Cindy's (draft?) email to Casey--computer forensics report

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June 9th Casey & Caylee spent the night with Ricardo...she also spent the night with Ricardo on these nights

May 29th
May 30th
June 7th
June 10th
July 1st

I think the 9th was significant because prior to that date she had spent most of her nights at home in the Anthony home. From June 9th forward I don't think she stayed at the Anthony home at all until the night of the 15th when the fight between her and Cindy took place...I'm not convinced though that she even stayed there on the 15th but she was within the ping range of the Anthony home.

From our case calendar. KC's cell phone pings appear to support that she was staying at home between 6-9 and 6-15. Unless she was at Lee's or sleeping in her car everynight, it looks like she was still living there. After the 15th she only goes back sporadically during the day.

June 10th: 4:29 pm - cell towers near Anthony home until midnight into the next day

June 11th: 8:25 pm - cell tower pings near the Anthony home until midnight into the next day

June 12th: 6:13 pm - cell tower pings near Anthony home past midnight into the next day

June 13th: She was at Fusions and then Tony's till 3:15am.

June 14th: 3:12 am - cell tower pings near Anthony home until . . .
11:57 am - cell tower pings near Econlockhatchee Trail near Anthony home until . . .

June 15th: 3:48 pm - cell tower pings near Anthony home until past midnight into the next day
What is the "going back to work"? I thought KC was at "work" when she was in Tampa with Zanny. I work a weird schedule and sometimes I don't work for a week or two and then I work a lot but my mother would not say "when are you going back to work?" she would say, "when do you have to work again". Methinks that she knew that KC worked sporadically (if at all).

I believe Caylee was at Mt. Dora on 6/15 but IMO the date of 6/9 keeps coming up as something. Some big event happened that day.

probably told mom "I took a leave of absence"....
IMHO, this bolsters the notion that CA was confused about the date of Father's Day, even before she and George picked up the car. The media reports were July 14, so she probably saw it on the evening news or heard it on the radio during her drive home. She got home, mentioned it to George and immediately fell into a conversation as to how long it had been since she or George (CA in particular) had seen KC and Caylee.

The conversation prompted her to write the email that evening. I can say that it was the evening of the 14th with confidence, because the internet history for the desktop shows no activity between July 14 at ~11:00 PM and July 15 at ~10:45 PM when Lee got onto the computer to try and figure out what KC had been up to - with the police already there questioning the family.

So does that mean this message could NOT have been one of the myspace messages/alerts KC received at about 11:30 pm on July 14th and again just after midnight?

If so, perhaps KC never saw it? Or perhaps it was sent by email rather than myspace? Does the "yahoo" in the file information tell you it was definitely a yahoo email?
The fact remains that Caylee was last seen alive on June 15th. And according to Casey's online post, June 15th was the last day she lived at her parents house.

Does this mean that like me you question GA's honesty about seeing Kc and Caylee leave in the late morning/early afternoon of 6/16????
Does this mean that like me you question GA's honesty about seeing Kc and Caylee leave in the late morning/early afternoon of 6/16????

Yes, I do question his honesty about that day. From an investigative standpoint, the last independent sighting of Caylee was from people at the nursing home on the 15th. So any witness statement after that is only as credible as the witness....heh.
You have a point. It was just very odd to me that, as a completely separate thought, it wasn't put in a new paragraph but is instead flanked by sentences that describe what CA is going through emotionally. There is no lead up, an abrupt end and no context within the rest of the body. Perhaps she is referring to her job, that's true, and even to a prior conversation, but it is just so disjointed the way it suddenly appears like a news story in the middle of a very personal narrative.

i almost feel like cindy could have put that in as an attempt to open up a dialogue w/ casey. it's like she's giving casey something 'safe' and neutral that she can reply to instead of just the emotionally charged subjects that she'd be likely to avoid.

i'm not sure if that made any sense (another migraine - sorry guys)
Yes, I do question his honesty about that day. From an investigative standpoint, the last independent sighting of Caylee was from people at the nursing home on the 15th. So any witness statement after that is only as credible as the witness....heh.

So, as suspected, the lying began on the 15th because THERE WAS SOMETHING TO LIE ABOUT! Sorry for typing so loud....
I thought the car KC was driving was actually registered in her CA's name and had been driven by LA before he moved out. KC didn't have a license, didn't have a car in her name. Thus, the letter from the towing company would be sent to the registered owner with the BMV.
I thought the car KC was driving was actually registered in her CA's name and had been driven by LA before he moved out. KC didn't have a license, didn't have a car in her name. Thus, the letter from the towing company would be sent to the registered owner with the BMV.
KC actually did have a valid license.
I am as guilty as everyone else but we have got a few topics going on in here LOL.
It makes it hard to research at trial. So let's try and stick to a topic.
And if she really had phone numbers for Zanny, or thought she did, she would have called them looking for Caylee and KC. So it would seem, more lies about her having numbers.
i almost feel like cindy could have put that in as an attempt to open up a dialogue w/ casey. it's like she's giving casey something 'safe' and neutral that she can reply to instead of just the emotionally charged subjects that she'd be likely to avoid.

i'm not sure if that made any sense (another migraine - sorry guys)

That is exactly how I interpreted it, too.
Cindy must completely flip her lid when she reads here ..

Wonder if George and Lee read here too? :waitasec:

Hmmm....then, I suppose when they see :liar: & :loser: used to describe them, it really makes 'em mad, huh?
As much as I get weary of the bs cindy spouts, when I read this draft email, I feel so sorry for her. You can tell she is sincerely worried about Caylee and longs to see her. She must be thinking how cruel KC is for intentionally keeping Caylee from her, nver yet imagining the far darker thing she has done. Cindy can't begin to fathom what truly transpired; she is simply hurt at the forced estrangement from her beloved Caylee. What a cruel and hurtful person KC is to torture her mother with false promises of Caylee returning, knowing that she lies dead just down the block. Meanwhile cindy has to get up each day and go into work to support her deadbeat husband and worthless daughter. I am struck yet again by the terrible callousness of KC's actions.
So, as suspected, the lying began on the 15th because THERE WAS SOMETHING TO LIE ABOUT! Sorry for typing so loud....

Am probably off in left field, again-------but I agree that the lying started on the 15th (I call it the "Script" LOL) but lies could have been told about early on but started on the 15th. That probably doesn't sound right from ya'll's end. LOL Right?
IMHO, this bolsters the notion that CA was confused about the date of Father's Day, even before she and George picked up the car. The media reports were July 14, so she probably saw it on the evening news or heard it on the radio during her drive home. She got home, mentioned it to George and immediately fell into a conversation as to how long it had been since she or George (CA in particular) had seen KC and Caylee.

The conversation prompted her to write the email that evening. I can say that it was the evening of the 14th with confidence, because the internet history for the desktop shows no activity between July 14 at ~11:00 PM and July 15 at ~10:45 PM when Lee got onto the computer to try and figure out what KC had been up to - with the police already there questioning the family.

ITA, out of all the lies, I've always believed Cindy honestly mixed up the date of Father's Day. Most people just think that Father's Day is the 2nd Sunday in June, but it's really is the 2nd Sunday in June after the first Monday, so if June 1st was a Sunday (which is was) then in 2008 Father's Day was actually the 3rd Sunday in June, the 15th. I know it's an important date, but she thinks "Well it was Father's Day" and with everything else going on, she glances at a calendar and goes with the date of the 2nd Sunday.
IMHO, this bolsters the notion that CA was confused about the date of Father's Day, even before she and George picked up the car. The media reports were July 14, so she probably saw it on the evening news or heard it on the radio during her drive home. She got home, mentioned it to George and immediately fell into a conversation as to how long it had been since she or George (CA in particular) had seen KC and Caylee.

The conversation prompted her to write the email that evening. I can say that it was the evening of the 14th with confidence, because the internet history for the desktop shows no activity between July 14 at ~11:00 PM and July 15 at ~10:45 PM when Lee got onto the computer to try and figure out what KC had been up to - with the police already there questioning the family.

:clap: :clap: :clap:
Thanks !
helpful info !
God Bless!
I haven't found anywhere that we really discussed this...the following appears as a deleted file in the computer forensics report p. 2 (no apparent date information):

can't sleep, stupid hot flashes wake me up then I start thinking about you and Caylee. Dad said he went to work at 9am and he got home at 630p, he said he did not come home in between. I don't know who or what to believe anymore. You've told me everyday that you were going to call me and you haven't but you choose to call when you know I won't be home. What the hell is going on? I've tried not to bug you to death but I still haven't gotten to see pictures of Caylee or gotten to speak to her. It's been over a month now. Am I ever going to see her again? Are you still with Jeff? Are you going back to work? I saw on the news that Anheiser Busch is being bought by a foreign company that does not want the theme parks only the beer part of the Co. What is that all about they're talking Disney or Universal may get to buy the theme parks. I thought Universal already merged with them? I'm not sure how much longer I can continue on this day to day course. I'm going freakin nuts not knowing whats going on with you. I had a breakdown at work, can't take much more stre

There's so much to discuss here, and so many theories that could be affected by this "testimony" from Cindy if you go through it sentence by sentence. I suppose it must have been written close to the time they caught up with KC, since she says it's been over a month already.

Did Cindy have communications at all with Casey while Caylee was missing for them 31 days? One thing I notice here is that Cindy & Casey seem to plot to point the finger at Jeff here. I think Casey did not do this alone and there is one or more family members involved.
I've searched hither, thither, and yon and can't find the MySpace message or IM message Casey left someone around June 11 or 12. I clearly remember reading it and it said, "I haven't been home for 3 days." I remember thinking at the time that it placed her out of the family home since June 9.

I remember it so clearly and thought that this was the reason they used the 9th for the last date Cindy saw Caylee.

If anyone remembers this, please help me, since this could be a key issue. Did Casey take off from the 9th to the 15th, returned with Caylee that day and took off again the 15th or 16th depending on whose version of events one wants to believe.

I also thought that I had read not being home for 3 nights, but I found this one where 2 nights are mentioned. H Texts pt3 (outgoing).pdf

But I don't think it's Casey, it's not her phone number.

1283.. 14078795104... Now im home. I haven't slept in my bed in two nights. I wanted to go home just for that.

My match up on the incoming is around May 4.

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