Civil Suit Hearing Tues., 1/6/09 Judge Reprimands Defense Team

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Personally, I am not convinced (yet) that Baez is as bad/stupid a lawyer some believe him to be. I was a juror once...the defense attorney looked and acted like a mad scientist (no kidding)...several times during the trial, he would say things that the prosecuting attorney would object to. The judge agreed, told the court reporter to strike the defense attorney's statement, and advised us jurors to disregard the statements as well. Well..frankly...I'm human....and even though I was told to disregard the wasn't possible...I heard them...and couldnt help but use those statements to piece together the puzzle. After we had given our verdict....we realized that the crazy scientist wasnt as nuts as we thought and he was trying to tell us something that wasn't allowed in the trial. He ticked off the judge and the prosecutor....but he got the job done. I can't help but wonder if that is what Baez is doing. Maybe he wants to appear incompetent so that at the murder trial he can surprise them. Just a thought.
A daisy chain originally was just that, a chain of daisies linked together to form a chain, one linked to the next linked to the next, etc. We used to make them during recess when I was in elementary school and wear them as necklaces.

UH............I guess I am weird and very naive but I never heard of a sexual connotation to the word "daisy chain."[/QUOTE]

LOL... but now that you have, is it something you can picture in your mind? Cause I can probably find a link....:crazy:
Personally, I am not convinced (yet) that Baez is as bad/stupid a lawyer some believe him to be. I was a juror once...the defense attorney looked and acted like a mad scientist (no kidding)...several times during the trial, he would say things that the prosecuting attorney would object to. The judge agreed, told the court reporter to strike the defense attorney's statement, and advised us jurors to disregard the statements as well. Well..frankly...I'm human....and even though I was told to disregard the wasn't possible...I heard them...and couldnt help but use those statements to piece together the puzzle. After we had given our verdict....we realized that the crazy scientist wasnt as nuts as we thought and he was trying to tell us something that wasn't allowed in the trial. He ticked off the judge and the prosecutor....but he got the job done. I can't help but wonder if that is what Baez is doing. Maybe he wants to appear incompetent so that at the murder trial he can surprise them. Just a thought.

I don't think Baez has enough experience being competent to intentionally appear incompetent.

This ZG was the correct ZG until she filed a lawsuit.
Suddenly, this is not the correct Zenaida.:rolleyes:

Not really, except for the "ZG" name...

KC's Zanny was young, no kids, went to college, no tats, family, roomates, oh & 'had lots of money'.....etc.etc.
I believe the confusion about ZFG's name probably stems from the very different way last names are used in Mexico as compared to the U.S.

Exerpts from the June 1996 and the April 2006 The Mexico File newsletter.

"All Mexicans have two last names. The first is the father's last name and the second is the mother's last name. So Pedro Gonzales Ulba, of course, has a father named Gonzales and a mother named Ulba. And he is Senor Gonzales, using the father's last name and not the mother's..."

I also found this on another website:

"All names in México have to be alphabetized by the next-to-last name. To maintain the integrity of this, when a Mexican immigrates to the U.S. (or the occasional Mexican-American family that wishes to retain this naming method), he or she must hyphenate their last two names, otherwise they would begin to be referred to by their last name, which is NOT their family name."

What's to be confused about ??

IIRC......Fernandez is not any part of ZG's name.......nor did ZG fit any part of the description given by KC.
Which brings up another argument that Judge Rodriguez will have to settle. “She filed a counter claim back against our client against Ms. Gonzalez. She can't under oath do that and use the 5th amendment. It’s called sword and shield. You cannot use shield of the 5th amendment and use the sword in civil litigation when you're bringing an action yourself,” said Mitnik.

Judge Rodriguez will hear from Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez's attorney and Casey Anthony's in his courtroom at 11:00 a.m. Thursday.

As things stand now Casey Anthony is scheduled for depositions with Gonzalez's attorney Monday at 10 a.m.

Can somebody explain this to the news people?
Here what wftv 9 has on their website:

"Morgan would be allowed to question Casey about details of the case during the deposition and any answers she gives could potentially be used against her in her murder trial. However, Casey does have the constitutional right against self incrimination, which means she could plead the Fifth Amendment and not answer Morgan's questions."

What's to be confused about ??

IIRC......Fernandez is not any part of ZG's name.......nor did ZG fit any part of the description given by KC.

~ Bolded by me. ~

Well that's odd... the lawsuit filed with the Orange County Clerk of the Courts (Case Number: 08-CA-0024573-O) shows the plaintiff's name and Fernandez is part of it.

Go to the website listed above, click on "Civil", enter KC's name, and you'll find the case that shows ZFG as the plaintiff.

(Edited to remove full names and correct link.)
Are they still doing the "tip lines?" OJ's team did that. About all they got was wise-mouth calls saying, "It was Col. Mustard, in the Library, with the Candlestick."

I have to say, I did not lower myself to that. I told them is was "Miss Scarlett, in the Billiard Room, with the Gun."
I have a tip for them.

Don't play leapfrog with a unicorn.
What's to be confused about ??

IIRC......Fernandez is not any part of ZG's name.......nor did ZG fit any part of the description given by KC.

(Bolded by me) I really wish people would stop saying that Fernandez is not part of ZG's name, because according to the lawsuit, Fernandez IS part of ZG's name. I would think she knows what her own name is! In addition to that, several other details that Casey gave about the invisi-nanny match the real ZG. ZG had every right to file a civil suit in this case, and I don't know why so many people insist on perpetuating the idea that it's a groundless case.
Here's my objection to this case. ZG's middle initial isn't F. How can she claim to be hurt by KC's story when this isn't her name?

It makes no sense to me that any lawyer would take her on as a client against KC . If she lost her job over the police ruling her out as a suspect then she needs to go after the company that fired her.

JB wasn't in court today, it was the other Jose. He looked a little shaken when leaving the courthouse.

That's the way I have felt for a long time. But they may feel that since Casey's ZFG was a figment of her imagination, then she gave a false description and it won't hold up. I'm curious as to how this will play out. Baez should never have filed a counter-suit. That was a mistake. Casey will either have to do the deposition or drop the suit. No other choice.

This ZG was the correct ZG until she filed a lawsuit.
Suddenly, this is not the correct Zenaida.:rolleyes:

She was NEVER the correct ZFG, because Casey made that one up. There is no right one.
According to the OC docs I'm seeing online, her name is ZFG, exactly as stated by KC. If there is other info out there, could you point me there?

Also, slightly off topic but ZFG significant, I wonder if the daisy-chain LP has been referring to is the one that somehow gets info about ZFG and Sawgrass complex, (since ZFG did look at the exact same apt.) to KC and that's how her name got drawn in. Thoughts??

I don't have any links, but back when she first filed the lawsuit, I read somewhere that Morgan mistakenly put that middle name in the court papers, and that she does not have that name legally. I don't know how true that is, and can't remember where I read it... on some news website, I think. If she DOES have that name... then it's a whole other ballgame.
No thoughts about the daisy chain... I'm tired and my brain is shutting down.
(Bolded by me) I really wish people would stop saying that Fernandez is not part of ZG's name, because according to the lawsuit, Fernandez IS part of ZG's name. I would think she knows what her own name is! In addition to that, several other details that Casey gave about the invisi-nanny match the real ZG. ZG had every right to file a civil suit in this case, and I don't know why so many people insist on perpetuating the idea that it's a groundless case.

I think her attorney assumed and she let him run with it. Previous court records show a different name for ZG.
As it was stated in the beginning. Z.F.G. did not file this suit just to make money, she filed to clear her name and in hopes that Casey would give some info on Caylee since she retained Baez, Casey has been able to stay quite. Everywhere Z.F.G went, she was threated and so where her children, it is not fair that Casey has thrown so many under the bus and killed Caylee "IMO", and it's time she pays one way or another. Even if Z.F.G doesn't make a dime off of this, it will clear her name and that would be more important to me if I was in her shoes. I to would do the same to try and protect my children and family. I know most would say that Z.F.G. can just file suit against anyone that would not offer her employment but it's not that easy. If people feel your a criminal, especially in the housekeeping business they don't have to hire you. Most cleaning companies make sure to do background checks and are bonded.

There are several ZG's in Orange County, the only reason anybody recognizes her is because she herself went on camera.
I want KC to pay for what she did to Caylee, not what ZG did to herself.
In the beginning she claimed to be unemployed, why ? If she has no criminal record, she shouldn't have a problem getting a job. In fact, I'm surprised that she hasn't been offered a job by one of the many who despise KC for what she did.
I think her attorney assumed and she let him run with it. Previous court records show a different name for ZG.

I knowI have heard that before. It has always bugged me. It seems as though she has had other civil suits as well. I know I read it somewhere but I don't know where. Also isn't this much ado about nothing, since Casey never saw a picture of her, and when she was shown her picture she didn't recognize her.
I feel when all is said and done no one out there believes that she was ever talking about that woman.
As it was stated in the beginning. Z.F.G. did not file this suit just to make money, she filed to clear her name and in hopes that Casey would give some info on Caylee since she retained Baez, Casey has been able to stay quite. Everywhere Z.F.G went, she was threated and so where her children, it is not fair that Casey has thrown so many under the bus and killed Caylee "IMO", and it's time she pays one way or another. Even if Z.F.G doesn't make a dime off of this, it will clear her name and that would be more important to me if I was in her shoes. I to would do the same to try and protect my children and family. I know most would say that Z.F.G. can just file suit against anyone that would not offer her employment but it's not that easy. If people feel your a criminal, especially in the housekeeping business they don't have to hire you. Most cleaning companies make sure to do background checks and are bonded.

What you say is true, in a way, but she took the risk of appearing on numerous news shows, and that made her face well known all over the country, not just in Orlando. No one would have ever known what she looked like if she had stayed at home and not appeared on all the news shows.
Being questioned by LE did not make her a criminal, so an employer could not legally hold that against her, nor should any prospective employer. LE cleared her, so why did she get fired? For being a very temporary suspect? Not good enough. Why did she have a hard time getting other jobs? She would not have had to put that on her application. No one even knew she had been questioned by OCSO until she went on t.v. complaining about it.
I don't think she has a case... but I really don't care one way or another. She won't get anything, because Casey is in jail, and will be in prison by the end of the year, maybe sooner. Doing this lawsuit will not "clear" her name, it will just sully it more, IMO. There could be a hundred other reasons why she was fired, or had trouble getting a job. Maybe she just isn't reliable. Who knows? If she wins it, good for her. If she doesn't, then neither she nor Morgan will have gained anything except a lot of publicity they didn't need.
What you say is true, in a way, but she took the risk of appearing on numerous news shows, and that made her face well known all over the country, not just in Orlando. No one would have ever known what she looked like if she had stayed at home and not appeared on all the news shows.
Being questioned by LE did not make her a criminal, so an employer could not legally hold that against her, nor should any prospective employer. LE cleared her, so why did she get fired? For being a very temporary suspect? Not good enough. Why did she have a hard time getting other jobs? She would not have had to put that on her application. No one even knew she had been questioned by OCSO until she went on t.v. complaining about it.
I don't think she has a case... but I really don't care one way or another. She won't get anything, because Casey is in jail, and will be in prison by the end of the year, maybe sooner. Doing this lawsuit will not "clear" her name, it will just sully it more, IMO. There could be a hundred other reasons why she was fired, or had trouble getting a job. Maybe she just isn't reliable. Who knows? If she wins it, good for her. If she doesn't, then neither she nor Morgan will have gained anything except a lot of publicity they didn't need.

I question whether she was fired. In one interview, Morgan admitted that she was unemployed at the time Caylee was reported missing. One of the stations that interviewed her said that job offers poured in after they aired the interview. It could be that she actually gained employment as a result of her name being used, if she took one of those jobs.

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