VERDICT WATCH Closing Arguments- Chase Merritt Charged W/Murder of Joseph, Summer, Gianni and Joe Jr McStay

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To be fair and truly objective (because this is a death penalty case) I wanted to wait for closing arguments before I voted on the poll. I will wait, but the Defense's closing so far is so painfully lame. His first bullet where he could have tackled a major point against the PT closing argument, was the improper tactic of evoking sympathy for the victims. It went downhill from there imo.

shhh don't give him any pointers
Hi again guys, please, bear with me, but I've been reading through Richard K. De Atley's tweets and there seems to be a little more information in them re the closing statements today so I'll post those tweets in the event some are interested in reading them too. :D

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 10h10 hours ago
Good morning. I’m in San Bernardino County Superior Court this AM to cover final arguments in the capital murder trial of Charles Ray Merritt, charged with the 2010 bludgeoning deaths of the four-member McStay family. #mcstay #chasemerritt


Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 10h10 hours ago
Merritt, 62, has pleaded not guilty to the charges that he killed former business associate Joseph McStay, 40, his wife, Summer, 43, and their two children, Gianni, 4, and Joseph Jr., 3, in their San Diego County home on Feb. 4, 2010,

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 10h10 hours ago
Testimony began Jan. 7, and with delays that included one of the defense attorneys falling ill, the trial before San Bernardino County Superior Court Judge Michael A. Smith that was forecast to end in April has lasted into late May.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 10h10 hours ago
The defense rested last week after Merritt considered, then declined, to take the witness stand.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 10h10 hours ago
Members of the McStay family are on the left side of the courtroom, members of Merritt on the right. A juror called in with a viral infection. He will be excused and an alternate will replace him, no delay for closing arguments.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 10h10 hours ago
Today, jurors will first hear Judge Smith go over the law as it applies to this case. The prosecution will deliver its final arguments, followed by the defense. Because the prosecution has the burden of proof, it gets a rebuttal to the defense arguments.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 10h10 hours ago
Not going to predict the timeline for any of this. It’s already a short week after the Monday Memorial Day holiday, and jurors will not be available this Friday, although they will be for succeeding Fridays, depending on the length of deliberations.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 10h10 hours ago
Smith is now reading the law about the case. This takes some time. Tells jurors to only decide the case based on evidence they heard at trial. Will return to tweeting when final arguments begin.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 9h9 hours ago
A brief recess is called.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 9h9 hours ago
Looks like Supervising Deputy District Attorney Britt Imes will be giving jurors the prosecution's final argument as he prepares in the courtroom during the break. The jury is coming back in now.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 9h9 hours ago
Smith back on the bench. Imes begins.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 9h9 hours ago
He asks, "How does a family of four disappear off the face of the earth?" Repeating the prosecution's question in opening statements. The only answer, Imes says, is murder.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 9h9 hours ago
Says there is no other reasonable conclusion than first-degree murder, Reminds jurors prosecution does not need to prove where, when, or how.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 9h9 hours ago
Imes speaks of the bludgeon injuries to the McStay family. Shows their shattered skulls on the large screens of the courtroom. "He could have stopped," Imes says of Merritt. But he killed Summer and the two boys.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 9h9 hours ago
It was blow after blow after blow to the victims, Imes says, striking the podium with the pound reverberating through the court room. He said greed and self-interest was the reason for the slayings.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 9h9 hours ago
You can't look at things in isolation Imes says, must look at the entire picture.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 9h9 hours ago
Imes talks about the weeks that separated critical testimony. Because of the length of the trial, he says he will walk jurors through the facts to show Merritt was a "willfull, deliberate killer."

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 9h9 hours ago
Imes says Merritt was being "sidelined" in the business he was doing with McStay for production problems by Merritt in the large-scale water features he was making for McStay's business.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 9h9 hours ago
Talks about the condition of the McStay family home in Fallbrook as it was being refurbished. Recalls how a witness said Summer McStay did not like Merritt, did not even introduce Merritt to that witness when both were at the home March 31,2010.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 9h9 hours ago
Feb. 1 Merritt gets email from McStay saying Merritt owes him $42,845. Same day, Merritt is added as a vendor on the "custom" project side of McStay QuickBooks account. Checks written to Merritt, but no activity to show they were done on McStay computer.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 9h9 hours ago
Then the checks were both deleted, Imes said. Feb. 2, more checks on the custom account created printed and deleted, with one of the checks cashed by the defendant, Imes says. Checks could have given to Merritt on March 31 when he was at McStay home, Imes says.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 9h9 hours ago
Or could have given the check if the two met as Merritt claims in Rancho Cucamonga on Feb. 4. Imes says the signature on one check he shows jurors on the screen is different from another.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 9h9 hours ago
Why would they be written and deleted? Imes asks.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 9h9 hours ago
Feb. 4 -- "as flurry of phone calls" between McStay and Merritt, And a call from Joseph McStay to Union Bank. Imes says have no direct evidence, but think about the circumstances regarding the checks. Imes says two calls from McStay to Union Bank that day.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 9h9 hours ago
Says McStay's phone records show he did not call Union Bank before that regarding that account.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 9h9 hours ago
Imes says there is no credible evidence that Merritt and McStay met in Rancho Cucamonga on Feb. 4 2010. No evidence, Imes says, about that meeting other than Merritt's claim. "The only thing you can rely on is the self-interested statement of the defendant," Imes says.
Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 9h9 hours ago
Imes notes how much time Merritt is spending on the internet during the alleged meeting, unless, he says, it was a quick meeting in which McStay was ending his business relationship with Merritt. It's circumstantial, Imes says.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 9h9 hours ago
But either way, circumstances point to the defendant in trouble with McStay. Asks why the meeting was even necessary, if part of it was only to hand checks to Merritt, as claimed.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 8h8 hours ago
On Feb. 4 Joseph is heading back to Fallbrook. 5:48 PM last contact known for Joseph McStay, a phone call between him and Merritt. Then Merritt's cell phone goes off the grid.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 8h8 hours ago
This is not bad cell reception, Imes says. That is a phone that is off and every call being directed to voice mail, 3-1/2 hours for Merritt to get to Fallbrook and confront Joseph McStay, Imes says.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 8h8 hours ago
Also another check to Merritt, Imes says written at the McStay Fallbrook house. All of that, including the vehicle caught on the security video of a neighbor that night, happens during that off-the-grid time.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 8h8 hours ago
When Merritt's cell phone gets active again, it's at 9:32 p.m., south of the 60 Freeway, east of the 15 Freeway.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 8h8 hours ago
Now the vehicle caught on the Fallbrook neighbor's outdoor security camera. Imes addresses the change of quality in the video home. Says the neighbor "heard something," loud enough for the neighbor to go to her front door, perhaps clearing away a cob web seen before that.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 8h8 hours ago
Imes reviews prosecution analysis evidence on the video, which prosecution claims is Merritt's truck. "It's not the best video, granted," Imes says. But reminds jurors it catches reflection of a toolbox latch that the prosecution expert says matches location on Merritt truck.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 8h8 hours ago
Now goes through the high-tech analysis prosecution offered jury, a frame-by-frame look at the passing work truck. Goes over the 3-D scan of the truck and evidence prosecution says matches Merritt truck, including the shadow of the passing truck.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 8h8 hours ago
The expert went over all the processes he used, step-by-step, Imes said. "He showed you the consistency of that shadow" with Merritt's truck, Imes said. He said the Merritt's truck was unique. A box at the back, a trailer hitch, the shape of the bumper.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 8h8 hours ago
All of this, by the way, accompanied by graphics on screen for the jurors.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 8h8 hours ago
It's this granular: Imes is talking about details and characteristics of the brake lights, and the shape of the truck's tail pipe.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 8h8 hours ago
Imes calls an expert analyst on the truck video who was going to testify for prosecution, then reached out to defense, as someone with an agenda whose testimony was "probably fuzzier and more blurry" than the security video.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 8h8 hours ago
But even in that expert's testimony, the latch location matched, Imes noted.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 8h8 hours ago
Imes said that expert could not validate his own experiments, was trying to overlay "hard geometry" over a low-quality video. "The actual measurements of the truck are unknown" based on the video, the dissenting expert said, Imes remains juror.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 8h8 hours ago
Now calls Catherine Jarvis, Merritt's partner in 2010, a failed alibi witness who was coached by Merritt. "A witness who has to be coached by the defendant to remember the most important day of a murderer's life, should not have to be coached," Imes tells jurors

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 8h8 hours ago
Now Imes telling jurors the things that happened on Feb. 4 2010 was "not a set of coincidences." The deleted checks, the cell phone checks, the noise the Fallrbook heard, the truck video: "These are not random coincidences, they are facts," Imes tells jurors.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 8h8 hours ago
Now Feb. 5: A series of checks written -- not on McStay computer --- created edited, printed,and deleted, Imes says. Checks backdated to Feb. 4 and were negotiated by Merritt, using the lowercase name matching the Feb. 4 name added to custom account.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 8h8 hours ago
Backdated, Imes says, because Merritt knows Joseph McStay's last contact with anyone was Feb. 4.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 8h8 hours ago
And Merritt off the cell phone grid for six hours Feb. 5, Imes notes, there's a lot that can be done during that time, perhaps cleaning up a crime scene.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 8h8 hours ago
Now Feb. 6: Merriit's cell phone pings off Quartz Mountain cell towers, near Victorville, where the McStay graves would be found three years later. "I wasn't in the desert," Merritt is shown telling investigators in an interview video shown to jurors.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 8h8 hours ago
Correction: Quartzite Mountain.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 8h8 hours ago
Imes says cell phone ping data does not match Merritt's later claim that he was visiting sister in desert area.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 8h8 hours ago
Now Feb. 7 and 8, Imes looks at computer searches on QuickBooks, cell phone going off grid for hours, and more checks written for a Saudi Arabia project that Imes says has not even started. "Checks do not make sense do not reconcile with someone who is innocent," Imes says.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 8h8 hours ago
Now on call to QuickBooks, asking to cancel, something McStay had used for years. Calls from Merritt's phone. Imes says Merritt's call was because he realized cancelling QB online would not eliminate records, they would remain in the cloud.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 8h8 hours ago
Then a 13-hour cell phone shutdown on Feb. 8, a long time for the defendant to do things to evidence. Imes brings in the discovery of the family's Isuzu Trooper in San Ysidro.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 8h8 hours ago
Feb. 9 Merritt is alerted that McStay is missing. There is no coincidence to the QuickBooks activity that took place in the preceding days, Imes says, "You would have to believe Joe changed his QuickBooks activity overnight," Imes says, adding there is no evidence to support it.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 8h8 hours ago
All of those things happened the day Joseph and his family drop off the face of the earth. "What are the odds?" Imes asks jurors.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 8h8 hours ago
We are in recess until 1:30 PM
Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 6h6 hours ago
Jurors are back, Imes about to resume.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 6h6 hours ago
Imes says correction: Joseph McStay had called Union Bank once before, in November. Does not change importance that McStay called on Feb. 4.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 6h6 hours ago
Now talks about initial calls from Daniel Kavanaugh including calls to authorities that McStay appears to be missing, Mike McStay and Merritt visit home on Feb. 13, Mike McStay reports family missing Feb. 15. Says that Merritt has done nothing to report McStay missing.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 6h6 hours ago
Was not there when investigators arrived at house Feb. 15, He had to be tracked down for an interview, Imes says. Recalls for jurors how in Feb. 17 he referred to McStay in past tense. (Defense attorneys have said he also used present tense during that interview.)

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 6h6 hours ago
-- in Feb. 17 interview---

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 6h6 hours ago
Audio: Investigator brings up use of past tense Joseph "was" best friend. "I don't know why" Merritt says. "That state of mind is the mind of a killer already knowing they are already gone, and will never return," Imes says

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 6h6 hours ago
A detective notes an injury to Merritt's hand. He claims he injury at a sheet metal place. Not followed up on, Imes said, but at this stage it was still a missing persons case.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 5h5 hours ago
Feb. 19, an unusual search warrant of the Fallbrook home -- still a missing persons case at that point -- 15 days have passed since Feb. 4, all time for Merritt, off the grid for big chunks of time, to go to house and do things to evidence, Imes tells jurors.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 5h5 hours ago
Among the things found was a black light in the house that no one seems to know the origin of. Often used to see forensic evidence, Imes notes.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 5h5 hours ago
Says the walk-through of the house was in context of a missing persons case, so some evidence may have been overlooked, Imes says.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 5h5 hours ago
Now on the 2013 discovery of the graves near Victorville, and two sets of tire impressions. Three years and nine months had passed Imes notes. Measurements cannot be 100 percent accurate, and have been described as "consistent" with Merritt truck.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 5h5 hours ago
Now discusses the condition of the two graves and shows evidence photos including remains, clothing, remains of a child's backpack, and the hammer.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 5h5 hours ago
Imes says that is evidence that "something happened in that house" -- disabled the McStays so they could not fight back. No way to tell if the blows with exception of a couple, would necessarily have caused profuse bleeding, prosecution experts had said.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 5h5 hours ago
Only the killer knows about possible cleanup of evidence at house. Why the odor of fresh paint when detectives visited several days after any painting took place? Why are towels missing from the house, found in the grave? Imes asks.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 5h5 hours ago
Now mentions paint on Summer McStay's bra, found at the gravesite. Says paint on the left cup of the bra. Says pattern indicates someone may have used paint in the house after Summer disabled.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 5h5 hours ago
Absence of evidence of home, Imes says, is because the killer has been in charge of the crime scene and able to clean it up.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 5h5 hours ago
The Isuzu Trooper found in San Ysidro: Merritt tells investigators he had been in Isuzu, but denies every driving it. Imes says Merritt DNA contribution found on steering wheel, but not right front passenger seat. More DNA from Merritt than from Summer McStay, Imes says.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 5h5 hours ago
Imes calls defense DNA evidence "meaningless" no evidence to support "touch DNA" including a defense video that used actors to suggest McStay and Merritt shook hands on Feb. 4. Says McStay a "laid-back surfer dude" was not a hand-shaker.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 5h5 hours ago
Also challenged any defense touch DNA evidence from items at graves. Defense expert was "selling a product," Imes said. "All of his validation studies were done by himself, not outside researchers," Imes notes.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 5h5 hours ago
"The whole defense case was smoke and mirrors," Imes says, all aimed to get jurors to look away from Merritt.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 5h5 hours ago
Now Imes is discrediting other defense experts on blood, computers, accountancy, photo analysis evidence, and others. "It can be inferred from their testimony that they were hoping to gain notoriety," Imes says, referring to a documentary being made on the defense case.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 5h5 hours ago
Now Imes says defense efforts to point at former McStay business associate Dan Kavanaugh is more "smoke and mirrors." Kavanaugh was in Hawaii at the time, Imes says. "There is no evidence that Dan Kavanaugh was involved in this crime at any time," Imes said.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 5h5 hours ago
"This case has always been about, and continue to be about, the defendant Charles Merritt," Imes says. "When you look at these things in totality, who benefited from these crimes? The defendant."

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 5h5 hours ago
15-minute break

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 4h4 hours ago
Imes resumes. Tells jurors Merritt not a stranger to the McStays, would have been let in if he came to house. Only reason to kill all family is to get rid of any witnesses who could recognize him, Imes says.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 4h4 hours ago
Merritt "the only person benefitting" after the disappearance of the McStays. "He has a motive not to be sidelined" from Joseph McStay's business, Imes says. Says account records show money starting to go directly to a vendor instead of Merritt.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 4h4 hours ago
Imes says in October 2010 Merritt had a 77 percent loss of income from McStay's Earth Inspired Products business, due to a cut in his percentage, from 65 percent to 15 percent.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 4h4 hours ago
Imes reviews evidence he said points to Merritt. Time to forge checks, commit murder, clean up, coaching of witnesses (recorded in jail), change of identity search, "when the heat was on."

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 4h4 hours ago
Imes replays Merritt interview when he says he was "definitely" the last person to see the family. Only the person who was the killer would say. The defendant is the "linchpin" to all of the evidence, Imes says.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 4h4 hours ago
"There's no reason to kill those kids unless they can identify the killer," Imes tells jurors, tells the panel the killer is sitting in the courtroom -- Merritt.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 4h4 hours ago
"He's the one who benefited from all the forged checks, he's the one who benefited from all the QuickBooks activity," Imes said. Recounts that his efforts to delete the QuickBook accounts online was a failed attempt to cover his tracks.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 4h4 hours ago
The truck evidence is at least "compelling" and cannot be excluded; Feb 6 cell phone pings off Quartzsite Mountain puts him in the High Desert where the graves are found; the off-the-grid cell phone time gives time to get the family Isuzu Trooper to San Ysidro, Imes says.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 4h4 hours ago
"What you have is a overwhelmingly set of circumstantial evidence" that always comes back to Merritt, Imes says. There is no dispute this is first-degree murder, Imes tells the panel. Justice was delayed by burying victims in the desert, he says.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 4h4 hours ago
"It's time render that justice" Imes says, and asks the panel to convict Merritt for first-degree murder, naming each victim. Imes has finished. Defense will start after a recess.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 4h4 hours ago
"It's time to render that justice"( fixing quote)
Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 4h4 hours ago
Jurors are back. Defense attorney James McGee will start his final argument. Seems unlikely it will finish today.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 4h4 hours ago
Smith tells McGee court will run to 4:15-4:20 p.m.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 4h4 hours ago
McGee addresses the McStay family in court "we want justice for them as much as anybody else ... but justice will not be given when you convict an innocent man....when you convict an innocent man, the guilty go free."

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 4h4 hours ago
"If you convict Mr. Merritt on the story weave by them, without evidence, you can say 'we did it.' " He says the prosecution doesn't have the evidence. "They tried his character, and not the facts of the case," he tells the panel,

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 4h4 hours ago
"They ignored facts and witnesses that didn't fit their contrived story," McGee said.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 4h4 hours ago
"Based on the plain language of the law, not guilty" McGee said. He said prosecutors want jurors to concentrate on "hatred and emotion" of Merritt, saying mention of one young son's birthday near the date of the murder was only to "pull at heart strings."

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 4h4 hours ago
"Let's focus on facts," McGee said. "I want to talk about how they avoid talking about the murder," he says of the prosecution case. Outlines to jurors the part of jury instruction that says they must follow the law, not be swayed by emotion.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 4h4 hours ago
"Apparently, you're off the grid if no one calls you...when you are sleeping at night in your bed, you're off the grid." McGee says of the prosecution's allegations.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 3h3 hours ago
Reminds them that on circumstantial evidence, if two reasonable conclusions point to either guilt or innocence, jurors must choose innocence.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 3h3 hours ago
Prosecution assertion that McStay fired Merritt during Feb. Rancho Cucamonga 4 meeting -- McGee says "that makes no sense." McGee says if family members knew that, why did Merritt continuing working? "Common sense tells you they were talked into that," he said of their testimony.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 3h3 hours ago
No one set up to replace Merritt, McGee says, "because he wasn't getting replaced."

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 3h3 hours ago
McGee said a sheet metal vendor prosecutors claimed was taking over Merritt's work could not do all the tasks, such as plumbing, that Merritt was doing "they know how to bend metal, and that's it," McGee said of the vendor.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 3h3 hours ago
Merritt and McStay had jobs to fill. "If Chase is fired on the Fourth, who's going to do them? Haven't heard that yet," McGee said, using Merritt's nickname.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 3h3 hours ago
Says after the Feb, 4 meeting, Joseph called Merritt 7 times, saying if he fired Merritt, it wouldn't make sense to call him, like repeating pulling off a bandage.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 3h3 hours ago
Says Merritt called McStay during the time the QuickBooks action Feb. 5, 8, 9 leaving messages about what he was doing.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 3h3 hours ago
If Joseph did not fire Merritt, this case is over, McGee says.

Richard K. De Atley‏Verified account @RKDeAtley 3h3 hours ago
In recess until 9 a.m. Wednesday
Jury instruction: "The People must prove the defendant was present and committed the crimes..."

Well, the People can't even say where the crime was committed, how can they prove the defendant was there?

OK I know what the PT will say: "Who cares exactly where the crime was committed, it was wherever Chase Merritt was!"
Jury instruction: "The People must prove the defendant was present and committed the crimes..."

Well, the People can't even say where the crime was committed, how can they prove the defendant was there?

OK I know what the PT will say: "Who cares exactly where the crime was committed, it was wherever Chase Merritt was!"

Heck its been proven in some no body murder convictions....

Bodies were found in this case and CM Cell phone places him at the site

Some cases have crime scenes some don't

I believe the mountains of circumstantial evidence in this case was able to prove to the jury that nobody other than CM committed these crimes
part 3 of Prosecution closing ...starts about 12:80
I'm not going to speak for Kali but McGee proved himself to be unethical almost from the start. His lies, stall tactics and all around smarmy ways have not gone unnoticed.
Replace 'McGee' by 'Imes" will be more appropriate.
The latest “buzz words , again”
For some reason, that buzz word is more prevalent in this case. Is it that $20 phrase that has replaced the "I don't agree with you" post?
More than likely........
If you take CM's prior history out of the equation, it doesn't change any of the testimony except for a small portion of the earlier LE interview and his warrant.
It doesn't change his behavior as a sociopath. Many sociopaths are captains of industry, CM is just a low life victimizer, looking for his next mark. Get Rich Quick.
And his "custom fountains"? Nothing difficult about them, nothing artistic or noteworthy. Anyone with a metal brake, halfway decent welding abilities, a tutorial on electric wiring on Youtube, and a Home Depot card could do it.
Anyway you slice it, guilty or not guilty, he'll always be a loser in a cowboy hat.
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