Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #2

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If the only means of getting Cutlers car over the rockwall was tilt tray tow truck. Julie did have a barely functional vehicle.

That would explain the capacity to build fake taxi and the chemicals present at dump sites. Panel beating industry.

These girls were targetted for their surnames. A taxi made it easy with comms, even if they were just listening.

I cant find any reference to CG or JR having called a taxi- wouldn't that have been necessary to target them because of their name? Are you proposing that someone with a fake taxi but with a real taxi radio is the CSK? I also cant find anything about specific chemicals being found with the bodies. Do you have any links? Thanks.
He didn`t say anything. He did in the now hidden Sunday Times blog.
I wonder if the Droc crew will now chat here. I mean they (droc) were pretty sure re Henderson,an old factory now demolished & built over & also limestone walls. Debbie Malone mentioned Henderson & limestone but her team got it totally wrong when they headed from the Conti in the wrong direction from where SS is factually know to have headed off to. Crabstick don`t forget to come up with where you got all your facts from. Just a reminder... :)
Crabstick, Have you seen the sloping path behind the Indiana Tea House? The tow truck off the Groyne is ludicrous. Anyone can use a say borrowed taxi plate for a few hours on a different vehicle. You just have to have the same kind of vehicle.. And Crabstick it`s time you explained about 15 claims of yours, probably more.
her team got it totally wrong when they headed from the Conti in the wrong direction from where SS is factually know to have headed off to. Crabstick don`t forget to come up with where you got all your facts from. Just a reminder... :)

The irony.

Can you please enlighten as us to the direction SS "factually" headed off to?
The interesting thing is, the bricklayer said he felt the taxi headed north from Pipidinny. Why?

The bricklayer, now 62, said about 4.30am on a Sunday morning in March 1997 he was heading south on Wanneroo Rd, from Yanchep to his work site at Nollamara, when he saw the taxi begin turning out of Pipidinny Rd in front of him.

Though the taxi was angled to turn south on Wanneroo Rd
So we have a taxi and a tray back tow truck driver if the car went in where a forum user said it did.
To get Cutlers car in the water without damage would take that.
The men in black have so much more info. For us its just guessing.
Cant wait till its hammer time. Massive story.
If they have, what Ive been told they have. No doubt a lot more people will come forward based on other info when it does.

So there is a girl missing and you believe the CSK's line of thinking is "let's pop her car on my tow truck, drive down to Cottesloe and hoist it over the groyne in the middle of the night, because that sure won't attract any attention".


Did the CSK think this before or after the "men in black" had used their neuralyzer on him?

FWIW - I wouldn't be surprised if it was a group. There have been rumours around for years that SR was 'delivering' girls to a gathering of people that was more than just PW. I've only heard the rumours though, nothing factual.

Anyway, besides the point. Can you explain why you believe the girls were chosen for their names? What story is putting their surnames together supposed to spell out? Why was there an 8 year gap between JC and SS if it's the same crew that includes a taxi driver and a tow truck driver? Did the tow truck break down for a decade?

You know nearly everyone has an interesting meaning behind their surname right?

For example, Butler originates from 'wine steward'. You could link that to the woman who just disappeared from a wine bar. You can link pretty much anything unrelated if you think hard enough. Case in point: Her surname was Santen ("originates from either Saunton (Sands), a village in Devonshire" and her car was left by the beach.

You can pretty much connect anything. Doesn't mean it's related though.
Also if you all want to avoid going around in circles about the rope clue blog and the person called 'Capisce'

Then just read from this page (post 447)

It all boils down to someone on a blog saying something.

So basically, if I said "I'm the killer" or "Parkie knows the most" then that means I'm the CSK and this thread would be the most convincing lead so far (according to Parkie).
He didn`t say anything. He did in the now hidden Sunday Times blog.
So what did he say?

I wonder if the Droc crew will now chat here. I mean they (droc) were pretty sure re Henderson,an old factory now demolished & built over & also limestone walls.
I don't think there is a Droc "crew". I think it was just Droc and he is brown bread.

Droc wasn't keen on Henderson at all. He was keen on a house on Hampton Rd South Freo where he thought SS is buried as well as a warehouse in Wood St, White Gum Valley where he thinks the girls were taken to and snuff movies made.

Debbie Malone mentioned Henderson & limestone but her team got it totally wrong when they headed from the Conti in the wrong direction from where SS is factually know to have headed off to. Crabstick don`t forget to come up with where you got all your facts from. Just a reminder... :)
Debbie Malone and Russell wft'shisname - charlatans.

There is no scientific evidence psychics are legit. A guy called James Randi has offered up $1m for any psychic who can prove their powers. Surprise, surprise, no takers.

Psychics always make convenient statements such as:

"The body is under the foundations of that huge building that will never be demolished" so they conveniently can't be proven wrong.

I watched a show once with Scott Russell Hill (Sensing Murder I think it was) and he was claiming to be psychic and then started on about how he knew a body was somewhere because of numerology. A complete load of cobblers.
So what did he say?

It's all in the BF thread. Here you go. You won't get any more information out of them if you keep pushing, it will just go round in circles (like it already is)

This is the extent of the info

"Am only going by what they comment. That includes all of them. Perth city spook & Claremont ghost. cg who deleted his vids which said nothing, except commented shes in p/ville. Maybe I`m wrong. Otherwise I have very little inside info. The cops keep their cards close to their chest. I asked them was it from Lebanon & got a basic confirmation. It was JOhn from uk that said in the early blog; 'Claremont ghost posted from Lebanon'.you should be able to find that comment. I am not him !Anyways I haven`t been to lebanon. I am not nor anyone else. Capisce said knew more than anyone. That was said in the rope clue blog. now deleted. reconed the hills as Capisce said a muso would know. Now Claremont ghost said 'she is in Parkerville and thats a fact' before he deleted his u tube accnt. sooooooo I`m assuming Capisce is C/Ghost you see. C/ghost posts as Capisce & mentions a muso, and then said something to do with meditation. Well the Quiet cone meditation like business is near there. Sign is now gone. So I have been in that area for a look. a big look ! If iw as involved why would I bother to go 12 to 15 times there? If that does not explain it I will re type it tomorrow. the heat is going to my head, lols. "

"ok so CG mentions P/ville in his u tube rant. Capisce mentions a Muso would know. or someone under a diff name, maybe not even him goes aha; Parkie Amphitheatre is there. Capiscs says or whoever is closer than any 1. Is this linked to top of Swan view that he & poss others have mentioned? I doubt it on that locale being the inbetween site. But the 2 houses on site at the P/Amp got removed 2 yrs ago. So really that discounts that huge site as well. So maybe the P/a is a directional beacon. If any1 is in a creek nothing would be left.nothing.It is all speculation. Maybe C/Ghost and Capisce was rambling like all the rest. and I swear I am not them. But I did observe C/Gh deleted his accnt as soon as someone mentioned that locale. You go 15 + times to search a 200 acre area of bush, Bridle paths,tracks & creeks on a hunch & see how tired you get of this s...

"JohnOfUk knew someone in Macro & said C/gs vids were from Lebanon. Someone prob told him they were. He typed like a 13 yr old or maybe he was a European fellow hence the typoes. One of C/gs vids was interesting. He seemed like he was a taxi driver. 2 girls were in the car, tad pisst. You couldn`t hear him but they sounded like they were trying to get their heads around his explanation of his religion. Are you getting interested now? Is he b/s....... us with the vids? stuffed if I know. Is he a taxi driver? I Pass on if so. maybe he was bs trying to make us think that.But 2 chicks were having a convo with someone somewhere that he posted. Did he take off when they decided to dna taxi drivers? Was it not a taxi driver & a tradesperson instead,hence the rope clue? Or were both linked? I have heard from a high source that; 'The rope clue was a Media beat up' now that indicates that the media were getting carried away, same with the Imminent arrest hosing down situation. What I do know is this is an extremely complicated murder investigation which has an aweful lot of tentacles going out in all directions. Because with Serial Killers there is no linkage to jilted lovers, revenge & hate, financial gain etc that usually occurs in tragedies like this.
I'd like to know why the CSK changed Hotels from the earlier reported abductions and assaults when the girls left Club Bayview, then moving to abductions from when the girls left The Continental Hotel. To me this shows a clear and distinct change, you think if the abductions/assaults were random, there would be no distinct date between the two. Maybe the CSK had an inside man/spotter, maybe an employee who changed employment from one hotel to the other.

Claremont's calendar of tragedy

1994, October: A woman (31) entered a taxi near Club Bayview. A man hiding in the back of the taxi grabbed her. She jumped out and broke her leg.

1994, New Year's Day: A man dragged a woman from her car after she left Club Bayview. He attempted to sexually assault her but she fought him off.

1995, February: A girl (17) left Club Bayview - she was tied with electrical cord and left for dead in Karrakatta Cemetery. She had been abducted walking home from the club.

1996 (Jan 27): Sarah Ellen Spiers (18) - never found - first to go missing. She left Club Bayview - last seen in telephone booth, Stirling Highway, Claremont. Police believe a golden sunflower key ring may help find Sarah.

1996 (May 3): Woman (21) indecently assaulted in laneway behind Club Bayview. 2am assailant ripped her skirt off and her head was bashed against a wall six times before she fled.

1996 (Jun 8): Jane Louise Rimmer (23) found murdered in bushland at Wellard, 35km south of Perth, last seen Continental Hotel.

1997 (Mar 14): Ciara Eilish Glennon (27) disappeared from Stirling Highway, Claremont. Had been at the Continental Hotel that night. Body found at Eglinton, 45km north of Perth, on April 3. Missing from the body: a silver Claddagh brooch.

2000 (Nov 8): Sarah McMahon (20) disappeared. Left her Stirling Highway workplace 5pm Friday, disappeared, her car found abandoned at Swan Districts Hospital in Middle Swan.
Eye dilations at SCGH prevents me from commenting & being able to see ok for 3 hrs from 1pm when I go there. Maybe ask (Ian Moone) I am Noone, if it is him who mighta posted this. Billy & Bartho; Perhaps go try & solve this without my help. Guess you will both be heading to Italy. Maybe take Crabstick in tow. See how you handle her. Keep an eye out in the bars there, esp in Milan for an Italian who tries to bring forth a cool chatting up chat with a UK accent which most can tell is not from the UK.
It's rubbish basically. (no offence Parkie).

There's nothing there. Some tool called CG posted a youtube video. Some said he knows SS is in Parkerville for sure. Someone else says CG posted the youtube vid from Lebanon.

The Gary Hughes blog was full of absolute tools all scrimmaging around trying to one-up each other be pretending to know stuff. There's no shortage of people who are prepared to make stuff up regarding this case.

<shakes head>
Eye dilations at SCGH prevents me from commenting & being able to see ok for 3 hrs from 1pm when I go there. Maybe ask (Ian Moone) I am Noone, if it is him who mighta posted this. Billy & Bartho; Perhaps go try & solve this without my help. Guess you will both be heading to Italy. Maybe take Crabstick in tow. See how you handle her. Keep an eye out in the bars there, esp in Milan for an Italian who tries to bring forth a cool chatting up chat with a UK accent which most can tell is not from the UK.
Parkie, you've been the only one who is hot for Claremont Ghost. A number of times over the years you have brought him up. No one else does that!

Why would we be heading to Italy? This is your Claremont Ghost theory again. What's it based on? I can't see a grain of even circumstantial evidence that could rationally throw Claremont Ghost up as a legit POI.

btw: I can't peak for others but I'm not trying to solve this. It can't be solve sitting in a chair on a computer. It can't be solved from where we sit.
If the only means of getting Cutlers car over the rockwall was tilt tray tow truck.

Crabstick tell me how many tilt tray tow trucks did you see when JC went missing in 1988? They used the traditional back hoist back then right up until until the last 10 years. Far out.
I'd like to know why the CSK changed Hotels from the earlier reported abductions and assaults when the girls left Club Bayview, then moving to abductions from when the girls left The Continental Hotel. To me this shows a clear and distinct change, you think if the abductions/assaults were random, there would be no distinct date between the two. Maybe the CSK had an inside man/spotter, maybe an employee who changed employment from one hotel to the other.

I don't believe there is any relevance because I don't believe the CSK targeted specific hotels/clubs on the night. As the general consensus goes I think he targeted Claremont and girls who had been to either one of those night spots.

The CSK picked up SS and CG in a car more that 200m from those clubs. Where they'd been would not have been any real concern. He knew they were young, well heeled, and probably been out drinking.
It beats the Luke Skywalker version where he levitates her grey Fiat over the rocks at midnight into the water without a scratch on the South side.

Although this is according speculation on this forum by one the users. Was it you?

I realise now, the slipway is actually the surf club boat ramp?, although someone would have to have the key? A council worker? Member of the surf club?

Although the car went in the slipway it would have to have enough speed to enter the water to drift out wide enough.

Thats one hell a splash down.

You ever look at cars on tilt tray? In a driveway less suspicious because its off the road. You can put a tarp over it.

MIB are way way after this occured.
So there is a girl missing and you believe the CSK's line of thinking is "let's pop her car on my tow truck, drive down to Cottesloe and hoist it over the groyne in the middle of the night, because that sure won't attract any attention".


Did the CSK think this before or after the "men in black" had used their neuralyzer on him?

FWIW - I wouldn't be surprised if it was a group. There have been rumours around for years that SR was 'delivering' girls to a gathering of people that was more than just PW. I've only heard the rumours though, nothing factual.

Anyway, besides the point. Can you explain why you believe the girls were chosen for their names? What story is putting their surnames together supposed to spell out? Why was there an 8 year gap between JC and SS if it's the same crew that includes a taxi driver and a tow truck driver? Did the tow truck break down for a decade?

You know nearly everyone has an interesting meaning behind their surname right?

For example, Butler originates from 'wine steward'. You could link that to the woman who just disappeared from a wine bar. You can link pretty much anything unrelated if you think hard enough. Case in point: Her surname was Santen ("originates from either Saunton (Sands), a village in Devonshire" and her car was left by the beach.

You can pretty much connect anything. Doesn't mean it's related though.
Your obviously just being faceous and obviously dont know much about why they may have gone down that path.
So there is a girl missing and you believe the CSK's line of thinking is "let's pop her car on my tow truck, drive down to Cottesloe and hoist it over the groyne in the middle of the night, because that sure won't attract any attention".


Did the CSK think this before or after the "men in black" had used their neuralyzer on him?

FWIW - I wouldn't be surprised if it was a group. There have been rumours around for years that SR was 'delivering' girls to a gathering of people that was more than just PW. I've only heard the rumours though, nothing factual.

Anyway, besides the point. Can you explain why you believe the girls were chosen for their names? What story is putting their surnames together supposed to spell out? Why was there an 8 year gap between JC and SS if it's the same crew that includes a taxi driver and a tow truck driver? Did the tow truck break down for a decade?

You know nearly everyone has an interesting meaning behind their surname right?

For example, Butler originates from 'wine steward'. You could link that to the woman who just disappeared from a wine bar. You can link pretty much anything unrelated if you think hard enough. Case in point: Her surname was Santen ("originates from either Saunton (Sands), a village in Devonshire" and her car was left by the beach.

You can pretty much connect anything. Doesn't mean it's related though.
The clubs are 100 metres apart. Many the people visited both. It may even be stated in online media clips.
The abductions took place in entertainment precinct.

Police are still interviewing people inside the buildings. They must be looking for more people as you say.
Like I said 'team'

I'd like to know why the CSK changed Hotels from the earlier reported abductions and assaults when the girls left Club Bayview, then moving to abductions from when the girls left The Continental Hotel. To me this shows a clear and distinct change, you think if the abductions/assaults were random, there would be no distinct date between the two. Maybe the CSK had an inside man/spotter, maybe an employee who changed employment from one hotel to the other.
Julie Cutler

The car could not have been driven off the groyne. There's a curb before the rocks and the ricks are big bulking and span a good 4 meters. No way a car is getting over that and into the water without major damage.

Some sort of crane is possible but unlikely. If so, it wouldn't have been the killer.

Most likely scenarios

1. The tide at the time went right up to the wall. The killer drove the car off the steps and into the ocean with JC in the car and windows open. The car goes out with the tide as does JC's body. JC's body departs from the car and because the car and body are different sizes, the car goes with the tide back to the beach but the body doesn't. The body is taken by a shark.

The problem with this scenario is the tide.

2. JC is murdered and her body is dumped and has never been found. The killer dumps her car in Cottesloe and heads off on foot. Some local teenagers come across the car. Keys inside. Go for a joy ride. Drive car down to the beach and because there's a group of them they have enough man power to get the car to the water. A pure stroke of luck for the killer.

Some questions that need to be resolved;

1. Was there any blood in the car? If not, she was murdered outside the car
2. Did her two boyfriends have alibis?
3. What was the tide doing on that night? Was it up to the wall? Are the tide patterns consistent with the car going out and coming back in?
4. The car washed up 2 days later. Could have the car been dumped 2 days after?
5. How did the killer get from Cottesloe to wherever he lived?

The police never really did enough on this one.
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