Closing arguments- thread #173

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- I did see this! I swear I thought I was going crazy. It's like since I can't stand JA so much I pick apart her whole life and feel like I'm being critical:fence:
"Look at Jodi licking her teeth, that means she enjoyed the killing. Look at her smiling, that means she has no soul etc etc etc". Nope we are all right, it's her not us.

If I was tech savvy, I would post a clip. It was obvious.
I reached a conclusion last night, that JA is going to be just fine even if she gets death row. I have decided she is just that evil and twisted that she is satisfied with the entire world knowing who she is and fullfilling her ultimate goal that Travis will never marry someone else. She is the worst kind of evil I have ever seen, the only thing that I feel would really get to her, is to see Travis walk into the court room and knowing he was happy and married JMO

That's fine with me if she wants to fool others and herself into thinking life in prison or death row is a happy place to be in.

She reminds me a lot of Eva Dugan, the convicted murderer (Arizona!) who was executed (by hanging) in 1930. She told the jurors “Wal, I’ll die with my boots on, an’ in full health. An’ that’s more’n most of you old coots’ll be able to boast on.”
Away yesterday and most of today. Will the jury deliberate today? Thanks
Maybe. But I don't think I would believe much he has to say. He just seems to throw stuff out there to add to the drama and make himself seem more 'involved' than he really was. That 15 minutes of fame.


Very true - very difficult to believe this guy but, he did provide her with the Helio phone used to make the recording. My guess is he didn't do it out of being a generous and kind soul as it probably wasn't cheap on the pocket.
Good morning, all! Just wondering if anybody here has found a way to receive notification for when the verdict comes in? I'd like to receive a text, if possible. I signed up for alerts from one of the local news agencies, and although I received lots of news texts, there wasn't a single one about this trial. I don't want to risk not being notified!. Any suggestions? :please:

Someone graciously told me yesterday to text to 23765 and text Breaking. Then you will get a confirmation from them. When you are ready to stop them you will just text Stop. That CBS5 is the station I did my live feed with yesterday too. AZfamily was "foggy" and kept skipping on me. KPHO or CBS5 was great. Hope this helps.
JM's subtle points were some of his most powerful. For example, on multiple occasions he was essentially encoraging the jury to see JA as an animal. Exs... she ditched Daryll and sought out a
Mormon because she "wanted to breed;" the bloody footprints where she slit TA's throat, he said, looked like a "pack of wildebeasts had stampeded" through,

Deliberate, especially coupled with his refusal to use her name almost ever, in stark contrast to his mams and sirs for everyone else. JA is that person in a blue shirt, that woman sitting over there, that person who says, etc.

Deliberate, and powerful.


I agree...and let's not forget...screaming? screeching like a cat. It was intentional...Jodi would "like" to see herself as a sexy 14 year old....but Juan has a different view. And cats...I love them...but they are promiscuous.
AAARRRGGGG! I've been searching all morning for the clip of when JA messed up and actually said that she had hurt her finger while murdering TA. I remember being speechless and then she rambled on to cover it up. I can't find that clip. I think JM was questioning her (maybe about a jury question?) because I remember watching Nurmi's reaction in the background. Does anyone remember when this was or have a link to the clip???

IIRC it was the same day he got her to break down on the stand when questioning her about the actual killing. The day the judge broke for lunch right after she broke down.
I wish I knew the post so I could reference it for you. But a poster here stated it well.

She felt that along with it being, the first time, that Jennifer had, to just sit there and listen, she Jenny had been so caught up in the sex, and other details (the poster explained it well) that she never saw the killing or thought of how it really was.

Then IMO, she isn't doing her job. If she doesn't KNOW (and I mean, accept) what happened - or has decided not to allow it in her brain - then hell, how in the world are you doing your job?

Yes, defend your client. But never forget what they are actually on trial for!!!

I totally get what you are saying, but it just doesn't seem right. If you are going to defend someone, you BETTER know what they actually did or else you end up where we are in fact today.

Or is a defense attorney taught to ignore facts and find an alternative??
I am 100% certain that Juan will use the "I would BEG for the DP" statement during the PENALTY phase closing statements of the trial and it will be the final thing he plays in the courtroom. He won't waste it on the guilt phase -- there's no reason to do that.

He could play it at both. If she gets a lesser charge, the DP isn't an available sentence. They have to find her guilty of 1st Degree Murder to give her what she begs for.
9 am? really?

I missed the last of Juan after afternoon break (I had to work). Never did catch it. Few questions.

Did he talk the entire day?

Won't Nurmi take the whole day?

How will Juan have time to get the 2nd half of closing in if Nurmi uses the entire day?.

Also, did Juan use the "I would beg for the DP" line yesterday or will that be today?


JM did talk all day (minus the jury instructions in the morning). According to Beth Karas he used up 3 hours 20 minutes of the total 5 hours. She sayseach side is given 5 hours.

Nurmi will take up most of the day. I hope JM will finish his closing today. He didn't use that line yesterday. We're hoping he does today.
Jodi had [apparently] done something very, very bad -- very unforgivable,” Hughes said. “It had to be worse than slashing tires, stealing journals, stealing rings, stalking him – it was worse than that because this was the first time I saw this kind of response from [Travis]. I don't know what it was. It had to have been really bad.”

This says to me that she didn't just threaten...she had already done something...I think that something was the recorded phone sex. I also think she threatened him with it. He knew it existed because she played it for him and he was freakin' livid! He absolutely hated her after what she did and what she was threatening to do with the recording, take it to his church, employer, and friends.

I agree that something really set him off and this is a very likely possibility. I then have to ask why he had sex with her on that fateful day? Was it his attempt to gain mercy? To get the tape erased? To pacify her?
I wasn't going to listen very closely until another WSer reminded me that the family has to sit there and listen. If they can do it, I will be with them. At least I can get up and move around a bit.

Thank you, I can't fast along with the family due to my dizzy spells of late, but no way will I make the family sit through this alone. I'm there til the hammer comes down on the poison that is JA.
9 am? really?

I missed the last of Juan after afternoon break (I had to work). Never did catch it. Few questions.

Did he talk the entire day?

Won't Nurmi take the whole day?

How will Juan have time to get the 2nd half of closing in if Nurmi uses the entire day?.

Also, did Juan use the "I would beg for the DP" line yesterday or will that be today?


Hey Radar! Yes JM used the whole day. No the DP plea from Jodi didn't come up .. YET. Either Nurmi will cut it off early today so JM won't get a crack right before deliberations OR JM will conclude Monday.
I'll be at work today. But, will stream from AZ Central as long as my connection is good. It is normally, but then I get busy!

Anywhoo.... for all those saying not sure they can watch Nurmi, I betcha you will. ;)

This is the finale, we all have to participate, no?

:juanettes: :juanettes::juanettes:

Ya, I know, right! Hard NOT to watch a train wreck. :giggle:

I didn't do clips but I did write a list:
JA reacted to
gas can, no refund
faking orgasm
Juan calls her borderline
Christmas tree scenario
burglary of grandparents
Budget rental (not through Priceline)
KY lotion
her courting the media
Laughter when he discusses her just watching Travis before he knew she was there on June 4 and she laughs.
gave him a really dirty look when Juan says "Thank God Travis had the new camera" (because that caught the images of the murder.

Your post reminded me of something else that Juan pointed out yesterday...JA's reactions in court and on the witness stand. He talked about her fake crying, smirking, etc. Another good move on his part to refresh their memories and also as a tip to watch her during closing arguments. Given what peeps here have seen, more than one juror has to have caught some of her reactions, which are truly bizarre given the phase of the trial and the gravity of the charges against her.

Just a side note here...I cannot bring myself to use this woman's name. The most I will do is use her initials. She repulses me beyond anything I have seen and I cannot dignify her with a name.
Does the jury get transcripts of the testimony during deliberations? Or just their trial notes? tia
JM's subtle points were some of his most powerful. For example, on multiple occasions he was essentially encoraging the jury to see JA as an animal. Exs... she ditched Daryll and sought out a
Mormon because she "wanted to breed;" the bloody footprints where she slit TA's throat, he said, looked like a "pack of wildebeasts had stampeded" through,

Deliberate, especially coupled with his refusal to use her name almost ever, in stark contrast to his mams and sirs for everyone else. JA is that person in a blue shirt, that woman sitting over there, that person who says, etc.

Deliberate, and powerful.


Don't forget the little reference to Rudolph!
I may literally vomit if I have to listen to nurmo all day...ugh...the bootyhole defense...

Yes, and imagine how the jury must feel by now. Some may see/hear Nurmi and have that PTSD reaction DrD described - fear, avoidance, wanting to escape the source of their agony - i.e. the DT.
I am thinking Nurmi will most likely use the term "3-holed wonder" in his closing. He seems to have gotten quite attached to that specific phrase. DISGUSTING!!!
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