Cindy's (draft?) email to Casey--computer forensics report

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That is one sad.... confused "E" mail in my opinion !!!

Really... it breaks my heart...
just thinking... out loud... CA really did NOT know what to
KC left home and did NOT come back...
she lied :liar::liar::liar::liar::liar::liar::liar:
over and over & over & over.... By then truly CA did NOT know
which end was up and she only knew.... she was hearing
KC's voice.... telling lies... and NOT HEARING CAYLEE's voice...
CA was probably scared...Terrified... and Upset.... and Angry...
but could NOT follow the trail that KC was on... cause
CA Did NOT Have the Phone #'s of KC So called Friends...
KC DID NOT WORK AT A OFFICE? /PHONE Number !:waitasec::rolleyes::doh:
CA had LOST CONTROL of KC & Caylee.....
and CA was just playing the waiting game....

I'm serious... this makes me really sick at my stomach !

I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOO Praying for ~JUSTICE!~ for Little Angel CAYLEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

God Bless !

From what Cindy is saying I think she just misses Caylee so much. She was used to seeing her every day and it had been a month. I could see me writing that email or letter if my daughter took my granddaughter and I didn't see her for a month. Regardless of what Cindy said in the interview about Caylee being with Casey all of the time I'll bet that there were many evenings that Cindy kept Caylee while Casey ran around with her friends or a guy. Cindy was probably more of a parent to Caylee then Casey ever was. I don't think it was losing control of Caylee that was eating Cindy was missing that little girl and Casey not giving her any pictures of her or letting her talk to her. I think Cindy had a feeling that something was very wrong. She had probably never been away from Caylee that long before and she knew that Casey was lying.
IMO this draft email proves once and for all that CA was buying KC's stories (at least in general) and that she had NO suspicion that Caylee was not with KC. It appears from information momtective has located that this had to have been written on July 14 or 15 - possibly during the evening of July 14. Since CA probably hadn't physically seen Caylee since the evening of June 15, that's more than 4 weeks, and many people think of 4 weeks as a 'month'.

I agree with you. She definitely is truly distraught in this letter, and it appears to be because she believes Caylee is w/ KC, but that KC is deliberately withholding Caylee, and even pictures or phone calls of Caylee, etc. from Cindy, and lying to her.

Based on this draft, IMO, it doesn't necessarily mean Cindy was lying when she said she saw no red flags (OT I know, but several posters have mentioned it - :) ). She likely meant she had no reason to believe Caylee wasn't safe and being cared for by her mother. She had no red flags to make her suspect that Caylee was not w/ KC, or that KC had harmed her.

It does sound as if Cindy is worried that something could happen to both of them , but not that KC would hurt or neglect Caylee. Kind of sounds like something my Dad would say. He thinks I'm vulnerable and in danger out there on my own in the big world, even though I'm an adult w/ my own children. :) In his mind I'm his little girl still.
I'm struck by several things.

This whole communication is very KC-esque.

For one she goes from zero to sixty and back again emotionally. Like KC does in her jailhouse visits with family. So many different emotions all telescoped into a small space. With odd, non-sequiturs. Her sudden jump into local economy small talk reminded me of the jail witness who saw KC on Dec. 11 and said she suddenly started talking about football out of the blue. Very inappropriate and OT.

She also is not afraid to pull a dramatic sympathy card whether it is true or not (her "breakdown" at work"). KC, using a supposed heart attack GA had, to back out of a commitment. I don't think it is unfair of us to doubt almost as much as what CA says as we doubt her daughter. Her interview on CBS this week and the preceding deposition pretty much cinch that.

And also, they both are the queens of revisionist history, of pre-dating the verbal checks they write. If it is true this was written on the 14th or 15th, it seems a lot like the CYA text messages KC started sending announcing to all that Caylee was "missing".

It is so hard to put together timelines of any substance when two of the main players make official statements in which they think nothing of speaking "mistruths" or "half-truths" as long as they justify the means.

KC may be a stranger to truth, but CA thinks she gave birth to it.

I respectfully disagree that she's jumping around or that the talk about AB is irrelevant. Since she believes KC is working there, she thinks it affects KC's job. I think she's saying, in effect, "I have to hear on the news what's going on in your life because you have shut me out of it. " JMO :)
Didn't Cindy say at one point in the interview that Casey had come home (back to tOrlando) to get some paperwork that Zanny needed for the insurace for the hospital? (Having left Caylee in Jacksonville supposedly with Juliette.) And that Casey then went back to Jacksonville. Cindy said that she had asked Casey why she had to drive all the way to get that paperwork when the info could have been obtained over the phone.

I think this is the story that Cindy was told by Casey to cover up having been seen at home...

That may "explain" one day of Casey being back at home. But Cindy told a neighbor (one of Casey's friends) that she noticed Casey must have been coming home repeatedly because things were removed from Casey's room (clothes, etc.) and nothing was moved in Caylee's room! Cindy knew Casey was coming home. Also, there was the "gas can incident" to explain the ONE day she was caught at home when she was supposed to be in Jacksonville.

I think the reference in the letter to "Dad" being at work the whole day on that particular day was Cindy trying to let Casey know that she knew Casey was at the house rooting around (on the Internet or whatnot) and not actually in Jacksonville/Tampa or whereever she claimed at the moment.
"Over a month" amount of calendar manipulation makes this statement work out between June 15 and July 15, since it is exactly a month.

Could there be a cover up on the Mt. Dora visit?

I can see where she gets over a month since she was still confused over which weekend was Father's Day. I think that is an easy mistake. I know it's not popular opinion here but there are times my weeks run into one another.

One thing, I did not know she had been e-mailing Casey in an effort to bring the baby by. I guess I thought she had just been calling. Does make me think G & G had been at least discussing where their daughter and g-daughter were. Wow! It is too bad they just didn't call earlier. Makes me rethink the issue about reporting a missing person. I mean - let's face it. All of Caylee's belongings and most of Casey's were at the house. I suppose they could have made a report on that basis. Couldn't they?
June 9th Casey & Caylee spent the night with Ricardo...she also spent the night with Ricardo on these nights

May 29th
May 30th
June 7th
June 10th
July 1st

I think the 9th was significant because prior to that date she had spent most of her nights at home in the Anthony home. From June 9th forward I don't think she stayed at the Anthony home at all until the night of the 15th when the fight between her and Cindy took place...I'm not convinced though that she even stayed there on the 15th but she was within the ping range of the Anthony home.

On Pg 14 of RM's interview he states that when he went to work on June 10 is the last time he saw Caylee, so I don't think KC stayed over on that night.
Cindy talks about Casey going to the family house to get the insurance papers in the interview with LE was on 1 Aug I believe but I could be wrong.

would this be the part where AH said she had some of
her mail already forwarded to the "A" house because
KC had already told her they would be living in the "A"
house by then.........

I remember AH saying oh ... I already had my mail forwarded :confused::waitasec::confused::waitasec:

just wondering ?:confused::waitasec:

God Bless !
For what it is worth, I live in Florida and at most times the notices for certified mail only show the address or zip code for the place sending it. If they had past due bills, they may have thought it was a collection notice of some kind. Thus the delay in picking it up.

That's how it is in VA where I'm from. Certified letters only show the zip code of where their from. Can be frustrating at times - lol.
From what Cindy is saying I think she just misses Caylee so much. She was used to seeing her every day and it had been a month. I could see me writing that email or letter if my daughter took my granddaughter and I didn't see her for a month. Regardless of what Cindy said in the interview about Caylee being with Casey all of the time I'll bet that there were many evenings that Cindy kept Caylee while Casey ran around with her friends or a guy. Cindy was probably more of a parent to Caylee then Casey ever was. I don't think it was losing control of Caylee that was eating Cindy was missing that little girl and Casey not giving her any pictures of her or letting her talk to her. I think Cindy had a feeling that something was very wrong. She had probably never been away from Caylee that long before and she knew that Casey was lying.

I agree 100% CA loves Little Angel Caylee 100%

I agree CA missed and misses Little Angel Caylee !

that 911 call is ALL TELLING !!!
her voice ~ she is saying " Something's W R O N G ! ! !"

This is one sad ~ S A D case ! ! !

when I sit and put my self in this place....

it just makes me cry & cry and

there will never ~ ever be a good ~ happy outcome from this
~ the
Justice can never get CAYLEE Back.... or undo the TERRIBLE

CRIME Committed !!!!

but I pray the GUILTY ONE will pay the price !

God BLess!
I did a little research on this letter and this is what I came up with and posted on another thread just after this was released in the doc dump.

My notes:
The decision by AB to sell to Inbev was made on Sunday July 13th. Media release was July 14th.
The Anheuser-Busch board agreed on July 14 to be taken over by InBev, heading off what had promised to be a long and acrimonious takeover battle for the brewer.

reference this thread

IMHO, this bolsters the notion that CA was confused about the date of Father's Day, even before she and George picked up the car. The media reports were July 14, so she probably saw it on the evening news or heard it on the radio during her drive home. She got home, mentioned it to George and immediately fell into a conversation as to how long it had been since she or George (CA in particular) had seen KC and Caylee.

The conversation prompted her to write the email that evening. I can say that it was the evening of the 14th with confidence, because the internet history for the desktop shows no activity between July 14 at ~11:00 PM and July 15 at ~10:45 PM when Lee got onto the computer to try and figure out what KC had been up to - with the police already there questioning the family.
IMHO, this bolsters the notion that CA was confused about the date of Father's Day, even before she and George picked up the car. The media reports were July 14, so she probably saw it on the evening news or heard it on the radio during her drive home. She got home, mentioned it to George and immediately fell into a conversation as to how long it had been since she or George (CA in particular) had seen KC and Caylee.

The conversation prompted her to write the email that evening. I can say that it was the evening of the 14th with confidence, because the internet history for the desktop shows no activity between July 14 at ~11:00 PM and July 15 at ~10:45 PM when Lee got onto the computer to try and figure out what KC had been up to - with the police already there questioning the family.

just wondering
remember CA took some vacation... might be going to beach...
might be wanting to take CAYLEE ?

Just wondering the dates... if that was some mix up also ? ? ?

Thanks for your good work !

God Bless !
I just don't believe that they had not seen that notice the day it was delivered. I just can't figure out why they are trying to mislead everyone about it. It just makes me think they thought one of them could catch Casey at the house and ask her why her car would have been impounded. This had to put up red flags for both CA and GA I would think.

Maybe CA's explanation was just an excercise in saving face - as so many of her explanations are.

If she knew it was a tow yard or not, a registered letter usually means a financial demand.

If the Anthonys were having financial difficulty, they likely just collected the letter nearer to payday, when it wouldn't be so scary to open it.

Even if it had been towed, and they knew that, the majority of cars get towed for illegal parking. They were in no hurry to bail KC out financially again.
On Pg 14 of RM's interview he states that when he went to work on June 10 is the last time he saw Caylee, so I don't think KC stayed over on that night.

I stand corrected, it was Monday June 9th that she spent the night. He clearly stated that she did not spend the night on Sunday, that would have been June 8th.
I respectfully disagree that she's jumping around or that the talk about AB is irrelevant. Since she believes KC is working there, she thinks it affects KC's job. I think she's saying, in effect, "I have to hear on the news what's going on in your life because you have shut me out of it. " JMO :)

You have a point. It was just very odd to me that, as a completely separate thought, it wasn't put in a new paragraph but is instead flanked by sentences that describe what CA is going through emotionally. There is no lead up, an abrupt end and no context within the rest of the body. Perhaps she is referring to her job, that's true, and even to a prior conversation, but it is just so disjointed the way it suddenly appears like a news story in the middle of a very personal narrative.
Cindy must completely flip her lid when she reads here ..

Wonder if George and Lee read here too? :waitasec:
Cindy must completely flip her lid when she reads here ..

Wonder if George and Lee read here too? :waitasec:

Oh, I'm sure she do you think she prepared for the depos?
I too wonder about George and could any of them possibly avoid us...:crazy:
What is the "going back to work"? I thought KC was at "work" when she was in Tampa with Zanny. I work a weird schedule and sometimes I don't work for a week or two and then I work a lot but my mother would not say "when are you going back to work?" she would say, "when do you have to work again". Methinks that she knew that KC worked sporadically (if at all).

I believe Caylee was at Mt. Dora on 6/15 but IMO the date of 6/9 keeps coming up as something. Some big event happened that day.
What is the "going back to work"? I thought KC was at "work" when she was in Tampa with Zanny. I work a weird schedule and sometimes I don't work for a week or two and then I work a lot but my mother would not say "when are you going back to work?" she would say, "when do you have to work again". Methinks that she knew that KC worked sporadically (if at all).

I believe Caylee was at Mt. Dora on 6/15 but IMO the date of 6/9 keeps coming up as something. Some big event happened that day.

The fact remains that Caylee was last seen alive on June 15th. And according to Casey's online post, June 15th was the last day she lived at her parents house.

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