Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #2

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Parkie, you've been the only one who is hot for Claremont Ghost. A number of times over the years you have brought him up. No one else does that!

Why would we be heading to Italy? This is your Claremont Ghost theory again. What's it based on? I can't see a grain of even circumstantial evidence that could rationally throw Claremont Ghost up as a legit POI.

btw: I can't peak for others but I'm not trying to solve this. It can't be solve sitting in a chair on a computer. It can't be solved from where we sit.

Yes you are TOTALLY correct re myself & my theories on the CSK. Well I had to come out with something hey.. I`ve been in this case for yonks.
Considering this is the thread where people get to post wack stuff

Anagrams of crabstick include

Cab Tricks
Cabs Trick
Trick Cabs

Obviously this 100% means a taxi must be involved. Trick/s could also be a reference to a fake one or also to a prostitute.

Am I doing this synchronicity thing correct?

Yes, it seems you have the hang of it--just make things up as you go.

Minute similarities are clues, intentionally left by the killer. It should be crystal clear that the CSK is shorthand for a poster's screen name. Guess who. See the pattern?
I like SR + PW for the murders, even though there are many issues that need to be explained. Namely, PW's solid alibi during one of the abductions.

I cannot find original coverage of the alibi details. I've read PW was photographed at an event at 2:00am. But no date, location, occasion, or event goers are disclosed. Was this a party, a CCLWA fundraiser, or what? And was it local or out of the state? For which abduction does his alibi preclude him?

Let's assume PW's alibi is solid. He was considered a suspect sometime between January 26, 1996 and August 8, 1996 (see linked abstract).

Is it too outlandish to think PW might have went to an event and instructed SR to get a girl and do whatever with her--just kill her and dispose of her in a specified location? That seems elaborate and unlikely. But right now, I am seeing many things that would fit with and evidence to support, this team.
Mr Weygers "was giving evidence at the trial of a taxi driver, who at the time was secretary of Mr Weygers' Council for Civil Liberties.
The taxi driver was accused of forcing the 17-year-old girl to perform oral sex on him in his cab, though he was acquitted at the trial last May."

Who was this taxi driver? Steve Ross??

The quote is from the May 17, 2004 edition of The West, in an article by Ben Martin. Portions of the article are located here (a bit over halfway down):
Mr Weygers "was giving evidence at the trial of a taxi driver, who at the time was secretary of Mr Weygers' Council for Civil Liberties.
The taxi driver was accused of forcing the 17-year-old girl to perform oral sex on him in his cab, though he was acquitted at the trial last May."

Who was this taxi driver? Steve Ross??

The quote is from the May 17, 2004 edition of The West, in an article by Ben Martin. Portions of the article are located here (a bit over halfway down):

The Council for Civil Liberties has a copy of a Ben Martin article on their site. The responses below are interesting, especially the brief reference to edgar cooke.
I like SR + PW for the murders, even though there are many issues that need to be explained. Namely, PW's solid alibi during one of the abductions.

I cannot find original coverage of the alibi details. I've read PW was photographed at an event at 2:00am. But no date, location, occasion, or event goers are disclosed. Was this a party, a CCLWA fundraiser, or what? And was it local or out of the state? For which abduction does his alibi preclude him?

Let's assume PW's alibi is solid. He was considered a suspect sometime between January 26, 1996 and August 8, 1996 (see linked abstract).

Is it too outlandish to think PW might have went to an event and instructed SR to get a girl and do whatever with her--just kill her and dispose of her in a specified location? That seems elaborate and unlikely. But right now, I am seeing many things that would fit with and evidence to support, this team.
Although I also don't know the specifics my understanding is that it was some sort of formal event regarding one of his work roles.

Police speculated that on this occasion SR abducted the girl and then picked up PW from the Windsor Hotel after the event had finished. Police drilled SR for hours and put this theory to him and he didn't buckle.

I assume the event PW was at was at The Windsor Hotel.
I understand why Mr Weygers is being discussed here. He was/is a man of some notoriety..a prominent public figure. But public opinion of aside, it might be worth noting that there were others whose properties were raided just as dramatically only the media was not “conveniently” present.

Those people were your usual garden variety private citizens. Nothing was reported regarding those raids because that's the way the police wanted it. I understand in one of those instances, the raid was 'payback' on one of their own from within ranks. That's how it was during the Capornesque era.

But lessons have been learned and things are not done that way now. Now it's a matter of quiet stealth. (Softly, softly, catchy monkey!)

*Mr Weygers is no longer regarded as a person of interest. Neither are any of the other citizens that were raided.
Wow, lots of new names/info in this case. There has always been something about this case that attracted every loser who gets the nether-tingles from having people think they're a serial killer. I stopped following it years ago for that reason. Always thought it'd be solved pretty quickly once they had a regime change within LE. It's gone on way too long, those poor families.
Wow, lots of new names/info in this case. There has always been something about this case that attracted every loser who gets the nether-tingles from having people think they're a serial killer. I stopped following it years ago for that reason. Always thought it'd be solved pretty quickly once they had a regime change within LE. It's gone on way too long, those poor families.

You make a good point hideoustroll. I've always thought we shouldn't be calling these monsters "Serial Killers" They are just plain killers. Cowardly, attention seeking killers. They don't deserve the attention of a title that sets them apart (which is what they enjoy.)
I understand why Mr Weygers is being discussed here. He was/is a man of some notoriety..a prominent public figure. But public opinion of aside, it might be worth noting that there were others whose properties were raided just as dramatically only the media was not “conveniently” present.

Those people were your usual garden variety private citizens. Nothing was reported regarding those raids because that's the way the police wanted it. I understand in one of those instances, the raid was 'payback' on one of their own from within ranks. That's how it was during the Capornesque era.

But lessons have been learned and things are not done that way now. Now it's a matter of quiet stealth. (Softly, softly, catchy monkey!)

*Mr Weygers is no longer regarded as a person of interest. Neither are any of the other citizens that were raided.

Police alerting the media to a search of a POI's home is considered fair game where I live. It is something criminal behaviorists suggest to put additional pressure on the POI. Other searches might be performed covertly.

I agree that a 'payback raid' is outrageous behavior. Very unfortunate for the recipient, and I hope he or she was eligible for compensation.

I read of Mr Weygers' demands for a public apology plus $10 million. But as of May 28, 2015, PW has not been ruled out:
*Mr Weygers is no longer regarded as a person of interest. Neither are any of the other citizens that were raided.
Do you have a source for this? I'd be very surprised if LW has been eliminated as a POI. Given the circumstances of the case I don't think any of the main POI's would have been completely ruled out.
Steve Ross's story about the night before SS's disappearance doesn't seem right. He claims SS, a female passenger, and a male passenger are all in the taxi at the same time on the evening of Jan. 25, 1996. Everyone there is a stranger to the others. SE drops the woman at Dalkeith. He then takes SS and the man to the Hotel Windsor, and the man "pushes" (could mean rushes or urges or some other turn of phrase) SS of the cab and pays the fare. This already sounds fabricated.

SR actually says SS was in his vehicle twice that night. 'The first trip had been from Wellington Street, Mosman Park, to Club Bay View.' SR also said he recalled Sarah lived on Mill Point Rd, South Perth.
So where does he drive her? Mosman Park to Club Bay View and then Club Bay View to the Windsor Hotel in South Perth? Or to Mill Point Rd, South Perth? He's claiming too many locations.

He says there was a mi-up on his dispatch monitor, and Spiers was spelled Spier. That's not a mix-up. It's a misspelling.

Maybe I'm over analyzing, but I think his details seems too...detailed.
Does anyone else think his version is off, or does he just have a strange way of phrasing and describing things?
Although I also don't know the specifics my understanding is that it was some sort of formal event regarding one of his work roles.

Police speculated that on this occasion SR abducted the girl and then picked up PW from the Windsor Hotel after the event had finished. Police drilled SR for hours and put this theory to him and he didn't buckle.

I assume the event PW was at was at The Windsor Hotel.

Thanks for answering. This description doesn't support or detract from the SR + PW theory. If one can accept SR was getting a girl on a night Weygers was at an event in order to support Weygers' innocence. That's the hurdle for me--I can't decide if that's outlandish or just a regular plan.

The SR not cracking despite hours of interrogation aspect does make me wonder some, but sociopaths don't really exhibit anxiety, so maybe this could be why he stayed cool.
Steve Ross's story about the night before SS's disappearance doesn't seem right. He claims SS, a female passenger, and a male passenger are all in the taxi at the same time on the evening of Jan. 25, 1996. Everyone there is a stranger to the others. SE drops the woman at Dalkeith. He then takes SS and the man to the Hotel Windsor, and the man "pushes" (could mean rushes or urges or some other turn of phrase) SS of the cab and pays the fare. This already sounds fabricated.

SR actually says SS was in his vehicle twice that night. 'The first trip had been from Wellington Street, Mosman Park, to Club Bay View.' SR also said he recalled Sarah lived on Mill Point Rd, South Perth.
So where does he drive her? Mosman Park to Club Bay View and then Club Bay View to the Windsor Hotel in South Perth? Or to Mill Point Rd, South Perth? He's claiming too many locations.

He says there was a mi-up on his dispatch monitor, and Spiers was spelled Spier. That's not a mix-up. It's a misspelling.

Maybe I'm over analyzing, but I think his details seems too...detailed.
Does anyone else think his version is off, or does he just have a strange way of phrasing and describing things?
He clearly lied about it. The woman who was dropped at Dalkeith and the mysterious guy who got out with SS have never been identified. Stevo claims the police should have done more to identify them.

AFAIK SS did not live on Mill Point Rd. But The Windsor Hotel is on Mill Point Rd (Cnr Mends St).

Who knows why SR lied to police? Could have been setting up an excuse if forensic trace was found in his car. Or he could have been attention seeking - anyone visiting various forums on this case know just how many people make up lies to seek attention.
Thanks for answering. This description doesn't support or detract from the SR + PW theory. If one can accept SR was getting a girl on a night Weygers was at an event in order to support Weygers' innocence. That's the hurdle for me--I can't decide if that's outlandish or just a regular plan.

The SR not cracking despite hours of interrogation aspect does make me wonder some, but sociopaths don't really exhibit anxiety, so maybe this could be why he stayed cool.
We know that SR and PW met when PW, in his capacity as President of WA Council for Civil Liberties was approached by SR to represent in a complaint made against SR in his capacity of a taxi driver. You recently posted this excerpt"

Mr Weygers "was giving evidence at the trial of a taxi driver, who at the time was secretary of Mr Weygers' Council for Civil Liberties.
The taxi driver was accused of forcing the 17-year-old girl to perform oral sex on him in his cab, though he was acquitted at the trial last May."

The chances of it being someone else other than SR is slim. Stevo is allegedly dumb as sh** so why he was potentially secretary, who knows? Maybe it was part of the deal PW brokered to buy SR's Embleton house? "I'll pay this amount and to sweeten the deal I'll give you the role of secretary which was can pay you X amount per annum (through Govt funding)"?

My understanding is PW was one of the original suspects (before SR made his Dalkeith/SS statement) and the reason was he had a reputation for being a sleaze and a number of women put his name up. So SR is up against sexual allegations (not confirmed) and seeks out PW as a lawyer and President of Civil Liberties. PW realises Steve is a deve and as a man of far better intelligence and influence, convinces old mate Stevo to procure some girls with him.

On the night PW was at the public function SR picks up the girl in his taxi, tasers her, and goes and meets PW a few blocks from his function.....

I don't buy into group theory and at most, 2 people. I don't think this is far fetched and my understanding is police thought it was more than a credible theory and interrogated SR and PW for hours on end with this theory as the base of their interrogations.
FYI Sutton and Bartholemeus...

Quote from article

The re-investigation has completed interviews and re-interviews, eliminating 10,000 “persons of interest”, including two men whose lives were severely damaged when their names became public during early inquiries. These were Mr Williams and former Claremont mayor Peter Weygers, who are no longer of interest to police investigating the murders. Police are now focusing on scientific lines of inquiry plus related “precursor” crimes in the western suburbs leading up to the murders, ranging from house break-ins to attempted abductions.
FYI Sutton and Bartholemeus...

Quote from article

The re-investigation has completed interviews and re-interviews, eliminating 10,000 “persons of interest”, including two men whose lives were severely damaged when their names became public during early inquiries. These were Mr Williams and former Claremont mayor Peter Weygers, who are no longer of interest to police investigating the murders. Police are now focusing on scientific lines of inquiry plus related “precursor” crimes in the western suburbs leading up to the murders, ranging from house break-ins to attempted abductions.
A few questions:

1. Do you believe the "blitz attack" story?
2. Do you think police feed information through the press to try and influence killers' behavior?
3. What possible information could have ruled LW and PW out? Unless they have DNA, it's hard to see how the police obtained any new information that would rule them out, especially Williams.

Police have been releasing information through press for last 18 months. It seems obvious to me they are watching and waiting to see how one or more POI's respond to the media releases. There's likely to be disinformation.
The more I read about PW and SR, the odder things become. Just talking about Steve Ross:
Steve and his Austrian girlfriend, Erica, purchased a duplex together (she invested $43,000, SR invested $20,000). Erica was a former beauty queen, but by this time was disfigured and housebound by a horrible accident.
Steve was a taxi driver, and police questioned him in 1990 about a fare charging complaint. While Steve was being questioned, Erica died. Police were suspicious of his role in her death, but it was eventually ruled natural causes. Steve contacts Mr. Weygers at this time (possibly this is their initial meeting).
In 1996 Steve does the whole fiasco with telling the police Sarah was his passenger the night before her disappearance.
In 2000, Steve runs into more taxi troubles. Is this the alleged event whereby he tried to force a 17 year old girl to perform or sex?
Somehow, he is made secretary of Mr. Weygers' CCL and also he sells his house to Mr. Weygers.
The plan was for Steve to live with Mr. Weygers' wife and son. "But they didn't like my smell and reckoned I stunk the house out and they put me out back. I didn't care. All I do was work and sleep. I eat the wrong food and fart a lot. They found out I was pissing in an esky instead of going to the toilet..."
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