Cindy's Inconsistencies

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this may or may not belong here, but a question i was wondering about.
In the beginning, sorry, don't have the reference. It was said that the grandparents would pay for everything for Caylee, except Casey had to earn her own entertainment money.
So my question is: To whom did the grandparents make babysitting payments too.? And why wasn't anyone interested in enrolling an almost 3 year old in a preschool for the fall?
Since this thread is dedicated to insconsistent statements made by the Anthony family (namely Cindy) I thought this would be the proper place to discuss what I am about to say.

Now, before anyone flames me, let me make it clear that, in my opinion, Casey Anthony did kill Caylee (and I don't believe it was an accident) and I am not defending Cindy Anthony at all.

But, if you have children, you know how much you love them and how much of yourself you try to install in them as they grow. Now, imagine for one terrible moment that the child you have loved, nurtured and watched grow into an adult has done something unspeakable. Something in your worst dreams you couldn't imagine...

None of us are living in Cindy's shoes (or George's for that matter) - what shock and horror they must be feeling right now. Most of us, I pray, will never find ourselves in that situation so I don't think we can honestly say how 'we' would react in that situation.

I have always felt that family's in this situation should appoint a "spokesperson" - someone who is NOT a family member. It would be hard enough to pull yourself together everyday in this situation, let alone have a million cameras and microphones thrust in your face everytime you walk out the door.

As I watch Cindy in these interviews, I see someone who is coming to the realization that her daughter is a monster. In the beginning, I think she really wanted to believe Casey (what mother wouldn't). If the 911 tapes didn't exist, I think I would feel different, but hearing Cindy on those tapes makes me believe that she had nothing to do with this. Cindy got caught up in listening to Casey's lies.

Now, after the 911 tapes...could Casey have told her parents and then everyone scrambled? I'm not sure...
It will be interesting to know if Cindy washed the pants before she overheard the conversation that Caylee had been kidnapped by the nanny or after. The timeline should show just how much time lapsed between picking up the car, the call to Amy, the call from Lee to Cindy, and the time between calls to 911.
Hi all-
I am a new poster- mostly because I noticed this inconsistency and have not seen anyone else post it.

The police report from 6/24 states that the gas cans were $20 and contained $50 worth of gas- but on On The Record on 8/5-,2933,398490,00.html

CINDY ANTHONY: Yes, and we actually need to replace a lot of stuff out here. But yes, this is one of the sheds that we would normally keep locked and normally keep the shovels in, which we do keep the shovels in. This is his toolshed. The lawn mower, you know, weed-whacker, that type of thing, shovels, axes, hoes, anything you do gardening work is locked up in here, like that. I mean, it's a normal shed.

VAN SUSTEREN: Was something reported stolen from this, though?

CINDY ANTHONY: Yes, gas cans.

VAN SUSTEREN: When was that report made that gas cans were stolen?

CINDY ANTHONY: You'd have to ask George.

VAN SUSTEREN: Was that, though, before Caylee was -- had been reported missing or after, that the gas cans...

CINDY ANTHONY: That was before.


VAN SUSTEREN: And gas cans were -- how many gas cans?

GEORGE ANTHONY: Two, the 2-and-a-half-gallon and one about a gallon- and-a-quarter, something like that.


So- if you believe that- then MAYBE 4 gallons of gas were stolen. I know it is expensive- but more than $12 a gallon?

Did anyone else notice this?
Has anyone seen the interview today where Cindy told the media that she got PERMISSION from the police to take "duffel bags" full of clothes out of the trunk before they seized the car?

Here is that interview:

It's the Friday's Developments Video

Now read the search warrant. It states Cindy took the clothes out BEFORE LE was contacted.

I think what is going on is Cindy is telling the police (or the judge, FBI) the truth but makes up all sorts of lies to everyone else (because that isn't illegal).

Now we know where Casey gets it from...
I am also going to find interviews where Cindy says she has been hearing the name Zanny for three years, and interviews where she says she has never heard the name before July 15th.

These women give me a headache...
The really big inconsistency that is directly related to a reference to Cayley is the 911 call. Cindy says that Caylee is still missing, and "something's wrong, It smells like there's BEEN a dead body in the car". Then, it becomes a rotten pizza smell after Casey is arrested.
The really big inconsistency that is directly related to a reference to Cayley is the 911 call. Cindy says that Caylee is still missing, and "something's wrong, It smells like there's BEEN a dead body in the car". Then, it becomes a rotten pizza smell after Casey is arrested.

Actually there is footage from around July 17th were Cindy was telling the camera that as a nurse and a former cop, her and George know what a dead body smells like and that is what they smelled in the trunk.

So Cindy's excuse that she just said the part about the dead body smell to "get the police to get there faster" is more bs.

Trying to go back in time and locate and insert the links to old interviews/footage isn't my favorite thing to do. Maybe tomorrow...
I think the $50 has to be an error. I noticed that the first time I heard it and thought "wow...who keeps that much gas hanging around?". That's like a full tank of gas (though perhaps not with gas prices today! LOL). But that wouldn't make sense to have that much for lawnmowers, etc. I think it was probably just an error on someone's part.
Here' my take on Cindy (JMO). She has a daughter who has never lived up to her expectations - even the lower ones. She doesn't finish school (I think this is true), can't hold a job, gets pregnant and no father is around, lies, steals, and in her own words "has no future". But along comes a second chance - little Caylee. From at least Casey's perspective, as warped as it may be, her mom is controlling and probably handles most aspects of Caylee's life. Either forcefully, or more likely because Casey isn't doing the job and is too busy out partying. Casey resents it even though she probably doesn't want the responsibility anyway. Casey is very immature. She and her mother probably fight over the things she is and isn't doing right with respect to Caylee. Casey finally decides she has had enough and decides she is going to pack up and move out. She is resentful of her mother's attention towards her daughter, and tired of her mom picking on her about her responsibilities. She leaves and takes Caylee with her - probably to spite her mom.

Though "constantly in contact" - I would imagine Casey and her mom mostly talk by phone or by text once Casey leaves on the 9th. And I would guess many of those calls were arguements. Cindy starts to ask to see Caylee and Casey just makes excuses why she can't. Perhaps this even happened before something happened to Caylee. Grandma is upset with Casey, but doesn't report anything to the police because it probably doesn't enter her mind that Casey would harm her daughter. She keeps asking, but probably isn't panickingat that point.

She finds her daughter on the 15th. It has been a month of listening to Casey stall about letting her see Caylee and Cindy is now upset, frustrated and angry. She threatens to turn Casey in to police on theft charges if she doesn't produce Caylee right NOW. Casey finally admits she doesn't have Caylee and hasn't seen her for a month. Cindy is distraught, in shock, and upset with Casey that she didn't say anything before. She is probably also upset with herself that she didn't figure this out sooner. I imagine she blames herself for the delay in reporting the disappearance, but I believe she honestly thought Caylee was ok all that time. I think in all her shock and anger at Casey, she doesn't stop to think how she is incriminating her with her statements made to 911.

After things settle down, she starts to back pedal and tries to cover up the damage. Her anger has calmed and she is thinking less emotionally. She then starts to try and excuse Casey's behavior, explain factual inconsistencies, etc. in an attempt to cover up for ther daughter she knows is in trouble now. She has probably covered for Casey all her life. I don't think Cindy was involved in any way. I think she is trying to save both Caylee and Casey the best way she can. Sometimes that is with ridiculous excuses, but she is probably doing the best she can. She may be saying some goofy stuff to the press, but she seems to be coorperating with LE...and that is most important.

Ok sorry - long rant!
'Blame Yourself For Telling Lies,' Daughter Told In Jailhouse Call

During one of the calls, Cindy Anthony said her daughter's car smelled like a dead body -- mentioning it three separate times to the 911 dispatcher.

"There is something wrong, I found my daughter's car today and it smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car," Cindy Anthony said.

However, days later she said the smell from the car was rotting food.

Cindy Anthony also apparently contradicted what she told prosecutors at a hearing this week concerning her daughter's whereabouts during the time Caylee was missing.

"I told you my daughter's been missing for a month," Anthony said in the 911 call. "I just found her today but I can't find my granddaughter. She just admitted to me that she's been trying to find her herself."

However, something different was said during this week's bond hearing.

"From June 16 to July 15, did you have any contact with Casey?" a prosecutor asked at the hearing.

"Everyday," Cindy Anthony said. "We called each other. We left voice messages. She'd text me. There was contact everyday."

I dont know how to snip but the part about she talked about talking to Casey everyday is hard to believe. Why didnt she put Caylee on phone to say hi to Grandma? If it were me, I would wonder why she didnt put caylee on the phone......
By July 3rd, per her myspace rant....Cindy hadnt talked to Caylee and was wondering where she was, who was taking care of her, etc.
Maybe they had a big July 4th BBQ every yr and by then she realized Caylee wouldnt be there (more excuses/lies from Casey) so wonder if Caylee was missing before July 3rd? :confused:
This is a great thread, and thanks to everyone who has posted stuff!

I think Casey was probably messed up at an early age, and her mother got used to telling lies about her, probably just to save face and make herself feel better. But this is way too much to handle, and Cindy is probably cracking up a little under the strain.

Still that doesn't explain all the lying and waffling. I can't stand listening to her talk on TV!

This Larry King Live Transcript is full of weird statements from Cindy:

This first part is weirdly funny because obviously Cindy didn't know what Casey was doing at all, but she ends by saying she "knows her daughter pretty well." :eek:

KING: Why did you turn daughter in?

CINDY ANTHONY: Little background, Casey had gone on an extended trip, kind of trying to figure out -- she's 22. We were talking about when it might be the right time for her and Caylee to move out. And her trip just kept getting extended and extended, which was really not a red flag itself, I mean, the trip itself. There would be a few days at a time that she would go and stay with friends. She went from a couple different friends, and I never got a chance to speak with Caylee during that time.

I would ask Casey periodically if she could put Caylee on the phone or whatever, and there was always a very reasonable excuse. Either she was napping or she was already in bed. By the time I get home from work sometimes in the evening, and I would be able to speak to my daughter, it would be time for Caylee to be napping or going to bed.

KING: I got you. So she finally comes home?

CINDY ANTHONY: Well, what happened was, to set the background right, she had told me that she had been in Jacksonville for the last week and a half. We had gotten a notice in the mail that we had a registered letter. We found the registered letter a few days before, but it was the weekend, so we had to go down and get it. And when we got it, my husband found out it was from a tow truck or a towing company.

And when we actually went down and found out that the car that she, you know, uses was not in Jacksonville, it was in Orlando and we found out the date, that was a huge red flag.

So I started calling her friends and I found one friend that had just seen her a few hours prior, and she took me to where Casey was at, and when I got there, there was no Caylee. So I started to feel like, what's going on? She had told me that she was at the sitter's. So we took her friend home. Her friend and her and I drove around for a while. It was later in the evening, about 7:00, 7:30. That's typically when we start getting Caylee down for a nap and Casey's response was that Caylee was probably already getting ready for bed and didn't want to disrupt her.

But being the selfish grandma that I am, I wanted to see my granddaughter. So we drove around a bit. And I tried to convince her to take me to her, and I just started getting an eerie feeling that something wasn't right in Casey's voice. I know my daughter pretty well.
This next quote is about whether or not it is a "kidnapping"

KING: So is it the suspicion that the baby-sitter kidnapped her?

CINDY ANTHONY: That's not suspicion. That's what Casey has maintained all along.

KING: Did you get a ransom note?

CINDY ANTHONY: No, it's not that type of kidnapping, sir, that this person loves this girl and wants to have her as her own. That happens all the time. That happened not too long ago. In Orlando, Florida, someone stole the baby right out of a hospital.

KING: So she's a runaway with this child?

CINDY ANTHONY: I believe so.

KING: And you're saying the authorities are not looking for that baby-sitter and the child?

CINDY ANTHONY: Well let me tell you why I say that. It's because they told us there was one person in central Florida with that name. In fact there's nine in central Florida. I just got a phone call on my way here that there's four in Fort Lauderdale and my daughter said that this girl had a Fort Lauderdale number and has connections in Fort Lauderdale and New York, and New Jersey.

In every state, there's people by this name. They think she's smart enough to make up this person for the last two and a half years, but dumb enough to park a car where in plain sight that her mother would drive by twice a day and see and leave her purse in the front seat of the car and not drive it into some lake.

So, my daughter is not a murder. My granddaughter is missing. My granddaughter is missing.
The following Larry King show happened on July 31st, just two days after the other one, and Cindy seems to be calling the 911 calls a lie, and her later statements the truth.

CINDY ANTHONY: So, again, you know, when I called -- made the three 9/11 tapes, I said whatever I needed to do to get the authorities to come help me.

KING: I got you.

CINDY ANTHONY: So did I fabricate a lie at that point?

I worked on whatever I could to get them out there. So, you know, I'm not a liar. I just stretched the truth a little bit. The car wasn't where it was supposed to be so I said it was stolen because I didn't have any other reason to have the authorities come out to my house.

So that doesn't make me a liar or a murderer...

KING: Jose...

CINDY ANTHONY: ...and I don't think that makes my daughter...

KING: All right.

CINDY ANTHONY: ...a murderer, either, just because she has some mistruths.
I feel sorry for this family as they are the victims....but LORDY!!! this woman needs to be quiet, she is not helping herself.

her thought procress may be spinning out of control given the horror of what happened, but her words are documented, she should flip/flop to herself.
Here' my take on Cindy (JMO). She has a daughter who has never lived up to her expectations - even the lower ones. She doesn't finish school (I think this is true), can't hold a job, gets pregnant and no father is around, lies, steals, and in her own words "has no future". But along comes a second chance - little Caylee. From at least Casey's perspective, as warped as it may be, her mom is controlling and probably handles most aspects of Caylee's life. Either forcefully, or more likely because Casey isn't doing the job and is too busy out partying. Casey resents it even though she probably doesn't want the responsibility anyway. Casey is very immature. She and her mother probably fight over the things she is and isn't doing right with respect to Caylee. Casey finally decides she has had enough and decides she is going to pack up and move out. She is resentful of her mother's attention towards her daughter, and tired of her mom picking on her about her responsibilities. She leaves and takes Caylee with her - probably to spite her mom.

Though "constantly in contact" - I would imagine Casey and her mom mostly talk by phone or by text once Casey leaves on the 9th. And I would guess many of those calls were arguements. Cindy starts to ask to see Caylee and Casey just makes excuses why she can't. Perhaps this even happened before something happened to Caylee. Grandma is upset with Casey, but doesn't report anything to the police because it probably doesn't enter her mind that Casey would harm her daughter. She keeps asking, but probably isn't panickingat that point.

She finds her daughter on the 15th. It has been a month of listening to Casey stall about letting her see Caylee and Cindy is now upset, frustrated and angry. She threatens to turn Casey in to police on theft charges if she doesn't produce Caylee right NOW. Casey finally admits she doesn't have Caylee and hasn't seen her for a month. Cindy is distraught, in shock, and upset with Casey that she didn't say anything before. She is probably also upset with herself that she didn't figure this out sooner. I imagine she blames herself for the delay in reporting the disappearance, but I believe she honestly thought Caylee was ok all that time. I think in all her shock and anger at Casey, she doesn't stop to think how she is incriminating her with her statements made to 911.

After things settle down, she starts to back pedal and tries to cover up the damage. Her anger has calmed and she is thinking less emotionally. She then starts to try and excuse Casey's behavior, explain factual inconsistencies, etc. in an attempt to cover up for ther daughter she knows is in trouble now. She has probably covered for Casey all her life. I don't think Cindy was involved in any way. I think she is trying to save both Caylee and Casey the best way she can. Sometimes that is with ridiculous excuses, but she is probably doing the best she can. She may be saying some goofy stuff to the press, but she seems to be coorperating with LE...and that is most important.

Ok sorry - long rant!

Excellent post!!! You know it's so bad with every person in the Anthony family with all of the lying that I simply cannot stand to listen to any of them speak anymore on the news!!! :mad:
Here' my take on Cindy (JMO). She has a daughter who has never lived up to her expectations - even the lower ones. She doesn't finish school (I think this is true), can't hold a job, gets pregnant and no father is around, lies, steals, and in her own words "has no future". But along comes a second chance - little Caylee. From at least Casey's perspective, as warped as it may be, her mom is controlling and probably handles most aspects of Caylee's life. Either forcefully, or more likely because Casey isn't doing the job and is too busy out partying. Casey resents it even though she probably doesn't want the responsibility anyway. Casey is very immature. She and her mother probably fight over the things she is and isn't doing right with respect to Caylee. Casey finally decides she has had enough and decides she is going to pack up and move out. She is resentful of her mother's attention towards her daughter, and tired of her mom picking on her about her responsibilities. She leaves and takes Caylee with her - probably to spite her mom.

Though "constantly in contact" - I would imagine Casey and her mom mostly talk by phone or by text once Casey leaves on the 9th. And I would guess many of those calls were arguements. Cindy starts to ask to see Caylee and Casey just makes excuses why she can't. Perhaps this even happened before something happened to Caylee. Grandma is upset with Casey, but doesn't report anything to the police because it probably doesn't enter her mind that Casey would harm her daughter. She keeps asking, but probably isn't panickingat that point.

She finds her daughter on the 15th. It has been a month of listening to Casey stall about letting her see Caylee and Cindy is now upset, frustrated and angry. She threatens to turn Casey in to police on theft charges if she doesn't produce Caylee right NOW. Casey finally admits she doesn't have Caylee and hasn't seen her for a month. Cindy is distraught, in shock, and upset with Casey that she didn't say anything before. She is probably also upset with herself that she didn't figure this out sooner. I imagine she blames herself for the delay in reporting the disappearance, but I believe she honestly thought Caylee was ok all that time. I think in all her shock and anger at Casey, she doesn't stop to think how she is incriminating her with her statements made to 911.

After things settle down, she starts to back pedal and tries to cover up the damage. Her anger has calmed and she is thinking less emotionally. She then starts to try and excuse Casey's behavior, explain factual inconsistencies, etc. in an attempt to cover up for ther daughter she knows is in trouble now. She has probably covered for Casey all her life. I don't think Cindy was involved in any way. I think she is trying to save both Caylee and Casey the best way she can. Sometimes that is with ridiculous excuses, but she is probably doing the best she can. She may be saying some goofy stuff to the press, but she seems to be coorperating with LE...and that is most important.

Ok sorry - long rant!

Excellent post!!!

You summed it all up very well. I agree all the way with what you said.
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