Civil Suit Hearing Tues., 1/6/09 Judge Reprimands Defense Team

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Also, slightly off topic but ZFG significant, I wonder if the daisy-chain LP has been referring to is the one that somehow gets info about ZFG from Sawgrass complex to KC and that's how her name got drawn in. Thoughts??

Slightly O/T--Do you all know what a "Daisy Chain" really is?

I can't believe everyone keeps using this highly sexual terminology.

Including LP...and fellow WS'ers[/QUOTE]

A daisy chain originally was just that, a chain of daisies linked together to form a chain, one linked to the next linked to the next, etc. We used to make them during recess when I was in elementary school and wear them as necklaces.
Slightly O/T--Do you all know what a "Daisy Chain" really is?

I can't believe everyone keeps using this highly sexual terminology.

Including LP...and fellow WS'ers

A daisy chain originally was just that, a chain of daisies linked together to form a chain, one linked to the next linked to the next, etc. We used to make them during recess when I was in elementary school and wear them as necklaces.

i'm glad you posted this chilly. i was starting to think i had a dirty mind ...
Hehe.. I got an alert on my cell about this today. I got a good chuckle. Glad the Judge called JB out on all his antics. :D
I looked at the other news sites like local6 and they didn't detail the reprimand, but alluded to it on both sides. Certainly none of the other articles I read gave details like WFTV. I wonder if WFTV is selectively reporting this or reporting what we want to hear or if the other stations are being more cautious and protective of Baez for purposes of access?
That's what I thought at the beginning...but if KC doesn't depose due to the 5th, will that give ZG an advantage to win her suit anyway?

You would think, huh?

What does ZG expect to get from this lawsuit? KC will be found guilty, making her unable to ever make a dime off of "her story".

The perp who owns nothing. The only thing of value she had was her beautiful baby, who she left in a ditch.
As it was stated in the beginning. Z.F.G. did not file this suit just to make money, she filed to clear her name and in hopes that Casey would give some info on Caylee since she retained Baez, Casey has been able to stay quite. Everywhere Z.F.G went, she was threated and so where her children, it is not fair that Casey has thrown so many under the bus and killed Caylee "IMO", and it's time she pays one way or another. Even if Z.F.G doesn't make a dime off of this, it will clear her name and that would be more important to me if I was in her shoes. I to would do the same to try and protect my children and family. I know most would say that Z.F.G. can just file suit against anyone that would not offer her employment but it's not that easy. If people feel your a criminal, especially in the housekeeping business they don't have to hire you. Most cleaning companies make sure to do background checks and are bonded.
Also, slightly off topic but ZFG significant, I wonder if the daisy-chain LP has been referring to is the one that somehow gets info about ZFG from Sawgrass complex to KC and that's how her name got drawn in. Thoughts??

Slightly O/T--Do you all know what a "Daisy Chain" really is?

I can't believe everyone keeps using this highly sexual terminology.

Including LP...and fellow WS'ers[/quote]

Ha..I thought I was the only one scratching my head concerning the use of that phrase. there was a movie back in the 60s-70s call "The Daisy Chain" :eek: LOL
Sometimes women tend to keep their first married name's initial, and then second and so fourth. So, it could be that Yes at one time she was just Z.G. But, after marriage or other she added the initials. But she didn't just add them when Casey accused her of kidnapping Caylee, she was already using Z.F.G. As for what ever happen in her past it shouldn't really matter in this case unless she killed someone or kidnapped someone. Just a thought.

The only reason I used prior legal issues was I presumed her 'legal" name would be used at these times. There was not one instance when her name was listed as Z.F.G.

There was another middle initial used, but never in the docs I saw was there an F.

If I can find them, I will post a link to them. IIRC there was nothing derogatory or inflammatory in her past.
As it was stated in the beginning. Z.F.G. did not file this suit just to make money, she filed to clear her name and in hopes that Casey would give some info on Caylee since she retained Baez, Casey has been able to stay quite. Everywhere Z.F.G went, she was threated and so where her children, it is not fair that Casey has thrown so many under the bus and killed Caylee "IMO", and it's time she pays one way or another. Even if Z.F.G doesn't make a dime off of this, it will clear her name and that would be more important to me if I was in her shoes. I to would do the same to try and protect my children and family. I know most would say that Z.F.G. can just file suit against anyone that would not offer her employment but it's not that easy. If people feel your a criminal, especially in the housekeeping business they don't have to hire you. Most cleaning companies make sure to do background checks and are bonded.

And unless your job is Union or contract protected, most employers can fire you for any reason at all and without warning. They can fire you because they woke up in a bad mood that day.
She expects to get her good name back - KC has accused her of murder
kidnapping and other serious crimes of which she is innocent .

KC and her family used her name and pointed the finger of accusation all over the media the woman has suffered real damage from the lies told by the prisoner and her defenders.

KC will be forced to cease and desist from tarnishing her good name any further. She is innocent of the accusations.

The nanny did it defense is in serious peril .............

Whatever way KC decides to go - her goose is cooked carved and
ready for the table .

This woman wont win money but something much more valuable
restitution of her reputation and good name . That is priceless
The thing that drives me nuts about this ZG suit is KC was very clear and concise in her description of "the nanny" right down to her hyphenated middle name. A name that this ZG does not share. Open and closed.

I believe the confusion about ZFG's name probably stems from the very different way last names are used in Mexico as compared to the U.S.

Exerpts from the June 1996 and the April 2006 The Mexico File newsletter.

"All Mexicans have two last names. The first is the father's last name and the second is the mother's last name. So Pedro Gonzales Ulba, of course, has a father named Gonzales and a mother named Ulba. And he is Senor Gonzales, using the father's last name and not the mother's..."

I also found this on another website:

"All names in México have to be alphabetized by the next-to-last name. To maintain the integrity of this, when a Mexican immigrates to the U.S. (or the occasional Mexican-American family that wishes to retain this naming method), he or she must hyphenate their last two names, otherwise they would begin to be referred to by their last name, which is NOT their family name."
JMO but I would like to see this civil case pushed through. JM is a tough and skilled attorney and when GA, CA, and KC give their depos, their words can be used at the criminal trial. I imagine that is why JB wants it stalled.

I hope the civil case will go on also. KC is not the only one who has to give depositions. CA & GA have been subpoenaed also. And under their new lawyer's advice I'd like to see how they "perform".

“We hope that judge acknowledges Ms. Anthony does have her 5th amendment right to remain silent even though it’s a civil matter. If it does incriminate her in a criminal procedure then she should not have to testify under oath,” said defense attorney Jose Garcia.


What ZG attorney said:
Which brings up another argument that Judge Rodriguez will have to settle. “She filed a counter claim back against our client against Ms. Gonzalez. She can't under oath do that and use the 5th amendment. It’s called sword and shield. You cannot use shield of the 5th amendment and use the sword in civil litigation when you're bringing an action yourself,” said Mitnik.
Judge Rodriguez will hear from Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez's attorney and Casey Anthony's in his courtroom at 11:00 a.m. Thursday.

As things stand now Casey Anthony is scheduled for depositions with Gonzalez's attorney Monday at 10 a.m.
Is JB a lawyer or does he just play one on TV? :confused:

If he isn't getting the "simpler" motions right, what is going to happen when the big case goes to trial? :bang:
If I'm not mistaken he has lost his "big" criminal cases.

If she claims poor representation & wins on appeal I assume she gets a new trial..She can't possibly walk..Say it ain't so!

Her appeal lawyer will use a variation of 'poor legal representation' and she'll have a new trial.
I hope the civil case will go on also. KC is not the only one who has to give depositions. CA & GA have been subpoenaed also. And under their new lawyer's advice I'd like to see how they "perform".

I think the depos are also going to be on video, or at least I know that they can be. Should be very interesting.
Could just be another coincidence concerning the Sawgrass guest card, but 407 was one of the area codes Casey gave to Lee as being the Nanny's. On the guest card ZG's area code is 407.

Just throwing that into the soup. :)
As it was stated in the beginning. Z.F.G. did not file this suit just to make money, she filed to clear her name and in hopes that Casey would give some info on Caylee since she retained Baez, Casey has been able to stay quite. Everywhere Z.F.G went, she was threated and so where her children, it is not fair that Casey has thrown so many under the bus and killed Caylee "IMO", and it's time she pays one way or another. Even if Z.F.G doesn't make a dime off of this, it will clear her name and that would be more important to me if I was in her shoes. I to would do the same to try and protect my children and family. I know most would say that Z.F.G. can just file suit against anyone that would not offer her employment but it's not that easy. If people feel your a criminal, especially in the housekeeping business they don't have to hire you. Most cleaning companies make sure to do background checks and are bonded.

And we all recall how vociferously some posters here insisted that this ZG had lots to answer to, including commenting on the "apparently shady" nature of some of her MySpace friends. Several people here made numerous posts insisting that she should be made to take a polygraph. That seems to support that a reasonable person could agree that her name and reputation had been tarnished by the intentional actions of KC.
Slightly O/T--Do you all know what a "Daisy Chain" really is?

I can't believe everyone keeps using this highly sexual terminology.

Including LP...and fellow WS'ers

A daisy chain originally was just that, a chain of daisies linked together to form a chain, one linked to the next linked to the next, etc. We used to make them during recess when I was in elementary school and wear them as necklaces.[/QUOTE]

UH............I guess I am weird and very naive but I never heard of a sexual connotation to the word "daisy chain."

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