Closing Arguments- thread #171

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who knows, but I sense the judge is corralling the defense in some way, reminding Wilmott that there will be no approaches. Wonder if they put a seatbelt in Wilmott's chair?

:floorlaugh::floorlaugh: no words needed, plenty of visuals on that one :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
Just talked to Katie Wick...she's anxiously awaiting the lottery...said it's a mad house..if she doesn't get in, she's coming over here to watch w/ us in the hotel. What stream is everyone using? Wildabouttrial not coming up for me.

I've got 3 windows up; and
I am here with y'all. Working today but planned my day so
That I am alone and able to follow on livestream.
Probably wont post as it sometimes messes up
My feed.
Juan's got this!
And you can believe that during JM's closing, JW will be constantly shouting Objection, May we Approach. *Raising Gatorade bottle again for a first toast** may we hear at least once today JSS say 'No, you may not!' ok, I'll settle for a 'No' too, no sense being picky.

I want to tell her NO you may not to sit down and "you will get your chance, to plead your case"
YAY!!! My internet is back! OMG I was like a crazy person here! I thought it was the Universe punishing me for rearranging my work schedule! Been feeling a bit irresponsible lately.
Thank heavens its back! I lost landline, net and cable all at exactly 12:30 EST.... Good thing I'm not really paranoid!!!
TY Nash for letting me have my fit to you via text! :)

Yay!...was worried for you!
904 viewers already (478 WS's and 426 guests) @ 12:51 EST
For today, I predict:
Nurmi will be mostly awake
Wilmott will get crazy eyes
Jodi will pretend cry
Mitigation Lady will not be dressed for the Coba Cabana
Donovan will .... (never mind don't want to get TO'd today)
Just talked to Katie Wick...she's anxiously awaiting the lottery...said it's a mad house..if she doesn't get in, she's coming over here to watch w/ us in the hotel. What stream is everyone using? Wildabouttrial not coming up for me.
I watched AZFamily all day yesterday and have it on now. With the seal.
Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 37s

Wild feels like he is at graduation. Wild will have to say good bye to all his media friends and WAT followers at trial :( #JodiArias


Aww bless him.
nostalgia is depressing.....
Not that he needs our help, but let's all send positive thoughts to Mr. Martinez. He is one of the good guys.
Listening to HLN about grieving..

I know we all get caught up in the details.. caught up in the blame.. caught up in the courtroom shenanigans BUT...

My heart goes out to both families regardless because they BOTH loss a loved one because of Jodi's selfish horrific actions..

I know this isn't a popular stance but take a moment to think of how you'd feel if your child, grandchild, sister, cousin etc actually did something like this because on June 4, 2008 unfortunately AGAIN due to Jodi's selfcentered obsessive out of control rage 2 families lost a loved one that horrific day...

With that being said.. send a pray, thought, light a candle or whatever you do that JM has the capacity to concisely powerfully without doubt to bring JUSTICE home for this strong tortured family & that the Jury will have the insight to view the FACTS search their souls for the TRUTH and the STRENGTH to make the difficult decisions to ultimately fullfill that JUSTICE for Travis..

who knows, but I sense the judge is corralling the defense in some way, reminding Wilmott that there will be no approaches. Wonder if they put a seatbelt in Wilmott's chair?

This day would start off really great if the Judge came out and told the jury to forget about ALV - and if the DT is reigned in from trashing Travis Alexander. Quite frankly - that is all ALV's testimony was - character assasination of a man she did not know and did not bother to find the truth about him, instead she apologized to his murderer.
some people are not willing to have even an evil killer also killed, so in order to get them GUILTy you must make a choice which a person can live with.:seeya:

I am not asking for the DP, LWOP is fine, as long as they find her GUILTY OF PREMEDITATED MURDER. Then can can argue over the DP all they wish to.
Over 800 people gathered here in one accord...Justice for Travis!
I know that some may not be "believers" but for those that are...please say a prayer for this jury...they have a monumental task ahead of them. Please pray the Holy Spirit will guide them as they consider the evidence and render a verdict.

Lord Jesus,
We come to you in one accord asking for justice to be served for your humble servant Travis. Although he succumbed to temptation and stumbled, we know that he loved you and lived for you. We pray that Your Holy Spirit will lead, guide, and direct this jury to render a verdict that you approve of.
Please comfort and strengthen Travis' family and surround them with love and compassion. Please direct Juan in his closing arguments, let his words be Your words.
We thank you Lord for hearing the prayers of your people.

In Jesus name,
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