Closing arguments- thread #173

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Juan has people who check those details out. A whole staff, in fact. It goes towards her credibility in renting the car so far away from her home town. I would think they checked with Budget on that little detail but used the bank statement to verify it without calling in a witness.

Actually, someone posted yesterday that when using Priceline for Budget, that BUDGET is the one who charges you.

I was actually wondering about that, since with an airline or hotel, the price doesn't change. You can stay later or change the flight, but those would be additional charges, not instead of charges.

But with a rental car, the actual amount you are charged may show up initially as Priceline to "reserve the amount" but your card is not ACTUALLY CHARGED until you return it.

And the person who posted yesterday showed specifically that fact. I guess it could have been handled differently in 2008...but logic tells me it wasn't.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Closing Arguments- thread #171
I'm sad that half of you aren't going to watch Nurmi's closing. I was a crying wreck yesterday. I was shaking, shivering and crying. This trial has me totally spent. I can't wait for the end. All those people who accuse us members of using this trial for entertainment? This trial drains me. Following this case has been a trauma in and of itself. This is anything but entertainment.

It is exhausting, I agree with that. It does consume your days and makes up most of your thoughts. I will have the TV on, with sound, until I can't take Nurmi or until he starts his disgusting talk. Although I will have the TV on and will be reading here, I will not be glued to the TV or paying as much attention as I did with Juans' most excellent closing.
I agree with most of what you said here...But I think it's more than probable part of Jenny's job is to APPEAR to be sympathetic to and to believe in her client. I mean that's what they want from the jury so she has to put on that facade. JMO

I think Nurmi thinks they are both creepy.
There is only one thing in my mind that could make JM's closing better and that relates to the 26 May text message Travis sent to Jodi calling her evil and a sociopath. The one thing unanswered for me relates to this text - what set Travis off, what made him so angry to finally come out and tell Ms. Arias off ? I have my own theory about that and that is she threatened him, threatened to take her little recording and pass it around to not only Travis' friends and family but also to Travis' bishop or anyone of authority within the church. I just have a feeling that if we had the answer to what made Travis so angry - there would be zero doubt as to premeditation and that she enjoyed stabbing him, enjoyed slitting his throat and absolutely relished shooting him in the head. There would be zero doubt she absolutely meant to destroy him both physically and spiritually and to lay waste to his reputation forever.

If JM had this answer - the jury would beat her 62 seconds of destruction before even entering the deliberation room.

Jodi had [apparently] done something very, very bad -- very unforgivable,” Hughes said. “It had to be worse than slashing tires, stealing journals, stealing rings, stalking him – it was worse than that because this was the first time I saw this kind of response from [Travis]. I don't know what it was. It had to have been really bad.”

This says to me that she didn't just threaten...she had already done something...I think that something was the recorded phone sex. I also think she threatened him with it. He knew it existed because she played it for him and he was freakin' livid! He absolutely hated her after what she did and what she was threatening to do with the recording, take it to his church, employer, and friends.
Why don't we ASSUME the jury will do exactly as they are instructed and give them the benefit of the doubt?

WHY saddle THEM with a load from another jury and another case from two years ago?

Would anyone here want to be treated as if they weren't a cogent, respectable, law-abiding person who can and will follow the judge's instructions? Would anyone here want to be compared to some other group--a group that has nothing to do with the current jury?

No way.

Don't 'hope' the jury follows what the judge tells them to do. ASSUME they will!

And if there is blame in that last case...well...good 'ol Judge Melvin Blowhard Perry assured the acquittal as much as anyone. HE even picked some of the jurors, allowing jurors who openly said they didn't think it was "fair" to judge someone. Further, he directly impacted the jury instructions and confused the jury with all the charges. :banghead:

Respectfully, I will assume nothing until a verdict is returned. It has nothing to do giving them the jury benefit of a doubt. I hope they will follow what the judge tells them to do. And I think they will. But I will assume nothing until a verdict is returned.

Speaking only for myself, I am very emotionally invested in the outcome of this case. I have watched a good man drug through the dirt for months. I have watched his family suffer day after day after. So forgive me if I unable assume anything until a verdict is handed down.
Thanks for posting this youtube. I just came across it on youtube and was going to post it myself. Its very clear in this video. She even added that she returned it immed. after buying, while in the same parking spot.

Plus JM shows that 3 5 gallon containers were filled later in SLCity

Really laughable, at the end of the video, as JM does the Math to show that indeed 3 5 gallon cans of gas were purchased, Nurmi Objects as "Beyond the Scope".....I noticed anything that clearly showed JA was lying was Beyond the Scope......this trial has to have a new Record for Objections and especially "Approaches" <<< the multitude of Approaches even remarked upon by both Def Attorneys and Prosecutors on HLN....they never saw so many. I really don't understand why all that was allowed, but at least now the Def can't complain, though I'm sure they will anyhow
Hi. I won't watch Nurmi - couldn't stand all the s@x talk (3 hol@ wonder, an@s, an@l, pedo', etc.) and agonizing sloooowness, the "ahhhhhh's", aaaaaannnnnndddd's, etc.

I WILL WATCH THE MIKEE YOUTUBES !! That guy is Terrific in his editing and critiques! Google "mikee jodi arias youtube" to locate all of them. He has me howling each time.

With the new info' that has come out in the press in just the past couple days, and the prior public info' re. Travis, my impression of Travis is that his behavior was not admirable, but Jodi just should have gotten away from him. Instead, Jodi plotted and schemed a murder.

I lean to think that after Jodi and Travis had s@x, Jodi said something along the lines of, "Don't you see that we belong together and you need to end it with that other woman and you and I be the ones to go to Cancun." I don't think it likely that Jodi would have talked marriage, just Cancun. When Travis didn't respond with total enthusiasm, Jodi was enraged and followed-through on her mission to kill Travis. I will note that imo even if Travis had responded enthusiastically to Jodi re. the Cancun trip, Jodi would have wound up murdering before long regardless.

I also think Jodi's coded notes in the magazines are important pieces to the decision to convict her for Murder One; they're icing on the cake.

Have a nice day everyone!:seeya:
I know the Casey Anthony verdict has many here worried but I would point out the difference between that case and this is the factor of premeditation and the fact that this jury has the victims' family to be accountable to. Kaylee had no family looking to the jury seeking justice for her. Travis' family has been there front and center every day and this jury will have to look them in the eye and be able to live with their verdict.
I wish I knew the post so I could reference it for you. But a poster here stated it well.

She felt that along with it being, the first time, that Jennifer had, to just sit there and listen, she Jenny had been so caught up in the sex, and other details (the poster explained it well) that she never saw the killing or thought of how it really was.

she may now realize she has been too close for comfort...:razz::blowkiss:
He has worn that several times and every time, I think it is a ruffled shirt! It's the contrast with the blue shirt he wears with it. It freaks your eyes out!

:seeya: This made me think of that Seinfeld episode with the "ruffled" shirt.

I may literally vomit if I have to listen to nurmo all day...ugh...the bootyhole defense...
I'm sad that half of you aren't going to watch Nurmi's closing. I was a crying wreck yesterday. I was shaking, shivering and crying. This trial has me totally spent. I can't wait for the end. All those people who accuse us members of using this trial for entertainment? This trial drains me. Following this case has been a trauma in and of itself. This is anything but entertainment.

Rose I will be here :therethere: I need to see what BS Nurmi spews....for JM to set straight. I also feel I owe it to Travis, his family, and friends. I am in this to the very end....even though I despise the DT
It must have been worse than the snooping, stalking etc. Maybe she blackmailed him with the sex tape. Maybe she faked a pregnancy/abortion. Something along those lines. As JM would say 'take your pick'.... All lies anyway.

This has bothered me for a long time and I just couldn't figure out what it could be. But now I think she threatened him with releasing the sex tape. That would be hugely hurtful to him. He would be shocked.

Poor guy. :(
I thought he had on a ruffled shirt yesterday until I realized it was his tie.
I think I have had enough.:floorlaugh:

hahahaha!!! I did too! I sat here for a sec wondering why in the world would he wear a ruffled shirt?!
SO glad I wasn't the only one!
One time was when JM noted that a naked Travis wouldn't have followed JA out the door if she'd tried to escape. That might have been toward the end during his jury instructions tutorial.

That's chilling that he would laugh at that.
Good morning! Not looking forward to Nurmi's voice today. Ugh.

Did anyone notice yesterday, when Juan was talking about how JA wanted to see the crime scene photos during interrogation because she wanted to fit her story to the scene, she was very subtly nodding her head yes? i wonder if Janine or other body language experts saw that? Very telling.

- I did see this! I swear I thought I was going crazy. It's like since I can't stand JA so much I pick apart her whole life and feel like I'm being critical:fence:
"Look at Jodi licking her teeth, that means she enjoyed the killing. Look at her smiling, that means she has no soul etc etc etc". Nope we are all right, it's her not us.
9:00 a.m. Arizona time today. Nurmi does the closing. JM has the last word.

9 am? really?

I missed the last of Juan after afternoon break (I had to work). Never did catch it. Few questions.

Did he talk the entire day?

Won't Nurmi take the whole day?

How will Juan have time to get the 2nd half of closing in if Nurmi uses the entire day?.

Also, did Juan use the "I would beg for the DP" line yesterday or will that be today?

I'm sad that half of you aren't going to watch Nurmi's closing. I was a crying wreck yesterday. I was shaking, shivering and crying. This trial has me totally spent. I can't wait for the end. All those people who accuse us members of using this trial for entertainment? This trial drains me. Following this case has been a trauma in and of itself. This is anything but entertainment.

Nope, I won't be watching. Or I should say I won't be listening. I'll have HLN on and it will be on mute. I cannot listen to that man drone on and on and on for 5 hours. I'll read along here and get the gist of what he is saying, but that's it.

I wasn't going to listen very closely until another WSer reminded me that the family has to sit there and listen. If they can do it, I will be with them. At least I can get up and move around a bit.
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