the Registered letter on the 11th, I believe and didn't go pick it up until the 15th.


Just Reading through the thread & I see that this subject has been brought up already.

I'm just not taking Cindy's "Email" at face value.

After reading it My first thoughts are that maybe the E-mail is genuine & maybe it isn't

In other words maybe she's writing the email on July 14th because she knows that the Police are going to be called the next day & that an investigation into Caylee's dissapearence will begin

"I haven't seen Caylee in over a month"

I'm not saying that this is what I believe but I'm just considering it as a possibility
Reading this thread, relative to the email drafted/sent on July 14 to KC, the day before they picked up KC's vehicle, but a day AFTER having found the delivery notice on their front door ........... brought forth a thought.

Anytime I have received a registered/certified mail notice, it has ALWAYS included the SENDER'S name (see PS form 3849, ........ surely they were curious regarding this notice, considering their daughter and g/daughter had been gone "for over a month!"

The A's claimed they were unable to go to PO on the 14th due to work, consequently, the letter was claimed on the 15th & we are all aware of what supposedly occurred thereafter.

My question is ......... why wouldn't they have noted the "sender's" name (a towing company) and, if nothing else, called them on the 14th to inquire about this registered letter - wouldn't you????

I'm sorry this is o/t, but my brain was just jogged - had to get it out!!

I agree with your post.................. I was thinking the exact same thing

I'm extremely suspicious of the Anthony's version of events Before, During & after Caylee's disappearance.

I agree with your post.................. I was thinking the exact same thing

I'm extremely suspicious of the Anthony's version of events Before, During & after Caylee's disappearance.


Me, I'm just plain suspicious of the A's period!
"Can't sleep, stupid hot flashes wake me up then I start thinking about you and Caylee..."

"I'm not sure how much longer I can continue on this day to day course. I'm going freakin nuts not knowing what's going on with you. I had a breakdown at work, can't take much more ..."

Sounds to me like Cindy was a little "too" upset over not seeing Caylee ....

There had to be More.....Something else that had her so worried.

What could it have been...?

I firmly believe that George smelled the Decomp odor in Casey's trunk on June 24th & that Cindy & George at least discussed the possibility that something had happened to Caylee

If they did suspect something what kind of conversations would they have had?

George.."The car smells like a dead body .....We need to report this."

Cindy..."No, let's give Casey a chance to explain"

George..."We could end up in jail ourselves if we don't"

Then the letter from the Tow yard arrives.....Now they have no choice

If they don't call then surely the Tow Yard Manager will

I'm not saying that this is "My Theory" or that I believe that this is what happened...I'm just considering all possibilities because the story that the Anthony's have given us simply does not add up.

Lying to protect Casey is one thing.....Lying to protect themselves is another
can't sleep, stupid hot flashes wake me up then I start thinking about you and Caylee. Dad said he went to work at 9am and he got home at 630p, he said he did not come home in between. I don't know who or what to believe anymore. You've told me everyday that you were going to call me and you haven't but you choose to call when you know I won't be home. What the hell is going on? I've tried not to bug you to death but I still haven't gotten to see pictures of Caylee or gotten to speak to her. It's been over a month now. Am I ever going to see her again? Are you still with Jeff? Are you going back to work? I saw on the news that Anheiser Busch is being bought by a foreign company that does not want the theme parks only the beer part of the Co. What is that all about they're talking Disney or Universal may get to buy the theme parks. I thought Universal already merged with them? I'm not sure how much longer I can continue on this day to day course. I'm going freakin nuts not knowing whats going on with you. I had a breakdown at work, can't take much more stre

The more I read this E-mail the more disturbing it becomes.

I think Cindy definitely suspected that something was seriously wrong.

She sounds like she's on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

"I've tried not to bug you to death but I still haven't gotten to see pictures of Caylee or gotten to speak to her. It's been over a month now"

Is Cindy saying.....Please, let me talk to her or see a recent Picture of her so that I know she is ALIVE
can't sleep, stupid hot flashes wake me up then I start thinking about you and Caylee. Dad said he went to work at 9am and he got home at 630p, he said he did not come home in between. I don't know who or what to believe anymore. You've told me everyday that you were going to call me and you haven't but you choose to call when you know I won't be home. What the hell is going on? I've tried not to bug you to death but I still haven't gotten to see pictures of Caylee or gotten to speak to her. It's been over a month now. Am I ever going to see her again? Are you still with Jeff? Are you going back to work? I saw on the news that Anheiser Busch is being bought by a foreign company that does not want the theme parks only the beer part of the Co. What is that all about they're talking Disney or Universal may get to buy the theme parks. I thought Universal already merged with them? I'm not sure how much longer I can continue on this day to day course. I'm going freakin nuts not knowing whats going on with you. I had a breakdown at work, can't take much more stre

The more I read this E-mail the more disturbing it becomes.

I think Cindy definitely suspected that something was seriously wrong.

She sounds like she's on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

"I've tried not to bug you to death but I still haven't gotten to see pictures of Caylee or gotten to speak to her. It's been over a month now"

Is Cindy saying.....Please, let me talk to her or see a recent Picture of her so that I know she is ALIVE

Boston, I agree. It would never occur to me to ask for a picture if I were in the same town and it had only been a month since I'd seen her. That makes me think Cindy might have been suspicious of Caylee's well being, too.
Boston, I agree. It would never occur to me to ask for a picture if I were in the same town and it had only been a month since I'd seen her. That makes me think Cindy might have been suspicious of Caylee's well being, too.

Not to mention ..... "Am I ever going to see her again?" If this was just simply keeping Caylee away then CA would know there would come a time sooner than later when KC relented or, for Caylee's birthday.

This can sound simple, that CA is just frustrated and enough is enough already but ... it can also be her internal and growing fear being expressed. What did you do?
Boston, I agree. It would never occur to me to ask for a picture if I were in the same town and it had only been a month since I'd seen her. That makes me think Cindy might have been suspicious of Caylee's well being, too.

OK--OK--got me so far. What about all the pics this family takes. Maybe It's just that its time for a pic. We have never taken this many pics of a kid. Well, sorry-------we didn't have digital. LMAO Never mind. Guess it sounds more reasonable for proof of a live baby. So it was the smell of the car on the 24th---probably. I can see that.

So far all this fits into my thoughts. OR KC could have told CA something as she left.
Boston, I agree. It would never occur to me to ask for a picture if I were in the same town and it had only been a month since I'd seen her. That makes me think Cindy might have been suspicious of Caylee's well being, too.

in our family we DO text ~ Current ~ Family pics back and forth
somebody grows so fast ~ does a really cute thing....or somebody
misses somebody ~ or a Special event.....

~~~ Just say'n ~ ~ ~ ~

But I feel like the statement from CA was MORE DESPERATE !!!!

I Feel like she had that motherly instinct .... gut feeling...

CA & GA prolly both had a GUT feeling... cause after
3 years of " DAILY CONTACT" then straight to " Z E R O "

" 0 " " No VISUAL ~ NO VOCAL"

Z E R O !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

31 days of totally NO CAYLEE !!!!!

GA & CA are the ones who truly had NOT SEEN CAYLEE ! ! !

KC IS :eek::liar::liar::liar::liar::liar::liar::liar::loser::behindbar:chicken:

God Bless !
And then GA started lookin into places where she said she worked. They were looking for her.
in our family we DO text ~ Current ~ Family pics back and forth
somebody grows so fast ~ does a really cute thing....or somebody
misses somebody ~ or a Special event.....

~~~ Just say'n ~ ~ ~ ~

But I feel like the statement from CA was MORE DESPERATE !!!!

I Feel like she had that motherly instinct .... gut feeling...

CA & GA prolly both had a GUT feeling... cause after
3 years of " DAILY CONTACT" then straight to " Z E R O "

" 0 " " No VISUAL ~ NO VOCAL"

Z E R O !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

31 days of totally NO CAYLEE !!!!!

GA & CA are the ones who truly had NOT SEEN CAYLEE ! ! !

KC IS :eek::liar::liar::liar::liar::liar::liar::liar::loser::behindbar:chicken:

God Bless !


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