Civil Suit Hearing Tues., 1/6/09 Judge Reprimands Defense Team

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Slightly O/T--Do you all know what a "Daisy Chain" really is?

I can't believe everyone keeps using this highly sexual terminology.

Including LP...and fellow WS'ers

A daisy chain originally was just that, a chain of daisies linked together to form a chain, one linked to the next linked to the next, etc. We used to make them during recess when I was in elementary school and wear them as necklaces.[/QUOTE]

Careful! you are showing our age!! LOL I remember them and pine needle woven rings too -
ITA but hopefully GA and CA will get to be deposed since their depos were only delayed because of the finding of the body. I really want them deposed before the criminal trial. Fingers crossed! :)

I think ZFG should sue the A's too since they are sticking with the Zani story. ZFG has a good chance of getting money from them. Like oops there goes all the money from their hard earned tailspin lies, cover ups and money they expect to make from book and movie deals. Funny if they had to give it over to Zani.
How much ya wanna bet there will be funeral plans announced for the 12th. and thus avoid the depo by all again. :rolleyes:
What you say is true, in a way, but she took the risk of appearing on numerous news shows, and that made her face well known all over the country, not just in Orlando. No one would have ever known what she looked like if she had stayed at home and not appeared on all the news shows.
Being questioned by LE did not make her a criminal, so an employer could not legally hold that against her, nor should any prospective employer. LE cleared her, so why did she get fired? For being a very temporary suspect? Not good enough. Why did she have a hard time getting other jobs? She would not have had to put that on her application. No one even knew she had been questioned by OCSO until she went on t.v. complaining about it.
I don't think she has a case... but I really don't care one way or another. She won't get anything, because Casey is in jail, and will be in prison by the end of the year, maybe sooner. Doing this lawsuit will not "clear" her name, it will just sully it more, IMO. There could be a hundred other reasons why she was fired, or had trouble getting a job. Maybe she just isn't reliable. Who knows? If she wins it, good for her. If she doesn't, then neither she nor Morgan will have gained anything except a lot of publicity they didn't need.

Maybe she can garnish the elaborate commisary account that these odd ducks keep topping off. :clap:
A daisy chain originally was just that, a chain of daisies linked together to form a chain, one linked to the next linked to the next, etc. We used to make them during recess when I was in elementary school and wear them as necklaces.

Careful! you are showing our age!! LOL I remember them and pine needle woven rings too -[/QUOTE]

I must be younger than you guys, lol :woohoo:
Not really, but this past month is the first I ever heard of that term used Didn't know it had sexual connotations attached. Cocoamom, wondering how you kept the daisies together? From the stems or glued them. Shows how much I know.
I knowI have heard that before. It has always bugged me. It seems as though she has had other civil suits as well. I know I read it somewhere but I don't know where. Also isn't this much ado about nothing, since Casey never saw a picture of her, and when she was shown her picture she didn't recognize her.
I feel when all is said and done no one out there believes that she was ever talking about that woman.

The Sawgrass tie is a killer for KC. Ooops no pun intended, but she has very bad luck, poor KC. Nothing seems to be going her way the past few weeks. :boohoo:
The only reason ZG's lawsuit holds any water is her connection to Sawgrass, which makes her the closest we will ever come to the ZFG/Sawgrass fairytale bbsitter.
I have to say in a very immature sort of way, this made my day! FINALLY JB gets scolded, and by the judge no less!

I am a little embarrassed to say it made my day as well. I sure wish I could have seen this judge educate JB!

JB's arrogance, ignorance, and whining regarding legal procedures has been bothering me since he whined about the Grand Jury process. :eek: :furious:
This is the ORange County Clerk Listing of the attorneys:

Subject ID Full Name Party Type Status

I'm not sure how FL does it, but in KS & MO the LEAD attorney is listed and "Associate" attorneys are not listed on the Court websites. The associates are listed in other pleadings - whether it be the Answer to Petition/Complaint or the Entry of Appearance.

In my experience, it is typical for an associate to attend "small" hearings.

O/T: There is probably a paralegal or legal secretary position open at the Baez Law Firm because it is also my experience that one of them is responsible for making sure the attorneys are aware of time sensitive filings (such as when a Motion needs to be filed).
I asked about this in my post on pg 3,I think,but no takers.
I'll restate...Katie Sue R. was supposed to have an interview with LE and didn't show up/When they went to her she refused to be interviewed but referred them to Vicky A. KSR told LE Vicky A. knew Casey much better.I think both lived at Sawgrass.I don't recall seeing an interview with Vicky A in the docs.I'm wondering if she is connected somehow to Casey learning the name.That's why I was asking about who J morgan might depose or call as a witness.
If LE has a link from someone to the name ZFG,to KC,they can prove she simply made the nanny up.Nanny defense closed.

Miss James, sorry this was missed the first time. Someone at SawGrass could have given KC the information about ZG. KC used the 2 other names from the form as Zani's roommates, possibly without knowing these were ZG's children. I just don't think using a name is the same as pointing a finger at a picture or a person to implicate them. As 'different' as the name Zenaida is, there was a person with this name who was due to graduate with KC in 2004, she apparently has a sibling named Samantha who graduated in 2003.

There are too many other ways of obtaining information about people today. Look at the personal information we have seen on the people involved in this case. DL#'s SSN's, DOB, addresses with phone numbers, employers, even payroll And this information was handed to us! We didn't even to search for it!!

Obviously KC doesn't have a broad enough imagination to make up names for her imaginary friends. But, using a real name for an imaginary person does not make the imaginary person any more real. It's not adding a little truth to her lies to use 'real names'.

It is interesting to me that a former coworker from universal and Ricardo were both aware of KC's friends and 'former coworkers' JH and JL. Richardo was even familiar with the name of KC's boss IIRC. This does not make the imaginary friends any more real, than the position of event planner at Universal make KC's "job" real.

KC uses people, real and imaginary, people are only as important as the needs they fill. Once the need is fulfilled the people (both real and imaginary) are disposed of, with no thought to the damage she leaves behind. JL, JH, ZFG are all imaginary people KC made up to fill her needs. CA wanted KC to be more responsible for Caylee, to be less a party girl and a better mother so KC invents JH, a single dad with a young son. JH with his son Zach, lives with his parents in Jacksonville. They would have made the perfect little family. Very respectable, close enough for weekend trips but too far for CA to drop in on. We haven't heard much about JL, after all she relocated to NY, shortly before KC hooked up with TonE, but I'll bet KC and JL had a lot of late night or overnight play dates when KC wanted to spend some time with her boy toys. (CA must have choked when she discovered just how many 'boyfriends' KC had been through just between May and July). KC needed someone to watch Caylee while she went to her imaginary job, she worked a lot of late night events so 'just any babysitter' wouldn't do; in walks Zani the Nanny aka ZFG.
ZG is no more Zani the nanny, than JH was KC's new boyfriend.

Since the trial is presently scheduled for March and a 90 or 120 day delay in the deposition schedule is not going to cause ZG irreparable harm, there is simply no reason for Judge Rodriguez to push the issue. He will grant a reasonable extension of time to Baez and Morgan will have to deal with it.

Frankly, I do not think that ZG can prevail in her case in chief. Her ex-employer would have to take the stand and say that ZG's employment was terminated BECAUSE of the Caylee Anthony case and for no other reason, as would a spokesperson from ANY and ALL companies with whom she applied for employment and was denied. If ZG was fired from her cleaning job, the reason for termination will be in her employment record. I just do not see anyone entering "has the same name as Caylee Anthony's phantom Nanny" as the cause for termination. And if her termination were the result of such and her records reflected this information, she would be on unemployment. Since employment laws vary by State and I do not know how Florida's laws work, I can only assume it is an "employment at will" State, meaning that one can be terminated without reason - at the will of the employer. If it isn't, she would be suing her employer for firing her for such a ridiculous reason. Sorry, but I do not believe anyone will swear under oath that ZG was a perfect candidate for a position with their company, but was not hired because of her name being associated with the case.

On top of this, KC was shown a photo of ZG and said that this was not ZFG.
ZG is not ZFG, there is no Fernandes(z) hyphen anything. KC said ZFG had no kids, ZG has 6. KC's description of ZFG could in no way be construed to be ZG. The link between KC's imaginary Nanny and ZG is tenuous if not remote. KC at no time implicated THIS particular woman.

Respectfully snipped for space.

ITA with everything you wrote. People with no money don't bring law suits against other people with no money to "clear their name", this type of suit is only brought when there is the hope of a big pay out. When ZG gave her statement to OCSD she listed her home address as Motel 6. Evidentially ZFG was having a bad year before KC came along.

I do not want to sound like I have no sympathy for ZG. I do. She didn't ask for her name to be brought into this. But I have a very hard time believing she lost her job or was denied employment due to anyone thinking she was Zani the nanny.
(Bolded by me) I really wish people would stop saying that Fernandez is not part of ZG's name, because according to the lawsuit, Fernandez IS part of ZG's name. I would think she knows what her own name is! In addition to that, several other details that Casey gave about the invisi-nanny match the real ZG. ZG had every right to file a civil suit in this case, and I don't know why so many people insist on perpetuating the idea that it's a groundless case.

It is not groundless and most likely will be won by ZG. She might have had a harder time if Baez had not been so stupid as to file a counter suit. I have not found one attorney yet who thought that made any sense. By filing that counter suit she HAS to testify or she loses. It is very simple.

If Baez had just defended the suit, it might have been dismissed, but no he had to do something stupid like filing a counter suit. I believe ZG's attorney KNEW that Baez was very inexperienced and would so that.

There is NO reason the civil suit should be postponed until the criminal trial is over. The two don't overlap in law.
[snipped]Miss James, sorry this was missed the first time. Someone at SawGrass could have given KC the information about ZG. KC used the 2 other names from the form as Zani's roommates, possibly without knowing these were ZG's children. [snipped]

Good post...just to clear up one point, though, the names KC gave as the "roommates" were Jennifer and Raquel. The names of the 2 kids on ZG's Sawgrass info card were Jasmine and Michelle.
(Bolded by me) I really wish people would stop saying that Fernandez is not part of ZG's name, because according to the lawsuit, Fernandez IS part of ZG's name. I would think she knows what her own name is! In addition to that, several other details that Casey gave about the invisi-nanny match the real ZG. ZG had every right to file a civil suit in this case, and I don't know why so many people insist on perpetuating the idea that it's a groundless case.

It is not groundless and most likely will be won by ZG. She might have had a harder time if Baez had not been so stupid as to file a counter suit. I have not found one attorney yet who thought that made any sense. By filing that counter suit she HAS to testify or she loses. It is very simple.

If Baez had just defended the suit, it might have been dismissed, but no he had to do something stupid like filing a counter suit. I believe ZG's attorney KNEW that Baez was very inexperienced and would so that.

There is NO reason the civil suit should be postponed until the criminal trial is over. The two don't overlap in law.

ITA wth both of you. Moreover, if Casey refuses to provide answers during her deposition (which I imagine will not be postponed, as I think that her attorney's "motion" will be denied by the civil judge,) the civil jury will be charged, or instructed, on what is called the "adverse interest" principle: that if she refused to give an answer, that the jury may assume that the answer would have been adverse to her position in the civil lawsuit. I've never heard of a party receiving a favorable verdict when such an instruction is given.
I discussed this principle here in greater detail:
I believe the confusion about ZFG's name probably stems from the very different way last names are used in Mexico as compared to the U.S.

Exerpts from the June 1996 and the April 2006 The Mexico File newsletter.

"All Mexicans have two last names. The first is the father's last name and the second is the mother's last name. So Pedro Gonzales Ulba, of course, has a father named Gonzales and a mother named Ulba. And he is Senor Gonzales, using the father's last name and not the mother's..."

I also found this on another website:

"All names in México have to be alphabetized by the next-to-last name. To maintain the integrity of this, when a Mexican immigrates to the U.S. (or the occasional Mexican-American family that wishes to retain this naming method), he or she must hyphenate their last two names, otherwise they would begin to be referred to by their last name, which is NOT their family name."

Does the same hold true for Puerto Ricans?
I think Casey slipped up when describing the Nanny.
In the jail house video tape Casey says Z is half Puerto Rican(her mother), half Black(her father).
How many African Americans have either Fernandez or Gonzalez or a combination of both as a last name?
Good post...just to clear up one point, though, the names KC gave as the "roommates" were Jennifer and Raquel. The names of the 2 kids on ZG's Sawgrass info card were Jasmine and Michelle.

Bold by me.
If I remember correctly those names can be found in Casey's Colonial High Yearbook.
It is not groundless and most likely will be won by ZG. She might have had a harder time if Baez had not been so stupid as to file a counter suit. I have not found one attorney yet who thought that made any sense. By filing that counter suit she HAS to testify or she loses. It is very simple.

If Baez had just defended the suit, it might have been dismissed, but no he had to do something stupid like filing a counter suit. I believe ZG's attorney KNEW that Baez was very inexperienced and would so that.

There is NO reason the civil suit should be postponed until the criminal trial is over. The two don't overlap in law.

Bold me.
Hi Turbo
I agree. Morgan already had all the possible scenarios Baez would use and I thought it didn't seem to surprise him that the countersuit was filed, actually he seemed to be pleased IMO.
I also agree that the civil suit (along with the check charges) should all go ahead, no need to post pone the trial for these until the murder trial which, as many experts think, may not even take place this year,
Does the same hold true for Puerto Ricans?
I think Casey slipped up when describing the Nanny.
In the jail house video tape Casey says Z is half Puerto Rican(her mother), half Black(her father).
How many African Americans have either Fernandez or Gonzalez or a combination of both as a last name?

I caught that same thing so I wondered of perhaps FG might be her married name. No one seemed to know.
I caught that same thing so I wondered of perhaps F-G might be her married name. No one seemed to know.

Wasn't Casey's ZFG young(25yrs) and unwed? I don't think she ever said Z was ever married. That's why her statement describing Z's cultural heritage was a "oh really" moment for me LOL
Casey did say Z came to Florida to go to University (University of Florida in Gainesville I think she said)

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