Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia

DNA Solves
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Not exactly. This area is popular because of its locality to many places. 15 minutes to Fremantle or the CBD, maybe less at night.
There were people coming much further a field at the time. Sure, it had locals as it should but people I knew had started going there from the wider area.

Explain why you think there is no connection to religion? You cant just say "I dont think". It doesn't add to the debate or a resolution.
Discount what I said with something. There is a possibility the person isn't religious but has carried out this malicious act for other reasons.
Serial killers do appear to have a pattern for a number of reasons.

The 3 Patron Saints of Ireland

Sarah Spiers Missing Jan 27 - Brigit of Kildare - Feast day1st February
Jane Rimmer Missing June 9 - Saint Columba - Abbott of Iona - Feast day June 9th
Ciara Glennon Missing March 14 - St Patrick - founded abbey on Iona - Feast March 17th

Back in 1996 Fremantle was an absolute dive for entertainment. The 'out there' trendies all went to WAS the place to be seen. I spent 3 hours preparing a submission to put on here yesterday, pressed the 'submit reply' button and it disappeared because somehow I had been logged out. This perpetrator definitely had a pattern and his pattern leads directly back to him.
always question, I hate when that happens. What helps, I found, is to click to the little box for 'stay logged on'. And if you lose your post, sometimes hitting the 'back' button can bring the posting box back up, complete with unposted text. Hope that helps.

If you do feel like recreating your post at any stage, I'd really like to read it.
From information I have, Sarah Spiers did not live in Como she lived in South Perth in a flat with her sister at the time of her abduction. Her parents later owned a property in Como.

What is interesting and something you may not be aware of, is that Ciara Glennon lived in South Perth before she went overseas and spent just over a year there before she returned to Perth one week prior to her abduction, and at that time she was living in Mosman Park at her parents house. Sarah Spiers had also intended to go back to a friends place in Mosman Park on the night she was abducted.

On the 25th January she also caught a taxi between Mosman Park and the Claremont entertainment strip; later on in that evening she caught a taxi back to South Perth in the company of a man. A girl had also accompanied them in this taxi ride, however she was dropped of in Dalkeith.

At the time of attending Iona, Sarah, her parents owned a property in Mosman Park but I am unaware if they lived in that property.
always question, I hate when that happens. What helps, I found, is to click to the little box for 'stay logged on'. And if you lose your post, sometimes hitting the 'back' button can bring the posting box back up, complete with unposted text. Hope that helps.

If you do feel like recreating your post at any stage, I'd really like to read it.

Your helpful advice is truly appreciated Ausgirl. Can you tell me where this 'stay logged on' box is I can't locate it.

I think in future I might type into a word document then paste it to the Websleuth site and see if that works.

I am currently starting to recreate the post. The information my post will contain will make people break their toes with the wide-opened jaw for sure...well that's my opinion of course. It will be interesting to see how the information is received. I could be laughed off this forum and too embarrassed to ever surface again.
Crabstick: "The girls wore these particular items symbolic of their heritage. Claddah ring, a daisy or sunflower the police said."

Are you referring to the daisy linked with Sarah Spiers. Because if you are, she wasn't wearing a daisy eg piece of jewelry or clothing. Her key ring was a depiction of a bunch of daisies manufactured out of some sort of gold-coloured alloy metal material. I read in an article that Jane had been identified by the jewelry in her navel and from memory that included an amethyst coloured stone of some sort.

Some areas of Mosman Park were almost 'no go' zones in the areas adjacent to what were called the 'Battle Street' flats and some of the high rise flats in Wellington Street. I believe Battle Street street may have been renamed now. Many many high rise state housing flats that could be described as boxes. Loads of drug dealers and other unsavory character were known to live in the area and interdispersed were of course, good clean living law abiding individuals. These areas have been subject to a clean-up in the last decade with many of the state-owned flats sold off to private investors and people in general.

Ciara's family lived in the more upmarket section of Mosman Park, towards North Fremantle and close to the river. I have no idea where Sarah's friends lived. I have heard anecdotal information that Jane's friends had gone back to Mosman Park in the taxi after they left her at Claremont. I have never been able to substantiate this though.
Your helpful advice is truly appreciated Ausgirl. Can you tell me where this 'stay logged on' box is I can't locate it.

I think in future I might type into a word document then paste it to the Websleuth site and see if that works.

I am currently starting to recreate the post. The information my post will contain will make people break their toes with the wide-opened jaw for sure...well that's my opinion of course. It will be interesting to see how the information is received. I could be laughed off this forum and too embarrassed to ever surface again.

Ausgirl doesn't appear to be online atm, if I can help? Re: staying logged in, when you first type in your username at top right hand corner, click the tick box for 'logged' in just before typing in password and you're in. Your reply box will remain open indefinitely which is great for pasting and rethinking posts etc. Hope that makes sense. :)
Ciara definitely attended IPC. Her mother was a teacher there as well. I have been told a lovely story about the nickname her students gave her "material girl" because Mrs Glennon had the habit of wearing gorgeous full skirts.
Ausgirl doesn't appear to be online atm, if I can help? Re: staying logged in, when you first type in your username at top right hand corner, click the tick box for 'logged' in just before typing in password and you're in. Your reply box will remain open indefinitely which is great for pasting and rethinking posts etc. Hope that makes sense. :)

A huge thank you to you Primesuspect. So that would be the 'remember me' box. Done! :blushing::blushing::blushing::blushing:
A huge thank you to you Primesuspect. So that would be the 'remember me' box. Done! :blushing::blushing::blushing::blushing:

LOL I just logged back in and noticed it actually says, 'remember me'. I do things so absentmindedly, I'd make a terrible witness. :blushing:
The session time out for the posts is set to about 5 minutes in the global asa file.
Under your log in you will see a 'remember me' box
Select and 'copy' your post prior in case the session time out occurs. Although the session variable does appear to hold the content witht he back button.
HTH helps Phibey

3 hours, you probably want to go word in case your browser cache dumps.

PrimeSuspect said:
Post#140; Prime Suspect: I spent 3 hours preparing a submission to put on here yesterday, pressed the 'submit reply' button and it disappeared because somehow I had been logged out.

Ausgirl doesn't appear to be online atm, if I can help? Re: staying logged in, when you first type in your username at top right hand corner, click the tick box for 'logged' in just before typing in password and you're in. Your reply box will remain open indefinitely which is great for pasting and rethinking posts etc. Hope that makes sense. :)
Jane Rimmer here appears to be wearing a dress with daisies on it here. Not what she was wearing that evening though albeit. The daisy theme continues
Did Jane have particular jewellery or similar removed?

Jane Rimmer.jpg
Thank you for your warm welcome Ausgirl...sorry I did not do this prior to now, I missed your welcome post. I see you have written "Dixie's DNA was sent to Western Australia to be tested against that of the DNA evidence in the Claremont serial killer case between 1996 and 1997, as it is believed he was in the area at the time of the killings, and may have committed them"

I understand that Western Australian police detectives actually took DNA samples across to the UK to be analysed using highly sensitive testing techniques in attempt to get Dixie linked with other crimes. They did manage to get Dixie's DNA linked with the terrible rape and assault of the Thai student in Leederville at that time. It is my understanding there was no available DNA found at the scenes of Jane and Ciara. I also believe Western Australian police collected DNA samples from taxi drivers because they believe there were 2 perpetrators working in unison. That is evidenced in the rapes and attempted assaults that have occurred around the time of the Claremont abductions and murders that involved a taxi - whether that was an officially sanctioned taxi or a case of one of the false taxis is still to be determined. It has been stated in the press that he did not possess a drivers licence but he was driving a vehicle at the time he attempted to sexually assault another woman. He may have resorted to driving. Given he used so many different names I believe it highly likely he also possessed a drivers license in another name.

I believe the Western Australian police have stated they have discounted Dixie because they cannot positively nail him to be the perpetrator of the Claremont murders. This case is such a high profile case and millions and millions of dollars and thousand up thousand of man hours and mountains of resources put to it, they would not want to raise the possibility or even probability of a purely 100% circumstantial case being thrown out of the courts especially when they have no hard evidence to back up the circumstantial case. Just because he was in the area it doesn't mean he was the perpetrator does it... that's what all the legal eagles would say...a very very difficult situation to be in. Dixie might not be as smart as he thinks he is and something that has recently been sent through to investigators might just show them about an alternative way to get this case slam dunked. Something I was taught many many many years ago is that if someone makes a pattern, that pattern can be's just a matter of finding their key.

And I believe from what is now known, that Dixie didn't commence his life of pure evil intent in Western Australia. He started elsewhere in Australia and what occurred there was his 'practice run' to see how investigating authorities would handle it. And what he learnt from these cases, opened his eyes to the failures as to the processes the investigators took and showed him very clearly what the investigators didn't do. I believe he 'teased' the investigating authorities by inserting himself into the case by making contact with them, and they had no idea (and still have no idea but they will in the very near future and they already have the beginnings of the puzzle) that he had done that.

I also consider that he has not consciously chosen the girls because of their jewelry or religion or name but there was something whirling away in his subconscious. But he does souvenir and has done with many of his victims. Perhaps this was related to something in his childhood or an initial fledgling relationship when he was younger where he was rejected. History shows he certainly started his life of instant sexual gratification when he was aged 16 or so, so something occurred to turn on the switch possibly his foray into using a multitude of mind altering drugs mixed with his consumption of copious quantities of alcohol. I wouldn't be surprised to hear one day that he was in fact bisexual.

Back to preparing the data I attempted to do yesterday.
Thanks again Crabstick.

I have no idea what your reference to HTH helps Phibey means, is there something I have missed?
So the key ring was taken. So it was of interest. Had the girls been stalked prior because of the symbols they carried?
Has anyone a picture of all the jewellery and missing items?
Yes, there is some also newish single story public housing in Mosman park. Lots of rentals in Mosman park in flats etc. High rise transients. Didnt Len Buckeridge build those flats? Been a lot of dead people found in Mosman Park. Drugs were found at the murder scene that could comatose the victims used also in drug manufacture? The victims could have been knocked out with the drug soaked in a handkerchief etc.
None of this jewellery was purchased off Pamela Lawrence?

Crabstick: "The girls wore these particular items symbolic of their heritage. Claddah ring, a daisy or sunflower the police said."

Are you referring to the daisy linked with Sarah Spiers. Because if you are, she wasn't wearing a daisy eg piece of jewelry or clothing. Her key ring was a depiction of a bunch of daisies manufactured out of some sort of gold-coloured alloy metal material. I read in an article that Jane had been identified by the jewelry in her navel and from memory that included an amethyst coloured stone of some sort.

Some areas of Mosman Park were almost 'no go' zones in the areas adjacent to what were called the 'Battle Street' flats and some of the high rise flats in Wellington Street. I believe Battle Street street may have been renamed now. Many many high rise state housing flats that could be described as boxes. Loads of drug dealers and other unsavory character were known to live in the area and interdispersed were of course, good clean living law abiding individuals. These areas have been subject to a clean-up in the last decade with many of the state-owned flats sold off to private investors and people in general.

Ciara's family lived in the more upmarket section of Mosman Park, towards North Fremantle and close to the river. I have no idea where Sarah's friends lived. I have heard anecdotal information that Jane's friends had gone back to Mosman Park in the taxi after they left her at Claremont. I have never been able to substantiate this though.
Yes I recall this photo too. But she wasn't wearing it on the night she was abducted so is it relevant? What this does show me though, is that she was a slightly 'old fashioned' girl. I think this little number may have been home made and she looks gorgeous too. Really makes me more determined any time I look a photograph of any of the victims.

I believe there was no jewelry removed from Jane. All clothing and shoes were removed.

I did read in a newspaper article that the lady that looked after the block of flats in Cambridge Street where Jane lived, stated that she had seen lights on the flat and heard music playing in her flat as well on the night she was abducted. Could be just press tattle though.
Its Celtic jewellery that someone may have seen prior then started stalking. Glennon was at the Royal Freshwater Bay yacht club the night prior organising 'catering', the yacht club located in Mosman park? If they were wearing Celtic symbols days prior....
Claremont must have been close to proximity which would assist abduction, even if they were comatose with the drug reported
Did someone have a yacht? Broad daylight free of police intervention?

Yes I recall this photo too. But she wasn't wearing it on the night she was abducted so is it relevant? What this does show me though, is that she was a slightly 'old fashioned' girl. I think this little number may have been home made and she looks gorgeous too. Really makes me more determined any time I look a photograph of any of the victims.

I believe there was no jewelry removed from Jane. All clothing and shoes were removed.

I did read in a newspaper article that the lady that looked after the block of flats in Cambridge Street where Jane lived, stated that she had seen lights on the flat and heard music playing in her flat as well on the night she was abducted. Could be just press tattle though.
There used to be a stall at the subi markets that sold the daisy key ring that Sarah had. There were photographs published so I'll have a scratch around my files to see if I can locate something and post it here. I recall seeing something on a poster which also had the sample of shoes Sarah was wearing. Creamy coloured caramel suede with singular daisy petal cutouts in the toe area, ankle strap, flat soled made out of a whitish coloured composite rubbery material - shoes were really clunky style. I recall seeing a pair in an op shop years later but they were blue and huge in size.

The daisy key ring depicted a bunch of daisies in flat profile. Actually I am going to correct myself here. I've just done a google search and the key ring depicted sunflowers.

Could the sunflower thing be a memory recall to the UK - sunflowers in a vase at home of mother or grandmother or growing in a garden linked to him or pastures full of commercial sunflowers nearby?
The sunflower still represents Celtic scared geometry. The girls must have something in common. Brownies? Scouts? Dance lessons? Yacht club?
What did they do the same?

There used to be a stall at the subi markets that sold the daisy key ring that Sarah had. There were photographs published so I'll have a scratch around my files to see if I can locate something and post it here. I recall seeing something on a poster which also had the sample of shoes Sarah was wearing. Creamy coloured caramel suede with singular daisy petal cutouts in the toe area, ankle strap, flat soled made out of a whitish coloured composite rubbery material - shoes were really clunky style. I recall seeing a pair in an op shop years later but they were blue and huge in size.

The daisy key ring depicted a bunch of daisies in flat profile. Actually I am going to correct myself here. I've just done a google search and the key ring depicted sunflowers.

Could the sunflower thing be a memory recall to the UK - sunflowers in a vase at home of mother or grandmother or growing in a garden linked to him or pastures full of commercial sunflowers nearby?

Yes I recall this photo too. But she wasn't wearing it on the night she was abducted so is it relevant? What this does show me though, is that she was a slightly 'old fashioned' girl. I think this little number may have been home made and she looks gorgeous too. Really makes me more determined any time I look a photograph of any of the victims.

I believe there was no jewelry removed from Jane. All clothing and shoes were removed.

alwaysquestion said:
I did read in a newspaper article that the lady that looked after the block of flats in Cambridge Street where Jane lived, stated that she had seen lights on the flat and heard music playing in her flat as well on the night she was abducted. Could be just press tattle though.

So your saying some old psych hated the culture their mothers represented, so he/she killed their daughters so the parents would question this? That the old psych built a story straight out of the psych handbook? That the old psych concocted his master piece that entities wouldn't want to go to court because it expose some of the aspects of that culture some entities don't want run through the court system in the media and out to the mass public? That the old psych would build a map that would expose certain apsects of a systemic culture he/she despises?
That the old psych would attack the legal system, the police department, frame it on someone else who would be perpetrated to the depths of hell, if someone doesn't kill him first, and think he so smart to get off Scot free?
Not so lucky 77
The story of 3 angels 777. Don't forget the wings.
Let me guess. Something about hates their mother?
Bunch of losers. Such miserable children these killers.
Draws a line with 2 bodies attached to feel somehow intelligent.

So is Brigid an imperial 3? Brigid is in Spier at 13 degrees7 isnt she? At 3 degrees shes been there a time. For she is not worthy
Pat777Brigids ?
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